
     1  package collectors
     3  import (
     4  	"compress/gzip"
     5  	"encoding/csv"
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"io/ioutil"
     8  	"os"
     9  	"path/filepath"
    10  	"reflect"
    11  	"regexp"
    12  	"sort"
    13  	"strconv"
    14  	"strings"
    15  	"time"
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  )
    28  var (
    29  	awsBillingR53zones = map[string]route53.GetHostedZoneOutput{}
    30  )
    32  const (
    33  	awsBillingReportDateFormat = "20060102"
    34  	awsDescCostsFmt            = "Usage costs for Amazon %v. Datapoints represent costs for a full hour. Data typically lags by 24 hours."
    35  	awsDescUsageFmt            = "Usage volume for Amazon %v. Datapoints represent a full hour of usage. Data typically lags by 24 hours."
    36  	awsDescUsageResFmt         = "Usage volume for Amazon %v, denormalized with only a resource tag. Datapoints represent a full hour of usage. Data typically lags by 24 hours."
    37  	awsDescUsageOpsFmt         = "Usage volume for Amazon %v, denormalized with only an operation tag. Datapoints represent a full hour of usage. Data typically lags by 24 hours."
    38  	awsDescCostsByProduct      = "Usage costs for Amazon services, denormalized with only a product tag. Datapoints represent a full hour of usage. Data typically lags by 24 hours."
    39  )
    41  func c_awsBilling(accessKey, secretKey, region, productCodes, bucketName, bucketPath string, purgeDays int) (opentsdb.MultiDataPoint, error) {
    42  	creds := credentials.NewStaticCredentials(accessKey, secretKey, "")
    43  	conf := &aws.Config{
    44  		Credentials: creds,
    45  		Region:      &region,
    46  	}
    47  	awsBilling := awsBillingConfig{
    48  		bucketName: bucketName,
    49  		bucketPath: bucketPath,
    50  	}
    51  	regCompiled, err := regexp.Compile(productCodes)
    52  	if err != nil {
    53  		return nil, err
    54  	}
    55  	awsBilling.prodCodesReg = regCompiled
    56  	awsBilling.s3svc = s3.New(session.New(conf)) //Connect to S3
    57  	if awsBilling.s3svc == nil {
    58  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to connect to S3")
    59  	}
    60  	awsBilling.r53svc = route53.New(session.New(conf)) //Connect to R53
    61  	if awsBilling.r53svc == nil {
    62  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to connect to Route 53")
    63  	}
    64  	awsBilling.downloader = s3manager.NewDownloader(session.New(conf)) //Gimmie a downloader
    65  	if awsBilling.downloader == nil {
    66  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to create S3 downloader")
    67  	}
    68  	if purgeDays == 0 {
    69  		slog.Infof("S3 purging of objects is disabled")
    70  		awsBilling.purgeOlderThan = time.Date(2999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 0, time.UTC)
    71  	} else {
    72  		purgeHours := time.Duration(-1 * 24 * purgeDays)
    73  		awsBilling.purgeOlderThan = time.Now().Add(purgeHours * time.Hour)
    74  	}
    75  	return awsBilling.Check()
    76  }
    78  type awsBillingConfig struct {
    79  	s3svc          *s3.S3
    80  	r53svc         *route53.Route53
    81  	downloader     *s3manager.Downloader
    82  	purgeOlderThan time.Time
    83  	bucketName     string
    84  	bucketPath     string
    85  	prodCodesReg   *regexp.Regexp
    86  }
    88  func (awsBilling *awsBillingConfig) Check() (opentsdb.MultiDataPoint, error) {
    89  	md := opentsdb.MultiDataPoint{}
    90  	purgeObjects := []*s3.Object{}
    91  	//Declare the objects we want to fetch here. For completeness sake, we're going to fetch
    92  	//the entire contents of the bucket, as we are going to be cleaning it out as we go.
    93  	getBucketObjects := &s3.ListObjectsInput{
    94  		Bucket: aws.String(awsBilling.bucketName),
    95  	}
    96  	//Get the objects from the bucket
    97  	bucketObjects, err := awsBilling.s3svc.ListObjects(getBucketObjects)
    98  	if err != nil {
    99  		return nil, err
   100  	}
   102  	//Sort the files found by last modified, newest first.
