
     1  import ENV from '../../config/environment';
     2  import { skip } from 'qunit';
     3  import { setupApplicationTest, setupRenderingTest, setupTest } from 'ember-qunit';
     4  import api from 'consul-ui/tests/helpers/api';
     6  const staticClassList = [...document.documentElement.classList];
     7  function reset() {
     8    window.localStorage.clear();
     9    api.server.reset();
    10    const list = document.documentElement.classList;
    11    while (list.length > 0) {
    12      list.remove(list.item(0));
    13    }
    14    staticClassList.forEach(function(item) {
    15      list.add(item);
    16    });
    17  }
    18  // this logic could be anything, but in this case...
    19  // if @ignore, then return skip (for backwards compatibility)
    20  // if have annotations in config, then only run those that have a matching annotation
    21  function checkAnnotations(annotations) {
    22    // if ignore is set then we want to skip for backwards compatibility
    23    if (annotations.ignore) {
    24      return ignoreIt;
    25    }
    27    // if have annotations set in config, the only run those that have a matching annotation
    28    if (ENV.annotations && ENV.annotations.length >= 0) {
    29      for (let annotation in annotations) {
    30        if (ENV.annotations.indexOf(annotation) >= 0) {
    31          // have match, so test it
    32          return 'testIt'; // return something other than a function
    33        }
    34      }
    36      // no match, so don't run it
    37      return logIt;
    38    }
    39  }
    41  // call back functions
    42  function ignoreIt(testElement) {
    43    skip(`${testElement.title}`, function(/*assert*/) {});
    44  }
    46  function logIt(testElement) {
    47`Not running or skipping: "${testElement.title}"`); // eslint-disable-line no-console
    48  }
    50  // exported functions
    51  function runFeature(annotations) {
    52    return checkAnnotations(annotations);
    53  }
    55  function runScenario(featureAnnotations, scenarioAnnotations) {
    56    return checkAnnotations(scenarioAnnotations);
    57  }
    59  // setup tests
    60  // you can override these function to add additional setup setups, or handle new setup related annotations
    61  function setupFeature(featureAnnotations) {
    62    return setupYaddaTest(featureAnnotations);
    63  }
    65  function setupScenario(featureAnnotations, scenarioAnnotations) {
    66    let setupFn = setupYaddaTest(scenarioAnnotations);
    67    if (
    68      setupFn &&
    69      (featureAnnotations.setupapplicationtest ||
    70        featureAnnotations.setuprenderingtest ||
    71        featureAnnotations.setuptest)
    72    ) {
    73      throw new Error(
    74        'You must not assign any @setupapplicationtest, @setuprenderingtest or @setuptest annotations to a scenario as well as its feature!'
    75      );
    76    }
    77    return function(model) {
    78      model.afterEach(function() {
    79        reset();
    80      });
    81    };
    82    // return setupFn;
    83  }
    85  function setupYaddaTest(annotations) {
    86    if (annotations.setupapplicationtest) {
    87      return setupApplicationTest;
    88    }
    89    if (annotations.setuprenderingtest) {
    90      return setupRenderingTest;
    91    }
    92    if (annotations.setuptest) {
    93      return setupTest;
    94    }
    95  }
    97  export { runFeature, runScenario, setupFeature, setupScenario };