
     1  package collectors
     3  import (
     4  	""
     5  	""
     6  )
     8  func init() {
     9  	c := &IntervalCollector{
    10  		F: c_iis_webservice,
    11  	}
    12  	c.init = wmiInit(c, func() interface{} { return &[]Win32_PerfRawData_W3SVC_WebService{} }, `WHERE Name <> '_Total'`, &iisQuery)
    13  	collectors = append(collectors, c)
    15  	c = &IntervalCollector{
    16  		F: c_iis_apppool,
    17  	}
    18  	c.init = wmiInit(c, func() interface{} { return &[]Win32_PerfRawData_APPPOOLCountersProvider_APPPOOLWAS{} }, `WHERE Name <> '_Total'`, &iisQueryAppPool)
    19  	collectors = append(collectors, c)
    20  }
    22  var (
    23  	iisQuery        string
    24  	iisQueryAppPool string
    25  )
    27  func c_iis_webservice() (opentsdb.MultiDataPoint, error) {
    28  	var dst []Win32_PerfRawData_W3SVC_WebService
    29  	err := queryWmi(iisQuery, &dst)
    30  	if err != nil {
    31  		return nil, err
    32  	}
    33  	var md opentsdb.MultiDataPoint
    34  	for _, v := range dst {
    35  		Add(&md, "iis.bytes", v.BytesReceivedPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "direction": "received"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.BytesPerSecond, descIISBytesReceivedPersec)
    36  		Add(&md, "iis.bytes", v.BytesSentPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "direction": "sent"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.BytesPerSecond, descIISBytesSentPersec)
    37  		Add(&md, "iis.requests", v.CGIRequestsPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "method": "cgi"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descIISCGIRequestsPersec)
    38  		Add(&md, "iis.connection_attempts", v.ConnectionAttemptsPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name}, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descIISConnectionAttemptsPersec)
    39  		Add(&md, "iis.requests", v.CopyRequestsPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "method": "copy"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descIISCopyRequestsPersec)
    40  		Add(&md, "iis.connections", v.CurrentConnections, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name}, metadata.Gauge, metadata.Count, descIISCurrentConnections)
    41  		Add(&md, "iis.requests", v.DeleteRequestsPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "method": "delete"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descIISDeleteRequestsPersec)
    42  		Add(&md, "iis.requests", v.GetRequestsPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "method": "get"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descIISGetRequestsPersec)
    43  		Add(&md, "iis.requests", v.HeadRequestsPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "method": "head"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descIISHeadRequestsPersec)
    44  		Add(&md, "iis.requests", v.ISAPIExtensionRequestsPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "method": "isapi"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descIISISAPIExtensionRequestsPersec)
    45  		Add(&md, "iis.errors", v.LockedErrorsPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "type": "locked"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descIISLockedErrorsPersec)
    46  		Add(&md, "iis.requests", v.LockRequestsPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "method": "lock"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descIISLockRequestsPersec)
    47  		Add(&md, "iis.requests", v.MkcolRequestsPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "method": "mkcol"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descIISMkcolRequestsPersec)
    48  		Add(&md, "iis.requests", v.MoveRequestsPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "method": "move"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descIISMoveRequestsPersec)
    49  		Add(&md, "iis.errors", v.NotFoundErrorsPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "type": "notfound"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descIISNotFoundErrorsPersec)
    50  		Add(&md, "iis.requests", v.OptionsRequestsPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "method": "options"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descIISOptionsRequestsPersec)
    51  		Add(&md, "iis.requests", v.PostRequestsPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "method": "post"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descIISPostRequestsPersec)
    52  		Add(&md, "iis.requests", v.PropfindRequestsPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "method": "propfind"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descIISPropfindRequestsPersec)
    53  		Add(&md, "iis.requests", v.ProppatchRequestsPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "method": "proppatch"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descIISProppatchRequestsPersec)
    54  		Add(&md, "iis.requests", v.PutRequestsPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "method": "put"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descIISPutRequestsPersec)
    55  		Add(&md, "iis.requests", v.SearchRequestsPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "method": "search"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descIISSearchRequestsPersec)
    56  		Add(&md, "iis.requests", v.TraceRequestsPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "method": "trace"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descIISTraceRequestsPersec)
    57  		Add(&md, "iis.requests", v.UnlockRequestsPersec, opentsdb.TagSet{"site": v.Name, "method": "unlock"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.PerSecond, descIISUnlockRequestsPersec)
    58  	}
    59  	return md, nil
    60  }
    62  const (
    63  	descIISBytesReceivedPersec          = "The rate that data bytes are received by the Web service."
    64  	descIISBytesSentPersec              = "The rate data bytes are being sent by the Web service."
    65  	descIISCGIRequestsPersec            = "The rate CGI requests are received by the Web service."
    66  	descIISConnectionAttemptsPersec     = "The rate that connections to the Web service are being attempted."
    67  	descIISCopyRequestsPersec           = "The rate HTTP requests using the COPY method are made.  Copy requests are used for copying files and directories."
