
     1  // TODO: Istanbul is ignored for the moment as it's not mine,
     2  // once I come here properly and 100% follow unignore
     3  /* istanbul ignore file */
     4  export default function(distance) {
     5    return function(name, coordinates) {
     6      var min = 999999999;
     7      var max = -999999999;
     8      var distances = [];
     9      coordinates.forEach(function(node) {
    10        if (name == node.Node) {
    11          var segment = node.Segment;
    12          coordinates.forEach(function(other) {
    13            if (node.Node != other.Node && other.Segment == segment) {
    14              var dist = distance(node, other);
    15              distances.push({ node: other.Node, distance: dist, segment: segment });
    16              if (dist < min) {
    17                min = dist;
    18              }
    19              if (dist > max) {
    20                max = dist;
    21              }
    22            }
    23          });
    24          distances.sort(function(a, b) {
    25            return a.distance - b.distance;
    26          });
    27        }
    28      });
    29      var n = distances.length;
    30      var halfN = Math.floor(n / 2);
    31      var median;
    33      if (n > 0) {
    34        if (n % 2) {
    35          // odd
    36          median = distances[halfN].distance;
    37        } else {
    38          median = (distances[halfN - 1].distance + distances[halfN].distance) / 2;
    39        }
    40      } else {
    41        median = 0;
    42        min = 0;
    43        max = 0;
    44      }
    45      return {
    46        distances: distances,
    47        n: distances.length,
    48        min: parseInt(min * 100) / 100,
    49        median: parseInt(median * 100) / 100,
    50        max: parseInt(max * 100) / 100,
    51      };
    52    };
    53  }