
     1  import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
     2  import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
     3  import { hash } from 'rsvp';
     4  import { get } from '@ember/object';
     5  import isFolder from 'consul-ui/utils/isFolder';
     6  import WithKvActions from 'consul-ui/mixins/kv/with-actions';
     8  export default Route.extend(WithKvActions, {
     9    queryParams: {
    10      s: {
    11        as: 'filter',
    12        replace: true,
    13      },
    14    },
    15    repo: service('repository/kv'),
    16    beforeModel: function() {
    17      // we are index or folder, so if the key doesn't have a trailing slash
    18      // add one to force a fake findBySlug
    19      const params = this.paramsFor(this.routeName);
    20      const key = params.key || '/';
    21      if (!isFolder(key)) {
    22        return this.replaceWith(this.routeName, key + '/');
    23      }
    24    },
    25    model: function(params) {
    26      let key = params.key || '/';
    27      const dc = this.modelFor('dc').dc.Name;
    28      const repo = get(this, 'repo');
    29      return hash({
    30        isLoading: false,
    31        parent: repo.findBySlug(key, dc),
    32      }).then(model => {
    33        return hash({
    34          ...model,
    35          ...{
    36            items: repo.findAllBySlug(get(model.parent, 'Key'), dc).catch(e => {
    37              const status = get(e, 'errors.firstObject.status');
    38              switch (status) {
    39                case '403':
    40                  return this.transitionTo('dc.acls.tokens');
    41                default:
    42                  return this.transitionTo('dc.kv.index');
    43              }
    44            }),
    45          },
    46        });
    47      });
    48    },
    49    actions: {
    50      error: function(e) {
    51        if (e.errors && e.errors[0] && e.errors[0].status == '404') {
    52          return this.transitionTo('dc.kv.index');
    53        }
    54        throw e;
    55      },
    56    },
    57    setupController: function(controller, model) {
    58      this._super(...arguments);
    59      controller.setProperties(model);
    60    },
    61  });