
     1  var map = null
     2  var doPoll = true;
     4  // statuses is a helper map to point result statuses to ui classes
     5  var statuses = {
     6      "Email Sent": {
     7          color: "#1abc9c",
     8          label: "label-success",
     9          icon: "fa-envelope",
    10          point: "ct-point-sent"
    11      },
    12      "Emails Sent": {
    13          color: "#1abc9c",
    14          label: "label-success",
    15          icon: "fa-envelope",
    16          point: "ct-point-sent"
    17      },
    18      "In progress": {
    19          label: "label-primary"
    20      },
    21      "Queued": {
    22          label: "label-info"
    23      },
    24      "Completed": {
    25          label: "label-success"
    26      },
    27      "Email Opened": {
    28          color: "#f9bf3b",
    29          label: "label-warning",
    30          icon: "fa-envelope-open",
    31          point: "ct-point-opened"
    32      },
    33      "Clicked Link": {
    34          color: "#F39C12",
    35          label: "label-clicked",
    36          icon: "fa-mouse-pointer",
    37          point: "ct-point-clicked"
    38      },
    39      "Success": {
    40          color: "#f05b4f",
    41          label: "label-danger",
    42          icon: "fa-exclamation",
    43          point: "ct-point-clicked"
    44      },
    45      //not a status, but is used for the campaign timeline and user timeline
    46      "Email Reported": {
    47          color: "#45d6ef",
    48          label: "label-info",
    49          icon: "fa-bullhorn",
    50          point: "ct-point-reported"
    51      },
    52      "Error": {
    53          color: "#6c7a89",
    54          label: "label-default",
    55          icon: "fa-times",
    56          point: "ct-point-error"
    57      },
    58      "Error Sending Email": {
    59          color: "#6c7a89",
    60          label: "label-default",
    61          icon: "fa-times",
    62          point: "ct-point-error"
    63      },
    64      "Submitted Data": {
    65          color: "#f05b4f",
    66          label: "label-danger",
    67          icon: "fa-exclamation",
    68          point: "ct-point-clicked"
    69      },
    70      "Unknown": {
    71          color: "#6c7a89",
    72          label: "label-default",
    73          icon: "fa-question",
    74          point: "ct-point-error"
    75      },
    76      "Sending": {
    77          color: "#428bca",
    78          label: "label-primary",
    79          icon: "fa-spinner",
    80          point: "ct-point-sending"
    81      },
    82      "Retrying": {
    83          color: "#6c7a89",
    84          label: "label-default",
    85          icon: "fa-clock-o",
    86          point: "ct-point-error"
    87      },
    88      "Scheduled": {
    89          color: "#428bca",
    90          label: "label-primary",
    91          icon: "fa-clock-o",
    92          point: "ct-point-sending"
    93      },
    94      "Campaign Created": {
    95          label: "label-success",
    96          icon: "fa-rocket"
    97      }
    98  }
   100  var statusMapping = {
   101      "Email Sent": "sent",
   102      "Email Opened": "opened",
   103      "Clicked Link": "clicked",
   104      "Submitted Data": "submitted_data",
   105      "Email Reported": "reported",
   106  }
   108  // This is an underwhelming attempt at an enum
   109  // until I have time to refactor this appropriately.
