(about) 1 --- 2 --- 3 4 <!doctype html> 5 <html> 6 <head> 7 <meta charset="utf-8"> 8 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1"> 9 <title>scollector</title> 10 11 <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/styles.css"> 12 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no"> 13 <!--[if lt IE 9]> 14 <script src="//"></script> 15 <![endif]--> 16 </head> 17 <body> 18 <div class="wrapper"> 19 <header> 20 <h1>scollector</h1> 21 <p>Bosun's metric agent and replacement for OpenTSDB's TCollector</p> 22 23 <h2>Download Binaries</h2> 24 {% if site.github != null %} 25 26 {% assign releases = site.github.releases | where:"draft",false %} 27 {% assign release = releases[0] %} 28 {% assign relname = release.tag_name %} 29 30 <p>Version <a href="{{relname}}">{{relname}}</a> ({{ release.created_at | date_to_string }})</p> 31 32 <ul> 33 <li><a href="{{relname}}/scollector-linux-amd64"><strong>Linux</strong> amd64</a></li> 34 <li><a href="{{relname}}/scollector-windows-amd64.exe"><strong>Windows</strong> amd64</a></li> 35 <li><a href="{{relname}}/scollector-darwin-amd64"><strong>Mac</strong> amd64</a></li> 36 </ul> 37 38 <ul> 39 <li><a href="{{relname}}/scollector-linux-386"><strong>Linux</strong> 386</a></li> 40 <li><a href="{{relname}}/scollector-windows-386.exe"><strong>Windows</strong> 386</a></li> 41 <li><a href="{{relname}}/scollector-darwin-386"><strong>Mac</strong> 386</a></li> 42 </ul> 43 44 <ul> 45 <li><a href="{{relname}}/scollector-linux-armv5"><strong>ARMv5</strong></a></li> 46 <li><a href="{{relname}}/scollector-linux-armv6"><strong>ARMv6</strong></a></li> 47 <li><a href="{{relname}}/scollector-linux-armv7"><strong>ARMv7</strong></a></li> 48 </ul> 49 {% else %} 50 <p>View latest release on <a href="">Github</a></p> 51 {% endif %} 52 <p class="view"><a href="">View the Project on GitHub</a></p> 53 </header> 54 <section> 55 56 <h2><a name="overview" class="anchor" href="#overview"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Overview</h2> 57 58 <p>scollector is a replacement for OpenTSDB's <a href="">TCollector</a> and can be used to send metrics to a <a href="">Bosun</a> server.</p> 59 60 <p>Benefits of scollector over TCollector:</p> 61 62 <ul> 63 <li>scollector uses the HTTP based API, not the older Telnet based API</li> 64 <li>scollector is written in Go and is more resource efficient</li> 65 <li>scollector integrates with <a href="">Bosun's metadata</a> (Units, Gauge/Counter, Description) and allows external collectors to also use metadata</li> 66 </ul> 67 68 <p>OpenTSDB 1.0 uses the 69 <a href="">tcollector</a> 70 data collection framework. 71 This project aims to make scollector the 72 preferred collector for OpenTSDB 2.0.</p> 73 74 <h2><a name="documentation" class="anchor" href="#documentation"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Documentation</h2> 75 76 <p><a href="">configuration</a></p> 77 <p><a href="/scollector/process-monitoring">process monitoring</a></p> 78 <p><a href="/scollector/external-collectors">external collectors</a></p> 79 <p>See also: <a href="">Stack Overflow Scollector documentation topics</a></p> 80 81 <h2><a name="installation" class="anchor" href="#installation"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Installation from Source</h2> 82 83 <pre><code>$ go get 84 </code></pre> 85 86 <h2>Collectors</h2> 87 88 <p>scollector has the following built-in collectors. See documentation for configuration settings.</p> 89 90 <h3><a name="collectors-linux" class="anchor" href="#collectors-linux"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Linux</h3> 91 <ul> 92 <li>conntrack</li> 93 <li>cpu</li> 94 <li>disk</li> 95 <li>loadavg</li> 96 <li>memory</li> 97 <li>network (ifstat)</li> 98 <li>processes</li> 99 <li>uptime</li> 100 <li>Yum</li> 101 </ul> 102 <h3> 103 <a name="collectors-windows" class="anchor" href="#collectors-windows"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Windows</h3> 104 <ul> 105 <li>.NET proccess memory and AppDomains</li> 106 <li>Active Directory</li> 107 <li>cpu</li> 108 <li>disk</li> 109 <li>DSC</li> 110 <li>IIS</li> 111 <li>memory</li> 112 <li>network</li> 113 <li>processes</li> 114 <li>services</li> 115 <li>sntp</li> 116 <li>SQL Server (MSSQL)</li> 117 </ul> 118 <h3><a name="collectors-Mac" class="anchor" href="#collectors-Mac"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Mac</h3> 119 <ul> 120 <li>cpu</li> 121 <li>disk</li> 122 <li>iostat</li> 123 <li>vmstat</li> 124 </ul> 125 <h3><a name="collectors-other" class="anchor" href="#collectors-other"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Other</h3> 126 <ul> 127 <li>Apache mod_info</li> 128 <li>Cassandra</li> 129 <li>Chef</li> 130 <li>CloudFlare Railgun</li> 131 <li>Dell hardware (omreport)</li> 132 <li>Elasticsearch</li> 133 <li>Exim</li> 134 <li>HAProxy</li> 135 <li>HBase</li> 136 <li>httpUnit</li> 137 <li>Keepalived</li> 138 <li>Memcached</li> 139 <li>NetBackup</li> 140 <li>ntp/sntp</li> 141 <li>OpenTSDB</li> 142 <li>Oracle Database</li> 143 <li>Puppet</li> 144 <li>RabbitMQ</li> 145 <li>Redis</li> 146 <li>Riak</li> 147 <li>Varnish</li> 148 </ul> 149 <h3><a name="collectors-remote" class="anchor" href="#collectors-remote"><span class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Remote Services</h3> 150 <ul> 151 <li>Amazon Web Services (EC2, ELB)</li> 152 <li>icmp (ping)</li> 153 <li>snmp (Cisco, MIBs/OIDs)</li> 154 <li>VMware vSphere</li> 155 </ul> 156 </section> 157 </div> 158 <script src="javascripts/scale.fix.js"></script> 159 </body> 160 </html>