
     1  // Copyright 2019-2024 The NATS Authors
     2  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     3  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     4  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     5  //
     6  //
     7  //
     8  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     9  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    10  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    11  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    12  // limitations under the License.
    14  package server
    16  import (
    17  	"bufio"
    18  	"bytes"
    19  	"context"
    20  	"crypto/tls"
    21  	"fmt"
    22  	"math/rand"
    23  	"net"
    24  	"net/http"
    25  	"net/http/httptest"
    26  	"net/url"
    27  	"reflect"
    28  	"strings"
    29  	"sync"
    30  	"sync/atomic"
    31  	"testing"
    32  	"time"
    34  	""
    36  	""
    37  	jwt ""
    38  	""
    40  	""
    41  )
    43  type captureLeafNodeRandomIPLogger struct {
    44  	DummyLogger
    45  	ch  chan struct{}
    46  	ips [3]int
    47  }
    49  func (c *captureLeafNodeRandomIPLogger) Debugf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
    50  	msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)
    51  	if strings.Contains(msg, "hostname_to_resolve") {
    52  		ippos := strings.Index(msg, "127.0.0.")
    53  		if ippos != -1 {
    54  			n := int(msg[ippos+8] - '1')
    55  			c.ips[n]++
    56  			for _, v := range c.ips {
    57  				if v < 2 {
    58  					return
    59  				}
    60  			}
    61  			// All IPs got at least some hit, we are done.
    62 <- struct{}{}
    63  		}
    64  	}
    65  }
    67  func TestLeafNodeRandomIP(t *testing.T) {
    68  	u, err := url.Parse("nats://hostname_to_resolve:1234")
    69  	if err != nil {
    70  		t.Fatalf("Error parsing: %v", err)
    71  	}
    73  	resolver := &myDummyDNSResolver{ips: []string{"", "", ""}}
    75  	o := DefaultOptions()
    76  	o.Host = ""
    77  	o.Port = -1
    78  	o.LeafNode.Port = 0
    79  	o.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{u}}}
    80  	o.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 50 * time.Millisecond
    81  	o.LeafNode.resolver = resolver
    82  	o.LeafNode.dialTimeout = 15 * time.Millisecond
    83  	s := RunServer(o)
    84  	defer s.Shutdown()
    86  	l := &captureLeafNodeRandomIPLogger{ch: make(chan struct{})}
    87  	s.SetLogger(l, true, true)
    89  	select {
    90  	case <
    91  	case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):
    92  		t.Fatalf("Does not seem to have used random IPs")
    93  	}
    94  }
    96  func TestLeafNodeRandomRemotes(t *testing.T) {
    97  	// 16! possible permutations.
    98  	orderedURLs := make([]*url.URL, 0, 16)
    99  	for i := 0; i < cap(orderedURLs); i++ {
   100  		orderedURLs = append(orderedURLs, &url.URL{
   101  			Scheme: "nats-leaf",
   102  			Host:   fmt.Sprintf("host%d:7422", i),
   103  		})
   104  	}
   106  	o := DefaultOptions()
   107  	o.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{
   108  		{NoRandomize: true},
   109  		{NoRandomize: false},
   110  	}
   111  	o.LeafNode.Remotes[0].URLs = make([]*url.URL, cap(orderedURLs))
   112  	copy(o.LeafNode.Remotes[0].URLs, orderedURLs)
   113  	o.LeafNode.Remotes[1].URLs = make([]*url.URL, cap(orderedURLs))
   114  	copy(o.LeafNode.Remotes[1].URLs, orderedURLs)
   116  	s := RunServer(o)
   117  	defer s.Shutdown()
   120  	r1 := s.leafRemoteCfgs[0]
   121  	r2 := s.leafRemoteCfgs[1]
   124  	r1.RLock()
   125  	gotOrdered := r1.urls
   126  	r1.RUnlock()
   127  	if got, want := len(gotOrdered), len(orderedURLs); got != want {
   128  		t.Fatalf("Unexpected rem0 len URLs, got %d, want %d", got, want)
   129  	}
   131  	// These should be IN order.
   132  	for i := range orderedURLs {
   133  		if got, want := gotOrdered[i].String(), orderedURLs[i].String(); got != want {
   134  			t.Fatalf("Unexpected ordered url, got %s, want %s", got, want)
   135  		}
   136  	}
   138  	r2.RLock()
   139  	gotRandom := r2.urls
   140  	r2.RUnlock()
   141  	if got, want := len(gotRandom), len(orderedURLs); got != want {
   142  		t.Fatalf("Unexpected rem1 len URLs, got %d, want %d", got, want)
   143  	}
   145  	// These should be OUT of order.
   146  	var random bool
   147  	for i := range orderedURLs {
   148  		if gotRandom[i].String() != orderedURLs[i].String() {
   149  			random = true
   150  			break
   151  		}
   152  	}
   153  	if !random {
   154  		t.Fatal("Expected urls to be random")
   155  	}
   156  }
   158  type testLoopbackResolver struct{}
   160  func (r *testLoopbackResolver) LookupHost(ctx context.Context, host string) ([]string, error) {
   161  	return []string{""}, nil
   162  }
   164  func TestLeafNodeTLSWithCerts(t *testing.T) {
   165  	conf1 := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
   166  		port: -1
   167  		leaf {
   168  			listen: ""
   169  			tls {
   170  				ca_file: "../test/configs/certs/tlsauth/ca.pem"
   171  				cert_file: "../test/configs/certs/tlsauth/server.pem"
   172  				key_file:  "../test/configs/certs/tlsauth/server-key.pem"
   173  				timeout: 2
   174  			}
   175  		}
   176  	`))
   177  	s1, o1 := RunServerWithConfig(conf1)
   178  	defer s1.Shutdown()
   180  	u, err := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://localhost:%d", o1.LeafNode.Port))
   181  	if err != nil {
   182  		t.Fatalf("Error parsing url: %v", err)
   183  	}
   184  	conf2 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
   185  		port: -1
   186  		leaf {
   187  			remotes [
   188  				{
   189  					url: "%s"
   190  					tls {
   191  						ca_file: "../test/configs/certs/tlsauth/ca.pem"
   192  						cert_file: "../test/configs/certs/tlsauth/client.pem"
   193  						key_file:  "../test/configs/certs/tlsauth/client-key.pem"
   194  						timeout: 2
   195  					}
   196  				}
   197  			]
   198  		}
   199  	`, u.String())))
   200  	o2, err := ProcessConfigFile(conf2)
   201  	if err != nil {
   202  		t.Fatalf("Error processing config file: %v", err)
   203  	}
   204  	o2.NoLog, o2.NoSigs = true, true
   205  	o2.LeafNode.resolver = &testLoopbackResolver{}
   206  	s2 := RunServer(o2)
   207  	defer s2.Shutdown()
   209  	checkFor(t, 3*time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, func() error {
   210  		if nln := s1.NumLeafNodes(); nln != 1 {
   211  			return fmt.Errorf("Number of leaf nodes is %d", nln)
   212  		}
   213  		return nil
   214  	})
   215  }
   217  func TestLeafNodeTLSRemoteWithNoCerts(t *testing.T) {
   218  	conf1 := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
   219  		port: -1
   220  		leaf {
   221  			listen: ""
   222  			tls {
   223  				ca_file: "../test/configs/certs/tlsauth/ca.pem"
   224  				cert_file: "../test/configs/certs/tlsauth/server.pem"
   225  				key_file:  "../test/configs/certs/tlsauth/server-key.pem"
   226  				timeout: 2
   227  			}
   228  		}
   229  	`))
   230  	s1, o1 := RunServerWithConfig(conf1)
   231  	defer s1.Shutdown()
   233  	u, err := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://localhost:%d", o1.LeafNode.Port))
   234  	if err != nil {
   235  		t.Fatalf("Error parsing url: %v", err)
   236  	}
   237  	conf2 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
   238  		port: -1
   239  		leaf {
   240  			remotes [
   241  				{
   242  					url: "%s"
   243  					tls {
   244  						ca_file: "../test/configs/certs/tlsauth/ca.pem"
   245  						timeout: 5
   246  					}
   247  				}
   248  			]
   249  		}
   250  	`, u.String())))
   251  	o2, err := ProcessConfigFile(conf2)
   252  	if err != nil {
   253  		t.Fatalf("Error processing config file: %v", err)
   254  	}
   256  	if len(o2.LeafNode.Remotes) == 0 {
   257  		t.Fatal("Expected at least a single leaf remote")
   258  	}
   260  	var (
   261  		got      float64 = o2.LeafNode.Remotes[0].TLSTimeout
   262  		expected float64 = 5
   263  	)
   264  	if got != expected {
   265  		t.Fatalf("Expected %v, got: %v", expected, got)
   266  	}
   267  	o2.NoLog, o2.NoSigs = true, true
   268  	o2.LeafNode.resolver = &testLoopbackResolver{}
   269  	s2 := RunServer(o2)
   270  	defer s2.Shutdown()
   272  	checkFor(t, 3*time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, func() error {
   273  		if nln := s1.NumLeafNodes(); nln != 1 {
   274  			return fmt.Errorf("Number of leaf nodes is %d", nln)
   275  		}
   276  		return nil
   277  	})
   279  	// Here we only process options without starting the server
   280  	// and without a root CA for the remote.
