
     1  validateNpmVersion();
     3  var https = require('https');
     4  var http = require('http');
     5  var url = require('url');
     6  var fs = require('fs');
     7  var packageJson = require('./package.json');
     8  var fileName = getFileName();
     9  var filePath = "bin/" + fileName;
    10  var version = packageJson.version;
    11  var btPackage = "jfrog-cli-" + getArchitecture();
    13  downloadCli();
    15  function validateNpmVersion() {
    16      if (!isValidNpmVersion()) {
    17          throw new Error("JFrog CLI can be installed using npm version 5.0.0 or above.");
    18      }
    19  }
    21  function downloadWithProxy(myUrl) {
    22      var proxyparts = url.parse(process.env.https_proxy);
    23      var myUrlParts = url.parse(myUrl);
    25      http.request({
    26          host: proxyparts.hostname,
    27          port: proxyparts.port,
    28          method: 'CONNECT',
    29          path: myUrlParts.hostname + ':443'
    30      }).on('connect', function(res, socket, head) {
    31          https.get({
    32              host: myUrlParts.hostname,
    33              socket: socket,
    34              path: myUrlParts.path,
    35              agent: false
    36          }, function(res) {
    37              if (res.statusCode == 301 || res.statusCode == 302) {
    38                  downloadWithProxy(res.headers.location);
    39              } else if (res.statusCode == 200) {
    40                  writeToFile(res);
    41              } else {
    42                  console.log('Unexpected status code ' + res.statusCode + ' during JFrog CLI download');
    43              }
    44          }).on('error', function (err) {console.error(err);});
    45      }).end();
    46  }
    48  function download(url) {
    49      https.get(url, function(res) {
    50          if (res.statusCode == 301 || res.statusCode == 302) {
    51              download(res.headers.location);
    52          } else if (res.statusCode == 200) {
    53              writeToFile(res);
    54          } else {
    55              console.log('Unexpected status code ' + res.statusCode + ' during JFrog CLI download');
    56          }
    57      }).on('error', function (err) {console.error(err);});
    58  }
    60  function downloadCli() {
    61      console.log("Downloading JFrog CLI " + version );
    62      var startUrl = '' + version + '/' + btPackage + '/' + fileName + '?bt_package=' + btPackage;
    63      // We detect outbount proxy by looking at the environment variable
    64      if (process.env.https_proxy && process.env.https_proxy.length > 0) {
    65          downloadWithProxy(startUrl);
    66      } else {
    67          download(startUrl);
    68      }
    69  }
    71  function isValidNpmVersion() {
    72      var child_process = require('child_process');
    73      var npmVersionCmdOut = child_process.execSync("npm version -json");
    74      var npmVersion = JSON.parse(npmVersionCmdOut).npm;
    75      // Supported since version 5.0.0
    76      return parseInt(npmVersion.charAt(0)) > 4;
    77  }
    79  function writeToFile(response) {
    80      var file = fs.createWriteStream(filePath);
    81      response.on('data', function (chunk) {
    82          file.write(chunk);
    83      }).on('end', function () {
    84          file.end();
    85          if (!process.platform.startsWith("win")) {
    86              fs.chmodSync(filePath, 0555);
    87          }
    88      }).on('error', function (err) {
    89          console.error(err);
    90      });
    91  }
    93  function getArchitecture() {
    94      var platform = process.platform;
    95      if (platform.startsWith("win")) {
    96          return "windows-amd64";
    97      }
    98      if (platform.includes("darwin")) {
    99          return "mac-386";
   100      }
   101      if (process.arch.includes("64")) {
   102          return "linux-amd64";
   103      }
   104      return "linux-386";
   105  }
   107  function getFileName() {
   108      var executable = "jfrog";
   109      if (process.platform.startsWith("win")) {
   110          executable += ".exe";
   111      }
   112      return executable;
   113  }