
     1  import domClickFirstAnchor from 'consul-ui/utils/dom/click-first-anchor';
     2  import { module, test } from 'qunit';
     4  module('Unit | Utility | dom/click first anchor');
     6  test('it does nothing if the clicked element is generally a clickable thing', function(assert) {
     7    const closest = function() {
     8      return {
     9        querySelector: function() {
    10          assert.ok(false);
    11        },
    12      };
    13    };
    14    const click = domClickFirstAnchor(closest);
    15    ['INPUT', 'LABEL', 'A', 'Button'].forEach(function(item) {
    16      const expected = null;
    17      const actual = click({
    18        target: {
    19          nodeName: item,
    20        },
    21      });
    22      assert.equal(actual, expected);
    23    });
    24  });
    25  test("it does nothing if an anchor isn't found", function(assert) {
    26    const closest = function() {
    27      return {
    28        querySelector: function() {
    29          return null;
    30        },
    31      };
    32    };
    33    const click = domClickFirstAnchor(closest);
    34    const expected = null;
    35    const actual = click({
    36      target: {
    37        nodeName: 'DIV',
    38      },
    39    });
    40    assert.equal(actual, expected);
    41  });
    42  test('it dispatches the result of `click` if an anchor is found', function(assert) {
    43    assert.expect(1);
    44    const expected = 'click';
    45    const closest = function() {
    46      return {
    47        querySelector: function() {
    48          return {
    49            dispatchEvent: function(ev) {
    50              const actual = ev.type;
    51              assert.equal(actual, expected);
    52            },
    53          };
    54        },
    55      };
    56    };
    57    const click = domClickFirstAnchor(closest);
    58    click({
    59      target: {
    60        nodeName: 'DIV',
    61      },
    62    });
    63  });