
     1  package collectors
     3  import (
     4  	"encoding/csv"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"net/http"
     7  	"strconv"
     8  	"strings"
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  )
    15  func init() {
    16  	registerInit(func(c *conf.Conf) {
    17  		for _, h := range c.HAProxy {
    18  			for _, i := range h.Instances {
    19  				ii := i
    20  				collectors = append(collectors, &IntervalCollector{
    21  					F: func() (opentsdb.MultiDataPoint, error) {
    22  						if ii.User != "" {
    23  							return haproxyFetch(ii.User, ii.Password, ii.Tier, ii.URL)
    24  						} else {
    25  							return haproxyFetch(h.User, h.Password, ii.Tier, ii.URL)
    26  						}
    27  					},
    28  					name: fmt.Sprintf("haproxy-%s-%s", ii.Tier, ii.URL),
    29  				})
    30  			}
    31  		}
    32  	})
    33  }
    35  func haproxyFetch(user, pwd, tier, url string) (opentsdb.MultiDataPoint, error) {
    36  	var md opentsdb.MultiDataPoint
    37  	var err error
    38  	const metric = "haproxy"
    39  	parse := func(v string) (int64, error) {
    40  		var i int64
    41  		if v != "" {
    42  			i, err = strconv.ParseInt(v, 10, 64)
    43  			if err != nil {
    44  				return 0, err
    45  			}
    46  			return i, nil
    47  		}
    48  		return i, nil
    49  	}
    51  	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
    52  	if err != nil {
    53  		return nil, err
    54  	}
    55  	// Close connection after request. Default cached connections will get
    56  	// failures in the event of server closing idle connections.
    57  	// See
    58  	req.Close = true
    59  	req.SetBasicAuth(user, pwd)
    60  	resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
    61  	if err != nil {
    62  		return nil, err
    63  	}
    64  	defer resp.Body.Close()
    65  	reader := csv.NewReader(resp.Body)
    66  	records, err := reader.ReadAll()
    67  	if err != nil {
    68  		return nil, err
    69  	}
    70  	if len(records) < 2 {
    71  		return nil, nil
    72  	}
    73  	// can't rely on number of colums with new (>=1.7) haproxy versions, lets check if there any data
    74  	if len(records[1]) < 16 {
    75  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected more columns with data. got: %v", len(records[1]))
    76  	}
    78  	for _, rec := range records[1:] {
    79  		hType := haproxyType[rec[32]]
    80  		pxname := rec[0]
    81  		svname := rec[1]
    82  		ts := opentsdb.TagSet{"pxname": pxname, "svname": svname, "tier": tier}
    83  		for i, field := range haproxyCSVMeta {
    84  			if i >= len(rec) {
    85  				break
    86  			}
    87  			m := strings.Join([]string{metric, hType, field.Name}, ".")
    88  			value := rec[i]
    89  			if field.Ignore == true {
    90  				continue
    91  			} else if strings.HasPrefix(field.Name, "hrsp") {
    92  				sp := strings.Split(field.Name, "_")
    93  				if len(sp) != 2 {
    94  					return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected field name %v in hrsp", field.Name)
    95  				}
    96  				ts := ts.Copy().Merge(opentsdb.TagSet{"status_code": sp[1]})
    97  				m = strings.Join([]string{metric, hType, sp[0]}, ".")
    98  				v, err := parse(value)
    99  				if err != nil {
   100  					return nil, err
   101  				}
   102  				Add(&md, m, v, ts, metadata.Counter, metadata.Response,
   103  					fmt.Sprintf("The number of http responses with a %v status code.", sp[1]))
   104  			} else if field.Name == "status" {
   105  				v, ok := haproxyStatus[value]
   106  				// Not distinging between MAINT and MAINT via...
   107  				if !ok {
   108  					v = 3
   109  				}
   110  				Add(&md, m, v, ts, field.RateType, field.Unit, field.Desc)
   111  			} else if field.Name == "check_status" {
   112  				if value == "" {
   113  					continue
   114  				}
   115  				v, ok := haproxyCheckStatus[value]
   116  				if !ok {
   117  					return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown check status %v", value)
   118  				}
   119  				Add(&md, m, v, ts, field.RateType, field.Unit, field.Desc)
   120  			} else {
   121  				v, err := parse(value)
   122  				if err != nil {
   123  					return nil, err
   124  				}
   125  				Add(&md, m, v, ts, field.RateType, field.Unit, field.Desc)
   126  			}
   127  		}
   128  	}
   129  	return md, nil
   130  }
   132  // MetricMetaHAProxy is a super-structure which adds a friendly Name,
   133  // as well as an indicator on if a metric is to be ignored.
