
     1  ;(function (w, d) {
     2    if (!w.fetch || !w.Headers) return
     4    const loginForm = d.getElementById('login-form')
     5    const passphraseInput = d.getElementById('password')
     6    const submitButton = d.getElementById('login-submit')
     7    const redirectInput = d.getElementById('redirect')
     8    const csrfTokenInput = d.getElementById('csrf_token')
     9    const stateInput = d.getElementById('state')
    10    const clientIdInput = d.getElementById('client_id')
    11    const loginField = d.getElementById('login-field')
    12    const longRunCheckbox = d.getElementById('long-run-session')
    13    const trustedTokenInput = d.getElementById('trusted-device-token')
    14    const emailVerifiedCodeInput = d.getElementById('email_verified_code')
    15    const magicCodeInput = d.getElementById('magic_code')
    17    // Set the trusted device token from the localstorage in the form if it exists
    18    try {
    19      const storage = w.localStorage
    20      const deviceToken = storage.getItem('trusted-device-token') || ''
    21      trustedTokenInput.value = deviceToken
    22    } catch (e) {
    23      console.log(e) // do nothing
    24    }
    26    const onSubmitPassphrase = function (event) {
    27      event.preventDefault()
    28      passphraseInput.setAttribute('disabled', true)
    30      const passphrase = passphraseInput.value
    31      const longRun = longRunCheckbox && longRunCheckbox.checked ? '1' : '0'
    32      const redirect = redirectInput && redirectInput.value + w.location.hash
    34      let passPromise = Promise.resolve(passphrase)
    35      const salt = loginForm.dataset.salt
    36      const iterations = parseInt(loginForm.dataset.iterations, 10)
    37      if (iterations > 0) {
    38        passPromise = w.password
    39          .hash(passphrase, salt, iterations)
    40          .then(({ hashed }) => hashed)
    41      }
    43      passPromise
    44        .then((pass) => {
    45          const data = new URLSearchParams()
    46          data.append('passphrase', pass)
    47          data.append('trusted-device-token', trustedTokenInput.value)
    48          data.append('long-run-session', longRun)
    49          data.append('redirect', redirect)
    50          data.append('csrf_token', csrfTokenInput.value)
    52          if (emailVerifiedCodeInput) {
    53            data.append('email_verified_code', emailVerifiedCodeInput.value)
    54          }
    56          // For the /auth/authorize/move && /auth/confirm pages
    57          if (stateInput) {
    58            data.append('state', stateInput.value)
    59          }
    60          if (clientIdInput) {
    61            data.append('client_id', clientIdInput.value)
    62          }
    63          // For the /auth/magic_link page
    64          if (magicCodeInput) {
    65            data.append('magic_code', magicCodeInput.value)
    66          }
    68          const headers = new Headers()
    69          headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
    70          headers.append('Accept', 'application/json')
    71          return fetch(loginForm.action, {
    72            method: 'POST',
    73            headers: headers,
    74            body: data,
    75            credentials: 'same-origin',
    76          })
    77        })
    78        .then((response) => {
    79          return response.json().then((body) => {
    80            if (response.status < 400) {
    81              const tooltip = loginField.querySelector('.invalid-tooltip')
    82              if (tooltip) {
    83                tooltip.classList.add('d-none')
    84              }
    85              submitButton.innerHTML = '<span class="icon icon-check"></span>'
    86              submitButton.classList.add('btn-done')
    87              w.location = body.redirect
    88            } else {
    89              w.showError(loginField, body.error)
    90            }
    91          })
    92        })
    93        .catch((err) => w.showError(loginField, err))
    94    }
    96    loginForm.addEventListener('submit', onSubmitPassphrase)
    97    passphraseInput.focus()
    98    submitButton.removeAttribute('disabled')
    99  })(window, document)