
     1  import Service from '@ember/service';
     2  import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
     3  import Controller from '@ember/controller';
     4  import { get } from '@ember/object';
     5  import { alias } from '@ember/object/computed';
     6  import RSVP from 'rsvp';
     7  import { module, test } from 'qunit';
     8  import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit';
     9  import PromiseObject from 'nomad-ui/utils/classes/promise-object';
    11  const makeRoute = (crumbs, controller = {}) =>
    12    Route.extend({
    13      breadcrumbs: crumbs,
    14      controller: Controller.extend(controller).create(),
    15    });
    17  module('Unit | Service | Breadcrumbs', function(hooks) {
    18    setupTest(hooks);
    20    hooks.beforeEach(function() {
    21      this.subject = function() {
    22        return this.owner.factoryFor('service:breadcrumbs').create();
    23      };
    24    });
    26    hooks.beforeEach(function() {
    27      const mockRouter = Service.extend({
    28        currentRouteName: 'application',
    29        currentURL: '/',
    30      });
    32      this.owner.register('service:router', mockRouter);
    33      this.router = this.owner.lookup('service:router');
    35      const none = makeRoute();
    36      const fixed = makeRoute([{ label: 'Static', args: ['static.index'] }]);
    37      const manyFixed = makeRoute([
    38        { label: 'Static 1', args: ['static.index', 1] },
    39        { label: 'Static 2', args: ['static.index', 2] },
    40      ]);
    41      const dynamic = makeRoute(model => [{ label: model, args: ['dynamic.index', model] }], {
    42        model: 'Label of the Crumb',
    43      });
    44      const manyDynamic = makeRoute(
    45        model => [
    46          { label: get(model, 'fishOne'), args: ['dynamic.index', get(model, 'fishOne')] },
    47          { label: get(model, 'fishTwo'), args: ['dynamic.index', get(model, 'fishTwo')] },
    48        ],
    49        {
    50          model: {
    51            fishOne: 'red',
    52            fishTwo: 'blue',
    53          },
    54        }
    55      );
    56      const promise = makeRoute([
    57        PromiseObject.create({
    58          promise: RSVP.Promise.resolve({
    59            label: 'delayed',
    60            args: [''],
    61          }),
    62        }),
    63      ]);
    64      const fromURL = makeRoute(model => [{ label: model, args: ['url'] }], {
    65        router: this.owner.lookup('service:router'),
    66        model: alias('router.currentURL'),
    67      });
    69      this.owner.register('route:none', none);
    70      this.owner.register('route:none.more-none', none);
    71      this.owner.register('route:static', fixed);
    72      this.owner.register('route:static.many', manyFixed);
    73      this.owner.register('route:dynamic', dynamic);
    74      this.owner.register('route:dynamic.many', manyDynamic);
    75      this.owner.register('route:promise', promise);
    76      this.owner.register('route:url', fromURL);
    77    });
    79    test('when the route hierarchy has no breadcrumbs', function(assert) {
    80      this.router.set('currentRouteName', 'none');
    82      const service = this.subject();
    83      assert.deepEqual(service.get('breadcrumbs'), []);
    84    });
    86    test('when the route hierarchy has one segment with static crumbs', function(assert) {
    87      this.router.set('currentRouteName', 'static');
    89      const service = this.subject();
    90      assert.deepEqual(service.get('breadcrumbs'), [{ label: 'Static', args: ['static.index'] }]);
    91    });
    93    test('when the route hierarchy has multiple segments with static crumbs', function(assert) {
    94      this.router.set('currentRouteName', 'static.many');
    96      const service = this.subject();
    97      assert.deepEqual(service.get('breadcrumbs'), [
    98        { label: 'Static', args: ['static.index'] },
    99        { label: 'Static 1', args: ['static.index', 1] },
   100        { label: 'Static 2', args: ['static.index', 2] },
   101      ]);
   102    });
   104    test('when the route hierarchy has a function as its breadcrumbs property', function(assert) {
   105      this.router.set('currentRouteName', 'dynamic');
   107      const service = this.subject();
   108      assert.deepEqual(service.get('breadcrumbs'), [
   109        { label: 'Label of the Crumb', args: ['dynamic.index', 'Label of the Crumb'] },
   110      ]);
   111    });
   113    test('when the route hierarchy has multiple segments with dynamic crumbs', function(assert) {
   114      this.router.set('currentRouteName', 'dynamic.many');
   116      const service = this.subject();
   117      assert.deepEqual(service.get('breadcrumbs'), [
   118        { label: 'Label of the Crumb', args: ['dynamic.index', 'Label of the Crumb'] },
   119        { label: 'red', args: ['dynamic.index', 'red'] },
   120        { label: 'blue', args: ['dynamic.index', 'blue'] },
   121      ]);
   122    });
   124    test('when a route provides a breadcrumb that is a promise, it gets passed through to the template', function(assert) {
   125      this.router.set('currentRouteName', 'promise');
   127      const service = this.subject();
   128      assert.ok(service.get('breadcrumbs.firstObject') instanceof PromiseObject);
   129    });
   131    // This happens when transitioning to the current route but with a different model
   132    // jobs.job.index --> jobs.job.index
   133    // /jobs/one      --> /jobs/two
   134    test('when the route stays the same but the url changes, breadcrumbs get recomputed', function(assert) {
   135      this.router.set('currentRouteName', 'url');
   137      const service = this.subject();
   138      assert.deepEqual(
   139        service.get('breadcrumbs'),
   140        [{ label: '/', args: ['url'] }],
   141        'The label is initially / as is the router currentURL'
   142      );
   144      this.router.set('currentURL', '/somewhere/else');
   145      assert.deepEqual(
   146        service.get('breadcrumbs'),
   147        [{ label: '/somewhere/else', args: ['url'] }],
   148        'The label changes with currentURL since it is an alias and a change to currentURL recomputes breadcrumbs'
   149      );
   150    });
   151  });