   134  type MetricMetaHAProxy struct {
   135  	Name   string
   136  	Ignore bool
   137  	MetricMeta
   138  }
   140  var haproxyType = map[string]string{
   141  	"0": "frontend",
   142  	"1": "backend",
   143  	"2": "server",
   144  	"3": "listen",
   145  }
   147  var haproxyCheckStatus = map[string]int{
   148  	"UNK":     0,
   149  	"INI":     1,
   150  	"SOCKERR": 2,
   151  	"L4OK":    3,
   152  	"L4TOUT":  4,
   153  	"L4CON":   5,
   154  	"L6OK":    6,
   155  	"L6TOUT":  7,
   156  	"L6RSP":   8,
   157  	"L7OK":    9,
   158  	"L7OKC":   10,
   159  	"L7TOUT":  11,
   160  	"L7RSP":   12,
   161  	"L7STS":   13,
   162  }
   164  var haproxyStatus = map[string]int{
   165  	"UP":    0,
   166  	"DOWN":  1,
   167  	"NOLB":  2,
   168  	"MAINT": 3,
   169  }
   171  // A slice of fields which are presented by haproxy's CSV data.
   172  // See "CSV format" in
   173  var haproxyCSVMeta = []MetricMetaHAProxy{
   174  	{
   175  		Name:   "pxname",
   176  		Ignore: true,
   177  	},
   178  	{
   179  		Name:   "svname",
   180  		Ignore: true,
   181  	},
   182  	{
   183  		Name: "qcur",
   184  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   185  			Unit: metadata.Request,
   186  			Desc: "The current queued requests. For the backend this reports the number queued without a server assigned.",
   187  		}},
   188  	{
   189  		Name: "qmax",
   190  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   191  			Unit: metadata.Request,
   192  			Desc: "The max value of qcur.",
   193  		}},
   194  	{
   195  		Name: "scur",
   196  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   197  			Unit: metadata.Session,
   198  			Desc: "The current number of sessions.",
   199  		}},
   200  	{
   201  		Name: "smax",
   202  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   203  			Unit: metadata.Session,
   204  			Desc: "The maximum number of concurrent sessions seen.",
   205  		}},
   206  	{
   207  		Name: "slim",
   208  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   209  			Unit: metadata.Session,
   210  			Desc: "The configured session limit.",
   211  		}},
   212  	{
   213  		Name: "stot",
   214  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   215  			Unit: metadata.Session,
   216  			Desc: "The total number of sessions.",
   217  		}},
   218  	{
   219  		Name: "bin",
   220  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   221  			Unit: metadata.Bytes,
   222  			Desc: "The number of bytes in.",
   223  		}},
   224  	{
   225  		Name: "bout",
   226  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   227  			Unit: metadata.Bytes,
   228  			Desc: "The number of bytes out.",
   229  		}},
   230  	{
   231  		Name: "dreq",
   232  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   233  			Unit: metadata.Request,
   234  			Desc: "The number of requests denied because of security concerns. For tcp this is because of a matched tcp-request content rule. For http this is because of a matched http-request or tarpit rule.",
   235  		}},
   236  	{
   237  		Name: "dresp",
   238  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   239  			Unit: metadata.Response,
   240  			Desc: "The number of responses denied because of security concerns. For http this is because of a matched http-request rule, or 'option checkcache'.",
   241  		}},
   242  	{
   243  		Name: "ereq",
   244  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   245  			Unit: metadata.Request,
   246  			Desc: "The number of request errors. Some of the possible causes are: Early termination from the client before the request has been sent, a read error from the client, a client timeout, a client closed connection, various bad requests from the client or the request was tarpitted.",
   247  		}},
   248  	{
   249  		Name: "econ",
   250  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   251  			Unit: metadata.Request,
   252  			Desc: "The number of number of requests that encountered an error trying to connect to a backend server. The backend stat is the sum of the stat for all servers of that backend, plus any connection errors not associated with a particular server (such as the backend having no active servers).",
   253  		}},
   254  	{
   255  		Name: "eresp",
   256  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   257  			Unit: metadata.Response,
