
     1  import callableType from 'consul-ui/utils/callable-type';
     2  import { module, test } from 'qunit';
     3  // TODO: Sure there's a better name for this
     4  module('Unit | Utility | callable type');
     6  test('returns a function returning the string', function(assert) {
     7    const expected = 'hi';
     8    const actual = callableType(expected)();
     9    assert.equal(actual, expected);
    10  });
    11  test('returns the same function if you pass it a function', function(assert) {
    12    const expected = 'hi';
    13    const actual = callableType(function() {
    14      return 'hi';
    15    })();
    16    assert.equal(actual, expected);
    17  });