   281  	conf3 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
   282  		port: -1
   283  		leaf {
   284  			remotes [
   285  				{
   286  					url: "%s"
   287  					tls {
   288  						timeout: 10
   289  					}
   290  				}
   291  			]
   292  		}
   293  	`, u.String())))
   294  	o3, err := ProcessConfigFile(conf3)
   295  	if err != nil {
   296  		t.Fatalf("Error processing config file: %v", err)
   297  	}
   299  	if len(o3.LeafNode.Remotes) == 0 {
   300  		t.Fatal("Expected at least a single leaf remote")
   301  	}
   302  	got = o3.LeafNode.Remotes[0].TLSTimeout
   303  	expected = 10
   304  	if got != expected {
   305  		t.Fatalf("Expected %v, got: %v", expected, got)
   306  	}
   308  	// Here we only process options without starting the server
   309  	// and check the default for leafnode remotes.
   310  	conf4 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
   311  		port: -1
   312  		leaf {
   313  			remotes [
   314  				{
   315  					url: "%s"
   316  					tls {
   317  						ca_file: "../test/configs/certs/tlsauth/ca.pem"
   318  					}
   319  				}
   320  			]
   321  		}
   322  	`, u.String())))
   323  	o4, err := ProcessConfigFile(conf4)
   324  	if err != nil {
   325  		t.Fatalf("Error processing config file: %v", err)
   326  	}
   328  	if len(o4.LeafNode.Remotes) == 0 {
   329  		t.Fatal("Expected at least a single leaf remote")
   330  	}
   331  	got = o4.LeafNode.Remotes[0].TLSTimeout
   332  	expected = float64(DEFAULT_LEAF_TLS_TIMEOUT) / float64(time.Second)
   333  	if int(got) != int(expected) {
   334  		t.Fatalf("Expected %v, got: %v", expected, got)
   335  	}
   336  }
   338  type captureErrorLogger struct {
   339  	DummyLogger
   340  	errCh chan string
   341  }
   343  func (l *captureErrorLogger) Errorf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
   344  	select {
   345  	case l.errCh <- fmt.Sprintf(format, v...):
   346  	default:
   347  	}
   348  }
   350  func TestLeafNodeAccountNotFound(t *testing.T) {
   351  	ob := DefaultOptions()
   352  	ob.LeafNode.Host = ""
   353  	ob.LeafNode.Port = -1
   354  	sb := RunServer(ob)
   355  	defer sb.Shutdown()
   357  	u, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", ob.LeafNode.Port))
   359  	oa := DefaultOptions()
   360  	oa.Cluster.Name = "xyz"
   361  	oa.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 10 * time.Millisecond
   362  	oa.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{
   363  		{
   364  			LocalAccount: "foo",
   365  			URLs:         []*url.URL{u},
   366  		},
   367  	}
   368  	// Expected to fail
   369  	if _, err := NewServer(oa); err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "local account") {
   370  		t.Fatalf("Expected server to fail with error about no local account, got %v", err)
   371  	}
   372  	oa.Accounts = []*Account{NewAccount("foo")}
   373  	sa := RunServer(oa)
   374  	defer sa.Shutdown()
   376  	l := &captureErrorLogger{errCh: make(chan string, 1)}
   377  	sa.SetLogger(l, false, false)
   379  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, sa)
   381  	// Now simulate account is removed with config reload, or it expires.
   382  	sa.accounts.Delete("foo")
   384  	// Restart B (with same Port)
   385  	sb.Shutdown()
   386  	sb = RunServer(ob)
   387  	defer sb.Shutdown()
   389  	// Wait for report of error
   390  	select {
   391  	case e := <-l.errCh:
   392  		if !strings.Contains(e, "Unable to lookup account") {
   393  			t.Fatalf("Expected error about no local account, got %s", e)
   394  		}
   395  	case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
   396  		t.Fatalf("Did not get the error")
   397  	}
   399  	// TODO below test is bogus. Instead add the account, do a reload, and make sure the connection works.
   401  	// For now, sa would try to recreate the connection for ever.
   402  	// Check that lid is increasing...
   403  	checkFor(t, 2*time.Second, 100*time.Millisecond, func() error {
   404  		if lid := atomic.LoadUint64(&sa.gcid); lid < 3 {
   405  			return fmt.Errorf("Seems like connection was not retried, lid currently only at %d", lid)
   406  		}
   407  		return nil
   408  	})
   409  }
   411  // This test ensures that we can connect using proper user/password
   412  // to a LN URL that was discovered through the INFO protocol.
   413  // We also check that the password doesn't leak to debug/trace logs.
   414  func TestLeafNodeBasicAuthFailover(t *testing.T) {
   415  	// Something a little longer than "pwd" to prevent false positives amongst many log lines;
   416  	// don't make it complex enough to be subject to %-escaping, we want a simple needle search.
   417  	fatalPassword := "pwdfatal"
   419  	content := `
   420  	listen: ""
   421  	cluster {
   422  		name: "abc"
   423  		listen: ""
   424  		%s
   425  	}
   426  	leafnodes {
   427  		listen: ""
   428  		authorization {
   429  			user: foo
   430  			password: %s
   431  			timeout: 1
   432  		}
   433  	}
   434  	`
   435  	conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(content, "", fatalPassword)))
   437  	sb1, ob1 := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
   438  	defer sb1.Shutdown()
   440  	conf = createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(content, fmt.Sprintf("routes: [nats://]", ob1.Cluster.Port), fatalPassword)))
   442  	sb2, _ := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
   443  	defer sb2.Shutdown()
   445  	checkClusterFormed(t, sb1, sb2)
   447  	content = `
   448  	port: -1
   449  	accounts {
   450  		foo {}
   451  	}
   452  	leafnodes {
   453  		listen: ""
   454  		remotes [
   455  			{
   456  				account: "foo"
   457  				url: "nats://foo:%s@"
   458  			}
   459  		]
   460  	}
   461  	`
   462  	conf = createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(content, fatalPassword, ob1.LeafNode.Port)))
   464  	sa, _ := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
   465  	defer sa.Shutdown()
   467  	l := testhelper.NewDummyLogger(100)
   468  	sa.SetLogger(l, true, true) // we want debug & trace logs, to check for passwords in them
   470  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, sa)
   472  	// Shutdown sb1, sa should reconnect to sb2
   473  	sb1.Shutdown()
   475  	// Wait a bit to make sure there was a disconnect and attempt to reconnect.
   476  	time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond)
   478  	// Should be able to reconnect
   479  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, sa)
   481  	// Look at all our logs for the password; at time of writing it doesn't appear
   482  	// but we want to safe-guard against it.
   483  	l.CheckForProhibited(t, "fatal password", fatalPassword)
   484  }
   486  func TestLeafNodeRTT(t *testing.T) {
   487  	ob := DefaultOptions()
   488  	ob.PingInterval = 15 * time.Millisecond
   489  	ob.LeafNode.Host = ""
   490  	ob.LeafNode.Port = -1
   491  	sb := RunServer(ob)
   492  	defer sb.Shutdown()
   494  	lnBURL, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", ob.LeafNode.Port))
   495  	oa := DefaultOptions()
   496  	oa.Cluster.Name = "xyz"
   497  	oa.PingInterval = 15 * time.Millisecond
   498  	oa.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{lnBURL}}}
   499  	sa := RunServer(oa)
   500  	defer sa.Shutdown()
   502  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, sa)
   504  	checkRTT := func(t *testing.T, s *Server) time.Duration {
   505  		t.Helper()
   506  		var ln *client
   508  		for _, l := range s.leafs {
   509  			ln = l
   510  			break
   511  		}
   513  		var rtt time.Duration
   514  		checkFor(t, 2*firstPingInterval, 15*time.Millisecond, func() error {
   516  			rtt = ln.rtt
   518  			if rtt == 0 {
   519  				return fmt.Errorf("RTT not tracked")
   520  			}
   521  			return nil
   522  		})
   523  		return rtt
   524  	}
   526  	prevA := checkRTT(t, sa)
   527  	prevB := checkRTT(t, sb)
   529  	// Wait to see if RTT is updated
   530  	checkUpdated := func(t *testing.T, s *Server, prev time.Duration) {
   531  		attempts := 0
   532  		timeout := time.Now().Add(2 * firstPingInterval)
   533  		for time.Now().Before(timeout) {
   534  			if rtt := checkRTT(t, s); rtt != prev {
   535  				return
   536  			}
   537  			attempts++
   538  			if attempts == 5 {
   540  				for _, ln := range s.leafs {
   542  					ln.rtt = 0
   544  					break
   545  				}
   547  			}
   548  			time.Sleep(15 * time.Millisecond)
   549  		}
   550  		t.Fatalf("RTT probably not updated")
   551  	}
   552  	checkUpdated(t, sa, prevA)
   553  	checkUpdated(t, sb, prevB)
   555  	sa.Shutdown()
   556  	sb.Shutdown()
   558  	// Now check that initial RTT is computed prior to first PingInterval
   559  	// Get new options to avoid possible race changing the ping interval.