   103  	sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(ByLastModified(bucketObjects.Contents)))
   105  	//Go through the contents of the bucket and parse the different kinds of report files
   106  	//that that we're going to have. At the end of it we'll have a bucketContents that contains
   107  	//the origina S3 file, along with hopefully enough other detail.
   108  	var thisBucketContents []bucketContents
   109  	for _, bucketObject := range bucketObjects.Contents {
   110  		thisReport := &billingKeyStructure{}
   111  		thisReport.parseFromObjectKey(bucketObject.Key, awsBilling)
   112  		thisBucketContents = append(thisBucketContents, bucketContents{
   113  			origS3Item:     bucketObject,
   114  			awsBillingItem: thisReport,
   115  		})
   116  		//Mark files past the purge date to be purged
   117  		if bucketObject.LastModified.Before(awsBilling.purgeOlderThan) {
   118  			purgeObjects = append(purgeObjects, bucketObject)
   119  		}
   120  	}
   122  	//So, billing comes with a bunch of different manifets and whatnot. We don't really need all of that
   123  	//for this basic billing integration, as the first line of the CSVs we're interested in also has
   124  	//the breakdown of how it's all structured. We only want to process the last file that is present
   125  	//for each month, as each month we can get 30+ files. The most recent file for any given month should
   126  	//contain everything we need.
   127  	var monthsProcessed []string //The months that have been processed so far
   128  	var allBills []*billHeader
   129  	for _, billingObject := range thisBucketContents {
   130  		isGZ := filepath.Ext(billingObject.awsBillingItem.fileName) == ".gz"                                              //If the filename ends in a .gz then it's probably what we want
   131  		isBillingPath := strings.Contains(billingObject.awsBillingItem.fileName, billingObject.awsBillingItem.reportName) //If it ends in .gz and has the report name in it, then it's definately what we want
   132  		notProcessedMonth := !stringInSlice(billingObject.origS3Item.LastModified.Format("200601"), monthsProcessed)      //Check if we have processed this month's file already
   133  		if isGZ && isBillingPath && notProcessedMonth {
   134  			//Download the file and un-gzip it in one step
   135  			billingFile, err := billingObject.downloadGzippedItem(awsBilling.downloader, awsBilling)
   136  			if err != nil {
   137  				return nil, err
   138  			}
   139  			allBills = append(allBills, awsBilling.ReadBillingFile(billingFile))
   140  			monthsProcessed = append(monthsProcessed, billingObject.origS3Item.LastModified.Format("200601")) //Log that we've processed this month
   141  		}
   142  	}
   143  	//Dump into scollector format and clean up
   144  	for _, thisBill := range allBills {
   145  		thisBill.toTSDB(&md)
   146  	}
   147  	//Clean up after ourselves
   148  	for _, purge := range purgeObjects {
   149  		_, err := awsBilling.s3svc.DeleteObject(&s3.DeleteObjectInput{
   150  			Bucket: aws.String(awsBilling.bucketName),
   151  			Key:    purge.Key,
   152  		})
   153  		if err != nil {
   154  			slog.Warning("Error deleting object:", err)
   155  		}
   156  	}
   157  	return md, nil
   158  }
   160  //ByLastModified implements sorter for S3 data by last modified date
   161  type ByLastModified []*s3.Object
   163  func (a ByLastModified) Len() int           { return len(a) }
   164  func (a ByLastModified) Swap(i, j int)      { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
   165  func (a ByLastModified) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].LastModified.Before(*a[j].LastModified) }
   167  type billHeader struct {
   168  	InvoiceID              string
   169  	BillingEntity          string
   170  	BillType               string
   171  	PayerAccountID         string
   172  	BillingPeriodStartDate time.Time
   173  	BillingPeriodEndDate   time.Time
   174  	LineItems              []billLineItem
   175  }
   177  func (b billHeader) toTSDB(md *opentsdb.MultiDataPoint) {
