
     1  .TH MINIJAIL0 "1" "March 2016" "Chromium OS" "User Commands"
     2  .SH NAME
     3  minijail0 \- sandbox a process
     4  .SH SYNOPSIS
     5  .B minijail0
     6  [\fIOPTION\fR]... <\fIPROGRAM\fR> [\fIargs\fR]...
     8  .PP
     9  Runs PROGRAM inside a sandbox.
    10  .TP
    11  \fB-a <table>\fR
    12  Run using the alternate syscall table named \fItable\fR. Only available on kernels
    13  and architectures that support the \fBPR_ALT_SYSCALL\fR option of \fBprctl\fR(2).
    14  .TP
    15  \fB-b <src>[,[dest][,<writeable>]]
    16  Bind-mount \fIsrc\fR into the chroot directory at \fIdest\fR, optionally writeable.
    17  The \fIsrc\fR path must be an absolute path.
    19  If \fIdest\fR is not specified, it will default to \fIsrc\fR.
    20  If the destination does not exist, it will be created as a file or directory
    21  based on the \fIsrc\fR type (including missing parent directories).
    23  To create a writable bind-mount set \fIwritable\fR to \fB1\fR. If not specified
    24  it will default to \fB0\fR (read-only).
    25  .TP
    26  \fB-B <mask>\fR
    27  Skip setting securebits in \fImask\fR when restricting capabilities (\fB-c\fR).
    28  \fImask\fR is a hex constant that represents the mask of securebits that will
    29  be preserved.  See \fBcapabilities\fR(7) for the complete list.  By default,
    31  (together with their respective locks) are set.
    32  \fBSECBIT_NO_CAP_AMBIENT_RAISE\fR (and its respective lock) is never set
    33  because the permitted and inheritable capability sets have already been set
    34  through \fB-c\fR.
    35  .TP
    36  \fB-c <caps>\fR
    37  Restrict capabilities to \fIcaps\fR, which is either a hex constant or a string
    38  that will be passed to \fBcap_from_text\fR(3) (only the effective capability
    39  mask will be considered).  The value will be used as the permitted, effective,
    40  and inheritable sets.  When used in conjunction with \fB-u\fR and \fB-g\fR,
    41  this allows a program to have access to only certain parts of root's default
    42  privileges while running as another user and group ID altogether.  Note that
    43  these capabilities are not inherited by subprocesses of the process given
    44  capabilities unless those subprocesses have POSIX file capabilities or the
    45  \fB--ambient\fR flag is also passed.  See \fBcapabilities\fR(7).
    46  .TP
    47  \fB-C <dir>\fR
    48  Change root (using \fBchroot\fR(2)) to \fIdir\fR.
    49  .TP
    50  \fB-d\fR, \fB--mount-dev\fR
    51  Create a new /dev mount with a minimal set of nodes. Implies \fB-v\fR.
    52  Additional nodes can be bound with the \fB-b\fR or \fB-k\fR options.
    54  .nf
    55  \[bu] The initial set of nodes are: full null tty urandom zero.
    56  \[bu] Symlinks are also created for: fd ptmx stderr stdin stdout.
    57  \[bu] Directores are also created for: shm.
    58  .re
    59  .TP
    60  \fB-e[file]\fR
    61  Enter a new network namespace, or if \fIfile\fR is specified, enter an existing
    62  network namespace specified by \fIfile\fR which is typically of the form
    63  /proc/<pid>/ns/net.
    64  .TP
    65  \fB-f <file>\fR
    66  Write the pid of the jailed process to \fIfile\fR.
    67  .TP
    68  \fB-g <group|gid>
    69  Change groups to the specified \fIgroup\fR name, or numeric group ID \fIgid\fR.
    70  .TP
    71  \fB-G\fR
    72  Inherit all the supplementary groups of the user specified with \fB-u\fR. It
    73  is an error to use this option without having specified a \fBuser name\fR to
    74  \fB-u\fR.
