
     1  import { isArray } from '@ember/array';
     2  import { module, test } from 'qunit';
     3  import RollingArray from 'nomad-ui/utils/classes/rolling-array';
     5  module('Unit | Util | RollingArray', function() {
     6    test('has a maxLength property that gets set in the constructor', function(assert) {
     7      const array = RollingArray(10, 'a', 'b', 'c');
     8      assert.equal(array.maxLength, 10, 'maxLength is set in the constructor');
     9      assert.deepEqual(
    10        array,
    11        ['a', 'b', 'c'],
    12        'additional arguments to the constructor become elements'
    13      );
    14    });
    16    test('push works like Array#push', function(assert) {
    17      const array = RollingArray(10);
    18      const pushReturn = array.push('a');
    19      assert.equal(
    20        pushReturn,
    21        array.length,
    22        'the return value from push is equal to the return value of Array#push'
    23      );
    24      assert.equal(array[0], 'a', 'the arguments passed to push are appended to the array');
    26      array.push('b', 'c', 'd');
    27      assert.deepEqual(
    28        array,
    29        ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
    30        'the elements already in the array are left in tact and new elements are appended'
    31      );
    32    });
    34    test('when pushing past maxLength, items are removed from the head of the array', function(assert) {
    35      const array = RollingArray(3);
    36      const pushReturn = array.push(1, 2, 3, 4);
    37      assert.deepEqual(
    38        array,
    39        [2, 3, 4],
    40        'The first argument to push is not in the array, but the following three are'
    41      );
    42      assert.equal(
    43        pushReturn,
    44        array.length,
    45        'The return value of push is still the array length despite more arguments than possible were provided to push'
    46      );
    47    });
    49    test('when splicing past maxLength, items are removed from the head of the array', function(assert) {
    50      const array = RollingArray(3, 'a', 'b', 'c');
    52      array.splice(1, 0, 'z');
    53      assert.deepEqual(
    54        array,
    55        ['z', 'b', 'c'],
    56        'The new element is inserted as the second element in the array and the first element is removed due to maxLength restrictions'
    57      );
    59      array.splice(0, 0, 'pickme');
    60      assert.deepEqual(
    61        array,
    62        ['z', 'b', 'c'],
    63        'The new element never makes it into the array since it was added at the head of the array and immediately removed'
    64      );
    66      array.splice(0, 1, 'pickme');
    67      assert.deepEqual(
    68        array,
    69        ['pickme', 'b', 'c'],
    70        'The new element makes it into the array since the previous element at the head of the array is first removed due to the second argument to splice'
    71      );
    72    });
    74    test('unshift throws instead of prepending elements', function(assert) {
    75      const array = RollingArray(5);
    77      assert.throws(
    78        () => {
    79          array.unshift(1);
    80        },
    81        /Cannot unshift/,
    82        'unshift is not supported, but is not undefined'
    83      );
    84    });
    86    test('RollingArray is an instance of Array', function(assert) {
    87      const array = RollingArray(5);
    88      assert.ok(array.constructor === Array, 'The constructor is Array');
    89      assert.ok(array instanceof Array, 'The instanceof check is true');
    90      assert.ok(isArray(array), 'The ember isArray helper works');
    91    });
    92  });