(about) 1 ## TYPO3 v6.2 2 # Ignore several upload and file directories. 3 /fileadmin/user_upload/ 4 /fileadmin/_temp_/ 5 /fileadmin/_processed_/ 6 /uploads/ 7 # Ignore cache 8 /typo3conf/temp_CACHED* 9 /typo3conf/temp_fieldInfo.php 10 /typo3conf/deprecation_*.log 11 /typo3conf/ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL 12 /typo3conf/realurl_autoconf.php 13 /FIRST_INSTALL 14 # Ignore system folders, you should have them symlinked. 15 # If not comment out the following entries. 16 /typo3 17 /typo3_src 18 /typo3_src-* 19 /Packages 20 /.htaccess 21 /index.php 22 # Ignore temp directory. 23 /typo3temp/