
     1  import { findAll } from 'ember-native-dom-helpers';
     2  import { test, moduleForComponent } from 'ember-qunit';
     3  import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
     4  import flat from 'npm:flat';
     6  const { flatten } = flat;
     8  moduleForComponent('attributes-table', 'Integration | Component | attributes table', {
     9    integration: true,
    10  });
    12  const commonAttributes = {
    13    key: 'value',
    14    nested: {
    15      props: 'are',
    16      supported: 'just',
    17      fine: null,
    18    },
    19    so: {
    20      are: {
    21        deeply: {
    22          nested: 'properties',
    23          like: 'these ones',
    24        },
    25      },
    26    },
    27  };
    29  test('should render a row for each key/value pair in a deep object', function(assert) {
    30    this.set('attributes', commonAttributes);
    31    this.render(hbs`{{attributes-table attributes=attributes}}`);
    33    const rowsCount = Object.keys(flatten(commonAttributes)).length;
    34    assert.equal(
    35      this.$('tbody tr').has('td:eq(1)').length,
    36      rowsCount,
    37      `Table has ${rowsCount} rows with values`
    38    );
    39  });
    41  test('should render the full path of key/value pair from the root of the object', function(assert) {
    42    this.set('attributes', commonAttributes);
    43    this.render(hbs`{{attributes-table attributes=attributes}}`);
    45    assert.equal(
    46      this.$('tbody tr:eq(0) td')
    47        .get(0)
    48        .textContent.trim(),
    49      'key',
    50      'Simple row renders only the key'
    51    );
    52    assert.equal(
    53      this.$('tbody tr:eq(0) td')
    54        .get(1)
    55        .textContent.trim(),
    56      'value'
    57    );
    59    assert.equal(
    60      this.$('tbody tr:eq(8) td')
    61        .get(0)
    62        .textContent.trim(),
    63      'so.are.deeply.nested',
    64      'Complex row renders the full path to the key'
    65    );
    66    assert.equal(
    67      this.$('tbody tr:eq(8) td:eq(0) .is-faded')
    68        .get(0)
    69        .textContent.trim(),
    70      'so.are.deeply.',
    71      'The prefix is faded to put emphasis on the attribute'
    72    );
    73    assert.equal(
    74      this.$('tbody tr:eq(8) td')
    75        .get(1)
    76        .textContent.trim(),
    77      'properties'
    78    );
    79  });
    81  test('should render a row for key/value pairs even when the value is another object', function(
    82    assert
    83  ) {
    84    this.set('attributes', commonAttributes);
    85    this.render(hbs`{{attributes-table attributes=attributes}}`);
    87    const countOfParentRows = countOfParentKeys(commonAttributes);
    88    assert.equal(
    89      findAll('tbody tr td[colspan="2"]').length,
    90      countOfParentRows,
    91      'Each key for a nested object gets a row with no value'
    92    );
    93  });
    95  function countOfParentKeys(obj) {
    96    return Object.keys(obj).reduce((count, key) => {
    97      const value = obj[key];
    98      return isObject(value) ? count + 1 + countOfParentKeys(value) : count;
    99    }, 0);
   100  }
   102  function isObject(value) {
   103    return !Array.isArray(value) && value != null && typeof value === 'object';
   104  }