    68  	descIISCurrentConnections           = "The current number of connections established with the Web service."
    69  	descIISDeleteRequestsPersec         = "The rate HTTP requests using the DELETE method are made.  Delete requests are generally used for file removals."
    70  	descIISGetRequestsPersec            = "The rate HTTP requests using the GET method are made.  Get requests are the most common HTTP request."
    71  	descIISHeadRequestsPersec           = "The rate HTTP requests using the HEAD method are made.  Head requests generally indicate a client is querying the state of a document they already have to see if it needs to be refreshed."
    72  	descIISISAPIExtensionRequestsPersec = "The rate that ISAPI Extension requests are received by the Web service."
    73  	descIISLockedErrorsPersec           = "The rate of errors due to requests that couldn't be satisfied by the server because the requested document was locked.  These are generally reported as an HTTP 423 error code to the client."
    74  	descIISLockRequestsPersec           = "The rate HTTP requests using the LOCK method are made.  Lock requests are used to lock a file for one user so that only that user can modify the file."
    75  	descIISMkcolRequestsPersec          = "The rate HTTP requests using the MKCOL method are made.  Mkcol requests are used to create directories on the server."
    76  	descIISMoveRequestsPersec           = "The rate HTTP requests using the MOVE method are made.  Move requests are used for moving files and directories."
    77  	descIISNotFoundErrorsPersec         = "The rate of errors due to requests that couldn't be satisfied by the server because the requested document could not be found.  These are generally reported as an HTTP 404 error code to the client."
    78  	descIISOptionsRequestsPersec        = "The rate HTTP requests using the OPTIONS method are made."
    79  	descIISPostRequestsPersec           = "The rate HTTP requests using the POST method are made."
    80  	descIISPropfindRequestsPersec       = "The rate HTTP requests using the PROPFIND method are made.  Propfind requests retrieve property values on files and directories."
    81  	descIISProppatchRequestsPersec      = "The rate HTTP requests using the PROPPATCH method are made.  Proppatch requests set property values on files and directories."
    82  	descIISPutRequestsPersec            = "The rate HTTP requests using the PUT method are made."
    83  	descIISSearchRequestsPersec         = "The rate HTTP requests using the SEARCH method are made.  Search requests are used to query the server to find resources that match a set of conditions provided by the client."
    84  	descIISTraceRequestsPersec          = "The rate HTTP requests using the TRACE method are made.  Trace requests allow the client to see what is being received at the end of the request chain and use the information for diagnostic purposes."
    85  	descIISUnlockRequestsPersec         = "The rate HTTP requests using the UNLOCK method are made.  Unlock requests are used to remove locks from files."
    86  )
    88  type Win32_PerfRawData_W3SVC_WebService struct {
    89  	BytesReceivedPersec          uint64
    90  	BytesSentPersec              uint64
    91  	CGIRequestsPersec            uint32
    92  	ConnectionAttemptsPersec     uint32
    93  	CopyRequestsPersec           uint32
    94  	CurrentConnections           uint32
    95  	DeleteRequestsPersec         uint32
    96  	GetRequestsPersec            uint32
    97  	HeadRequestsPersec           uint32
    98  	ISAPIExtensionRequestsPersec uint32
    99  	LockRequestsPersec           uint32
   100  	LockedErrorsPersec           uint32
   101  	MkcolRequestsPersec          uint32
   102  	MoveRequestsPersec           uint32
   103  	Name                         string
   104  	NotFoundErrorsPersec         uint32
   105  	OptionsRequestsPersec        uint32
   106  	PostRequestsPersec           uint32
   107  	PropfindRequestsPersec       uint32
   108  	ProppatchRequestsPersec      uint32
   109  	PutRequestsPersec            uint32
   110  	SearchRequestsPersec         uint32
   111  	TraceRequestsPersec          uint32
   112  	UnlockRequestsPersec         uint32
   113  }
   115  func c_iis_apppool() (opentsdb.MultiDataPoint, error) {
   116  	var dst []Win32_PerfRawData_APPPOOLCountersProvider_APPPOOLWAS
   117  	err := queryWmi(iisQueryAppPool, &dst)
   118  	if err != nil {
   119  		return nil, err
   120  	}
   121  	var md opentsdb.MultiDataPoint
   122  	for _, v := range dst {
   123  		tags := opentsdb.TagSet{"name": v.Name}
   124  		if v.Frequency_Object != 0 {
   125  			uptime := (v.Timestamp_Object - v.CurrentApplicationPoolUptime) / v.Frequency_Object
   126  			failtime := (v.Timestamp_Object - v.TimeSinceLastWorkerProcessFailure) / v.Frequency_Object
   127  			Add(&md, "iis.apppool.uptime", uptime, tags, metadata.Gauge, metadata.Second, descIISAppPoolCurrentApplicationPoolUptime)
   128  			Add(&md, "iis.apppool.time_since_failure", failtime, tags, metadata.Gauge, metadata.Second, descIISAppPoolTimeSinceLastWorkerProcessFailure)
