
     1  import $ from 'jquery';
     2  import {GET} from '../modules/fetch.js';
     3  import {hideElem, loadElem} from '../utils/dom.js';
     4  import {parseDom} from '../utils.js';
     6  function getDefaultSvgBoundsIfUndefined(text, src) {
     7    const DefaultSize = 300;
     8    const MaxSize = 99999;
    10    const svgDoc = parseDom(text, 'image/svg+xml');
    11    const svg = svgDoc.documentElement;
    12    const width = svg?.width?.baseVal;
    13    const height = svg?.height?.baseVal;
    14    if (width === undefined || height === undefined) {
    15      return null; // in case some svg is invalid or doesn't have the width/height
    16    }
    17    if (width.unitType === SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PERCENTAGE || height.unitType === SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PERCENTAGE) {
    18      const img = new Image();
    19      img.src = src;
    20      if (img.width > 1 && img.width < MaxSize && img.height > 1 && img.height < MaxSize) {
    21        return {
    22          width: img.width,
    23          height: img.height
    24        };
    25      }
    26      if (svg.hasAttribute('viewBox')) {
    27        const viewBox = svg.viewBox.baseVal;
    28        return {
    29          width: DefaultSize,
    30          height: DefaultSize * viewBox.width / viewBox.height
    31        };
    32      }
    33      return {
    34        width: DefaultSize,
    35        height: DefaultSize
    36      };
    37    }
    38    return null;
    39  }
    41  export function initImageDiff() {
    42    function createContext(image1, image2) {
    43      const size1 = {
    44        width: image1 && image1.width || 0,
    45        height: image1 && image1.height || 0
    46      };
    47      const size2 = {
    48        width: image2 && image2.width || 0,
    49        height: image2 && image2.height || 0
    50      };
    51      const max = {
    52        width: Math.max(size2.width, size1.width),
    53        height: Math.max(size2.height, size1.height)
    54      };
    56      return {
    57        image1: $(image1),
    58        image2: $(image2),
    59        size1,
    60        size2,
    61        max,
    62        ratio: [
    63          Math.floor(max.width - size1.width) / 2,
    64          Math.floor(max.height - size1.height) / 2,
    65          Math.floor(max.width - size2.width) / 2,
    66          Math.floor(max.height - size2.height) / 2
    67        ]
    68      };
    69    }
    71    $('.image-diff:not([data-image-diff-loaded])').each(async function() {
    72      const $container = $(this);
    73      $container.attr('data-image-diff-loaded', 'true');
    75      // the container may be hidden by "viewed" checkbox, so use the parent's width for reference
    76      const diffContainerWidth = Math.max($container.closest('.diff-file-box').width() - 300, 100);
    78      const imageInfos = [{
    79        path: this.getAttribute('data-path-after'),
    80        mime: this.getAttribute('data-mime-after'),
    81        $images: $container.find('img.image-after'), // matches 3 <img>
    82        $boundsInfo: $container.find('.bounds-info-after')
    83      }, {
    84        path: this.getAttribute('data-path-before'),
    85        mime: this.getAttribute('data-mime-before'),
    86        $images: $container.find('img.image-before'), // matches 3 <img>
    87        $boundsInfo: $container.find('.bounds-info-before')
    88      }];
    90      await Promise.all( (info) => {
    91        const [success] = await Promise.all(Array.from(info.$images, (img) => {
    92          return loadElem(img, info.path);
    93        }));
    94        // only the first images is associated with $boundsInfo
    95        if (!success) info.$boundsInfo.text('(image error)');
    96        if (info.mime === 'image/svg+xml') {
    97          const resp = await GET(info.path);
    98          const text = await resp.text();
    99          const bounds = getDefaultSvgBoundsIfUndefined(text, info.path);
   100          if (bounds) {
   101            info.$images.attr('width', bounds.width);
   102            info.$images.attr('height', bounds.height);
   103            hideElem(info.$boundsInfo);
   104          }
   105        }
   106      }));
   108      const $imagesAfter = imageInfos[0].$images;
   109      const $imagesBefore = imageInfos[1].$images;
   111      initSideBySide(createContext($imagesAfter[0], $imagesBefore[0]));
   112      if ($imagesAfter.length > 0 && $imagesBefore.length > 0) {
   113        initSwipe(createContext($imagesAfter[1], $imagesBefore[1]));
   114        initOverlay(createContext($imagesAfter[2], $imagesBefore[2]));
   115      }
   117      $container.find('> .image-diff-tabs').removeClass('is-loading');
   119      function initSideBySide(sizes) {
   120        let factor = 1;
   121        if (sizes.max.width > (diffContainerWidth - 24) / 2) {
   122          factor = (diffContainerWidth - 24) / 2 / sizes.max.width;
   123        }
   125        const widthChanged = sizes.image1.length !== 0 && sizes.image2.length !== 0 && sizes.image1[0].naturalWidth !== sizes.image2[0].naturalWidth;
   126        const heightChanged = sizes.image1.length !== 0 && sizes.image2.length !== 0 && sizes.image1[0].naturalHeight !== sizes.image2[0].naturalHeight;
   127        if (sizes.image1.length !== 0) {
   128          $container.find('.bounds-info-after .bounds-info-width').text(`${sizes.image1[0].naturalWidth}px`).addClass(widthChanged ? 'green' : '');
