dubbo.apache.org/dubbo-go/v3@v3.1.1/config/router_config.go (about)

     1  /*
     2   * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
     3   * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
     4   * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
     5   * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
     6   * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
     7   * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8   *
     9   *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
    10   *
    11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    15   * limitations under the License.
    16   */
    18  package config
    20  import (
    21  	"github.com/creasty/defaults"
    22  )
    24  import (
    25  	_ "dubbo.apache.org/dubbo-go/v3/cluster/router/chain"
    26  	"dubbo.apache.org/dubbo-go/v3/common"
    27  	"dubbo.apache.org/dubbo-go/v3/common/constant"
    28  	_ "dubbo.apache.org/dubbo-go/v3/metrics/prometheus"
    29  )
    31  // RouterConfig is the configuration of the router.
    32  type RouterConfig struct {
    33  	Scope      string   `validate:"required" yaml:"scope" json:"scope,omitempty" property:"scope"` // must be chosen from `service` and `application`.
    34  	Key        string   `validate:"required" yaml:"key" json:"key,omitempty" property:"key"`       // specifies which service or application the rule body acts on.
    35  	Force      *bool    `default:"false" yaml:"force" json:"force,omitempty" property:"force"`
    36  	Runtime    *bool    `default:"false" yaml:"runtime" json:"runtime,omitempty" property:"runtime"`
    37  	Enabled    *bool    `default:"true" yaml:"enabled" json:"enabled,omitempty" property:"enabled"`
    38  	Valid      *bool    `default:"true" yaml:"valid" json:"valid,omitempty" property:"valid"`
    39  	Priority   int      `default:"0" yaml:"priority" json:"priority,omitempty" property:"priority"`
    40  	Conditions []string `yaml:"conditions" json:"conditions,omitempty" property:"conditions"`
    41  	Tags       []Tag    `yaml:"tags" json:"tags,omitempty" property:"tags"`
    42  }
    44  type Tag struct {
    45  	Name      string               `yaml:"name" json:"name,omitempty" property:"name"`
    46  	Match     []*common.ParamMatch `yaml:"match" json:"match,omitempty" property:"match"`
    47  	Addresses []string             `yaml:"addresses" json:"addresses,omitempty" property:"addresses"`
    48  }
    50  // Prefix dubbo.router
    51  func (RouterConfig) Prefix() string {
    52  	return constant.RouterConfigPrefix
    53  }
    55  func (c *RouterConfig) Init() error {
    56  	if err := defaults.Set(c); err != nil {
    57  		return err
    58  	}
    59  	return verify(c)
    60  }
    62  func initRouterConfig(rc *RootConfig) error {
    63  	routers := rc.Router
    64  	if len(routers) > 0 {
    65  		for _, r := range routers {
    66  			if err := r.Init(); err != nil {
    67  				return err
    68  			}
    69  		}
    70  		rc.Router = routers
    71  	}
    73  	//chain.SetVSAndDRConfigByte(vsBytes, drBytes)
    74  	return nil
    75  }
    77  type RouterConfigBuilder struct {
    78  	routerConfig *RouterConfig
    79  }
    81  func NewRouterConfigBuilder() *RouterConfigBuilder {
    82  	return &RouterConfigBuilder{routerConfig: &RouterConfig{}}
    83  }
    85  func (rcb *RouterConfigBuilder) SetScope(scope string) *RouterConfigBuilder {
    86  	rcb.routerConfig.Scope = scope
    87  	return rcb
    88  }
    90  func (rcb *RouterConfigBuilder) SetKey(key string) *RouterConfigBuilder {
    91  	rcb.routerConfig.Key = key
    92  	return rcb
    93  }
    95  func (rcb *RouterConfigBuilder) SetForce(force bool) *RouterConfigBuilder {
    96  	rcb.routerConfig.Force = &force
    97  	return rcb
    98  }
   100  func (rcb *RouterConfigBuilder) SetRuntime(runtime bool) *RouterConfigBuilder {
   101  	rcb.routerConfig.Runtime = &runtime
   102  	return rcb
   103  }
   105  func (rcb *RouterConfigBuilder) SetEnabled(enabled bool) *RouterConfigBuilder {
   106  	rcb.routerConfig.Enabled = &enabled
   107  	return rcb
   108  }
   110  func (rcb *RouterConfigBuilder) SetValid(valid bool) *RouterConfigBuilder {
   111  	rcb.routerConfig.Valid = &valid
   112  	return rcb
   113  }
   115  func (rcb *RouterConfigBuilder) SetPriority(priority int) *RouterConfigBuilder {
   116  	rcb.routerConfig.Priority = priority
   117  	return rcb
   118  }
   120  func (rcb *RouterConfigBuilder) SetConditions(conditions []string) *RouterConfigBuilder {
   121  	rcb.routerConfig.Conditions = conditions
   122  	return rcb
   123  }
   125  func (rcb *RouterConfigBuilder) AddCondition(condition string) *RouterConfigBuilder {
   126  	if rcb.routerConfig.Conditions == nil {
   127  		rcb.routerConfig.Conditions = make([]string, 0)
   128  	}
   129  	rcb.routerConfig.Conditions = append(rcb.routerConfig.Conditions, condition)
   130  	return rcb
   131  }
   133  func (rcb *RouterConfigBuilder) SetTags(tags []Tag) *RouterConfigBuilder {
   134  	rcb.routerConfig.Tags = tags
   135  	return rcb
   136  }
   138  func (rcb *RouterConfigBuilder) AddTag(tag Tag) *RouterConfigBuilder {
   139  	if rcb.routerConfig.Tags == nil {
   140  		rcb.routerConfig.Tags = make([]Tag, 0)
   141  	}
   142  	rcb.routerConfig.Tags = append(rcb.routerConfig.Tags, tag)
   143  	return rcb
   144  }
   146  func (rcb *RouterConfigBuilder) Build() *RouterConfig {
   147  	if err := rcb.routerConfig.Init(); err != nil {
   148  		panic(err)
   149  	}
   150  	return rcb.routerConfig
   151  }