
     1  package cigar
     3  // AddCigar adds a cigar struct to the end of a slice, but is smart about checking
     4  // to see if the addition is the same operation that is present at the end of the
     5  // existing slice and just increasing the run length of that entry.
     6  func AddCigar(cigs []Cigar, newCig Cigar) []Cigar {
     7  	if len(cigs) == 0 {
     8  		cigs = append(cigs, newCig)
     9  	} else if cigs[len(cigs)-1].Op == newCig.Op {
    10  		cigs[len(cigs)-1].RunLength += newCig.RunLength
    11  	} else {
    12  		cigs = append(cigs, newCig)
    13  	}
    14  	return cigs
    15  }
    17  // CatCigar cats two cigars together, but is smart about checking to see if the
    18  // last element of the first slice is the same operation as the first element
    19  // of the second slice.  In this case it will compress that struct into a single
    20  // element with a longer run length.
    21  func CatCigar(cigs []Cigar, newCigs []Cigar) []Cigar {
    22  	if len(newCigs) == 0 || newCigs == nil {
    23  		return cigs
    24  	} else if len(cigs) == 0 {
    25  		return newCigs
    26  	} else {
    27  		cigs = AddCigar(cigs, newCigs[0])
    28  		cigs = append(cigs, newCigs[1:]...)
    29  		return cigs
    30  	}
    31  }