   258  			Desc: " The number of response errors. srv_abrt will be counted here also. Some errors are: write error on the client socket (won't be counted for the server stat) and failure applying filters to the response.",
   259  		}},
   260  	{
   261  		Name: "wretr",
   262  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   263  			Unit: metadata.Retry,
   264  			Desc: "The number of times a connection to a server was retried.",
   265  		}},
   266  	{
   267  		Name: "wredis",
   268  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   269  			Unit: metadata.Redispatch,
   270  			Desc: "number of times a request was redispatched to another server. The server value counts the number of times that server was switched away from.",
   271  		}},
   272  	{
   273  		Name: "status",
   274  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   275  			Unit: metadata.Weight,
   276  			Desc: "The current status: 0->UP, 1->Down, 2->NOLB, 3->Maintenance.",
   277  		}},
   278  	{
   279  		Name: "weight",
   280  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   281  			Unit: metadata.Weight,
   282  			Desc: "The server weight (server), total weight (backend).",
   283  		}},
   284  	{
   285  		Name: "act",
   286  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   287  			Unit: metadata.Server,
   288  			Desc: "If the server is active in the case of servers, or number of active servers in the case of a backend.",
   289  		}},
   290  	{
   291  		Name: "bck",
   292  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   293  			Unit: metadata.Server,
   294  			Desc: "If the server is a backup in the case of servers, or number of backup servers in the case of a backend.",
   295  		}},
   296  	{
   297  		Name: "chkfail",
   298  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   299  			Unit: metadata.Check,
   300  			Desc: "The number of failed checks. (Only counts checks failed when the server is up.)",
   301  		}},
   302  	{
   303  		Name: "chkdown",
   304  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   305  			Unit: metadata.Transition,
   306  			Desc: "The number of UP->DOWN transitions. The backend counter counts transitions to the whole backend being down, rather than the sum of the counters for each server.",
   307  		}},
   308  	{
   309  		Name: "lastchg",
   310  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   311  			Unit: metadata.Second,
   312  			Desc: "The number of seconds since the last UP<->DOWN transition.",
   313  		}},
   314  	{
   315  		Name: "downtime",
   316  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   317  			Unit: metadata.Second,
   318  			Desc: "The total downtime in seconds. The value for the backend is the downtime for the whole backend, not the sum of the server downtime.",
   319  		}},
   320  	{
   321  		Name: "qlimit",
   322  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   323  			//Don't know the unit
   324  			Desc: "The configured maxqueue for the server, or nothing in the value is 0 (default, meaning no limit)",
   325  		}},
   326  	{
   327  		Name:   "pid",
   328  		Ignore: true,
   329  		// Not a series or tag so skipping this.
   330  	},
   331  	{
   332  		Name:   "iid",
   333  		Ignore: true,
   334  		// Not a series or tag so skipping this.
   335  	},
   336  	{
   337  		Name:   "sid",
   338  		Ignore: true,
   339  		// Not a series or tag so skipping this.
   340  	},
   341  	{
   342  		Name: "throttle",
   343  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   344  			Unit: metadata.Pct,
   345  			Desc: "The current throttle percentage for the server, when slowstart is active, or no value if not in slowstart.",
   346  		}},
   347  	{
   348  		Name: "lbtot",
   349  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   350  			//Don't know the unit
   351  			Desc: "The total number of times a server was selected, either for new sessions, or when re-dispatching. The server counter is the number of times that server was selected.",
   352  		}},
   353  	{
   354  		Name:   "tracked",
   355  		Ignore: true,
   356  		// This could be a tag, but I am have no use for it.
   357  	},
   358  	{
   359  		Name:   "type",
   360  		Ignore: true,
   361  		// This could be a tag, but I am have no use for it.
   362  	},
   363  	{
   364  		Name:   "rate",
   365  		Ignore: true,
   366  		// This could be a tag, but I am have no use for it.
