
     1  //
     2  // A Consul service.
     3  //
     4  App.Service = Ember.Object.extend({
     5    //
     6    // The number of failing checks within the service.
     7    //
     8    failingChecks: function() {
     9      // If the service was returned from `/v1/internal/ui/services`
    10      // then we have a aggregated value which we can just grab
    11      if (this.get('ChecksCritical') !== undefined) {
    12        return (this.get('ChecksCritical') + this.get('ChecksWarning'));
    13      // Otherwise, we need to filter the child checks by both failing
    14      // states
    15      } else {
    16        var checks = this.get('Checks');
    17        return (checks.filterBy('Status', 'critical').get('length') +
    18          checks.filterBy('Status', 'warning').get('length'));
    19      }
    20    }.property('Checks'),
    22    //
    23    // The number of passing checks within the service.
    24    //
    25    passingChecks: function() {
    26      // If the service was returned from `/v1/internal/ui/services`
    27      // then we have a aggregated value which we can just grab
    28      if (this.get('ChecksPassing') !== undefined) {
    29        return this.get('ChecksPassing');
    30      // Otherwise, we need to filter the child checks by both failing
    31      // states
    32      } else {
    33        return this.get('Checks').filterBy('Status', 'passing').get('length');
    34      }
    35    }.property('Checks'),
    37    //
    38    // The formatted message returned for the user which represents the
    39    // number of checks failing or passing. Returns `1 passing` or `2 failing`
    40    //
    41    checkMessage: function() {
    42      if (this.get('hasFailingChecks') === false) {
    43        return this.get('passingChecks') + ' passing';
    44      } else {
    45        return this.get('failingChecks') + ' failing';
    46      }
    47    }.property('Checks'),
    49    nodes: function() {
    50      return (this.get('Nodes'));
    51    }.property('Nodes'),
    53    //
    54    // Boolean of whether or not there are failing checks in the service.
    55    // This is used to set color backgrounds and so on.
    56    //
    57    hasFailingChecks:'failingChecks', 0),
    59    //
    60    // Key used for filtering through an array of this model, i.e s
    61    // searching
    62    //
    63    filterKey: Ember.computed.alias('Name'),
    64  });
    66  //
    67  // A Consul Node
    68  //
    69  App.Node = Ember.Object.extend({
    70    //
    71    // The number of failing checks within the service.
    72    //
    73    failingChecks: function() {
    74      return this.get('Checks').reduce(function(sum, check) {
    75        var status = Ember.get(check, 'Status');
    76        // We view both warning and critical as failing
    77        return (status === 'critical' || status === 'warning') ?
    78          sum + 1 :
    79          sum;
    80      }, 0);
    81    }.property('Checks'),
    83    //
    84    // The number of passing checks within the service.
    85    //
    86    passingChecks: function() {
    87      return this.get('Checks').filterBy('Status', 'passing').get('length');
    88    }.property('Checks'),
    90    //
    91    // The formatted message returned for the user which represents the
    92    // number of checks failing or passing. Returns `1 passing` or `2 failing`
    93    //
    94    checkMessage: function() {
    95      if (this.get('hasFailingChecks') === false) {
    96        return this.get('passingChecks') + ' passing';
    97      } else {
    98        return this.get('failingChecks') + ' failing';
    99      }
   100    }.property('Checks'),
   102    //
   103    // Boolean of whether or not there are failing checks in the service.
   104    // This is used to set color backgrounds and so on.
   105    //
   106    hasFailingChecks:'failingChecks', 0),
   108    //
   109    // The number of services on the node
   110    //
   111    numServices: Ember.computed.alias('Services.length'),
   113    services: Ember.computed.alias('Services'),
   115    filterKey: Ember.computed.alias('Node')
   116  });
   119  //
   120  // A key/value object
   121  //
   122  App.Key = Ember.Object.extend(Ember.Validations.Mixin, {
   123    // Validates using the Ember.Validations library
   124    validations: {
   125      Key: { presence: true }
   126    },
   128    // Boolean if field should validate JSON
   129    validateJson: false,
   130    // Boolean if the key is valid
   131    keyValid: Ember.computed.empty('errors.Key'),
   132    // Boolean if the value is valid
   133    valueValid: Ember.computed.empty('errors.Value'),
   135    // Escape any user-entered parts that aren't URL-safe, but put slashes back since
   136    // they are common in keys, and the UI lets users make "folders" by simply adding
   137    // them to keys.
   138    Key: function(key, value) {
   139      // setter
   140      if (arguments.length > 1) {
   141        clean = value
   142        try {
   143          clean = decodeURIComponent(clean);
   144        } catch (e) {
   145          // If they've got something that's not valid URL syntax then keep going;
   146          // this means that at worst we might end up double escaping some things.