   560  	ob = DefaultOptions()
   561  	ob.Cluster.Name = "xyz"
   562  	ob.PingInterval = time.Minute
   563  	ob.LeafNode.Host = ""
   564  	ob.LeafNode.Port = -1
   565  	sb = RunServer(ob)
   566  	defer sb.Shutdown()
   568  	lnBURL, _ = url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", ob.LeafNode.Port))
   569  	oa = DefaultOptions()
   570  	oa.PingInterval = time.Minute
   571  	oa.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{lnBURL}}}
   572  	sa = RunServer(oa)
   573  	defer sa.Shutdown()
   575  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, sa)
   577  	checkRTT(t, sa)
   578  	checkRTT(t, sb)
   579  }
   581  func TestLeafNodeValidateAuthOptions(t *testing.T) {
   582  	opts := DefaultOptions()
   583  	opts.LeafNode.Username = "user1"
   584  	opts.LeafNode.Password = "pwd"
   585  	opts.LeafNode.Users = []*User{{Username: "user", Password: "pwd"}}
   586  	if _, err := NewServer(opts); err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(),
   587  		"can not have a single user/pass and a users array") {
   588  		t.Fatalf("Expected error about mixing single/multi users, got %v", err)
   589  	}
   591  	// Check duplicate user names
   592  	opts.LeafNode.Username = _EMPTY_
   593  	opts.LeafNode.Password = _EMPTY_
   594  	opts.LeafNode.Users = append(opts.LeafNode.Users, &User{Username: "user", Password: "pwd"})
   595  	if _, err := NewServer(opts); err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "duplicate user") {
   596  		t.Fatalf("Expected error about duplicate user, got %v", err)
   597  	}
   598  }
   600  func TestLeafNodeBasicAuthSingleton(t *testing.T) {
   601  	opts := DefaultOptions()
   602  	opts.LeafNode.Port = -1
   603  	opts.LeafNode.Account = "unknown"
   604  	if s, err := NewServer(opts); err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "cannot find") {
   605  		if s != nil {
   606  			s.Shutdown()
   607  		}
   608  		t.Fatalf("Expected error about account not found, got %v", err)
   609  	}
   611  	template := `
   612  		port: -1
   613  		accounts: {
   614  			ACC1: { users = [{user: "user1", password: "user1"}] }
   615  			ACC2: { users = [{user: "user2", password: "user2"}] }
   616  		}
   617  		leafnodes: {
   618  			port: -1
   619  			authorization {
   620  			  %s
   621                account: "ACC1"
   622              }
   623  		}
   624  	`
   625  	for iter, test := range []struct {
   626  		name       string
   627  		userSpec   string
   628  		lnURLCreds string
   629  		shouldFail bool
   630  	}{
   631  		{"no user creds required and no user so binds to ACC1", "", "", false},
   632  		{"no user creds required and pick user2 associated to ACC2", "", "user2:user2@", false},
   633  		{"no user creds required and unknown user should fail", "", "unknown:user@", true},
   634  		{"user creds required so binds to ACC1", "user: \"ln\"\npass: \"pwd\"", "ln:pwd@", false},
   635  	} {
   636  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
   638  			conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(template, test.userSpec)))
   639  			s1, o1 := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
   640  			defer s1.Shutdown()
   642  			// Create a sub on "foo" for account ACC1 (user user1), which is the one
   643  			// bound to the accepted LN connection.
   644  			ncACC1 := natsConnect(t, fmt.Sprintf("nats://user1:user1@%s:%d", o1.Host, o1.Port))
   645  			defer ncACC1.Close()
   646  			sub1 := natsSubSync(t, ncACC1, "foo")
   647  			natsFlush(t, ncACC1)
   649  			// Create a sub on "foo" for account ACC2 (user user2). This one should
   650  			// not receive any message.
   651  			ncACC2 := natsConnect(t, fmt.Sprintf("nats://user2:user2@%s:%d", o1.Host, o1.Port))
   652  			defer ncACC2.Close()
   653  			sub2 := natsSubSync(t, ncACC2, "foo")
   654  			natsFlush(t, ncACC2)
   656  			conf = createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
   657  				port: -1
   658  				leafnodes: {
   659  					remotes = [ { url: "nats-leaf://%s%s:%d" } ]
   660  				}
   661  			`, test.lnURLCreds, o1.LeafNode.Host, o1.LeafNode.Port)))
   662  			s2, _ := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
   663  			defer s2.Shutdown()
   665  			if test.shouldFail {
   666  				// Wait a bit and ensure that there is no leaf node connection
   667  				time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
   668  				checkFor(t, time.Second, 15*time.Millisecond, func() error {
   669  					if n := s1.NumLeafNodes(); n != 0 {
   670  						return fmt.Errorf("Expected no leafnode connection, got %v", n)
   671  					}
   672  					return nil
   673  				})
   674  				return
   675  			}
   677  			checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s2)
   679  			nc := natsConnect(t, s2.ClientURL())
   680  			defer nc.Close()
   681  			natsPub(t, nc, "foo", []byte("hello"))
   682  			// If url contains known user, even when there is no credentials
   683  			// required, the connection will be bound to the user's account.
   684  			if iter == 1 {
   685  				// Should not receive on "ACC1", but should on "ACC2"
   686  				if _, err := sub1.NextMsg(100 * time.Millisecond); err != nats.ErrTimeout {
   687  					t.Fatalf("Expected timeout error, got %v", err)
   688  				}
   689  				natsNexMsg(t, sub2, time.Second)
   690  			} else {
   691  				// Should receive on "ACC1"...
   692  				natsNexMsg(t, sub1, time.Second)
   693  				// but not received on "ACC2" since leafnode bound to account "ACC1".
   694  				if _, err := sub2.NextMsg(100 * time.Millisecond); err != nats.ErrTimeout {
   695  					t.Fatalf("Expected timeout error, got %v", err)
   696  				}
   697  			}
   698  		})
   699  	}
   700  }
   702  func TestLeafNodeBasicAuthMultiple(t *testing.T) {
   703  	conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
   704  		port: -1
   705  		accounts: {
   706  			S1ACC1: { users = [{user: "user1", password: "user1"}] }
   707  			S1ACC2: { users = [{user: "user2", password: "user2"}] }
   708  		}
   709  		leafnodes: {
   710  			port: -1
   711  			authorization {
   712  			  users = [
   713  				  {user: "ln1", password: "ln1", account: "S1ACC1"}
   714  				  {user: "ln2", password: "ln2", account: "S1ACC2"}
   715  				  {user: "ln3", password: "ln3"}
   716  			  ]
   717              }
   718  		}
   719  	`))
   720  	s1, o1 := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
   721  	defer s1.Shutdown()
   723  	// Make sure that we reject a LN connection if user does not match
   724  	conf = createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
   725  		port: -1
   726  		leafnodes: {
   727  			remotes = [{url: "nats-leaf://wron:user@%s:%d"}]
   728  		}
   729  	`, o1.LeafNode.Host, o1.LeafNode.Port)))
   730  	s2, _ := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
   731  	defer s2.Shutdown()
   732  	// Give a chance for s2 to attempt to connect and make sure that s1
   733  	// did not register a LN connection.
   734  	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
   735  	if n := s1.NumLeafNodes(); n != 0 {
   736  		t.Fatalf("Expected no leafnode connection, got %v", n)
   737  	}
   738  	s2.Shutdown()
   740  	ncACC1 := natsConnect(t, fmt.Sprintf("nats://user1:user1@%s:%d", o1.Host, o1.Port))
   741  	defer ncACC1.Close()
   742  	sub1 := natsSubSync(t, ncACC1, "foo")
   743  	natsFlush(t, ncACC1)
   745  	ncACC2 := natsConnect(t, fmt.Sprintf("nats://user2:user2@%s:%d", o1.Host, o1.Port))
   746  	defer ncACC2.Close()
   747  	sub2 := natsSubSync(t, ncACC2, "foo")
   748  	natsFlush(t, ncACC2)
   750  	// We will start s2 with 2 LN connections that should bind local account S2ACC1
   751  	// to account S1ACC1 and S2ACC2 to account S1ACC2 on s1.
