
     1  /**
     2   * Copyright 2018 The WPT Dashboard Project. All rights reserved.
     3   * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
     4   * found in the LICENSE file.
     5   */
     7  /*
     8  `<test-run>` is a stateless component for displaying the details of a TestRun.
    10  The schema for the testRun property is as follows:
    11  {
    12    "browser_name": "",
    13    "browser_version": "",
    14    "os_name": "",
    15    "os_version": "",
    16    "revision": "",     // the first 10 characters of the SHA
    17    "created_at": "",   // the date the TestRun was uploaded
    18  }
    20  See models.go for more details.
    21  */
    22  import '../node_modules/@polymer/paper-tooltip/paper-tooltip.js';
    23  import '../node_modules/@polymer/polymer/lib/elements/dom-if.js';
    24  import { html, PolymerElement } from '../node_modules/@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';
    25  import './display-logo.js';
    26  import { ProductInfo } from './product-info.js';
    27  import { WPTFlags } from './wpt-flags.js';
    29  class TestRun extends WPTFlags(ProductInfo(PolymerElement)) {
    30    static get template() {
    31      return html`
    32      <style>
    33        a {
    34          text-decoration: none;
    35          color: #0d5de6;
    36          font-family: monospace;
    37        }
    38        a:hover {
    39          cursor: pointer;
    40          color: #226ff3;
    41        }
    42        .revision {
    43          font-size: 14px;
    44        }
    45        .github {
    46          display: flex;
    47          align-items: center;
    48          justify-content: center;
    49        }
    50        .github img {
    51          margin-right: 8px;
    52          width: 16px;
    53          height: 16px;
    54        }
    55      </style>
    57      <div>
    58        <display-logo product="[[testRun]]"
    59                      show-source="[[showSource]]"
    60                      show-platform="[[showPlatform]]"
    61                      overlap="[[overlap]]"
    62                      small="[[small]]">
    63        </display-logo>
    65        <template is="dom-if" if="[[!small]]">
    66          <div>{{displayName(testRun.browser_name)}} {{shortVersion(testRun.browser_name, testRun.browser_version)}}</div>
    67          <template is="dom-if" if="{{ !isDiff(testRun.browser_name) }}">
    68            <div>{{displayName(testRun.os_name)}} {{testRun.os_version}}</div>
    69            <template is="dom-if" if="[[githubCommitLinks]]">
    70              <a class="github" href="[[testRun.revision]]">
    71                <img src="/static/github.svg" alt="GitHub logo">
    72                [[sevenCharSHA(testRun.revision)]]
    73              </a>
    74            </template>
    75            <template is="dom-if" if="[[!githubCommitLinks]]">
    76              <div class="revision">@<a href="?sha={{testRun.revision}}">{{testRun.revision}}</a></div>
    77            </template>
    78            <div>{{dateFormat(testRun.time_start)}}</div>
    79          </template>
    80        </template>
    82        <paper-tooltip offset="0">
    83          <template is="dom-if" if="[[ !isDiff(testRun.browser_name) ]]">
    84            [[displayName(testRun.browser_name)]] [[testRun.browser_version]]<br>
    85            Platform: [[displayName(testRun.os_name)]] [[displaySource(testRun)]]<br>
    86            Labels: [[displayLabels(testRun.labels)]]<br>
    87            Started [[timeFormat(testRun.time_start)]] [[timeTaken(testRun)]]<br>
    88            [[moreTooltip(testRun)]]
    89          </template>
    90          <template is="dom-if" if="[[ isDiff(testRun.browser_name) ]]">
    91            diff numbers are for:<br>
    92            [newly passing] / [newly failing] / [total count delta]
    93          </template>
    94        </paper-tooltip>
    95      </div>
    96  `;
    97    }
    99    static get is() {
   100      return 'test-run';
   101    }
   103    static get properties() {
   104      return {
   105        testRun: {
   106          type: Object,
   107        },
   108        small: {
   109          type: Boolean,
   110          value: false,
   111        },
   112        showSource: {
   113          type: Boolean,
   114          value: false
   115        },
   116        showPlatform: {
   117          type: Boolean,
   118          value: false
   119        },
   120        // Whether to overlap the platform/browser/source icons a little.
   121        overlap: Boolean,
   122      };
   123    }
   125    dateFormat(isoDate) {
   126      return new Date(isoDate).toLocaleDateString('en-US', {
   127        month: 'short',
   128        day: 'numeric',
   129        year: 'numeric',
   130      });
   131    }
   133    timeFormat(isoDate) {
   134      const date = new Date(isoDate).toLocaleDateString('en-US', {
   135        month: 'short',
   136        day: 'numeric',
   137      });
   138      const time = new Date(isoDate).toLocaleTimeString('en-US', {
   139        hour: 'numeric',
   140        minute: 'numeric',
   141      });
   142      return `${date} at ${time}`;
   143    }
   145    timeTaken(testRun) {
   146      // NOTE: We don't always have a real start/end time.
   147      const hour = 1000*60*60;
   148      const elapsed = new Date(testRun.time_end) - new Date(testRun.time_start);
   149      const oneDP = (elapsed / hour).toFixed(1);
   150      return oneDP < 0.1 ? '' : `(took ${oneDP}h)`;
   151    }
   153    isDiff(browserName) {
   154      return browserName.toLowerCase() === 'diff';
   155    }
   157    moreTooltip(testRun) {
   158      const labels = testRun && testRun.labels || [];
   159      if (testRun.browser_name.startsWith('chrome') && labels.includes('experimental')) {
   160        return 'With --enable-experimental-web-platform-features';
   161      }
   162      if (testRun.browser_name.startsWith('firefox')) {
   163        return 'Using prefs in /testing/profiles/; some experimental features enabled';
   164      }
   165      return '';
   166    }
   168    sevenCharSHA(sha) {
   169      return sha && sha.substr(0, 7);
   170    }
   172    displaySource(testRun) {
   173      const source = this.sourceName(testRun);
   174      return source && `(run on ${source})`;
   175    }
   176  }
   178  window.customElements.define(, TestRun);
   180  export { TestRun };