
     1  import faker from 'nomad-ui/mirage/faker';
     2  import { provide } from './utils';
     4  // Realistically, resource reservations have a low cardinality
     5  const CPU_RESERVATIONS = [250, 500, 1000, 2000, 2500, 4000];
     6  const MEMORY_RESERVATIONS = [256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192];
     7  const DISK_RESERVATIONS = [200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 100000];
     8  const IOPS_RESERVATIONS = [100000, 250000, 500000, 1000000, 10000000, 20000000];
    10  // There is also a good chance that certain resource restrictions are unbounded
    11  IOPS_RESERVATIONS.push(...Array(1000).fill(0));
    12  DISK_RESERVATIONS.push(...Array(500).fill(0));
    14  const NETWORK_MODES = ['bridge', 'host'];
    16  export const DATACENTERS = provide(
    17    15,
    18    (n, i) => `${faker.address.countryCode().toLowerCase()}${i}`
    19  );
    21  export const HOSTS = provide(100, () => {
    22    const ip = faker.random.boolean() ? faker.internet.ip() : `[${faker.internet.ipv6()}]`;
    23    return `${ip}:${faker.random.number({ min: 4000, max: 4999 })}`;
    24  });
    26  export const STORAGE_PROVIDERS = ['ebs', 'zfs', 'nfs', 'cow', 'moo'];
    28  export function generateResources(options = {}) {
    29    return {
    30      CPU: faker.helpers.randomize(CPU_RESERVATIONS),
    31      MemoryMB: faker.helpers.randomize(MEMORY_RESERVATIONS),
    32      DiskMB: faker.helpers.randomize(DISK_RESERVATIONS),
    33      IOPS: faker.helpers.randomize(IOPS_RESERVATIONS),
    34      Networks: generateNetworks(options.networks),
    35    };
    36  }
    38  export function generateNetworks(options = {}) {
    39    return Array(faker.random.number({ min: 1, max: 3 }))
    40      .fill(null)
    41      .map(() => ({
    42        Device: `eth${faker.random.number({ max: 5 })}`,
    43        CIDR: '',
    44        IP: faker.internet.ip(),
    45        MBits: 10,
    46        Mode: faker.helpers.randomize(NETWORK_MODES),
    47        ReservedPorts: Array(
    48          faker.random.number({
    49            min: options.minPorts != null ? options.minPorts : 0,
    50            max: options.maxPorts != null ? options.maxPorts : 2,
    51          })
    52        )
    53          .fill(null)
    54          .map(() => ({
    55            Label: faker.hacker.noun(),
    56            Value: faker.random.number({ min: 5000, max: 60000 }),
    57            To: faker.random.number({ min: 5000, max: 60000 }),
    58          })),
    59        DynamicPorts: Array(
    60          faker.random.number({
    61            min: options.minPorts != null ? options.minPorts : 0,
    62            max: options.maxPorts != null ? options.maxPorts : 2,
    63          })
    64        )
    65          .fill(null)
    66          .map(() => ({
    67            Label: faker.hacker.noun(),
    68            Value: faker.random.number({ min: 5000, max: 60000 }),
    69            To: faker.random.number({ min: 5000, max: 60000 }),
    70          })),
    71      }));
    72  }