   752  	conf = createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
   753  		port: -1
   754  		accounts {
   755  			S2ACC1 { users = [{user: "user1", password: "user1"}] }
   756  			S2ACC2 { users = [{user: "user2", password: "user2"}] }
   757  		}
   758  		leafnodes: {
   759  			remotes = [
   760  				{
   761  					url: "nats-leaf://ln1:ln1@%s:%d"
   762  					account: "S2ACC1"
   763  				}
   764  				{
   765  					url: "nats-leaf://ln2:ln2@%s:%d"
   766  					account: "S2ACC2"
   767  				}
   768  			]
   769  		}
   770  	`, o1.LeafNode.Host, o1.LeafNode.Port, o1.LeafNode.Host, o1.LeafNode.Port)))
   771  	s2, o2 := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
   772  	defer s2.Shutdown()
   774  	checkFor(t, 5*time.Second, 100*time.Millisecond, func() error {
   775  		if nln := s2.NumLeafNodes(); nln != 2 {
   776  			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 2 connected leafnodes for server %q, got %d", s2.ID(), nln)
   777  		}
   778  		return nil
   779  	})
   781  	// Create a user connection on s2 that binds to S2ACC1 (use user1).
   782  	nc1 := natsConnect(t, fmt.Sprintf("nats://user1:user1@%s:%d", o2.Host, o2.Port))
   783  	defer nc1.Close()
   785  	// Create an user connection on s2 that binds to S2ACC2 (use user2).
   786  	nc2 := natsConnect(t, fmt.Sprintf("nats://user2:user2@%s:%d", o2.Host, o2.Port))
   787  	defer nc2.Close()
   789  	// Now if a message is published from nc1, sub1 should receive it since
   790  	// their account are bound together.
   791  	natsPub(t, nc1, "foo", []byte("hello"))
   792  	natsNexMsg(t, sub1, time.Second)
   793  	// But sub2 should not receive it since different account.
   794  	if _, err := sub2.NextMsg(100 * time.Millisecond); err != nats.ErrTimeout {
   795  		t.Fatalf("Expected timeout error, got %v", err)
   796  	}
   798  	// Now use nc2 (S2ACC2) to publish
   799  	natsPub(t, nc2, "foo", []byte("hello"))
   800  	// Expect sub2 to receive and sub1 not to.
   801  	natsNexMsg(t, sub2, time.Second)
   802  	if _, err := sub1.NextMsg(100 * time.Millisecond); err != nats.ErrTimeout {
   803  		t.Fatalf("Expected timeout error, got %v", err)
   804  	}
   806  	// Now check that we don't panic if no account is specified for
   807  	// a given user.
   808  	conf = createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
   809  		port: -1
   810  		leafnodes: {
   811  			remotes = [
   812  				{ url: "nats-leaf://ln3:ln3@%s:%d" }
   813  			]
   814  		}
   815  	`, o1.LeafNode.Host, o1.LeafNode.Port)))
   816  	s3, _ := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
   817  	defer s3.Shutdown()
   818  }
   820  type loopDetectedLogger struct {
   821  	DummyLogger
   822  	ch chan string
   823  }
   825  func (l *loopDetectedLogger) Errorf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
   826  	msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)
   827  	if strings.Contains(msg, "Loop") {
   828  		select {
   829  		case <- msg:
   830  		default:
   831  		}
   832  	}
   833  }
   835  func TestLeafNodeLoop(t *testing.T) {
   836  	test := func(t *testing.T, cluster bool) {
   837  		// This test requires that we set the port to known value because
   838  		// we want A point to B and B to A.
   839  		oa := DefaultOptions()
   840  		oa.ServerName = "A"
   841  		if !cluster {
   842  			oa.Cluster.Port = 0
   843  			oa.Cluster.Name = _EMPTY_
   844  		}
   845  		oa.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 10 * time.Millisecond
   846  		oa.LeafNode.Port = 1234
   847  		ub, _ := url.Parse("nats://")
   848  		oa.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{ub}}}
   849  		oa.LeafNode.connDelay = 50 * time.Millisecond
   850  		sa := RunServer(oa)
   851  		defer sa.Shutdown()
   853  		la := &loopDetectedLogger{ch: make(chan string, 1)}
   854  		sa.SetLogger(la, false, false)
   856  		ob := DefaultOptions()
   857  		ob.ServerName = "B"
   858  		if !cluster {
   859  			ob.Cluster.Port = 0
   860  			ob.Cluster.Name = _EMPTY_
   861  		} else {
   862  			ob.Cluster.Name = "xyz"
   863  		}
   864  		ob.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 10 * time.Millisecond
   865  		ob.LeafNode.Port = 5678
   866  		ua, _ := url.Parse("nats://")
   867  		ob.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{ua}}}
   868  		ob.LeafNode.connDelay = 50 * time.Millisecond
   869  		sb := RunServer(ob)
   870  		defer sb.Shutdown()
   872  		lb := &loopDetectedLogger{ch: make(chan string, 1)}
   873  		sb.SetLogger(lb, false, false)
   875  		select {
   876  		case <
   877  			// OK!
   878  		case <
   879  			// OK!
   880  		case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
   881  			t.Fatalf("Did not get any error regarding loop")
   882  		}
   884  		sb.Shutdown()
   885  		ob.Port = -1
   886  		ob.Cluster.Port = -1
   887  		ob.LeafNode.Remotes = nil
   888  		sb = RunServer(ob)
   889  		defer sb.Shutdown()
   891  		checkLeafNodeConnected(t, sa)
   892  	}
   893  	t.Run("standalone", func(t *testing.T) { test(t, false) })
   894  	t.Run("cluster", func(t *testing.T) { test(t, true) })
   895  }
   897  func TestLeafNodeLoopFromDAG(t *testing.T) {
   898  	// We want B & C to point to A, A itself does not point to any other server.
   899  	// We need to cancel clustering since now this will suppress on its own.
   900  	oa := DefaultOptions()
   901  	oa.ServerName = "A"
   902  	oa.LeafNode.connDelay = 50 * time.Millisecond
   903  	oa.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 10 * time.Millisecond
   904  	oa.LeafNode.Port = -1
   905  	oa.Cluster = ClusterOpts{}
   906  	sa := RunServer(oa)
   907  	defer sa.Shutdown()
   909  	ua, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", oa.LeafNode.Port))
   911  	// B will point to A
   912  	ob := DefaultOptions()
   913  	ob.ServerName = "B"
   914  	ob.LeafNode.connDelay = 50 * time.Millisecond
   915  	ob.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 10 * time.Millisecond
   916  	ob.LeafNode.Port = -1
   917  	ob.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{ua}}}
   918  	ob.Cluster = ClusterOpts{}
   919  	sb := RunServer(ob)
   920  	defer sb.Shutdown()
   922  	ub, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", ob.LeafNode.Port))
   924  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, sa)
   925  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, sb)
   927  	// C will point to A and B
   928  	oc := DefaultOptions()
   929  	oc.ServerName = "C"
   930  	oc.LeafNode.connDelay = 50 * time.Millisecond
   931  	oc.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 10 * time.Millisecond
   932  	oc.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{ua}}, {URLs: []*url.URL{ub}}}
   933  	oc.LeafNode.connDelay = 100 * time.Millisecond // Allow logger to be attached before connecting.
   934  	oc.Cluster = ClusterOpts{}
   935  	sc := RunServer(oc)
   937  	lc := &loopDetectedLogger{ch: make(chan string, 1)}
   938  	sc.SetLogger(lc, false, false)
   940  	// We should get an error.
   941  	select {
   942  	case <
   943  		// OK
   944  	case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
   945  		t.Fatalf("Did not get any error regarding loop")
   946  	}
   948  	// C should not be connected to anything.
   949  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, sc, 0)
   950  	// A and B are connected to each other.
   951  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, sa, 1)
   952  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, sb, 1)
   954  	// Shutdown C and restart without the loop.