   110  var progressListing = [
   111      "Email Sent",
   112      "Email Opened",
   113      "Clicked Link",
   114      "Submitted Data"
   115  ]
   117  var campaign = {}
   118  var bubbles = []
   120  function dismiss() {
   121      $("#modal\\.flashes").empty()
   122      $("#modal").modal('hide')
   123      $("#resultsTable").dataTable().DataTable().clear().draw()
   124  }
   126  // Deletes a campaign after prompting the user
   127  function deleteCampaign() {
   128      swal({
   129          title: "Are you sure?",
   130          text: "This will delete the campaign. This can't be undone!",
   131          type: "warning",
   132          animation: false,
   133          showCancelButton: true,
   134          confirmButtonText: "Delete Campaign",
   135          confirmButtonColor: "#428bca",
   136          reverseButtons: true,
   137          allowOutsideClick: false,
   138          showLoaderOnConfirm: true,
   139          preConfirm: function () {
   140              return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
   141                  api.campaignId.delete(
   142                      .success(function (msg) {
   143                          resolve()
   144                      })
   145                      .error(function (data) {
   146                          reject(data.responseJSON.message)
   147                      })
   148              })
   149          }
   150      }).then(function () {
   151          swal(
   152              'Campaign Deleted!',
   153              'This campaign has been deleted!',
   154              'success'
   155          );
   156          $('button:contains("OK")').on('click', function () {
   157              location.href = '/campaigns'
   158          })
   159      })
   160  }
   162  // Completes a campaign after prompting the user
   163  function completeCampaign() {
   164      swal({
   165          title: "Are you sure?",
   166          text: "Gophish will stop processing events for this campaign",
   167          type: "warning",
   168          animation: false,
   169          showCancelButton: true,
   170          confirmButtonText: "Complete Campaign",
   171          confirmButtonColor: "#428bca",
   172          reverseButtons: true,
   173          allowOutsideClick: false,
   174          showLoaderOnConfirm: true,
   175          preConfirm: function () {
   176              return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
   177                  api.campaignId.complete(
   178                      .success(function (msg) {
   179                          resolve()
   180                      })
   181                      .error(function (data) {
   182                          reject(data.responseJSON.message)
   183                      })
   184              })
   185          }
   186      }).then(function () {
   187          swal(
   188              'Campaign Completed!',
   189              'This campaign has been completed!',
   190              'success'
   191          );
   192          $('#complete_button')[0].disabled = true;
   193          $('#complete_button').text('Completed!')
   194          doPoll = false;
   195      })
   196  }
   198  // Exports campaign results as a CSV file
   199  function exportAsCSV(scope) {
   200      exportHTML = $("#exportButton").html()
   201      var csvScope = null
   202      var filename = + ' - ' + capitalize(scope) + '.csv'
   203      switch (scope) {
   204          case "results":
   205              csvScope = campaign.results
   206              break;
   207          case "events":
   208              csvScope = campaign.timeline
   209              break;
   210      }
   211      if (!csvScope) {
   212          return
   213      }
   214      $("#exportButton").html('<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>')
   215      var csvString = Papa.unparse(csvScope, {})
   216      var csvData = new Blob([csvString], {
   217          type: 'text/csv;charset=utf-8;'
   218      });
   219      if (navigator.msSaveBlob) {
   220          navigator.msSaveBlob(csvData, filename);
   221      } else {
   222          var csvURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(csvData);
   223          var dlLink = document.createElement('a');
   224          dlLink.href = csvURL;
   225          dlLink.setAttribute('download', filename)
   226          document.body.appendChild(dlLink)
   228          document.body.removeChild(dlLink)
   229      }
   230      $("#exportButton").html(exportHTML)
   231  }
   233  function replay(event_idx) {
   234      request = campaign.timeline[event_idx]
   235      details = JSON.parse(request.details)
   236      url = null
   237      form = $('<form>').attr({
   238          method: 'POST',
   239          target: '_blank',
   240      })
   241      /* Create a form object and submit it */
   242      $.each(Object.keys(details.payload), function (i, param) {
   243          if (param == "rid") {
   244              return true;
   245          }
   246          if (param == "__original_url") {
   247              url = details.payload[param];
   248              return true;
   249          }
   250          $('<input>').attr({
   251              name: param,
   252          }).val(details.payload[param]).appendTo(form);
