
     1  "use strict";
     3  window.onload = function() {
     4      var infoDiv = document.getElementById("info-div");
     5      var infoH2 = infoDiv.getElementsByTagName("h4")[0];
     6      infoH2.addEventListener("click", infoToggle(infoDiv.getElementsByTagName("span")[0]), true);
     8      redraw();
     9  };
    11  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
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    15  function configure() {
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    33  function infoToggle(toToggle) {
    34      return function(event) {
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    36              toToggle.className = "";
    37     = "Merge Requirements: (click to collapse)";
    38          } else {
    39              toToggle.className = "hidden";
    40     = "Merge Requirements: (click to expand)";
    41          }
    42      }
    43  }
    45  function redraw() {
    46      redrawQueries();
    47      redrawPools();
    48  }
    50  function createLink(href, text) {
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    65  function normalizeLabelToClass(label) {
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    67      return label.replace(" ", "");
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    70  function redrawQueries() {
    71      var queries = document.getElementById("queries");
    72      while (queries.firstChild)
    73          queries.removeChild(queries.firstChild);
    75      if (!tideData.Queries) {
    76          return;
    77      }
    78      for (var i = 0; i < tideData.Queries.length; i++) {
    79          var query = tideData.Queries[i];
    80          var tideQuery = tideData.TideQueries[i];
    82          // create list entry for the query, all details will be within this element
    83          var li = document.createElement("li");
    85          // GitHub query search link
    86          var a = createLink(
    87              "" + encodeURIComponent("\u2713") + "&q=" + encodeURIComponent(query),
    88              "GitHub Search Link"
    89          );
    90          li.appendChild(a);
    92          // build the description
    93          // all queries should implicitly mean this
    94          var explanationPrefix = " - Meaning: Is an open Pull Request in one of the following repos: ";
    95          li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(explanationPrefix));
    96          var ul = document.createElement("ul");
    97          var innerLi = document.createElement("li");
    98          ul.appendChild(innerLi);
    99          li.appendChild(ul);
   100          // add the list of repos, defaulting to an empty array if no repos have been provided.
   101          var repos = tideQuery["repos"] || [];
   102          for (var j = 0; j < repos.length; j++) {
   103              innerLi.appendChild(createLink("" + repos[j], repos[j]));
   104              if (j+1 < repos.length) {
   105                  innerLi.appendChild(document.createTextNode(", "));
   106              }
   107          }
   108          // required labels
   109          var hasLabels = tideQuery.hasOwnProperty("labels") && tideQuery["labels"].length > 0;
   110          if (hasLabels) {
   111              var labels = tideQuery["labels"];
   112              li.appendChild(createSpan(["emphasis"], "", "with"));
   113              li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" the following labels: "));
   114              li.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
   115              var ul = document.createElement("ul");
   116              var innerLi = document.createElement("li");
   117              ul.appendChild(innerLi);
   118              li.appendChild(ul);
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   120                  var label = labels[j];
   121                  innerLi.appendChild(createSpan(["label", normalizeLabelToClass(label)], "", label));
   122                  if (j+1 < labels.length) {
   123                      innerLi.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
   124                  }
   125              }
   126          }
   127          // required to be not present labels
   128          var hasMissingLabels = tideQuery.hasOwnProperty("missingLabels") && tideQuery["missingLabels"].length > 0;
   129          if (hasMissingLabels) {
   130              var missingLabels = tideQuery["missingLabels"];
   131              if (hasLabels) {
   132                  li.appendChild(createSpan(["emphasis"], "", "and without"));
   133              } else {
   134                  li.appendChild(createSpan(["emphasis"], "", "without"));
   135              }
   136              li.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" the following labels: "));
   137              li.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
   138              var ul = document.createElement("ul");
   139              var innerLi = document.createElement("li");
   140              ul.appendChild(innerLi);
   141              li.appendChild(ul);
   142              for (var j = 0; j < missingLabels.length; j++) {
   143                  var label = missingLabels[j];
   144                  innerLi.appendChild(createSpan(["label", normalizeLabelToClass(label)], "", label));
   145                  if (j+1 < missingLabels.length) {
   146                      innerLi.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
   147                  }
   148              }
   149          }
   151          // GitHub native review required
   152          var reviewApprovedRequired = tideQuery.hasOwnProperty("reviewApprovedRequired") && tideQuery["reviewApprovedRequired"];