   955  	sc.Shutdown()
   956  	oc.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{ub}}}
   958  	sc = RunServer(oc)
   959  	defer sc.Shutdown()
   961  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, sa, 1)
   962  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, sb, 2)
   963  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, sc, 1)
   964  }
   966  func TestLeafNodeCloseTLSConnection(t *testing.T) {
   967  	opts := DefaultOptions()
   968  	opts.DisableShortFirstPing = true
   969  	opts.LeafNode.Host = ""
   970  	opts.LeafNode.Port = -1
   971  	opts.LeafNode.TLSTimeout = 100
   972  	tc := &TLSConfigOpts{
   973  		CertFile: "./configs/certs/server.pem",
   974  		KeyFile:  "./configs/certs/key.pem",
   975  		Insecure: true,
   976  	}
   977  	tlsConf, err := GenTLSConfig(tc)
   978  	if err != nil {
   979  		t.Fatalf("Error generating tls config: %v", err)
   980  	}
   981  	opts.LeafNode.TLSConfig = tlsConf
   982  	opts.NoLog = true
   983  	opts.NoSigs = true
   984  	s := RunServer(opts)
   985  	defer s.Shutdown()
   987  	endpoint := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", opts.LeafNode.Host, opts.LeafNode.Port)
   988  	conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", endpoint, 2*time.Second)
   989  	if err != nil {
   990  		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error on dial: %v", err)
   991  	}
   992  	defer conn.Close()
   994  	br := bufio.NewReaderSize(conn, 100)
   995  	if _, err := br.ReadString('\n'); err != nil {
   996  		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error reading INFO: %v", err)
   997  	}
   999  	tlsConn := tls.Client(conn, &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true})
  1000  	defer tlsConn.Close()
  1001  	if err := tlsConn.Handshake(); err != nil {
  1002  		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error during handshake: %v", err)
  1003  	}
  1004  	connectOp := []byte("CONNECT {\"name\":\"leaf\",\"verbose\":false,\"pedantic\":false}\r\n")
  1005  	if _, err := tlsConn.Write(connectOp); err != nil {
  1006  		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error writing CONNECT: %v", err)
  1007  	}
  1008  	if _, err := tlsConn.Write([]byte("PING\r\n")); err != nil {
  1009  		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error writing PING: %v", err)
  1010  	}
  1012  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s)
  1014  	// Get leaf connection
  1015  	var leaf *client
  1017  	for _, l := range s.leafs {
  1018  		leaf = l
  1019  		break
  1020  	}
  1022  	// Fill the buffer. We want to timeout on write so that nc.Close()
  1023  	// would block due to a write that cannot complete.
  1024  	buf := make([]byte, 64*1024)
  1025  	done := false
  1026  	for !done {
  1028  		if _, err :=; err != nil {
  1029  			done = true
  1030  		}
  1032  	}
  1033  	ch := make(chan bool)
  1034  	go func() {
  1035  		select {
  1036  		case <-ch:
  1037  			return
  1038  		case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):
  1039  			fmt.Println("!!!! closeConnection is blocked, test will hang !!!")
  1040  			return
  1041  		}
  1042  	}()
  1043  	// Close the route
  1044  	leaf.closeConnection(SlowConsumerWriteDeadline)
  1045  	ch <- true
  1046  }
  1048  func TestLeafNodeTLSSaveName(t *testing.T) {
  1049  	opts := DefaultOptions()
  1050  	opts.LeafNode.Host = ""
  1051  	opts.LeafNode.Port = -1
  1052  	tc := &TLSConfigOpts{
  1053  		CertFile: "../test/configs/certs/server-noip.pem",
  1054  		KeyFile:  "../test/configs/certs/server-key-noip.pem",
  1055  		Insecure: true,
  1056  	}
  1057  	tlsConf, err := GenTLSConfig(tc)
  1058  	if err != nil {
  1059  		t.Fatalf("Error generating tls config: %v", err)
  1060  	}
  1061  	opts.LeafNode.TLSConfig = tlsConf
  1062  	s := RunServer(opts)
  1063  	defer s.Shutdown()
  1065  	lo := DefaultOptions()
  1066  	u, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://localhost:%d", opts.LeafNode.Port))
  1067  	lo.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{u}}}
  1068  	lo.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 15 * time.Millisecond
  1069  	ln := RunServer(lo)
  1070  	defer ln.Shutdown()
  1072  	// We know connection will fail, but it should not fail because of error such as:
  1073  	// "cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs"
  1074  	// This would mean that we are not saving the hostname to use during the TLS handshake.
  1076  	le := &captureErrorLogger{errCh: make(chan string, 100)}
  1077  	ln.SetLogger(le, false, false)
  1079  	tm := time.NewTimer(time.Second)
  1080  	var done bool
  1081  	for !done {
  1082  		select {
  1083  		case err := <-le.errCh:
  1084  			if strings.Contains(err, "doesn't contain any IP SANs") {
  1085  				t.Fatalf("Got this error: %q", err)
  1086  			}
  1087  		case <-tm.C:
  1088  			done = true
  1089  		}
  1090  	}
  1091  }
  1093  func TestLeafNodeRemoteWrongPort(t *testing.T) {
  1094  	for _, test1 := range []struct {
  1095  		name              string
  1096  		clusterAdvertise  bool
  1097  		leafnodeAdvertise bool
  1098  	}{
  1099  		{"advertise_on", false, false},
  1100  		{"cluster_no_advertise", true, false},
  1101  		{"leafnode_no_advertise", false, true},
  1102  	} {
  1103  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  1104  			oa := DefaultOptions()
  1105  			// Make sure we have all ports (client, route, gateway) and we will try
  1106  			// to create a leafnode to connection to each and make sure we get the error.
  1107  			oa.Cluster.NoAdvertise = test1.clusterAdvertise
  1108  			oa.Cluster.Name = "A"
  1109  			oa.Cluster.Host = ""
  1110  			oa.Cluster.Port = -1
  1111  			oa.Gateway.Host = ""
  1112  			oa.Gateway.Port = -1
  1113  			oa.Gateway.Name = "A"
  1114  			oa.LeafNode.Host = ""
  1115  			oa.LeafNode.Port = -1
  1116  			oa.LeafNode.NoAdvertise = test1.leafnodeAdvertise
  1117  			oa.Accounts = []*Account{NewAccount("sys")}
  1118  			oa.SystemAccount = "sys"
  1119  			sa := RunServer(oa)
  1120  			defer sa.Shutdown()
  1122  			ob := DefaultOptions()
  1123  			ob.Cluster.NoAdvertise = test1.clusterAdvertise
  1124  			ob.Cluster.Name = "A"
  1125  			ob.Cluster.Host = ""
  1126  			ob.Cluster.Port = -1
  1127  			ob.Routes = RoutesFromStr(fmt.Sprintf("nats://%s:%d", oa.Cluster.Host, oa.Cluster.Port))
  1128  			ob.Gateway.Host = ""
  1129  			ob.Gateway.Port = -1
  1130  			ob.Gateway.Name = "A"
  1131  			ob.LeafNode.Host = ""
  1132  			ob.LeafNode.Port = -1
  1133  			ob.LeafNode.NoAdvertise = test1.leafnodeAdvertise
  1134  			ob.Accounts = []*Account{NewAccount("sys")}
  1135  			ob.SystemAccount = "sys"
  1136  			sb := RunServer(ob)
  1137  			defer sb.Shutdown()
  1139  			checkClusterFormed(t, sa, sb)
  1141  			for _, test := range []struct {
  1142  				name string
  1143  				port int
  1144  			}{
  1145  				{"client", oa.Port},
  1146  				{"cluster", oa.Cluster.Port},
  1147  				{"gateway", oa.Gateway.Port},
  1148  			} {
  1149  				t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  1150  					oc := DefaultOptions()
  1151  					// Server with the wrong config against non leafnode port.
  1152  					leafURL, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", test.port))
  1153  					oc.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{leafURL}}}
  1154  					oc.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 5 * time.Millisecond
  1155  					sc := RunServer(oc)
  1156  					defer sc.Shutdown()
  1157  					l := &captureErrorLogger{errCh: make(chan string, 10)}
  1158  					sc.SetLogger(l, true, true)
  1160  					select {
  1161  					case e := <-l.errCh:
  1162  						if strings.Contains(e, ErrConnectedToWrongPort.Error()) {
  1163  							return
  1164  						}
  1165  					case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
  1166  						t.Fatalf("Did not get any error about connecting to wrong port for %q - %q",
  1168  					}
  1169  				})
  1170  			}
  1171  		})
  1172  	}
  1173  }
  1175  func TestLeafNodeRemoteIsHub(t *testing.T) {
  1176  	oa := testDefaultOptionsForGateway("A")
  1177  	oa.Accounts = []*Account{NewAccount("sys")}
  1178  	oa.SystemAccount = "sys"
  1179  	sa := RunServer(oa)
  1180  	defer sa.Shutdown()
  1182  	lno := DefaultOptions()
  1183  	lno.LeafNode.Host = ""
  1184  	lno.LeafNode.Port = -1
  1185  	ln := RunServer(lno)
  1186  	defer ln.Shutdown()
  1188  	ob1 := testGatewayOptionsFromToWithServers(t, "B", "A", sa)
  1189  	ob1.Accounts = []*Account{NewAccount("sys")}
  1190  	ob1.SystemAccount = "sys"
  1191  	ob1.Cluster.Host = ""
  1192  	ob1.Cluster.Port = -1
  1193  	ob1.LeafNode.Host = ""
  1194  	ob1.LeafNode.Port = -1
  1195  	u, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", lno.LeafNode.Port))
  1196  	ob1.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{
  1197  		{
  1198  			URLs: []*url.URL{u},
  1199  			Hub:  true,
  1200  		},
  1201  	}
  1202  	sb1 := RunServer(ob1)
  1203  	defer sb1.Shutdown()
  1205  	waitForOutboundGateways(t, sb1, 1, 2*time.Second)
  1206  	waitForInboundGateways(t, sb1, 1, 2*time.Second)
  1207  	waitForOutboundGateways(t, sa, 1, 2*time.Second)
  1208  	waitForInboundGateways(t, sa, 1, 2*time.Second)
  1210  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, sb1)
  1212  	// For now, due to issue 977, let's restart the leafnode so that the
  1213  	// leafnode connect is propagated in the super-cluster.