   253      })
   254      /* Ensure we know where to send the user */
   255      // Prompt for the URL
   256      swal({
   257          title: 'Where do you want the credentials submitted to?',
   258          input: 'text',
   259          showCancelButton: true,
   260          inputPlaceholder: "",
   261          inputValue: url || "",
   262          inputValidator: function (value) {
   263              return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
   264                  if (value) {
   265                      resolve();
   266                  } else {
   267                      reject('Invalid URL.');
   268                  }
   269              });
   270          }
   271      }).then(function (result) {
   272          url = result
   273          submitForm()
   274      })
   275      return
   276      submitForm()
   278      function submitForm() {
   279          form.attr({
   280              action: url
   281          })
   282          form.appendTo('body').submit().remove()
   283      }
   284  }
   286  function renderTimeline(data) {
   287      record = {
   288          "first_name": data[2],
   289          "last_name": data[3],
   290          "email": data[4],
   291          "position": data[5],
   292          "status": data[6],
   293          "send_date": data[7],
   294          "reported": data[8]
   295      }
   296      results = '<div class="timeline col-sm-12 well well-lg">' +
   297          '<h6>Timeline for ' + escapeHtml(record.first_name) + ' ' + escapeHtml(record.last_name) +
   298          '</h6><span class="subtitle">Email: ' + escapeHtml( + '</span>' +
   299          '<div class="timeline-graph col-sm-6">'
   300      $.each(campaign.timeline, function (i, event) {
   301          if (! || == {
   302              // Add the event
   303              results += '<div class="timeline-entry">' +
   304                  '    <div class="timeline-bar"></div>'
   305              results +=
   306                  '    <div class="timeline-icon ' + statuses[event.message].label + '">' +
   307                  '    <i class="fa ' + statuses[event.message].icon + '"></i></div>' +
   308                  '    <div class="timeline-message">' + escapeHtml(event.message) +
   309                  '    <span class="timeline-date">' + moment.utc(event.time).local().format('MMMM Do YYYY h:mm:ss a') + '</span>'
   310              if (event.details) {
   311                  if (event.message == "Submitted Data") {
   312                      results += '<div class="timeline-replay-button"><button onclick="replay(' + i + ')" class="btn btn-success">'
   313                      results += '<i class="fa fa-refresh"></i> Replay Credentials</button></div>'
   314                      results += '<div class="timeline-event-details"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i> View Details</div>'
   315                  }
   316                  details = JSON.parse(event.details)
   317                  if (details.payload) {
   318                      results += '<div class="timeline-event-results">'
   319                      results += '    <table class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-striped">'
   320                      results += '        <thead><tr><th>Parameter</th><th>Value(s)</tr></thead><tbody>'
   321                      $.each(Object.keys(details.payload), function (i, param) {
   322                          if (param == "rid") {
   323                              return true;
   324                          }
   325                          results += '    <tr>'
   326                          results += '        <td>' + escapeHtml(param) + '</td>'
   327                          results += '        <td>' + escapeHtml(details.payload[param]) + '</td>'
   328                          results += '    </tr>'
   329                      })
   330                      results += '       </tbody></table>'
   331                      results += '</div>'
   332                  }
   333                  if (details.error) {
   334                      results += '<div class="timeline-event-details"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i> View Details</div>'
   335                      results += '<div class="timeline-event-results">'
   336                      results += '<span class="label label-default">Error</span> ' + details.error
   337                      results += '</div>'
   338                  }
   339              }
   340              results += '</div></div>'
   341          }
   342      })
   343      // Add the scheduled send event at the bottom
   344      if (record.status == "Scheduled" || record.status == "Retrying") {
   345          results += '<div class="timeline-entry">' +
   346              '    <div class="timeline-bar"></div>'
   347          results +=
   348              '    <div class="timeline-icon ' + statuses[record.status].label + '">' +
   349              '    <i class="fa ' + statuses[record.status].icon + '"></i></div>' +
   350              '    <div class="timeline-message">' + "Scheduled to send at " + record.send_date + '</span>'
   351      }
   352      results += '</div></div>'
   353      return results
   354  }
   356  var renderTimelineChart = function (chartopts) {