   367  	},
   368  	{
   369  		Name: "rate_lim",
   370  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   371  			Unit: metadata.Session,
   372  			Desc: "The configured limit on new sessions per second.",
   373  		}},
   374  	{
   375  		Name: "rate_max",
   376  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   377  			Unit: metadata.Session,
   378  			Desc: "The max number of new sessions per second.",
   379  		}},
   380  	{
   381  		Name: "check_status",
   382  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   383  			Unit: metadata.StatusCode,
   384  			Desc: "The status of last health check, one of: 0 -> unknown, 1 -> initializing, 2 -> socket error, 3 -> The check passed on layer 4, but no upper layers testing enabled, 4 -> layer 1-4 timeout, 5 -> layer 1-4 connection problem for example 'Connection refused' (tcp rst) or 'No route to host' (icmp), 6 -> check passed on layer 6, 7 -> layer 6 (SSL) timeout, 8 -> layer 6 invalid response - protocol error, 9 -> check passed on layer 7, 10 -> check conditionally passed on layer 7 for example 404 with disable-on-404, 11 -> layer 7 (HTTP/SMTP) timeout, 12 -> layer 7 invalid response - protocol error, 13 -> layer 7 response error, for example HTTP 5xx.",
   385  		}},
   386  	{
   387  		Name: "check_code",
   388  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   389  			Unit: metadata.StatusCode,
   390  			Desc: "The layer5-7 code, if available.",
   391  		}},
   392  	{
   393  		Name: "check_duration",
   394  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   395  			Unit: metadata.MilliSecond,
   396  			Desc: "The time in ms it took to finish last health check.",
   397  		}},
   398  	{
   399  		Name: "hrsp_1xx",
   400  		//These are transformed and aggregated: 1xx, 2xx, etc will be a tag.
   401  	},
   402  	{
   403  		Name: "hrsp_2xx",
   404  	},
   405  	{
   406  		Name: "hrsp_3xx",
   407  	},
   408  	{
   409  		Name: "hrsp_4xx",
   410  	},
   411  	{
   412  		Name: "hrsp_5xx",
   413  	},
   414  	{
   415  		Name: "hrsp_other",
   416  	},
   417  	{
   418  		Name: "hanafail",
   419  		// The docs just say "failed health check details", so skipping this
   420  		// for now
   421  	},
   422  	{
   423  		Name: "req_rate",
   424  		// Not needed since data store can derive the rate from req_tot
   425  	},
   426  	{
   427  		Name: "req_rate_max",
   428  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   429  			Unit: metadata.Request,
   430  			Desc: "The max number of HTTP requests per second observed.",
   431  		}},
   432  	{
   433  		Name: "req_tot",
   434  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   435  			Unit: metadata.Request,
   436  			Desc: "The number of HTTP requests received.",
   437  		}},
   438  	{
   439  		Name: "cli_abrt",
   440  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   441  			Unit: metadata.Abort,
   442  			Desc: "The number of data transfers aborted by the client.",
   443  		}},
   444  	{
   445  		Name: "srv_abrt",
   446  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   447  			Unit: metadata.Abort,
   448  			Desc: "The number of data transfers aborted by the server.",
   449  		}},
   450  	{
   451  		Name: "comp_in",
   452  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   453  			Unit: metadata.Bytes,
   454  			Desc: "The number of HTTP response bytes fed to the compressor.",
   455  		}},
   456  	{
   457  		Name: "comp_out",
   458  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   459  			Unit: metadata.Bytes,
   460  			Desc: "The number of HTTP response bytes emitted by the compressor.",
   461  		}},
   462  	{
   463  		Name: "comp_byp",
   464  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   465  			Unit: metadata.Bytes,
   466  			Desc: "The number of bytes that bypassed the HTTP compressor (CPU/BW limit).",
   467  		}},
   468  	{
   469  		Name: "comp_rsp",
   470  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Counter,
   471  			Unit: metadata.Response,
   472  			Desc: "The number of HTTP responses that were compressed.",
   473  		}},
   474  	{
   475  		Name: "lastsess",
   476  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   477  			Unit: metadata.Second,
   478  			Desc: "The number of seconds since last session assigned to server/backend.",
   479  		}},
   480  	{
   481  		Name:   "last_chk",
   482  		Ignore: true,
   483  		// Not a series or tag so skipping this.
   484  	},
   485  	{
   486  		Name:   "last_agt",
   487  		Ignore: true,
   488  		// Not a series or tag so skipping this.