   178  	productCodes := []string{}
   179  	denormalisedMetrics := map[denormalisedMetric]float32{}
   180  	for _, line := range b.LineItems {
   181  		tags := make(opentsdb.TagSet)
   182  		//Keep track of the unique product codes we've seen so we can
   183  		//send metadata for them later
   184  		if !stringInSlice(line.ProductCode, productCodes) {
   185  			productCodes = append(productCodes, line.ProductCode)
   186  		}
   188  		//Suppressing AccountID for now as we only have one account
   189  		//tags["accountid"] = line.UsageAccountID
   190  		tags["operation"] = line.Operation
   191  		metricCode := strings.ToLower(line.ProductCode)
   192  		metricCode = strings.Replace(metricCode, "amazon", "", 1)
   193  		//Usage Type is meaningless for R53, they're all 'DNS-Queries'
   194  		if line.ProductCode != "AmazonRoute53" {
   195  			tags["usagetype"] = line.UsageType
   196  		}
   197  		//Use the zone name if present for Route 53 data
   198  		if line.ProductCode == "AmazonRoute53" && line.Route53Zone != nil && *line.Route53Zone.Name != "" {
   199  			tags["resourceid"] = strings.ToLower(*line.Route53Zone.Name)
   200  		} else if line.ResourceID != "" {
   201  			//Replace slash and colons as hypens to make them easier to read
   202  			tags["resourceid"] = strings.ToLower(strings.Replace(strings.Replace(line.ResourceID, "/", "-", -1), ":", "-", -1))
   203  		}
   204  		tags.Clean() //Remove invalid characters
   205  		descCosts := fmt.Sprintf(awsDescCostsFmt, metricCode)
   206  		descUsage := fmt.Sprintf(awsDescUsageFmt, metricCode)
   207  		descUsageRes := fmt.Sprintf(awsDescUsageResFmt, metricCode)
   208  		descUsageOps := fmt.Sprintf(awsDescUsageOpsFmt, metricCode)
   209  		//Glacier bills by day, not by hour, for storage, so we need to fill in some fake datapoints
   210  		if line.ProductCode == "AmazonGlacier" && line.Operation == "Storage" {
   211  			//We need to create an entry for each hour, so loop from 00:00 to 23:00
   212  			for i := 0; i < 24; i++ {
   213  				thisTS := line.UsageEndDate.Add(time.Duration(-1*i) * time.Hour).Unix()
   214  				//Add the normal, tagged metrics straight away
   215  				AddTS(md, fmt.Sprintf("aws.billing.%v.cost", metricCode), thisTS, line.UnblendedCost/24, tags, metadata.Gauge, metadata.Count, descCosts) //Cost we want to split over the 24 hour period
   216  				AddTS(md, fmt.Sprintf("aws.billing.%v.usage", metricCode), thisTS, line.UsageAmount, tags, metadata.Gauge, metadata.Count, descUsage)     //But usage we can keep the same value for each hour
   217  				//For the denormalised metrics we need to keep track of them ourselves and add them later
   218  				denormalisedMetrics[denormalisedMetric{
   219  					Metric:   "aws.billing.cost_by_product",
   220  					Time:     thisTS,
   221  					Tag:      "product",
   222  					TagValue: metricCode,
   223  					Rate:     metadata.Gauge,
   224  					Unit:     metadata.Count,
   225  					Desc:     awsDescCostsByProduct,
   226  				}] += line.UnblendedCost / 24
   227  				denormalisedMetrics[denormalisedMetric{
   228  					Metric:   fmt.Sprintf("aws.billing.%v.usage_by_operation", metricCode),
   229  					Time:     thisTS,
   230  					Tag:      "operation",
   231  					TagValue: tags["operation"],
   232  					Rate:     metadata.Gauge,
   233  					Unit:     metadata.Count,
   234  					Desc:     descUsageOps,
   235  				}] += line.UsageAmount
   236  				//Only add data to by_resouce if we have a resource ID
   237  				if _, present := tags["resourceid"]; present {
   238  					denormalisedMetrics[denormalisedMetric{
   239  						Metric:   fmt.Sprintf("aws.billing.%v.usage_by_resource", metricCode),
   240  						Time:     thisTS,
   241  						Tag:      "resourceid",
   242  						TagValue: tags["resourceid"],
   243  						Rate:     metadata.Gauge,
   244  						Unit:     metadata.Count,
   245  						Desc:     descUsageRes,
   246  					}] += line.UsageAmount
   247  				}
   248  			}
   249  		} else {
   250  			//Add the normal, tagged metrics straight away