    75  .TP
    76  \fB--add-suppl-group <group|gid>\fR
    77  Add the specified \fIgroup\fR name, or numeric group ID \fIgid\fR,
    78  to the process' supplementary groups list. Can be specified
    79  multiple times to add several groups. Incompatible with -y and -G.
    80  .TP
    81  \fB-h\fR
    82  Print a help message.
    83  .TP
    84  \fB-H\fR
    85  Print a help message detailing supported system call names for seccomp_filter.
    86  (Other direct numbers may be specified if minijail0 is not in sync with the
    87  host kernel or something like 32/64-bit compatibility issues exist.)
    88  .TP
    89  \fB-i\fR
    90  Exit immediately after \fBfork\fR(2).  The jailed process will keep running in
    91  the background.
    93  Normally minijail will fork+exec the specified \fIprogram\fR so that it can set
    94  up the right security settings in the new child process. The initial minijail
    95  process will stay resident and wait for the \fIprogram\fR to exit so the script
    96  that ran minijail will correctly block (e.g. standalone scripts). Specifying
    97  \fB-i\fR makes that initial process exit immediately and free up the resources.
    99  This option is recommended for daemons and init services when you want to
   100  background the long running \fIprogram\fR.
   101  .TP
   102  \fB-I\fR
   103  Run \fIprogram\fR as init (pid 1) inside a new pid namespace (implies \fB-p\fR).
   105  Most programs don't expect to run as an init which is why minijail will do it
   106  for you by default. Basically, the \fIprogram\fR needs to reap any processes it
   107  forks to avoid leaving zombies behind. Signal handling needs care since the
   108  kernel will mask all signals that don't have handlers registered (all default
   109  handlers are ignored and cannot be changed).
   111  This means a minijail process (acting as init) will remain resident by default.
   112  While using \fB-I\fR is recommended when possible, strict review is required to
   113  make sure the \fIprogram\fR continues to work as expected.
   115  \fB-i\fR and \fB-I\fR may be safely used together. The \fB-i\fR option controls
   116  the first minijail process outside of the pid namespace while the \fB-I\fR
   117  option controls the minijail process inside of the pid namespace.
   118  .TP
   119  \fB-k <src>,<dest>,<type>[,<flags>[,<data>]]\fR
   120  Mount \fIsrc\fR, a \fItype\fR filesystem, at \fIdest\fR.  If a chroot or pivot
   121  root is active, \fIdest\fR will automatically be placed below that path.
   123  The \fIflags\fR field is optional and may be a mix of \fIMS_XXX\fR or hex
   124  constants separated by \fI|\fR characters.  See \fBmount\fR(2) for details.
   125  \fIMS_NODEV|MS_NOSUID|MS_NOEXEC\fR is the default value (a writable mount
   126  with nodev/nosuid/noexec bits set), and it is strongly recommended that all
   127  mounts have these three bits set whenever possible.  If you need to disable
   128  all three, then specify something like \fIMS_SILENT\fR.
   130  The \fIdata\fR field is optional and is a comma delimited string (see
   131  \fBmount\fR(2) for details).  It is passed directly to the kernel, so all
   132  fields here are filesystem specific.  For \fItmpfs\fR, if no data is specified,
   133  we will default to \fImode=0755,size=10M\fR.  If you want other settings, you
   134  will need to specify them explicitly yourself.
   136  If the mount is not a pseudo filesystem (e.g. proc or sysfs), \fIsrc\fR path
   137  must be an absolute path (e.g. \fI/dev/sda1\fR and not \fIsda1\fR).
   139  If the destination does not exist, it will be created as a directory (including
   140  missing parent directories).
   141  .TP
   142  \fB-K[mode]\fR
   143  Don't mark all existing mounts as MS_SLAVE.
   144  This option is \fBdangerous\fR as it negates most of the functionality of \fB-v\fR.
   145  You very likely don't need this.
   147  You may specify a mount propagation mode in which case, that will be used
   148  instead of the default MS_SLAVE.  See the \fBmount\fR(2) man page and the
   149  kernel docs \fIDocumentation/filesystems/sharedsubtree.txt\fR for more
   150  technical details, but a brief guide:
   152  .IP
   153  \[bu] \fBslave\fR Changes in the parent mount namespace will propagate in, but
   154  changes in this mount namespace will not propagate back out.  This is usually
   155  what people want to use, and is the default behavior if you don't specify \fB-K\fR.
