
     1  import { module } from 'ember-qunit';
     2  import test from 'ember-sinon-qunit/test-support/test';
     3  import keyToArray from 'consul-ui/utils/keyToArray';
     4  module('Unit | Utils | keyToArray', {});
     6  test('it splits a string by a separator, unless the string is the separator', function(assert) {
     7    [
     8      {
     9        test: '/',
    10        expected: [''],
    11      },
    12      {
    13        test: 'hello/world',
    14        expected: ['hello', 'world'],
    15      },
    16      {
    17        test: '/hello/world',
    18        expected: ['', 'hello', 'world'],
    19      },
    20      {
    21        test: '//',
    22        expected: ['', '', ''],
    23      },
    24    ].forEach(function(item) {
    25      const actual = keyToArray(item.test);
    26      assert.deepEqual(actual, item.expected);
    27    });
    28  });