   147        }
   148        clean = encodeURIComponent(clean).replace(/%2F/g, "/")
   149        this.set('cleanKey', clean);
   150        return clean;
   151      }
   153      // getter
   154      return this.get('cleanKey')
   155    }.property('Key'),
   157    // The key with the parent removed.
   158    // This is only for display purposes, and used for
   159    // showing the key name inside of a nested key.
   160    keyWithoutParent: function() {
   161      return (this.get('Key').replace(this.get('parentKey'), ''));
   162    }.property('Key'),
   164    // Boolean if the key is a "folder" or not, i.e is a nested key
   165    // that feels like a folder. Used for UI
   166    isFolder: function() {
   167      if (this.get('Key') === undefined) {
   168        return false;
   169      }
   170      return (this.get('Key').slice(-1) === '/');
   171    }.property('Key'),
   173    // Boolean if the key is locked or now
   174    isLocked: function() {
   175      if (!this.get('Session')) {
   176        return false;
   177      } else {
   178        return true;
   179      }
   180    }.property('Session'),
   182    // Determines what route to link to. If it's a folder,
   183    // it will link to Otherwise, kv.edit
   184    linkToRoute: function() {
   185      if (this.get('Key').slice(-1) === '/') {
   186        return '';
   187      } else {
   188        return 'kv.edit';
   189      }
   190    }.property('Key'),
   192    // The base64 decoded value of the key.
   193    // if you set on this key, it will update
   194    // the key.Value
   195    valueDecoded: function(key, value) {
   197      // setter
   198      if (arguments.length > 1) {
   199        this.set('Value', value);
   200        return value;
   201      }
   203      // getter
   205      // If the value is null, we don't
   206      // want to try and base64 decode it, so just return
   207      if (this.get('Value') === null) {
   208        return "";
   209      }
   210      if (Base64.extendString) {
   211        // you have to explicitly extend String.prototype
   212        Base64.extendString();
   213      }
   214      // base64 decode the value
   215      return (this.get('Value').fromBase64());
   216    }.property('Value'),
   218    // Check if JSON is valid by attempting a native JSON parse
   219    isValidJson: function() {
   220      var value;
   222      try {
   223        window.atob(this.get('Value'));
   224        value = this.get('valueDecoded');
   225      } catch (e) {
   226        value = this.get('Value');
   227      }
   229      try {
   230        JSON.parse(value);
   231        return true;
   232      } catch (e) {
   233        return false;
   234      }
   235    }.property('Value'),
   237    // An array of the key broken up by the /
   238    keyParts: function() {
   239      var key = this.get('Key');
   241      // If the key is a folder, remove the last
   242      // slash to split properly
   243      if (key.slice(-1) == "/") {
   244        key = key.substring(0, key.length - 1);
   245      }
   247      return key.split('/');
   248    }.property('Key'),
   250    // The parent Key is the key one level above this.Key
   251    // key: baz/bar/foobar/
   252    // grandParent: baz/bar/
   253    parentKey: function() {
   254      var parts = this.get('keyParts').toArray();
   256      // Remove the last item, essentially going up a level
   257      // in hierarchy
   258      parts.pop();
   260      return parts.join("/") + "/";
   261    }.property('Key'),
   263    // The grandParent Key is the key two levels above this.Key
   264    // key: baz/bar/foobar/
   265    // grandParent: baz/
   266    grandParentKey: function() {
   267      var parts = this.get('keyParts').toArray();
   269      // Remove the last two items, jumping two levels back
   270      parts.pop();
   271      parts.pop();
   273      return parts.join("/") + "/";
   274    }.property('Key')
   275  });
   277  //
   278  // An ACL
   279  //
   280  App.Acl = Ember.Object.extend({
   281    isNotAnon: function() {
   282      if (this.get('ID') === "anonymous"){
   283        return false;
   284      } else {
   285        return true;
   286      }
   287    }.property('ID')
   288  });
   290  // Wrap localstorage with an ember object
   291  App.Settings = Ember.Object.extend({
   292    unknownProperty: function(key) {
   293      return localStorage[key];
   294    },
   296    setUnknownProperty: function(key, value) {
   297      if(Ember.isNone(value)) {
   298        delete localStorage[key];
   299      } else {
   300        localStorage[key] = value;
   301      }
   302      this.notifyPropertyChange(key);
   303      return value;
   304    },
   306    clear: function() {
   307      this.beginPropertyChanges();
   308      for (var i=0, l=localStorage.length; i<l; i++){
   309        this.set(localStorage.key(i));
   310      }
   311      localStorage.clear();
   312      this.endPropertyChanges();
   313    }
   314  });