
     1  /**
     2   * Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
     3   * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
     4   */
     6  import { module, test } from 'qunit';
     7  import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
     8  import { render } from '@ember/test-helpers';
     9  import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars';
    11  module('Integration | Helper | conditionally-capitalize', function (hooks) {
    12    setupRenderingTest(hooks);
    14    test('it capizalizes words correctly with a boolean condition', async function (assert) {
    15      this.set('condition', true);
    16      await render(hbs`{{conditionally-capitalize "tester" this.condition}}`);
    17      assert.dom(this.element).hasText('Tester');
    18      this.set('condition', false);
    19      await render(hbs`{{conditionally-capitalize "tester" this.condition}}`);
    20      assert.dom(this.element).hasText('tester');
    21    });
    23    test('it capizalizes words correctly with an existence condition', async function (assert) {
    24      this.set('condition', {});
    25      await render(hbs`{{conditionally-capitalize "tester" this.condition}}`);
    26      assert.dom(this.element).hasText('Tester');
    27      this.set('condition', null);
    28      await render(hbs`{{conditionally-capitalize "tester" this.condition}}`);
    29      assert.dom(this.element).hasText('tester');
    30    });
    32    test('it capizalizes words correctly with an numeric condition', async function (assert) {
    33      this.set('condition', 1);
    34      await render(hbs`{{conditionally-capitalize "tester" this.condition}}`);
    35      assert.dom(this.element).hasText('Tester');
    36      this.set('condition', 0);
    37      await render(hbs`{{conditionally-capitalize "tester" this.condition}}`);
    38      assert.dom(this.element).hasText('tester');
    39    });
    40  });