  1214  	ln.Shutdown()
  1215  	ln = RunServer(lno)
  1216  	defer ln.Shutdown()
  1217  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, sb1)
  1219  	// Connect another server in cluster B
  1220  	ob2 := testGatewayOptionsFromToWithServers(t, "B", "A", sa)
  1221  	ob2.Accounts = []*Account{NewAccount("sys")}
  1222  	ob2.SystemAccount = "sys"
  1223  	ob2.Cluster.Host = ""
  1224  	ob2.Cluster.Port = -1
  1225  	ob2.Routes = RoutesFromStr(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", ob1.Cluster.Port))
  1226  	sb2 := RunServer(ob2)
  1227  	defer sb2.Shutdown()
  1229  	checkClusterFormed(t, sb1, sb2)
  1230  	waitForOutboundGateways(t, sb2, 1, 2*time.Second)
  1232  	expectedSubs := ln.NumSubscriptions() + 2
  1234  	// Create sub on "foo" connected to sa
  1235  	ncA := natsConnect(t, sa.ClientURL())
  1236  	defer ncA.Close()
  1237  	subFoo := natsSubSync(t, ncA, "foo")
  1239  	// Create sub on "bar" connected to sb2
  1240  	ncB2 := natsConnect(t, sb2.ClientURL())
  1241  	defer ncB2.Close()
  1242  	subBar := natsSubSync(t, ncB2, "bar")
  1244  	// Make sure subscriptions have propagated to the leafnode.
  1245  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  1246  		if subs := ln.NumSubscriptions(); subs < expectedSubs {
  1247  			return fmt.Errorf("Number of subs is %d", subs)
  1248  		}
  1249  		return nil
  1250  	})
  1252  	// Create pub connection on leafnode
  1253  	ncLN := natsConnect(t, ln.ClientURL())
  1254  	defer ncLN.Close()
  1256  	// Publish on foo and make sure it is received.
  1257  	natsPub(t, ncLN, "foo", []byte("msg"))
  1258  	natsNexMsg(t, subFoo, time.Second)
  1260  	// Publish on foo and make sure it is received.
  1261  	natsPub(t, ncLN, "bar", []byte("msg"))
  1262  	natsNexMsg(t, subBar, time.Second)
  1263  }
  1265  func TestLeafNodePermissions(t *testing.T) {
  1266  	lo1 := DefaultOptions()
  1267  	lo1.LeafNode.Host = ""
  1268  	lo1.LeafNode.Port = -1
  1269  	ln1 := RunServer(lo1)
  1270  	defer ln1.Shutdown()
  1272  	errLog := &captureErrorLogger{errCh: make(chan string, 1)}
  1273  	ln1.SetLogger(errLog, false, false)
  1275  	u, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://%s:%d", lo1.LeafNode.Host, lo1.LeafNode.Port))
  1276  	lo2 := DefaultOptions()
  1277  	lo2.Cluster.Name = "xyz"
  1278  	lo2.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 5 * time.Millisecond
  1279  	lo2.LeafNode.connDelay = 100 * time.Millisecond
  1280  	lo2.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{
  1281  		{
  1282  			URLs:        []*url.URL{u},
  1283  			DenyExports: []string{"export.*", "export"},
  1284  			DenyImports: []string{"import.*", "import"},
  1285  		},
  1286  	}
  1287  	ln2 := RunServer(lo2)
  1288  	defer ln2.Shutdown()
  1290  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, ln1)
  1292  	// Create clients on ln1 and ln2
  1293  	nc1, err := nats.Connect(ln1.ClientURL())
  1294  	if err != nil {
  1295  		t.Fatalf("Error creating client: %v", err)
  1296  	}
  1297  	defer nc1.Close()
  1298  	nc2, err := nats.Connect(ln2.ClientURL())
  1299  	if err != nil {
  1300  		t.Fatalf("Error creating client: %v", err)
  1301  	}
  1302  	defer nc2.Close()
  1304  	checkSubs := func(acc *Account, expected int) {
  1305  		t.Helper()
  1306  		checkFor(t, time.Second, 15*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  1307  			if n := acc.TotalSubs(); n != expected {
  1308  				return fmt.Errorf("Expected %d subs, got %v", expected, n)
  1309  			}
  1310  			return nil
  1311  		})
  1312  	}
  1314  	// Create a sub on ">" on LN1
  1315  	subAll := natsSubSync(t, nc1, ">")
  1316  	// this should be registered in LN2 (there is 1 sub for LN1 $LDS subject) + SYS IMPORTS
  1317  	checkSubs(ln2.globalAccount(), 12)
  1319  	// Check deny export clause from messages published from LN2
  1320  	for _, test := range []struct {
  1321  		name     string
  1322  		subject  string
  1323  		received bool
  1324  	}{
  1325  		{"do not send on export.bat", "export.bat", false},
  1326  		{"do not send on export", "export", false},
  1327  		{"send on foo", "foo", true},
  1328  		{"send on", "", true},
  1329  	} {
  1330  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  1331  			nc2.Publish(test.subject, []byte("msg"))
  1332  			if test.received {
  1333  				natsNexMsg(t, subAll, time.Second)
  1334  			} else {
  1335  				if _, err := subAll.NextMsg(50 * time.Millisecond); err == nil {
  1336  					t.Fatalf("Should not have received message on %q", test.subject)
  1337  				}
  1338  			}
  1339  		})
  1340  	}
  1342  	subAll.Unsubscribe()
  1343  	// Goes down by 1.
  1344  	checkSubs(ln2.globalAccount(), 11)
  1346  	// We used to make sure we would not do subscriptions however that
  1347  	// was incorrect. We need to check publishes, not the subscriptions.
  1348  	// For instance if we can publish across a leafnode to foo, and the
  1349  	// other side has a subsxcription for '*' the message should cross
  1350  	// the leafnode. The old way would not allow this.
  1352  	// Now check deny import clause.
  1353  	// As of now, we don't suppress forwarding of subscriptions on LN2 that
  1354  	// match the deny import clause to be forwarded to LN1. However, messages
  1355  	// should still not be able to come back to LN2.