   129          $container.find('.bounds-info-after .bounds-info-height').text(`${sizes.image1[0].naturalHeight}px`).addClass(heightChanged ? 'green' : '');
   130        }
   131        if (sizes.image2.length !== 0) {
   132          $container.find('.bounds-info-before .bounds-info-width').text(`${sizes.image2[0].naturalWidth}px`).addClass(widthChanged ? 'red' : '');
   133          $container.find('.bounds-info-before .bounds-info-height').text(`${sizes.image2[0].naturalHeight}px`).addClass(heightChanged ? 'red' : '');
   134        }
   136        sizes.image1.css({
   137          width: sizes.size1.width * factor,
   138          height: sizes.size1.height * factor
   139        });
   140        sizes.image1.parent().css({
   141          margin: `10px auto`,
   142          width: sizes.size1.width * factor + 2,
   143          height: sizes.size1.height * factor + 2
   144        });
   145        sizes.image2.css({
   146          width: sizes.size2.width * factor,
   147          height: sizes.size2.height * factor
   148        });
   149        sizes.image2.parent().css({
   150          margin: `10px auto`,
   151          width: sizes.size2.width * factor + 2,
   152          height: sizes.size2.height * factor + 2
   153        });
   154      }
   156      function initSwipe(sizes) {
   157        let factor = 1;
   158        if (sizes.max.width > diffContainerWidth - 12) {
   159          factor = (diffContainerWidth - 12) / sizes.max.width;
   160        }
   162        sizes.image1.css({
   163          width: sizes.size1.width * factor,
   164          height: sizes.size1.height * factor
   165        });
   166        sizes.image1.parent().css({
   167          margin: `0px ${sizes.ratio[0] * factor}px`,
   168          width: sizes.size1.width * factor + 2,
   169          height: sizes.size1.height * factor + 2
   170        });
   171        sizes.image1.parent().parent().css({
   172          padding: `${sizes.ratio[1] * factor}px 0 0 0`,
   173          width: sizes.max.width * factor + 2
   174        });
   175        sizes.image2.css({
   176          width: sizes.size2.width * factor,
   177          height: sizes.size2.height * factor
   178        });
   179        sizes.image2.parent().css({
   180          margin: `${sizes.ratio[3] * factor}px ${sizes.ratio[2] * factor}px`,
   181          width: sizes.size2.width * factor + 2,
   182          height: sizes.size2.height * factor + 2
   183        });
   184        sizes.image2.parent().parent().css({
   185          width: sizes.max.width * factor + 2,
   186          height: sizes.max.height * factor + 2
   187        });
   188        $container.find('.diff-swipe').css({
   189          width: sizes.max.width * factor + 2,
   190          height: sizes.max.height * factor + 30 /* extra height for inner "position: absolute" elements */,
   191        });
   192        $container.find('.swipe-bar').on('mousedown', function(e) {
   193          e.preventDefault();
   195          const $swipeBar = $(this);
   196          const $swipeFrame = $swipeBar.parent();
   197          const width = $swipeFrame.width() - $swipeBar.width() - 2;
   199          $(document).on('mousemove.diff-swipe', (e2) => {
   200            e2.preventDefault();
   202            const value = Math.max(0, Math.min(e2.clientX - $swipeFrame.offset().left, width));
   204            $swipeBar.css({
   205              left: value
   206            });
   207            $container.find('.swipe-container').css({
   208              width: $swipeFrame.width() - value
   209            });
   210            $(document).on('mouseup.diff-swipe', () => {
   211              $(document).off('.diff-swipe');
   212            });
   213          });
   214        });
   215      }
   217      function initOverlay(sizes) {
   218        let factor = 1;
   219        if (sizes.max.width > diffContainerWidth - 12) {
   220          factor = (diffContainerWidth - 12) / sizes.max.width;
   221        }
   223        sizes.image1.css({
   224          width: sizes.size1.width * factor,
   225          height: sizes.size1.height * factor
   226        });
   227        sizes.image2.css({
   228          width: sizes.size2.width * factor,
   229          height: sizes.size2.height * factor
   230        });
   231        sizes.image1.parent().css({
   232          margin: `${sizes.ratio[1] * factor}px ${sizes.ratio[0] * factor}px`,
   233          width: sizes.size1.width * factor + 2,
   234          height: sizes.size1.height * factor + 2
   235        });
   236        sizes.image2.parent().css({
   237          margin: `${sizes.ratio[3] * factor}px ${sizes.ratio[2] * factor}px`,
   238          width: sizes.size2.width * factor + 2,
   239          height: sizes.size2.height * factor + 2
   240        });
   242        // some inner elements are `position: absolute`, so the container's height must be large enough
   243        // the "css(width, height)" is somewhat hacky and not easy to understand, it could be improved in the future
   244        sizes.image2.parent().parent().css({
   245          width: sizes.max.width * factor + 2,
   246          height: sizes.max.height * factor + 2,
   247        });
   249        const $range = $container.find("input[type='range']");
   250        const onInput = () => sizes.image1.parent().css({
   251          opacity: $range.val() / 100
   252        });
   253        $range.on('input', onInput);
   254        onInput();
   255      }
   256    });
   257  }