   153          if (reviewApprovedRequired) {
   154              li.appendChild(document.createTextNode("and must be "));
   155              li.appendChild(createLink(
   156                  "",
   157                  "approved by GitHub review"
   158              ));
   159          }
   161          // actually add the entry
   162          queries.appendChild(li);
   163      }
   164  }
   166  function redrawPools() {
   167      var pools = document.getElementById("pools").getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
   168      while (pools.firstChild)
   169          pools.removeChild(pools.firstChild);
   171      if (!tideData.Pools) {
   172          return;
   173      }
   174      for (var i = 0; i < tideData.Pools.length; i++) {
   175          var pool = tideData.Pools[i];
   176          var r = document.createElement("tr");
   179          var deckLink = "/?repo="+pool.Org+"%2F"+pool.Repo;
   180          var branchLink = "" + pool.Org + "/" + pool.Repo + "/tree/" + pool.Branch;
   181          var linksTD = document.createElement("td");
   182          linksTD.appendChild(createLink(deckLink, pool.Org + "/" + pool.Repo));
   183          linksTD.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
   184          linksTD.appendChild(createLink(branchLink, pool.Branch));
   185          r.appendChild(linksTD);
   186          r.appendChild(createActionCell(pool));
   187          r.appendChild(createBatchCell(pool));
   188          r.appendChild(createPRCell(pool, pool.SuccessPRs));
   189          r.appendChild(createPRCell(pool, pool.PendingPRs));
   190          r.appendChild(createPRCell(pool, pool.MissingPRs));
   192          pools.appendChild(r);
   193      }
   194  }
   196  function createLinkCell(text, url, title) {
   197      var c = document.createElement("td");
   198      var a = document.createElement("a");
   199      a.href = url;
   200      if (title !== "") {
   201          a.title = title;
   202      }
   203      a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
   204      c.appendChild(a);
   205      return c;
   206  }
   208  function createActionCell(pool) {
   209      var targeted = pool.Target && pool.Target.length;
   210      var blocked = pool.Blockers && pool.Blockers.length;
   211      var action = pool.Action.replace("_", " ");
   212      if (targeted || blocked) {
   213          action += ": "
   214      }
   215      var c = document.createElement("td");
   216      c.appendChild(document.createTextNode(action));
   218      if (blocked) {
   219          c.classList.add("blocked");
   220          addBlockersToElem(c, pool)
   221      } else if (targeted) {
   222          addPRsToElem(c, pool, pool.Target)
   223      }
   224      return c;
   225  }
   227  function createPRCell(pool, prs) {
   228      var c = document.createElement("td");
   229      addPRsToElem(c, pool, prs)
   230      return c;
   231  }
   233  function createBatchCell(pool) {
   234      var td = document.createElement('td');
   235      if (pool.BatchPending) {
   236          var numbers = => String(p.Number));
   237          var batchRef = pool.Branch + ',' + numbers.join(',');
   238          var href = '/?repo=' + encodeURIComponent(pool.Org + '/' + pool.Repo) +
   239              '&type=batch&pull=' + encodeURIComponent(batchRef);
   240          var link = document.createElement('a');
   241          link.href = href;
   242          link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(numbers.join(' ')));
   243          td.appendChild(link);
   244      }
   245      return td;
   246  }
   248  // addPRsToElem adds a space separated list of PR numbers that link to the corresponding PR on github.
   249  function addPRsToElem(elem, pool, prs) {
   250      if (prs) {
   251          for (var i = 0; i < prs.length; i++) {
   252              var a = document.createElement("a");
   253              a.href = "" + pool.Org + "/" + pool.Repo + "/pull/" + prs[i].Number;
   254              a.appendChild(document.createTextNode("#" + prs[i].Number));
   255              elem.appendChild(a);
   256              // Add a space after each PR number except the last.
   257              if (i+1 < prs.length) {
   258                  elem.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
   259              }
   260          }
   261      }
   262  }
   264  // addBlockersToElem adds a space separated list of Issue numbers that link to the
   265  // corresponding Issues on github that are blocking merge.
   266  function addBlockersToElem(elem, pool) {
   267      var bs = pool.Blockers
   268      for (var i = 0; i < pool.Blockers.length; i++) {
   269          var b = pool.Blockers[i];
   270          var id = "blocker-" + pool.Org + "-" + pool.Repo + "-" + b.Number;
   271          var a = document.createElement("a");
   272          a.href = b.URL;
   273          a.appendChild(document.createTextNode("#" + b.Number));
   274 = id;
   275          addToolTipToElem(a, document.createTextNode(b.Title));
   278          elem.appendChild(a);
   279          // Add a space after each PR number except the last.
   280          if (i+1 < pool.Blockers.length) {
   281              elem.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "));
   282          }
   283      }
   284  }
   286  function addToolTipToElem(elem, tipElem) {
   287      var tooltip = document.createElement("div");
   288      tooltip.appendChild(tipElem);
   289      tooltip.setAttribute("data-mdl-for",;
   290      tooltip.classList.add("mdl-tooltip", "mdl-tooltip--large");
   291      elem.appendChild(tooltip);
   292  }