  1356  	for _, test := range []struct {
  1357  		name       string
  1358  		subSubject string
  1359  		pubSubject string
  1360  		ok         bool
  1361  	}{
  1362  		{"reject import on import.*", "import.*", "import.bad", false},
  1363  		{"reject import on import", "import", "import", false},
  1364  		{"accepts import on foo", "foo", "foo", true},
  1365  		{"accepts import on", "import.*.>", "", true},
  1366  	} {
  1367  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  1368  			sub := natsSubSync(t, nc2, test.subSubject)
  1369  			checkSubs(ln2.globalAccount(), 12)
  1371  			if !test.ok {
  1372  				nc1.Publish(test.pubSubject, []byte("msg"))
  1373  				if _, err := sub.NextMsg(50 * time.Millisecond); err == nil {
  1374  					t.Fatalf("Did not expect to get the message")
  1375  				}
  1376  			} else {
  1377  				checkSubs(ln1.globalAccount(), 11)
  1378  				nc1.Publish(test.pubSubject, []byte("msg"))
  1379  				natsNexMsg(t, sub, time.Second)
  1380  			}
  1381  			sub.Unsubscribe()
  1382  			checkSubs(ln1.globalAccount(), 10)
  1383  		})
  1384  	}
  1385  }
  1387  func TestLeafNodePermissionsConcurrentAccess(t *testing.T) {
  1388  	lo1 := DefaultOptions()
  1389  	lo1.LeafNode.Host = ""
  1390  	lo1.LeafNode.Port = -1
  1391  	ln1 := RunServer(lo1)
  1392  	defer ln1.Shutdown()
  1394  	nc1 := natsConnect(t, ln1.ClientURL())
  1395  	defer nc1.Close()
  1397  	natsSub(t, nc1, "_INBOX.>", func(_ *nats.Msg) {})
  1398  	natsFlush(t, nc1)
  1400  	ch := make(chan struct{}, 1)
  1401  	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
  1402  	wg.Add(2)
  1404  	publish := func(nc *nats.Conn) {
  1405  		defer wg.Done()
  1407  		for {
  1408  			select {
  1409  			case <-ch:
  1410  				return
  1411  			default:
  1412  				nc.Publish(nats.NewInbox(), []byte("hello"))
  1413  			}
  1414  		}
  1415  	}
  1417  	go publish(nc1)
  1419  	u, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://%s:%d", lo1.LeafNode.Host, lo1.LeafNode.Port))
  1420  	lo2 := DefaultOptions()
  1421  	lo2.Cluster.Name = "xyz"
  1422  	lo2.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 5 * time.Millisecond
  1423  	lo2.LeafNode.connDelay = 500 * time.Millisecond
  1424  	lo2.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{
  1425  		{
  1426  			URLs:        []*url.URL{u},
  1427  			DenyExports: []string{"foo"},
  1428  			DenyImports: []string{"bar"},
  1429  		},
  1430  	}
  1431  	ln2 := RunServer(lo2)
  1432  	defer ln2.Shutdown()
  1434  	nc2 := natsConnect(t, ln2.ClientURL())
  1435  	defer nc2.Close()
  1437  	natsSub(t, nc2, "_INBOX.>", func(_ *nats.Msg) {})
  1438  	natsFlush(t, nc2)
  1440  	go publish(nc2)
  1442  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, ln1)
  1443  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, ln2)
  1445  	time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
  1446  	close(ch)
  1447  	wg.Wait()
  1448  }
  1450  func TestLeafNodePubAllowedPruning(t *testing.T) {
  1451  	c := &client{}
  1452  	c.setPermissions(&Permissions{Publish: &SubjectPermission{Allow: []string{"foo"}}})
  1454  	gr := 100
  1455  	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
  1456  	wg.Add(gr)
  1457  	for i := 0; i < gr; i++ {
  1458  		go func() {
  1459  			defer wg.Done()
  1460  			for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
  1461  				c.pubAllowed(nats.NewInbox())
  1462  			}
  1463  		}()
  1464  	}
  1466  	wg.Wait()
  1467  	if n := int(atomic.LoadInt32(&c.perms.pcsz)); n > maxPermCacheSize {
  1468  		t.Fatalf("Expected size to be less than %v, got %v", maxPermCacheSize, n)
  1469  	}
  1470  	if n := atomic.LoadInt32(&c.perms.prun); n != 0 {
  1471  		t.Fatalf("c.perms.prun should be 0, was %v", n)
  1472  	}
  1473  }
  1475  func TestLeafNodeExportPermissionsNotForSpecialSubs(t *testing.T) {
  1476  	lo1 := DefaultOptions()
  1477  	lo1.Accounts = []*Account{NewAccount("SYS")}
  1478  	lo1.SystemAccount = "SYS"
  1479  	lo1.Cluster.Name = "A"
  1480  	lo1.Gateway.Name = "A"
  1481  	lo1.Gateway.Port = -1
  1482  	lo1.LeafNode.Host = ""
  1483  	lo1.LeafNode.Port = -1
  1484  	ln1 := RunServer(lo1)
  1485  	defer ln1.Shutdown()
  1487  	u, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://%s:%d", lo1.LeafNode.Host, lo1.LeafNode.Port))
  1488  	lo2 := DefaultOptions()
  1489  	lo2.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{
  1490  		{
  1491  			URLs:        []*url.URL{u},
  1492  			DenyExports: []string{">"},
  1493  		},
  1494  	}
  1495  	ln2 := RunServer(lo2)
  1496  	defer ln2.Shutdown()
  1498  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, ln1)
  1500  	// The deny is totally restrictive, but make sure that we still accept the $LDS, $GR and _GR_ go from LN1.
  1501  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 15*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  1502  		// We should have registered the 3 subs from the accepting leafnode.
  1503  		if n := ln2.globalAccount().TotalSubs(); n != 9 {
  1504  			return fmt.Errorf("Expected %d subs, got %v", 9, n)
  1505  		}
  1506  		return nil
  1507  	})
  1508  }
  1510  // Make sure that if the node that detects the loop (and sends the error and
  1511  // close the connection) is the accept side, the remote node (the one that solicits)
  1512  // properly use the reconnect delay.
  1513  func TestLeafNodeLoopDetectedOnAcceptSide(t *testing.T) {
  1514  	bo := DefaultOptions()
  1515  	bo.LeafNode.Host = ""
  1516  	bo.LeafNode.Port = -1
  1517  	b := RunServer(bo)
  1518  	defer b.Shutdown()
  1520  	l := &loopDetectedLogger{ch: make(chan string, 1)}
  1521  	b.SetLogger(l, false, false)
  1523  	u, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", bo.LeafNode.Port))
  1525  	ao := testDefaultOptionsForGateway("A")
  1526  	ao.Accounts = []*Account{NewAccount("SYS")}
  1527  	ao.SystemAccount = "SYS"
  1528  	ao.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 5 * time.Millisecond
  1529  	ao.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{
  1530  		{
  1531  			URLs: []*url.URL{u},
  1532  			Hub:  true,
  1533  		},
  1534  	}
  1535  	a := RunServer(ao)
  1536  	defer a.Shutdown()
  1538  	co := testGatewayOptionsFromToWithServers(t, "C", "A", a)
  1539  	co.Accounts = []*Account{NewAccount("SYS")}
  1540  	co.SystemAccount = "SYS"
  1541  	co.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 5 * time.Millisecond
  1542  	co.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{
  1543  		{
  1544  			URLs: []*url.URL{u},
  1545  			Hub:  true,
  1546  		},
  1547  	}
  1548  	c := RunServer(co)
  1549  	defer c.Shutdown()
  1551  	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
  1552  		select {
  1553  		case <
  1554  			// OK
  1555  		case <-time.After(200 * time.Millisecond):
  1556  			// We are likely to detect from each A and C servers,
  1557  			// but consider a failure if we did not receive any.
  1558  			if i == 0 {
  1559  				t.Fatalf("Should have detected loop")
  1560  			}
  1561  		}
  1562  	}
  1564  	// The reconnect attempt is set to 5ms, but the default loop delay
  1565  	// is 30 seconds, so we should not get any new error for that long.
  1566  	// Check if we are getting more errors..
  1567  	select {
  1568  	case e := <
  1569  		t.Fatalf("Should not have gotten another error, got %q", e)
  1570  	case <-time.After(50 * time.Millisecond):
  1571  		// OK!
  1572  	}
  1573  }
  1575  func TestLeafNodeHubWithGateways(t *testing.T) {
  1576  	ao := DefaultOptions()
  1577  	ao.ServerName = "A"
  1578  	ao.LeafNode.Host = ""
  1579  	ao.LeafNode.Port = -1
  1580  	a := RunServer(ao)
  1581  	defer a.Shutdown()
  1583  	ua, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", ao.LeafNode.Port))
  1585  	bo := testDefaultOptionsForGateway("B")
  1586  	bo.ServerName = "B"
  1587  	bo.Accounts = []*Account{NewAccount("SYS")}
  1588  	bo.SystemAccount = "SYS"
  1589  	bo.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 5 * time.Millisecond
  1590  	bo.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{
  1591  		{
  1592  			URLs: []*url.URL{ua},
  1593  			Hub:  true,
  1594  		},
  1595  	}
  1596  	b := RunServer(bo)
  1597  	defer b.Shutdown()
  1599  	do := DefaultOptions()
  1600  	do.ServerName = "D"
  1601  	do.LeafNode.Host = ""
  1602  	do.LeafNode.Port = -1
  1603  	d := RunServer(do)
  1604  	defer d.Shutdown()
  1606  	ud, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", do.LeafNode.Port))
  1608  	co := testGatewayOptionsFromToWithServers(t, "C", "B", b)
  1609  	co.ServerName = "C"
  1610  	co.Accounts = []*Account{NewAccount("SYS")}
  1611  	co.SystemAccount = "SYS"
  1612  	co.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 5 * time.Millisecond
  1613  	co.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{
  1614  		{
  1615  			URLs: []*url.URL{ud},
  1616  			Hub:  true,
  1617  		},
  1618  	}
  1619  	c := RunServer(co)
  1620  	defer c.Shutdown()
  1622  	waitForInboundGateways(t, b, 1, 2*time.Second)
  1623  	waitForInboundGateways(t, c, 1, 2*time.Second)
  1624  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, a)
  1625  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, d)
  1627  	// Create a responder on D
  1628  	ncD := natsConnect(t, d.ClientURL())
  1629  	defer ncD.Close()
  1631  	ncD.Subscribe("service", func(m *nats.Msg) {
  1632  		m.Respond([]byte("reply"))
  1633  	})
  1634  	ncD.Flush()
  1636  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 15*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  1637  		acc := a.globalAccount()
  1638  		if r :="service"); r != nil && len(r.psubs) == 1 {
  1639  			return nil
  1640  		}
  1641  		return fmt.Errorf("subscription still not registered")
  1642  	})
  1644  	// Create requestor on A and send the request, expect a reply.