   156  .IP
   157  \[bu] \fBprivate\fR No changes in either mount namespace will propagate.
   158  This provides the most isolation.
   159  .IP
   160  \[bu] \fBshared\fR Changes in the parent and this mount namespace will freely
   161  propagate back and forth.  This is not recommended.
   162  .IP
   163  \[bu] \fBunbindable\fR Mark all mounts as unbindable.
   164  .TP
   165  \fB-l\fR
   166  Run inside a new IPC namespace. This option makes the program's System V IPC
   167  namespace independent.
   168  .TP
   169  \fB-L\fR
   170  Report blocked syscalls when using a seccomp filter. On kernels with support for
   171  SECCOMP_RET_LOG, every blocked syscall will be reported through the audit
   172  subsystem (see \fBseccomp\fR(2) for more details on SECCOMP_RET_LOG
   173  availability.) On all other kernels, the first failing syscall will be logged to
   174  syslog. This latter case will also force certain syscalls to be allowed in order
   175  to write to syslog. Note: this option is disabled and ignored for release
   176  builds.
   177  .TP
   178  \fB-m[<uid> <loweruid> <count>[,<uid> <loweruid> <count>]]\fR
   179  Set the uid mapping of a user namespace (implies \fB-pU\fR). Same arguments as
   180  \fBnewuidmap\fR(1). Multiple mappings should be separated by ','. With no mapping,
   181  map the current uid to root inside the user namespace.
   182  .TP
   183  \fB-M[<uid> <loweruid> <count>[,<uid> <loweruid> <count>]]\fR
   184  Set the gid mapping of a user namespace (implies \fB-pU\fR). Same arguments as
   185  \fBnewgidmap\fR(1). Multiple mappings should be separated by ','. With no mapping,
   186  map the current gid to root inside the user namespace.
   187  .TP
   188  \fB-n\fR
   189  Set the process's \fIno_new_privs\fR bit. See \fBprctl\fR(2) and the kernel
   190  source file \fIDocumentation/prctl/no_new_privs.txt\fR for more info.
   191  .TP
   192  \fB-N\fR
   193  Run inside a new cgroup namespace. This option runs the program with a cgroup
   194  view showing the program's cgroup as the root. This is only available on v4.6+
   195  of the Linux kernel.
   196  .TP
   197  \fB-p\fR
   198  Run inside a new PID namespace. This option will make it impossible for the
   199  program to see or affect processes that are not its descendants. This implies
   200  \fB-v\fR and \fB-r\fR, since otherwise the process can see outside its namespace
   201  by inspecting /proc.
   203  If the \fIprogram\fR exits, all of its children will be killed immediately by
   204  the kernel. If you need to daemonize or background things, use the \fB-i\fR
   205  option.
   207  See \fBpid_namespaces\fR(7) for more info.
   208  .TP
   209  \fB-P <dir>\fR
   210  Set \fIdir\fR as the root fs using \fBpivot_root\fR. Implies \fB-v\fR, not
   211  compatible with \fB-C\fR.
   212  .TP
   213  \fB-r\fR
   214  Remount /proc readonly. This implies \fB-v\fR. Remounting /proc readonly means
   215  that even if the process has write access to a system config knob in /proc
   216  (e.g., in /sys/kernel), it cannot change the value.
   217  .TP
   218  \fB-R <rlim_type>,<rlim_cur>,<rlim_max>\fR
   219  Set an rlimit value, see \fBgetrlimit\fR(2) for more details.
   221  \fIrlim_type\fR may be specified using symbolic constants like \fIRLIMIT_AS\fR.
   223  \fIrlim_cur\fR and \fIrlim_max\fR are specified either with a number (decimal or
   224  hex starting with \fI0x\fR), or with the string \fIunlimited\fR (which will
   225  translate to \fIRLIM_INFINITY\fR).
