
     1  const {InMemoryCache} = require("apollo-cache-inmemory");
     2  const {HttpLink} = require("apollo-link-http");
     3  const {ApolloClient} = require("apollo-client");
     4  const fetch = require("node-fetch");
     5  const gql = require('graphql-tag');
     7  var uri = process.env.SERVER_URL || 'http://localhost:4000/';
     9  const client = new ApolloClient({
    10      link: new HttpLink({uri, fetch}),
    11      cache: new InMemoryCache(),
    12  });
    14  describe('Json', () => {
    15      it('can join across services', async () => {
    16          let res = await client.query({
    17              query: gql`query {
    18                  me {
    19                      username
    20                      reviews {
    21                          body
    22                          product {
    23                              name
    24                              upc
    25                          }
    26                      }
    27                  }
    28              }`,
    29          });
    31          expect({
    32              "me": {
    33                  "__typename": "User",
    34                  "username": "Me",
    35                  "reviews": [
    36                      {
    37                          "__typename": "Review",
    38                          "body": "A highly effective form of birth control.",
    39                          "product": {
    40                              "__typename": "Product",
    41                              "name": "Trilby",
    42                              "upc": "top-1"
    43                          }
    44                      },
    45                      {
    46                          "__typename": "Review",
    47                          "body": "Fedoras are one of the most fashionable hats around and can look great with a variety of outfits.",
    48                          "product": {
    49                              "__typename": "Product",
    50                              "name": "Trilby",
    51                              "upc": "top-1"
    52                          }
    53                      }
    54                  ]
    55              }
    56          });
    57          expect(res.errors).toBe(undefined);
    58      });
    59  });