   357      return Highcharts.chart('timeline_chart', {
   358          chart: {
   359              zoomType: 'x',
   360              type: 'line',
   361              height: "200px"
   362          },
   363          title: {
   364              text: 'Campaign Timeline'
   365          },
   366          xAxis: {
   367              type: 'datetime',
   368              dateTimeLabelFormats: {
   369                  second: '%l:%M:%S',
   370                  minute: '%l:%M',
   371                  hour: '%l:%M',
   372                  day: '%b %d, %Y',
   373                  week: '%b %d, %Y',
   374                  month: '%b %Y'
   375              }
   376          },
   377          yAxis: {
   378              min: 0,
   379              max: 2,
   380              visible: false,
   381              tickInterval: 1,
   382              labels: {
   383                  enabled: false
   384              },
   385              title: {
   386                  text: ""
   387              }
   388          },
   389          tooltip: {
   390              formatter: function () {
   391                  return Highcharts.dateFormat('%A, %b %d %l:%M:%S %P', new Date(this.x)) +
   392                      '<br>Event: ' + this.point.message + '<br>Email: <b>' + + '</b>'
   393              }
   394          },
   395          legend: {
   396              enabled: false
   397          },
   398          plotOptions: {
   399              series: {
   400                  marker: {
   401                      enabled: true,
   402                      symbol: 'circle',
   403                      radius: 3
   404                  },
   405                  cursor: 'pointer',
   406              },
   407              line: {
   408                  states: {
   409                      hover: {
   410                          lineWidth: 1
   411                      }
   412                  }
   413              }
   414          },
   415          credits: {
   416              enabled: false
   417          },
   418          series: [{
   419              data: chartopts['data'],
   420              dashStyle: "shortdash",
   421              color: "#cccccc",
   422              lineWidth: 1,
   423              turboThreshold: 0
   424          }]
   425      })
   426  }
   428  /* Renders a pie chart using the provided chartops */
   429  var renderPieChart = function (chartopts) {
   430      return Highcharts.chart(chartopts['elemId'], {
   431          chart: {
   432              type: 'pie',
   433              events: {
   434                  load: function () {
   435                      var chart = this,
   436                          rend = chart.renderer,
   437                          pie = chart.series[0],
   438                          left = chart.plotLeft +[0],
   439                          top = chart.plotTop +[1];
   440                      this.innerText = rend.text(chartopts['data'][0].y, left, top).
   441                      attr({
   442                          'text-anchor': 'middle',
   443                          'font-size': '24px',
   444                          'font-weight': 'bold',
   445                          'fill': chartopts['colors'][0],
   446                          'font-family': 'Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif'
   447                      }).add();
   448                  },
   449                  render: function () {
   450                      this.innerText.attr({
   451                          text: chartopts['data'][0].y
   452                      })
   453                  }
   454              }
   455          },
   456          title: {
   457              text: chartopts['title']
   458          },
   459          plotOptions: {
   460              pie: {
   461                  innerSize: '80%',
   462                  dataLabels: {
   463                      enabled: false
   464                  }
   465              }
   466          },
   467          credits: {
   468              enabled: false
   469          },
   470          tooltip: {
   471              formatter: function () {
   472                  if (this.key == undefined) {
   473                      return false
   474                  }
   475                  return '<span style="color:' + this.color + '">\u25CF</span>' + + ': <b>' + this.y + '</b><br/>'
   476              }
   477          },
   478          series: [{
   479              data: chartopts['data'],
   480              colors: chartopts['colors'],
   481          }]
   482      })
   483  }
   485  /* Updates the bubbles on the map
   487  @param {campaign.result[]} results - The campaign results to process
   488  */
   489  var updateMap = function (results) {
   490      if (!map) {
   491          return
   492      }
   493      bubbles = []
   494      $.each(campaign.results, function (i, result) {
   495          // Check that it wasn't an internal IP
   496          if (result.latitude == 0 && result.longitude == 0) {
   497              return true;
   498          }
   499          newIP = true
   500          $.each(bubbles, function (i, bubble) {
   501              if (bubble.ip == result.ip) {
   502                  bubbles[i].radius += 1
   503                  newIP = false
   504                  return false