   489  	},
   490  	{
   491  		Name: "qtime",
   492  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   493  			Unit: metadata.MilliSecond,
   494  			Desc: "The average queue time in ms over the 1024 last requests.",
   495  		}},
   496  	{
   497  		Name: "ctime",
   498  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   499  			Unit: metadata.MilliSecond,
   500  			Desc: "The average connect time in ms over the 1024 last requests.",
   501  		}},
   502  	{
   503  		Name: "rtime",
   504  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   505  			Unit: metadata.MilliSecond,
   506  			Desc: "The average response time in ms over the 1024 last requests (0 for TCP).",
   507  		}},
   508  	{
   509  		Name: "ttime",
   510  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   511  			Unit: metadata.MilliSecond,
   512  			Desc: "The average total session time in ms over the 1024 last requests.",
   513  		}},
   514  	{
   515  		Name:   "agent_status",
   516  		Ignore: true,
   517  		// Not a series or tag so skipping this.
   518  	},
   519  	{
   520  		Name:   "agent_code",
   521  		Ignore: true,
   522  		// Unused
   523  	},
   524  	{
   525  		Name: "agent_duration",
   526  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   527  			Unit: metadata.MilliSecond,
   528  			Desc: "Time in ms taken to finish last check",
   529  		}},
   530  	{
   531  		Name:   "check_desc",
   532  		Ignore: true,
   533  		// Can't parse
   534  	},
   535  	{
   536  		Name:   "agent_desc",
   537  		Ignore: true,
   538  		// Can't parse
   539  	},
   540  	{
   541  		Name: "check_rise",
   542  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   543  			Unit: metadata.StatusCode,
   544  			Desc: "Server's 'rise' parameter used by checks",
   545  		}},
   546  	{
   547  		Name: "check_fall",
   548  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   549  			Unit: metadata.StatusCode,
   550  			Desc: "Server's 'fall' parameter used by checks",
   551  		}},
   552  	{
   553  		Name: "check_health",
   554  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   555  			Unit: metadata.StatusCode,
   556  			Desc: "Server's health check value",
   557  		}},
   558  	{
   559  		Name: "agent_rise",
   560  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   561  			Unit: metadata.StatusCode,
   562  			Desc: "Agents's 'rise' parameter",
   563  		}},
   564  	{
   565  		Name: "agent_fall",
   566  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   567  			Unit: metadata.StatusCode,
   568  			Desc: "Agents's 'fall' parameter",
   569  		}},
   570  	{
   571  		Name: "agent_health",
   572  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   573  			Unit: metadata.StatusCode,
   574  			Desc: "Agents's 'health' parameter",
   575  		}},
   576  	{
   577  		Name:   "addr",
   578  		Ignore: true,
   579  		// Can't parse
   580  	},
   581  	{
   582  		Name:   "cookie",
   583  		Ignore: true,
   584  		// Can't parse
   585  	},
   586  	{
   587  		Name:   "mode",
   588  		Ignore: true,
   589  		// Can't parse
   590  	},
   591  	{
   592  		Name:   "algo",
   593  		Ignore: true,
   594  		// Can't parse
   595  	},
   596  	{
   597  		Name: "conn_rate",
   598  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   599  			Unit: metadata.Request,
   600  			Desc: "Number of connections over the last elapsed second",
   601  		}},
   602  	{
   603  		Name: "conn_rate_max",
   604  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   605  			Unit: metadata.Request,
   606  			Desc: "Highest known conn_rate",
   607  		}},
   608  	{
   609  		Name: "conn_tot",
   610  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   611  			Unit: metadata.Request,
   612  			Desc: "Cumulative number of connections",
   613  		}},
   614  	{
   615  		Name: "intercepted",
   616  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   617  			Unit: metadata.Request,
   618  			Desc: "Cumulative number of intercepted requests (monitor, stats)",
   619  		}},
   620  	{
   621  		Name: "dcon",
   622  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   623  			Unit: metadata.Request,
   624  			Desc: "Requests denied by 'tcp-request connection' rules",
   625  		}},
   626  	{
   627  		Name: "dses",
   628  		MetricMeta: MetricMeta{RateType: metadata.Gauge,
   629  			Unit: metadata.Request,
   630  			Desc: "Requests denied by 'tcp-request session' rules",
   631  		}},
   632  }