   226  .TP
   227  \fB-s\fR
   228  Enable \fBseccomp\fR(2) in mode 1, which restricts the child process to a very
   229  small set of system calls.
   230  You most likely do not want to use this with the seccomp filter mode (\fB-S\fR)
   231  as they are completely different (even though they have similar names).
   232  .TP
   233  \fB-S <arch-specific seccomp_filter policy file>\fR
   234  Enable \fBseccomp\fR(2) in mode 13 which restricts the child process to a set of
   235  system calls defined in the policy file. Note that system call names may be
   236  different based on the runtime environment; see \fBminijail0\fR(5) for more
   237  details.
   238  .TP
   239  \fB-t[size]\fR
   240  Mounts a tmpfs filesystem on /tmp. /tmp must exist already (e.g. in the chroot).
   241  The filesystem has a default size of "64M", overridden with an optional
   242  argument. It has standard /tmp permissions (1777), and is mounted
   243  nodev/noexec/nosuid. Implies \fB-v\fR.
   244  .TP
   245  \fB-T <type>\fR
   246  Assume binary's ELF linkage type is \fItype\fR, which must be either 'static'
   247  or 'dynamic'. Either setting will prevent minijail0 from manually parsing the
   248  ELF header to determine the type. Type 'static' can be used to avoid preload
   249  hooking, and will force minijail0 to instead set everything up before the
   250  program is executed. Type 'dynamic' will force minijail0 to preload
   251  \\fR to setup hooks, but will fail on actually
   252  statically-linked binaries.
   253  .TP
   254  \fB-u <user|uid>\fR
   255  Change users to the specified \fIuser\fR name, or numeric user ID \fIuid\fR.
   256  .TP
   257  \fB-U\fR
   258  Enter a new user namespace (implies \fB-p\fR).
   259  .TP
   260  \fB-v\fR
   261  Run inside a new VFS namespace. This option prevents mounts performed by the
   262  program from affecting the rest of the system (but see \fB-K\fR).
   263  .TP
   264  \fB-V <file>\fR
   265  Enter the VFS namespace specified by \fIfile\fR.
   266  .TP
   267  \fB-w\fR
   268  Create and join a new anonymous session keyring.  See \fBkeyrings\fR(7) for more
   269  details.
   270  .TP
   271  \fB-y\fR
   272  Keep the current user's supplementary groups.
   273  .TP
   274  \fB-Y\fR
   275  Synchronize seccomp filters across thread group.
   276  .TP
   277  \fB-z\fR
   278  Don't forward any signals to the jailed process.  For example, when not using
   279  \fB-i\fR, sending \fBSIGINT\fR (e.g., CTRL-C on the terminal), will kill the
   280  minijail0 process, not the jailed process.
   281  .TP
   282  \fB--ambient\fR
   283  Raise ambient capabilities to match the mask specified by \fB-c\fR.  Since
   284  ambient capabilities are preserved across \fBexecve\fR(2), this allows for
   285  process trees to have a restricted set of capabilities, even if they are
   286  capability-dumb binaries.  See \fBcapabilities\fR(7).
   287  .TP
   288  \fB--uts[=hostname]\fR
   289  Create a new UTS/hostname namespace, and optionally set the hostname in the new
   290  namespace to \fIhostname\fR.
   291  .TP
   292  \fB--logging=<system>\fR
   293  Use \fIsystem\fR as the logging system. \fIsystem\fR must be one of
   294  \fBauto\fR (the default), \fBsyslog\fR, or \fBstderr\fR.
   296  \fBauto\fR will use \fBstderr\fR if connected to a tty (e.g. run directly by a
   297  user), otherwise it will use \fBsyslog\fR.
   298  .TP
   299  \fB--profile <profile>\fR
   300  Choose from one of the available sandboxing profiles, which are simple way to
   301  get a standardized environment. See the
   303  section below for the full list of supported values for \fIprofile\fR.
   304  .TP
   305  \fB--preload-library <file path>\fR
   306  Allows overriding the default path of \fI/lib/\fR.  This
   307  is only really useful for testing.