   505              }
   506          })
   507          if (newIP) {
   508              bubbles.push({
   509                  latitude: result.latitude,
   510                  longitude: result.longitude,
   511                  name: result.ip,
   512                  fillKey: "point",
   513                  radius: 2
   514              })
   515          }
   516      })
   517      map.bubbles(bubbles)
   518  }
   520  /**
   521   * Creates a status label for use in the results datatable
   522   * @param {string} status 
   523   * @param {moment(datetime)} send_date 
   524   */
   525  function createStatusLabel(status, send_date) {
   526      var label = statuses[status].label || "label-default";
   527      var statusColumn = "<span class=\"label " + label + "\">" + status + "</span>"
   528      // Add the tooltip if the email is scheduled to be sent
   529      if (status == "Scheduled" || status == "Retrying") {
   530          var sendDateMessage = "Scheduled to send at " + send_date
   531          statusColumn = "<span class=\"label " + label + "\" data-toggle=\"tooltip\" data-placement=\"top\" data-html=\"true\" title=\"" + sendDateMessage + "\">" + status + "</span>"
   532      }
   533      return statusColumn
   534  }
   536  /* poll - Queries the API and updates the UI with the results
   537   *
   538   * Updates:
   539   * * Timeline Chart
   540   * * Email (Donut) Chart
   541   * * Map Bubbles
   542   * * Datatables
   543   */
   544  function poll() {
   545      api.campaignId.results(
   546          .success(function (c) {
   547              campaign = c
   548              /* Update the timeline */
   549              var timeline_series_data = []
   550              $.each(campaign.timeline, function (i, event) {
   551                  var event_date = moment.utc(event.time).local()
   552                  timeline_series_data.push({
   553                      email:,
   554                      x: event_date.valueOf(),
   555                      y: 1
   556                  })
   557              })
   558              var timeline_series_data = []
   559              $.each(campaign.timeline, function (i, event) {
   560                  var event_date = moment.utc(event.time).local()
   561                  timeline_series_data.push({
   562                      email:,
   563                      message: event.message,
   564                      x: event_date.valueOf(),
   565                      y: 1,
   566                      marker: {
   567                          fillColor: statuses[event.message].color
   568                      }
   569                  })
   570              })
   571              var timeline_chart = $("#timeline_chart").highcharts()
   572              timeline_chart.series[0].update({
   573                  data: timeline_series_data
   574              })
   575              /* Update the results donut chart */
   576              var email_series_data = {}
   577              // Load the initial data
   578              Object.keys(statusMapping).forEach(function (k) {
   579                  email_series_data[k] = 0
   580              });
   581              $.each(campaign.results, function (i, result) {
   582                  email_series_data[result.status]++;
   583                  if (result.reported) {
   584                      email_series_data['Email Reported']++
   585                  }
   586                  // Backfill status values
   587                  var step = progressListing.indexOf(result.status)
   588                  for (var i = 0; i < step; i++) {
   589                      email_series_data[progressListing[i]]++
   590                  }
   591              })
   592              $.each(email_series_data, function (status, count) {
   593                  var email_data = []
   594                  if (!(status in statusMapping)) {
   595                      return true
   596                  }
   597                  email_data.push({
   598                      name: status,
   599                      y: count
   600                  })
   601                  email_data.push({
   602                      name: '',
   603                      y: campaign.results.length - count
   604                  })
   605                  var chart = $("#" + statusMapping[status] + "_chart").highcharts()
   606                  chart.series[0].update({
   607                      data: email_data
   608                  })
   609              })
   611              /* Update the datatable */
   612              resultsTable = $("#resultsTable").DataTable()
   613              resultsTable.rows().every(function (i, tableLoop, rowLoop) {
   614                  var row = this.row(i)
   615                  var rowData =
   616                  var rid = rowData[0]
   617                  $.each(campaign.results, function (j, result) {
   618                      if ( == rid) {
   619                          rowData[8] = moment(result.send_date).format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a')
   620                          rowData[7] = result.reported
   621                          rowData[6] = result.status
   622                          resultsTable.row(i).data(rowData)
   623                          if (row.child.isShown()) {