   129  		}
   130  		Add(&md, "iis.apppool.state", v.CurrentApplicationPoolState, tags, metadata.Gauge, metadata.StatusCode, descIISAppPoolCurrentApplicationPoolState)
   131  		Add(&md, "iis.apppool.processes", v.CurrentWorkerProcesses, opentsdb.TagSet{"name": v.Name, "type": "current"}, metadata.Gauge, metadata.Count, descIISAppPoolCurrentWorkerProcesses)
   132  		Add(&md, "iis.apppool.processes", v.MaximumWorkerProcesses, opentsdb.TagSet{"name": v.Name, "type": "maximum"}, metadata.Gauge, metadata.Count, descIISAppPoolMaximumWorkerProcesses)
   133  		Add(&md, "iis.apppool.processes", v.RecentWorkerProcessFailures, opentsdb.TagSet{"name": v.Name, "type": "failed"}, metadata.Gauge, metadata.Count, descIISAppPoolRecentWorkerProcessFailures)
   134  		Add(&md, "", v.TotalApplicationPoolRecycles, opentsdb.TagSet{"name": v.Name, "type": "recycled"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.Event, descIISAppPoolTotalApplicationPoolRecycles)
   135  		Add(&md, "", v.TotalWorkerProcessesCreated, opentsdb.TagSet{"name": v.Name, "type": "created"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.Event, descIISAppPoolTotalWorkerProcessesCreated)
   136  		Add(&md, "", v.TotalWorkerProcessFailures, opentsdb.TagSet{"name": v.Name, "type": "failed_crash"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.Event, descIISAppPoolTotalWorkerProcessFailures)
   137  		Add(&md, "", v.TotalWorkerProcessPingFailures, opentsdb.TagSet{"name": v.Name, "type": "failed_ping"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.Event, descIISAppPoolTotalWorkerProcessPingFailures)
   138  		Add(&md, "", v.TotalWorkerProcessShutdownFailures, opentsdb.TagSet{"name": v.Name, "type": "failed_shutdown"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.Event, descIISAppPoolTotalWorkerProcessShutdownFailures)
   139  		Add(&md, "", v.TotalWorkerProcessStartupFailures, opentsdb.TagSet{"name": v.Name, "type": "failed_startup"}, metadata.Counter, metadata.Event, descIISAppPoolTotalWorkerProcessStartupFailures)
   140  	}
   141  	return md, nil
   142  }
   144  const (
   145  	descIISAppPoolCurrentApplicationPoolState        = "The current status of the application pool (1 - Uninitialized, 2 - Initialized, 3 - Running, 4 - Disabling, 5 - Disabled, 6 - Shutdown Pending, 7 - Delete Pending)."
   146  	descIISAppPoolCurrentApplicationPoolUptime       = "The length of time, in seconds, that the application pool has been running since it was started."
   147  	descIISAppPoolCurrentWorkerProcesses             = "The current number of worker processes that are running in the application pool."
   148  	descIISAppPoolMaximumWorkerProcesses             = "The maximum number of worker processes that have been created for the application pool since Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) started."
   149  	descIISAppPoolRecentWorkerProcessFailures        = "The number of times that worker processes for the application pool failed during the rapid-fail protection interval."
   150  	descIISAppPoolTimeSinceLastWorkerProcessFailure  = "The length of time, in seconds, since the last worker process failure occurred for the application pool."
   151  	descIISAppPoolTotalApplicationPoolRecycles       = "The number of times that the application pool has been recycled since Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) started."
   152  	descIISAppPoolTotalWorkerProcessesCreated        = "The number of worker processes created for the application pool since Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) started."
   153  	descIISAppPoolTotalWorkerProcessFailures         = "The number of times that worker processes have crashed since the application pool was started."
   154  	descIISAppPoolTotalWorkerProcessPingFailures     = "The number of times that Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) did not receive a response to ping messages sent to a worker process."
   155  	descIISAppPoolTotalWorkerProcessShutdownFailures = "The number of times that Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) failed to shut down a worker process."
   156  	descIISAppPoolTotalWorkerProcessStartupFailures  = "The number of times that Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) failed to start a worker process."
   157  )
   159  type Win32_PerfRawData_APPPOOLCountersProvider_APPPOOLWAS struct {
   160  	CurrentApplicationPoolState        uint32
   161  	CurrentApplicationPoolUptime       uint64
   162  	CurrentWorkerProcesses             uint32
   163  	Frequency_Object                   uint64
   164  	MaximumWorkerProcesses             uint32
   165  	Name                               string
   166  	RecentWorkerProcessFailures        uint32
   167  	TimeSinceLastWorkerProcessFailure  uint64
   168  	Timestamp_Object                   uint64
   169  	TotalApplicationPoolRecycles       uint32
   170  	TotalWorkerProcessesCreated        uint32
   171  	TotalWorkerProcessFailures         uint32
   172  	TotalWorkerProcessPingFailures     uint32
   173  	TotalWorkerProcessShutdownFailures uint32
   174  	TotalWorkerProcessStartupFailures  uint32
   175  }