
     1  // The root folder for this documentation category is `pages/api-docs`
     2  //
     3  // - A string refers to the name of a file
     4  // - A "category" value refers to the name of a directory
     5  // - All directories must have an "index.mdx" file to serve as
     6  //   the landing page for the category
     8  export default [
     9    'index',
    10    '-----------',
    11    'libraries-and-sdks',
    12    'json-jobs',
    13    '-----------',
    14    'acl-policies',
    15    'acl-tokens',
    16    'agent',
    17    'allocations',
    18    'client',
    19    'deployments',
    20    'evaluations',
    21    'jobs',
    22    'namespaces',
    23    'nodes',
    24    'metrics',
    25    'operator',
    26    'plugins',
    27    'quotas',
    28    'regions',
    29    'scaling-policies',
    30    'search',
    31    'sentinel-policies',
    32    'status',
    33    'system',
    34    'ui',
    35    'validate',
    36    'volumes'
    37  ]