   624                              $(row.node()).find("#caret").removeClass("fa-caret-right")
   625                              $(row.node()).find("#caret").addClass("fa-caret-down")
   626                              row.child(renderTimeline(
   627                          }
   628                          return false
   629                      }
   630                  })
   631              })
   632              resultsTable.draw(false)
   633              /* Update the map information */
   634              updateMap(campaign.results)
   635              $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip()
   636              $("#refresh_message").hide()
   637              $("#refresh_btn").show()
   638          })
   639  }
   641  function load() {
   642 = window.location.pathname.split('/').slice(-1)[0]
   643      var use_map = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('gophish.use_map'))
   644      api.campaignId.results(
   645          .success(function (c) {
   646              campaign = c
   647              if (campaign) {
   648                  $("title").text( + " - Gophish")
   649                  $("#loading").hide()
   650                  $("#campaignResults").show()
   651                  // Set the title
   652                  $("#page-title").text("Results for " +
   653                  if (c.status == "Completed") {
   654                      $('#complete_button')[0].disabled = true;
   655                      $('#complete_button').text('Completed!');
   656                      doPoll = false;
   657                  }
   658                  // Setup viewing the details of a result
   659                  $("#resultsTable").on("click", ".timeline-event-details", function () {
   660                      // Show the parameters
   661                      payloadResults = $(this).parent().find(".timeline-event-results")
   662                      if (":visible")) {
   663                          $(this).find("i").removeClass("fa-caret-down")
   664                          $(this).find("i").addClass("fa-caret-right")
   665                          payloadResults.hide()
   666                      } else {
   667                          $(this).find("i").removeClass("fa-caret-right")
   668                          $(this).find("i").addClass("fa-caret-down")
   670                      }
   671                  })
   672                  // Setup the results table
   673                  resultsTable = $("#resultsTable").DataTable({
   674                      destroy: true,
   675                      "order": [
   676                          [2, "asc"]
   677                      ],
   678                      columnDefs: [{
   679                              orderable: false,
   680                              targets: "no-sort"
   681                          }, {
   682                              className: "details-control",
   683                              "targets": [1]
   684                          }, {
   685                              "visible": false,
   686                              "targets": [0, 8]
   687                          },
   688                          {
   689                              "render": function (data, type, row) {
   690                                  return createStatusLabel(data, row[8])
   691                              },
   692                              "targets": [6]
   693                          },
   694                          {
   695                              className: "text-center",
   696                              "render": function (reported, type, row) {
   697                                  if (reported) {
   698                                      return "<i class='fa fa-check-circle text-center text-success'></i>"
   699                                  } else {
   700                                      return "<i class='fa fa-times-circle text-center text-danger'></i>"
   701                                  }
   702                              },
   703                              "targets": [7]
   704                          }
   705                      ]
   706                  });
   707                  resultsTable.clear();
   708                  var email_series_data = {}
   709                  var timeline_series_data = []
   710                  Object.keys(statusMapping).forEach(function (k) {
   711                      email_series_data[k] = 0
   712                  });
   713                  $.each(campaign.results, function (i, result) {
   714                      resultsTable.row.add([
   715                ,
   716                          "<i id=\"caret\" class=\"fa fa-caret-right\"></i>",
   717                          escapeHtml(result.first_name) || "",
   718                          escapeHtml(result.last_name) || "",
   719                          escapeHtml( || "",
   720                          escapeHtml(result.position) || "",
   721                          result.status,
   722                          result.reported,
   723                          moment(result.send_date).format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a')
   724                      ])
   725                      email_series_data[result.status]++;
   726                      if (result.reported) {