   308  \fB--seccomp-bpf-binary <arch-specific BPF binary>\fR
   309  This is similar to \fB-S\fR, but
   310  instead of using a policy file, \fB--secomp-bpf-binary\fR expects a
   311  arch-and-kernel-version-specific pre-compiled BPF binary (such as the ones
   312  produced by \fBparse_seccomp_policy\fR).  Note that the filter might be
   313  different based on the runtime environment; see \fBminijail0\fR(5) for more
   314  details.
   315  .TP
   316  \fB--allow-speculative-execution\fR
   317  Allow speculative execution features that may cause data leaks across processes.
   318  This passes the \fISECCOMP_FILTER_FLAG_SPEC_ALLOW\fR flag to seccomp which
   319  disables mitigations against certain speculative execution attacks; namely
   320  Branch Target Injection (spectre-v2) and Speculative Store Bypass (spectre-v4).
   321  These mitigations incur a runtime performance hit, so it is useful to be able
   322  to disable them in order to quantify their performance impact.
   324  \fBWARNING:\fR It is dangerous to use this option on programs that process
   325  untrusted input, which is normally what Minijail is used for. Do not enable
   326  this option unless you know what you're doing.
   328  See the kernel documentation \fIDocumentation/userspace-api/spec_ctrl.rst\fR
   329  and \fIDocumentation/admin-guide/hw-vuln/spectre.rst\fR for more information.
   331  The following sandboxing profiles are supported:
   332  .TP
   333  \fBminimalistic-mountns\fR
   334  Set up a minimalistic mount namespace.  Equivalent to \fB-v -P /var/empty
   335  -b / -b /proc -b /dev/log -t -r --mount-dev\fR.
   336  .TP
   337  \fBminimalistic-mountns-nodev\fR
   338  Set up a minimalistic mount namespace with an empty /dev path.  Equivalent to
   339  \fB-v -P /var/empty -b/ -b/proc -t -r\fR.
   341  This program is broken up into two parts: \fBminijail0\fR (the frontend) and a helper
   342  library called \fBlibminijailpreload\fR.  Some jailings can only be achieved
   343  from the process to which they will actually apply:
   345  .IP
   346  \[bu] capability use (without using ambient capabilities): non-ambient
   347  capabilities are not inherited across \fBexecve\fR(2) unless the file being
   348  executed has POSIX file capabilities.  Ambient capabilities (the
   349  \fB--ambient\fR flag) fix capability inheritance across \fBexecve\fR(2) to
   350  avoid the need for file capabilities.
   352  \[bu] seccomp: a meaningful seccomp filter policy should disallow
   353  \fBexecve\fR(2), to prevent a compromised process from executing a different
   354  binary.  However, this would prevent the seccomp policy from being applied
   355  before \fBexecve\fR(2).
   356  .RE
   358  To this end, \fBlibminijailpreload\fR is forcibly loaded into all
   359  dynamically-linked target programs by default; we pass the specific
   360  restrictions in an environment variable which the preloaded library looks for.
   361  The forcibly-loaded library then applies the restrictions to the newly-loaded
   362  program.
   364  This behavior can be disabled by the use of the \fB-T static\fR flag.  There
   365  are other cases in which the use of this flag might be useful:
   367  .IP
   368  \[bu] When \fIprogram\fR is linked against a different version of \\fR
   369  than \\fR.
   371  \[bu] When \fBexecve\fR(2) has side-effects that interact badly with the
   372  jailing process.  If the system uses SELinux, \fBexecve\fR(2) can cause an
   373  automatic domain transition, which would then require that the target domain
   374  allows the operations to jail \fIprogram\fR.
   375  .RE
   377  .SH AUTHOR
   378  The Chromium OS Authors <>
   380  Copyright \(co 2011 The Chromium OS Authors
   381  License BSD-like.
   382  .SH "SEE ALSO"
   383  .BR libminijail.h ,
   384  .BR minijail0 (5),
   385  .BR seccomp (2)