
     1  import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
     3  export default {
     4    title: 'Theme|Text Sizing',
     5  };
     7  export let TextSizing = () => {
     8    return {
     9      template: hbs`
    10        <h5 class="title is-5">Text sizing</h5>
    11        <div class="block">
    12          <h1 class="title">Large Title</h1>
    13          <p>Some prose to follow the large title. Not necessarily meant for reading.</p>
    14        </div>
    15        <div class="block">
    16          <h2 class="title is-4">Medium Title</h2>
    17          <p>Some prose to follow the large title. Not necessarily meant for reading.</p>
    18        </div>
    19        <div class="block">
    20          <h3 class="title is-5">Small Title</h3>
    21          <p>Some prose to follow the large title. Not necessarily meant for reading.</p>
    22        </div>
    23        `,
    24    };
    25  };