   251  			AddTS(md, fmt.Sprintf("aws.billing.%v.cost", metricCode), line.UsageEndDate.Unix(), line.UnblendedCost, tags, metadata.Gauge, metadata.Count, descCosts)
   252  			AddTS(md, fmt.Sprintf("aws.billing.%v.usage", metricCode), line.UsageEndDate.Unix(), line.UsageAmount, tags, metadata.Gauge, metadata.Count, descUsage)
   253  			//For the denormalised metrics we need to keep track of them ourselves and add them later
   254  			denormalisedMetrics[denormalisedMetric{
   255  				Metric:   "aws.billing.cost_by_product",
   256  				Time:     line.UsageEndDate.Unix(),
   257  				Tag:      "product",
   258  				TagValue: metricCode,
   259  				Rate:     metadata.Gauge,
   260  				Unit:     metadata.Count,
   261  				Desc:     awsDescCostsByProduct,
   262  			}] += line.UnblendedCost
   263  			denormalisedMetrics[denormalisedMetric{
   264  				Metric:   fmt.Sprintf("aws.billing.%v.usage_by_operation", metricCode),
   265  				Time:     line.UsageEndDate.Unix(),
   266  				Tag:      "operation",
   267  				TagValue: tags["operation"],
   268  				Rate:     metadata.Gauge,
   269  				Unit:     metadata.Count,
   270  				Desc:     descUsageOps,
   271  			}] += line.UsageAmount
   272  			//Only add data to by_resouce if we have a resource ID
   273  			if _, present := tags["resourceid"]; present {
   274  				denormalisedMetrics[denormalisedMetric{
   275  					Metric:   fmt.Sprintf("aws.billing.%v.usage_by_resource", metricCode),
   276  					Time:     line.UsageEndDate.Unix(),
   277  					Tag:      "resourceid",
   278  					TagValue: tags["resourceid"],
   279  					Rate:     metadata.Gauge,
   280  					Unit:     metadata.Count,
   281  					Desc:     descUsageRes,
   282  				}] += line.UsageAmount
   283  			}
   284  		}
   285  	}
   286  	//Add our denormalised metrics
   287  	for metric, value := range denormalisedMetrics {
   288  		AddTS(md, metric.Metric, metric.Time, value, opentsdb.TagSet{metric.Tag: metric.TagValue}, metric.Rate, metric.Unit, metric.Desc)
   289  	}
   290  }
   292  type denormalisedMetric struct {
   293  	Metric   string
   294  	Time     int64
   295  	Tag      string
   296  	TagValue string
   297  	Rate     metadata.RateType
   298  	Unit     metadata.Unit
   299  	Desc     string
   300  }
   302  type billLineItem struct {
   303  	IdentityLineItemID  string `csv:"identity/LineItemId"`
   304  	UsageAccountID      string `csv:"lineItem/UsageAccountId"`
   305  	LineItemType        string `csv:"lineItem/LineItemType"`
   306  	UsageStartDateRaw   string `csv:"lineItem/UsageStartDate"`
   307  	UsageEndDateRaw     string `csv:"lineItem/UsageEndDate"`
   308  	UsageStartDate      time.Time
   309  	UsageEndDate        time.Time
   310  	ProductCode         string  `csv:"lineItem/ProductCode"`
   311  	UsageType           string  `csv:"lineItem/UsageType"`
   312  	Operation           string  `csv:"lineItem/Operation"`
   313  	AvailabilityZone    string  `csv:"lineItem/AvailabilityZone"`
   314  	ResourceID          string  `csv:"lineItem/ResourceId"`
   315  	UsageAmount         float32 `csv:"lineItem/UsageAmount"`
   316  	CurrencyCode        string  `csv:"lineItem/CurrencyCode"`
   317  	UnblendedRate       float32 `csv:"lineItem/UnblendedRate"`
   318  	UnblendedCost       float32 `csv:"lineItem/UnblendedCost"`
   319  	BlendedRate         float32 `csv:"lineItem/BlendedRate"`
   320  	BlendedCost         float32 `csv:"lineItem/BlendedCost"`
   321  	LineItemDescription string  `csv:"lineItem/LineItemDescription"`
   322  	TaxType             string  `csv:"lineItem/TaxType"`
   323  	Route53Zone         *route53.HostedZone
   324  }
   326  //Using reflection over the billLineItem struct, construct a row based on the
   327  //data from the CSV
   328  func (b *billLineItem) parseFromBill(row []string, cols map[string]int, awsBilling *awsBillingConfig) {
   329  	val := reflect.ValueOf(b).Elem()      //Reflect the elements of the billLineItem struct
   330  	for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ { //Run through the number of fields on the struct
