(about) 1 import { Factory, trait } from 'ember-cli-mirage'; 2 import faker from 'nomad-ui/mirage/faker'; 3 import { pickOne } from '../utils'; 4 5 const REF_TIME = new Date(); 6 const TROUBLESOME_CHARACTERS = '🏆 💃 🤩 🙌🏿 🖨 ? ; %'.split(' '); 7 const makeWord = () => (faker.random.number(10000000) + 50000).toString(36); 8 const makeSentence = (count = 10) => 9 new Array(count) 10 .fill(null) 11 .map(makeWord) 12 .join(' '); 13 14 const fileTypeMapping = { 15 svg: 'image/svg', 16 txt: 'text/plain', 17 json: 'application/json', 18 app: 'application/octet-stream', 19 exe: 'application/octet-stream', 20 }; 21 22 const fileBodyMapping = { 23 svg: () => ` 24 <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 207 60"> 25 <g fill="none"> 26 <path class="top" fill="#25BA81" d="M26.03.01L0 15.05l17.56 10.32 3.56-2.17 8.63 4.82v-10l8.27-4.97v10.02l14.48-8.02v-.04"/> 27 <path class="left" fill="#25BA81" d="M22.75 32.03v9.99l-7.88 5v-20l2.99-1.83L.15 15.05H0v29.96l26.25 15V34.03"/> 28 <path class="right" fill="#1F9967" d="M38.02 23.07v9.95l-6.93 4.01-4.84-3v25.98h.14l26.11-15V15.05l-.49-.01"/> 29 <path class="text" fill="#000" d="M78.49 21.83v24.24h-5.9v-32h8.06l12.14 24.32V14.1h5.9v32h-8.06m22.46.45c-8 0-10.18-4.42-10.18-9.22v-5.9c0-4.8 2.16-9.22 10.18-9.22s10.18 4.42 10.18 9.22v5.91c0 4.79-2.16 9.21-10.18 9.21zm0-19.35c-3.12 0-4.32 1.39-4.32 4v6.29c0 2.64 1.2 4 4.32 4s4.32-1.39 4.32-4v-6.25c0-2.64-1.2-4.04-4.32-4.04zm27.99 18.87V29.75c0-1.25-.53-1.87-1.87-1.87-2.147.252-4.22.932-6.1 2v16.19h-5.86V22.69h4.46l.58 2c2.916-1.46 6.104-2.293 9.36-2.45 1.852-.175 3.616.823 4.42 2.5 2.922-1.495 6.13-2.348 9.41-2.5 3.89 0 5.28 2.74 5.28 6.91v16.92h-5.86V29.75c0-1.25-.53-1.87-1.87-1.87-2.15.234-4.23.915-6.1 2v16.19h-5.85zm41.81 0h-4.8l-.43-1.58c-2.084 1.352-4.516 2.068-7 2.06-4.27 0-6.1-2.93-6.1-7 0-4.75 2.06-6.58 6.82-6.58H177v-2.41c0-2.59-.72-3.5-4.46-3.5-2.18.024-4.35.265-6.48.72l-.72-4.46c2.606-.72 5.296-1.09 8-1.1 7.34 0 9.5 2.59 9.5 8.45l.05 15.4zM177 37.24h-4.32c-1.92 0-2.45.53-2.45 2.3 0 1.77.53 2.35 2.35 2.35 1.55-.02 3.07-.434 4.42-1.2v-3.45zm9.48-6.77c0-5.18 2.3-8.26 7.73-8.26 2.097.02 4.187.244 6.24.67v-9.74l5.86-.82v33.75h-4.66l-.58-2c-2.133 1.595-4.726 2.454-7.39 2.45-4.7 0-7.2-2.79-7.2-8.11v-7.94zm14-2.64c-1.702-.38-3.437-.588-5.18-.62-2.11 0-2.93 1-2.93 3.12v8.26c0 1.92.72 3 2.88 3 1.937-.07 3.787-.816 5.23-2.11V27.83z"/> 30 </g> 31 </svg> 32 `, 33 txt: () => 34 new Array(3000) 35 .fill(null) 36 .map((_, i) => { 37 const date = new Date(2019, 6, 23); 38 date.setSeconds(i * 5); 39 return `${date.toISOString()} ${makeSentence(faker.random.number({ max: 5 }) + 7)}`; 40 }) 41 .join('\n'), 42 json: () => 43 JSON.stringify({ 44 key: 'value', 45 array: [1, 'two', [3]], 46 deep: { 47 ly: { 48 nest: 'ed', 49 }, 50 }, 51 }), 52 }; 53 54 export default Factory.extend({ 55 id: i => i, 56 57 isDir: faker.random.boolean, 58 59 // Depth is used to recursively create nested directories. 60 depth: 0, 61 parent: null, 62 63 fileType() { 64 if (this.isDir) return 'dir'; 65 return pickOne(['svg', 'txt', 'json', 'app', 'exe']); 66 }, 67 68 contentType() { 69 return fileTypeMapping[this.fileType] || null; 70 }, 71 72 path() { 73 if (this.parent) { 74 return `${this.parent.path}/${}`; 75 } 76 77 return; 78 }, 79 80 name() { 81 return `${faker.hacker.noun().dasherize()}-${pickOne(TROUBLESOME_CHARACTERS)}${ 82 this.isDir ? '' : `.${this.fileType}` 83 }`; 84 }, 85 86 body() { 87 const strategy = fileBodyMapping[this.fileType]; 88 return strategy ? strategy() : ''; 89 }, 90 91 size() { 92 return this.body.length; 93 }, 94 95 modTime: () => / 365, REF_TIME), 96 97 dir: trait({ 98 isDir: true, 99 afterCreate(allocFile, server) { 100 // create files for the directory 101 if (allocFile.depth > 0) { 102 server.create('allocFile', 'dir', { parent: allocFile, depth: allocFile.depth - 1 }); 103 } 104 105 server.createList('allocFile', faker.random.number({ min: 1, max: 3 }), 'file', { 106 parent: allocFile, 107 }); 108 }, 109 }), 110 111 file: trait({ 112 isDir: false, 113 }), 114 });