
     1  /* ===========================================================
     2   * trumbowyg.preformatted.js v1.0
     3   * Preformatted plugin for Trumbowyg
     4   *
     5   * ===========================================================
     6   * Author : Casella Edoardo (Civile)
     7   */
    10  (function ($) {
    11      'use strict';
    13      $.extend(true, $.trumbowyg, {
    14          langs: {
    15              // jshint camelcase:false
    16              en: {
    17                  preformatted: 'Code sample <pre>'
    18              },
    19              fr: {
    20                  preformatted: 'Exemple de code'
    21              },
    22              it: {
    23                  preformatted: 'Codice <pre>'
    24              },
    25              zh_cn: {
    26                  preformatted: '代码示例 <pre>'
    27              },
    28              ru: {
    29                  preformatted: 'Пример кода <pre>'
    30              },
    31              ja: {
    32                  preformatted: 'コードサンプル <pre>'
    33              }
    34          },
    35          // jshint camelcase:true
    37          plugins: {
    38              preformatted: {
    39                  init: function (trumbowyg) {
    40                      var btnDef = {
    41                          fn: function () {
    42                              trumbowyg.saveRange();
    43                              var text = trumbowyg.getRangeText();
    44                              if (text.replace(/\s/g, '') !== '') {
    45                                  try {
    46                                      var curtag = getSelectionParentElement().tagName.toLowerCase();
    47                                      if (curtag === 'code' || curtag === 'pre') {
    48                                          return unwrapCode();
    49                                      }
    50                                      else {
    51                                          trumbowyg.execCmd('insertHTML', '<pre><code>' + strip(text) + '</code></pre>');
    52                                      }
    53                                  } catch (e) {
    54                                  }
    55                              }
    56                          },
    57                          tag: 'pre'
    58                      };
    60                      trumbowyg.addBtnDef('preformatted', btnDef);
    61                  }
    62              }
    63          }
    64      });
    66      /*
    67       * GetSelectionParentElement
    68       */
    69      function getSelectionParentElement() {
    70          var parentEl = null,
    71              selection;
    72          if (window.getSelection) {
    73              selection = window.getSelection();
    74              if (selection.rangeCount) {
    75                  parentEl = selection.getRangeAt(0).commonAncestorContainer;
    76                  if (parentEl.nodeType !== 1) {
    77                      parentEl = parentEl.parentNode;
    78                  }
    79              }
    80          } else if ((selection = document.selection) && selection.type !== 'Control') {
    81              parentEl = selection.createRange().parentElement();
    82          }
    83          return parentEl;
    84      }
    86      /*
    87       * Strip
    88       * returns a text without HTML tags
    89       */
    90      function strip(html) {
    91          var tmp = document.createElement('DIV');
    92          tmp.innerHTML = html;
    93          return tmp.textContent || tmp.innerText || '';
    94      }
    96      /*
    97       * UnwrapCode
    98       * ADD/FIX: to improve, works but can be better
    99       * "paranoic" solution
   100       */
   101      function unwrapCode() {
   102          var container = null;
   103          if (document.selection) { //for IE
   104              container = document.selection.createRange().parentElement();
   105          } else {
   106              var select = window.getSelection();
   107              if (select.rangeCount > 0) {
   108                  container = select.getRangeAt(0).startContainer.parentNode;
   109              }
   110          }
   111          //'paranoic' unwrap
   112          var ispre = $(container).contents().closest('pre').length;
   113          var iscode = $(container).contents().closest('code').length;
   114          if (ispre && iscode) {
   115              $(container).contents().unwrap('code').unwrap('pre');
   116          } else if (ispre) {
   117              $(container).contents().unwrap('pre');
   118          } else if (iscode) {
   119              $(container).contents().unwrap('code');
   120          }
   121      }
   123  })(jQuery);