   727                          email_series_data['Email Reported']++
   728                      }
   729                      // Backfill status values
   730                      var step = progressListing.indexOf(result.status)
   731                      for (var i = 0; i < step; i++) {
   732                          email_series_data[progressListing[i]]++
   733                      }
   734                  })
   735                  resultsTable.draw();
   736                  // Setup tooltips
   737                  $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip()
   738                  // Setup the individual timelines
   739                  $('#resultsTable tbody').on('click', 'td.details-control', function () {
   740                      var tr = $(this).closest('tr');
   741                      var row = resultsTable.row(tr);
   742                      if (row.child.isShown()) {
   743                          // This row is already open - close it
   744                          row.child.hide();
   745                          tr.removeClass('shown');
   746                          $(this).find("i").removeClass("fa-caret-down")
   747                          $(this).find("i").addClass("fa-caret-right")
   748                      } else {
   749                          // Open this row
   750                          $(this).find("i").removeClass("fa-caret-right")
   751                          $(this).find("i").addClass("fa-caret-down")
   752                          row.child(renderTimeline(;
   753                          tr.addClass('shown');
   754                      }
   755                  });
   756                  // Setup the graphs
   757                  $.each(campaign.timeline, function (i, event) {
   758                      if (event.message == "Campaign Created") {
   759                          return true
   760                      }
   761                      var event_date = moment.utc(event.time).local()
   762                      timeline_series_data.push({
   763                          email:,
   764                          message: event.message,
   765                          x: event_date.valueOf(),
   766                          y: 1,
   767                          marker: {
   768                              fillColor: statuses[event.message].color
   769                          }
   770                      })
   771                  })
   772                  renderTimelineChart({
   773                      data: timeline_series_data
   774                  })
   775                  $.each(email_series_data, function (status, count) {
   776                      var email_data = []
   777                      if (!(status in statusMapping)) {
   778                          return true
   779                      }
   780                      email_data.push({
   781                          name: status,
   782                          y: count
   783                      })
   784                      email_data.push({
   785                          name: '',
   786                          y: campaign.results.length - count
   787                      })
   788                      var chart = renderPieChart({
   789                          elemId: statusMapping[status] + '_chart',
   790                          title: status,
   791                          name: status,
   792                          data: email_data,
   793                          colors: [statuses[status].color, '#dddddd']
   794                      })
   795                  })
   797                  if (use_map) {
   798                      $("#resultsMapContainer").show()
   799                      map = new Datamap({
   800                          element: document.getElementById("resultsMap"),
   801                          responsive: true,
   802                          fills: {
   803                              defaultFill: "#ffffff",
   804                              point: "#283F50"
   805                          },
   806                          geographyConfig: {
   807                              highlightFillColor: "#1abc9c",
   808                              borderColor: "#283F50"
   809                          },
   810                          bubblesConfig: {
   811                              borderColor: "#283F50"
   812                          }
   813                      });
   814                  }
   815                  updateMap(campaign.results)
   816              }
   817          })
   818          .error(function () {
   819              $("#loading").hide()
   820              errorFlash(" Campaign not found!")
   821          })
   822  }
   824  var setRefresh
   826  function refresh() {
   827      if (!doPoll) {
   828          return;
   829      }
   830      $("#refresh_message").show()
   831      $("#refresh_btn").hide()
   832      poll()
   833      clearTimeout(setRefresh)
   834      setRefresh = setTimeout(refresh, 60000)
   835  };
   839  $(document).ready(function () {
   840      Highcharts.setOptions({
   841          global: {
   842              useUTC: false
   843          }
   844      })
   845      load();
   847      // Start the polling loop
   848      setRefresh = setTimeout(refresh, 60000)
   849  })