   331  		valueField := val.Field(i)                            //Get the reflect value for this item on the struct
   332  		typeField := val.Type().Field(i)                      //Get the type of this value
   333  		csvField := strings.ToUpper(typeField.Tag.Get("csv")) //Get the corresponding CSV tag from the type
   334  		if valueField.CanSet() {                              //If this is a settable value
   335  			switch valueField.Kind() { //We only deal with strings and float32's here, as the invoice is pretty simple
   336  			case reflect.String: //If we have a string
   337  				valueField.SetString(row[cols[csvField]]) //Set the string to the value from the column labelled by the CSV tag
   338  			case reflect.Float32: //If we have a float32
   339  				float, err := strconv.ParseFloat(row[cols[csvField]], 32) //Convert to a 32-bit float
   340  				if err == nil {
   341  					valueField.SetFloat(float) //Set the string to the value from the column labelled by the CSV tag
   342  				}
   343  			}
   344  		}
   345  	}
   346  	//Fill in the date/time fields from their raw counterparts
   347  	b.UsageStartDate, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, b.UsageStartDateRaw)
   348  	b.UsageEndDate, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, b.UsageEndDateRaw)
   349  	//Fetch the Route53 data for this row
   350  	b.fetchR53(awsBilling)
   351  }
   353  //If there is Route53 data for this row, then populate the Route 53 item
   354  func (b *billLineItem) fetchR53(awsBilling *awsBillingConfig) {
   355  	if b.ProductCode == "AmazonRoute53" && b.ResourceID != "" { //Don't do anything if we don't have any R53 info to get
   356  		//The billing ID has a huge resource ID, we only need the last part of it
   357  		zone := strings.Split(b.ResourceID, "/")
   358  		if len(zone) != 2 {
   359  			return
   360  		}
   361  		zoneID := zone[1]
   362  		cachedR53Zone, ok := awsBillingR53zones[zoneID] //Check if we have a copy of this zone in our local cache
   363  		if ok {                                         //If we have a copy of the zone, then use that
   364  			b.Route53Zone = cachedR53Zone.HostedZone
   365  			return
   366  		}
   367  		//Otherwise we need to fetch it from Route 53
   368  		thisR53, fetchErr := awsBilling.r53svc.GetHostedZone(&route53.GetHostedZoneInput{
   369  			Id: aws.String(zoneID),
   370  		})
   371  		if fetchErr != nil {
   372  			slog.Infoln("Cannot fetch Route53 hosted zone", b.ResourceID, fetchErr)
   373  		}
   374  		awsBillingR53zones[zoneID] = *thisR53 //Store the fetched zone in the cache
   375  		b.Route53Zone = thisR53.HostedZone    //And assign
   376  	}
   377  }
   379  type bucketContents struct {
   380  	origS3Item     *s3.Object
   381  	awsBillingItem *billingKeyStructure
   382  }
   384  //Download a GZipped item from S3 and return the non-gzipped version of the item
   385  func (billingObject *bucketContents) downloadGzippedItem(downloader *s3manager.Downloader, awsBilling *awsBillingConfig) (*[]byte, error) {
   386  	//Get a temporary file to dump this into
   387  	tempFile, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "scollector-aws-billing-")
   388  	if err != nil {
   389  		return nil, err
   390  	}
   391  	defer tempFile.Close()
   392  	if _, err = downloader.Download(tempFile,
   393  		&s3.GetObjectInput{
   394  			Bucket: aws.String(awsBilling.bucketName),
   395  			Key:    billingObject.origS3Item.Key,
   396  		}); err != nil {
   397  		return nil, err
   398  	}
   399  	unzippedFile, err := readGzFile(tempFile)
   400  	if err != nil {
   401  		return nil, err
   402  	}
   403  	tempFile.Close()
   404  	err = os.Remove(tempFile.Name())
   405  	if err != nil {
   406  		slog.Warningf("Could not remove temporary file: %v", tempFile.Name())
   407  	}
   408  	return &unzippedFile, err
   409  }
   411  //
   412  func readGzFile(fi *os.File) ([]byte, error) {
   413  	fz, err := gzip.NewReader(fi)
   414  	if err != nil {
   415  		return nil, err
   416  	}
   417  	defer fz.Close()
   419  	s, err := ioutil.ReadAll(fz)
   420  	if err != nil {
