
     1  /**
     2   * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
     3   * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
     4   */
     6  /* eslint-disable ember-a11y-testing/a11y-audit-called */
     7  import { module, test } from 'qunit';
     8  import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
     9  import { click, findAll, render } from '@ember/test-helpers';
    10  import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars';
    12  module('Integration | Component | breadcrumbs', function (hooks) {
    13    setupRenderingTest(hooks);
    15    test('it declaratively renders a list of registered crumbs', async function (assert) {
    16      this.set('isRegistered', false);
    17      this.set('toggleCrumb', () => this.set('isRegistered', !this.isRegistered));
    18      await render(hbs`
    19        <Breadcrumbs as |bb|>
    20          <ul>
    21            {{#each bb as |crumb|}}
    22              <li data-test-crumb={{crumb.args.crumb}}>{{crumb.args.crumb}}</li>
    23            {{/each}}
    24          </ul>
    25        </Breadcrumbs>
    26        <button data-test-button type="button" {{on "click" toggleCrumb}}>Toggle</button>
    27        <Breadcrumb @crumb={{'Zoey'}} />
    28        {{#if this.isRegistered}}
    29          <Breadcrumb @crumb={{'Tomster'}} />
    30        {{/if}}
    31      `);
    33      assert
    34        .dom('[data-test-crumb]')
    35        .exists({ count: 1 }, 'We register one crumb');
    36      assert
    37        .dom('[data-test-crumb]')
    38        .hasText('Zoey', 'The first registered crumb is Zoey');
    40      await click('[data-test-button]');
    41      const crumbs = await findAll('[data-test-crumb]');
    43      assert
    44        .dom('[data-test-crumb]')
    45        .exists({ count: 2 }, 'The second crumb registered successfully');
    46      assert
    47        .dom(crumbs[0])
    48        .hasText(
    49          'Zoey',
    50          'Breadcrumbs maintain the order in which they are declared'
    51        );
    52      assert
    53        .dom(crumbs[1])
    54        .hasText(
    55          'Tomster',
    56          'Breadcrumbs maintain the order in which they are declared'
    57        );
    59      await click('[data-test-button]');
    60      assert
    61        .dom('[data-test-crumb]')
    62        .exists({ count: 1 }, 'We deregister one crumb');
    63      assert
    64        .dom('[data-test-crumb]')
    65        .hasText(
    66          'Zoey',
    67          'Zoey remains in the template after Tomster deregisters'
    68        );
    69    });
    71    test('it can register complex crumb objects', async function (assert) {
    72      await render(hbs`
    73        <Breadcrumbs as |bb|>
    74          <ul>
    75            {{#each bb as |crumb|}}
    76              <li data-test-crumb>{{}}</li>
    77            {{/each}}
    78          </ul>
    79        </Breadcrumbs>
    80        <Breadcrumb @crumb={{hash name='Tomster'}} />
    81      `);
    83      assert
    84        .dom('[data-test-crumb]')
    85        .hasText(
    86          'Tomster',
    87          'We can access the registered breadcrumbs in the template'
    88        );
    89    });
    90  });