   421  		return nil, err
   422  	}
   423  	return s, nil
   424  }
   426  type billingKeyStructure struct {
   427  	reportName  string
   428  	reportStart time.Time
   429  	reportEnd   time.Time
   430  	reportID    string
   431  	fileName    string
   432  	filePath    string
   433  }
   435  //This takes the S3 key for the items (which is the file path) and uses that to populate
   436  //a billing key structure, which contains the dates, times, type of report, etc
   437  func (b *billingKeyStructure) parseFromObjectKey(key *string, awsBilling *awsBillingConfig) {
   438  	keyDir, keyFile := filepath.Split(*key)
   439  	if keyDir == "" || keyFile == "" {
   440  		return
   441  	}
   442  	dirParts := strings.Split(keyDir, "/")
   443  	if len(dirParts) < 4 || dirParts[0] != awsBilling.bucketPath {
   444  		return
   445  	}
   446  	dateParts := strings.Split(dirParts[2], "-")
   447  	b.reportName = dirParts[1]
   448  	b.reportStart, _ = time.Parse(awsBillingReportDateFormat, dateParts[0])
   449  	b.reportEnd, _ = time.Parse(awsBillingReportDateFormat, dateParts[1])
   450  	if len(dirParts) == 5 {
   451  		b.reportID = dirParts[3]
   452  	}
   453  	b.fileName = keyFile
   454  	b.filePath = *key
   455  }
   457  func stringInSlice(a string, list []string) bool {
   458  	for _, b := range list {
   459  		if b == a {
   460  			return true
   461  		}
   462  	}
   463  	return false
   464  }
   466  //Process the billing file and spit out a bill that contains the bill header and
   467  //line items
   468  func (awsBilling *awsBillingConfig) ReadBillingFile(contents *[]byte) *billHeader {
   469  	//Parse the bill's CSV format
   470  	r := csv.NewReader(strings.NewReader(string(*contents)))
   471  	records, err := r.ReadAll()
   472  	if err != nil {
   473  		slog.Error(err)
   474  	}
   475  	//This is going to contain our mapping of fields to columns. First line of the
   476  	//CSV is the field names. If they change in the future (added/deleted/re-org'd)
   477  	//then we don't need to screw around with static mappings
   478  	cols := make(map[string]int)
   479  	//Get the columns from the first row, which are the field names, and throw
   480  	//them into our struct with their correct position.
   481  	for colNo, headerVal := range records[0] {
   482  		cols[strings.ToUpper(headerVal)] = colNo
   483  	}
   484  	//Somewhere to store our bill as we parse it
   485  	var thisBill billHeader
   486  	//Work through the invoice rows from 1 till the end
   487  	for rowNo, row := range records[1:] {
   488  		if rowNo == 1 { //This general invoice stuff is the same on every row, so we only need to parse it once
   489  			thisBill.InvoiceID = val(row, cols, "bill/InvoiceId")
   490  			thisBill.BillingEntity = val(row, cols, "bill/BillingEntity")
   491  			thisBill.BillType = val(row, cols, "bill/BillType")
   492  			thisBill.PayerAccountID = val(row, cols, "bill/PayerAccountId")
   493  			thisBill.BillingPeriodStartDate, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, val(row, cols, "bill/BillingPeriodStartDate"))
   494  			thisBill.BillingPeriodEndDate, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, val(row, cols, "bill/BillingPeriodEndDate"))
   495  		}
   496  		//Only process lines that have a product code we care about
   497  		if awsBilling.prodCodesReg.MatchString(val(row, cols, "lineItem/ProductCode")) {
   498  			//Parse the contents of the row
   499  			thisBillLine := &billLineItem{}                                //Somewhere to store our row
   500  			thisBillLine.parseFromBill(row, cols, awsBilling)              //Parse it
   501  			thisBill.LineItems = append(thisBill.LineItems, *thisBillLine) //Add it to the bill
   502  		}
   503  	}
   504  	return &thisBill
   505  }
   507  //Return the a given column's value from a row, given a field
   508  func val(row []string, cols map[string]int, field string) string {
   509  	col := cols[strings.ToUpper(field)]
   510  	if len(row)-1 < col {
   511  		return ""
   512  	}
   513  	return row[col]
   514  }