  1645  	ncA := natsConnect(t, a.ClientURL())
  1646  	defer ncA.Close()
  1647  	if msg, err := ncA.Request("service", []byte("request"), time.Second); err != nil {
  1648  		t.Fatalf("Failed to get reply: %v", err)
  1649  	} else if string(msg.Data) != "reply" {
  1650  		t.Fatalf("Unexpected reply: %q", msg.Data)
  1651  	}
  1652  }
  1654  func TestLeafNodeTmpClients(t *testing.T) {
  1655  	ao := DefaultOptions()
  1656  	ao.LeafNode.Host = ""
  1657  	ao.LeafNode.Port = -1
  1658  	a := RunServer(ao)
  1659  	defer a.Shutdown()
  1661  	c, err := net.Dial("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("", ao.LeafNode.Port))
  1662  	if err != nil {
  1663  		t.Fatalf("Error connecting: %v", err)
  1664  	}
  1665  	defer c.Close()
  1666  	// Read info
  1667  	br := bufio.NewReader(c)
  1668  	br.ReadLine()
  1670  	checkTmp := func(expected int) {
  1671  		t.Helper()
  1672  		checkFor(t, time.Second, 15*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  1673  			a.grMu.Lock()
  1674  			l := len(a.grTmpClients)
  1675  			a.grMu.Unlock()
  1676  			if l != expected {
  1677  				return fmt.Errorf("Expected tmp map to have %v entries, got %v", expected, l)
  1678  			}
  1679  			return nil
  1680  		})
  1681  	}
  1682  	checkTmp(1)
  1684  	// Close client and wait check that it is removed.
  1685  	c.Close()
  1686  	checkTmp(0)
  1688  	// Check with normal leafnode connection that once connected,
  1689  	// the tmp map is also emptied.
  1690  	bo := DefaultOptions()
  1691  	bo.Cluster.Name = "xyz"
  1692  	bo.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 5 * time.Millisecond
  1693  	u, err := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", ao.LeafNode.Port))
  1694  	if err != nil {
  1695  		t.Fatalf("Error creating url: %v", err)
  1696  	}
  1697  	bo.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{u}}}
  1698  	b := RunServer(bo)
  1699  	defer b.Shutdown()
  1701  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, b)
  1702  	checkTmp(0)
  1703  }
  1705  func TestLeafNodeTLSVerifyAndMap(t *testing.T) {
  1706  	accName := "MyAccount"
  1707  	acc := NewAccount(accName)
  1708  	certUserName := ","
  1709  	users := []*User{{Username: certUserName, Account: acc}}
  1711  	for _, test := range []struct {
  1712  		name        string
  1713  		leafUsers   bool
  1714  		provideCert bool
  1715  	}{
  1716  		{"no users override, provides cert", false, true},
  1717  		{"no users override, does not provide cert", false, false},
  1718  		{"users override, provides cert", true, true},
  1719  		{"users override, does not provide cert", true, false},
  1720  	} {
  1721  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  1722  			o := DefaultOptions()
  1723  			o.Accounts = []*Account{acc}
  1724  			o.LeafNode.Host = ""
  1725  			o.LeafNode.Port = -1
  1726  			if test.leafUsers {
  1727  				o.LeafNode.Users = users
  1728  			} else {
  1729  				o.Users = users
  1730  			}
  1731  			tc := &TLSConfigOpts{
  1732  				CertFile: "../test/configs/certs/tlsauth/server.pem",
  1733  				KeyFile:  "../test/configs/certs/tlsauth/server-key.pem",
  1734  				CaFile:   "../test/configs/certs/tlsauth/ca.pem",
  1735  				Verify:   true,
  1736  			}
  1737  			tlsc, err := GenTLSConfig(tc)
  1738  			if err != nil {
  1739  				t.Fatalf("Error creating tls config: %v", err)
  1740  			}
  1741  			o.LeafNode.TLSConfig = tlsc
  1742  			o.LeafNode.TLSMap = true
  1743  			s := RunServer(o)
  1744  			defer s.Shutdown()
  1746  			slo := DefaultOptions()
  1747  			slo.Cluster.Name = "xyz"
  1749  			sltlsc := &tls.Config{}
  1750  			if test.provideCert {
  1751  				tc := &TLSConfigOpts{
  1752  					CertFile: "../test/configs/certs/tlsauth/client.pem",
  1753  					KeyFile:  "../test/configs/certs/tlsauth/client-key.pem",
  1754  				}
  1755  				var err error
  1756  				sltlsc, err = GenTLSConfig(tc)
  1757  				if err != nil {
  1758  					t.Fatalf("Error generating tls config: %v", err)
  1759  				}
  1760  			}
  1761  			sltlsc.InsecureSkipVerify = true
  1762  			u, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://%s:%d", o.LeafNode.Host, o.LeafNode.Port))
  1763  			slo.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{
  1764  				{
  1765  					TLSConfig: sltlsc,
  1766  					URLs:      []*url.URL{u},
  1767  				},
  1768  			}
  1769  			sl := RunServer(slo)
  1770  			defer sl.Shutdown()
  1772  			if !test.provideCert {
  1773  				// Wait a bit and make sure we are not connecting
  1774  				time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
  1775  				checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, s, 0)
  1776  				return
  1777  			}
  1778  			checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s)
  1780  			var uname string
  1781  			var accname string
  1783  			for _, c := range s.leafs {
  1785  				uname = c.opts.Username
  1786  				if c.acc != nil {
  1787  					accname = c.acc.GetName()
  1788  				}
  1790  			}
  1792  			if uname != certUserName {
  1793  				t.Fatalf("Expected username %q, got %q", certUserName, uname)
  1794  			}
  1795  			if accname != accName {
  1796  				t.Fatalf("Expected account %q, got %v", accName, accname)
  1797  			}
  1798  		})
  1799  	}
  1800  }
  1802  type chanLogger struct {
  1803  	DummyLogger
  1804  	triggerChan chan string
  1805  }
  1807  func (l *chanLogger) Warnf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
  1808  	l.triggerChan <- fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)
  1809  }
  1811  func (l *chanLogger) Errorf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
  1812  	l.triggerChan <- fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)
  1813  }
  1815  const (
  1816  	testLeafNodeTLSVerifyAndMapSrvA = `
  1817  listen:
  1818  leaf {
  1819  	listen: ""
  1820  	tls {
  1821  		cert_file: "../test/configs/certs/server-cert.pem"
  1822  		key_file:  "../test/configs/certs/server-key.pem"
  1823  		ca_file:   "../test/configs/certs/ca.pem"
  1824  		timeout: 2
  1825  		verify_and_map: true
  1826  	}
  1827  	authorization {
  1828  		users [{
  1829  			user: "%s"
  1830  		}]
  1831  	}
  1832  }
  1833  `
  1834  	testLeafNodeTLSVerifyAndMapSrvB = `
  1835  listen: -1
  1836  leaf {
  1837  	remotes [
  1838  		{
  1839  			url: "tls://user-provided-in-url@localhost:%d"
  1840  			tls {
  1841  				cert_file: "../test/configs/certs/server-cert.pem"
  1842  				key_file:  "../test/configs/certs/server-key.pem"
  1843  				ca_file:   "../test/configs/certs/ca.pem"
  1844  			}
  1845  		}
  1846  	]
  1847  }`
  1848  )
  1850  func TestLeafNodeTLSVerifyAndMapCfgPass(t *testing.T) {
  1851  	l := &chanLogger{triggerChan: make(chan string, 100)}
  1852  	defer close(l.triggerChan)
  1854  	confA := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(testLeafNodeTLSVerifyAndMapSrvA, "localhost")))
  1855  	srvA, optsA := RunServerWithConfig(confA)
  1856  	defer srvA.Shutdown()
  1857  	srvA.SetLogger(l, true, true)
  1859  	confB := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(testLeafNodeTLSVerifyAndMapSrvB, optsA.LeafNode.Port)))
  1860  	ob := LoadConfig(confB)
  1861  	ob.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 50 * time.Millisecond
  1862  	srvB := RunServer(ob)
  1863  	defer srvB.Shutdown()
  1865  	// Now make sure that the leaf node connection is up and the correct account was picked
  1866  	checkFor(t, 10*time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  1867  		for _, srv := range []*Server{srvA, srvB} {
  1868  			if nln := srv.NumLeafNodes(); nln != 1 {
  1869  				return fmt.Errorf("Number of leaf nodes is %d", nln)
  1870  			}
  1871  			if leafz, err := srv.Leafz(nil); err != nil {
  1872  				if len(leafz.Leafs) != 1 {
  1873  					return fmt.Errorf("Number of leaf nodes returned by LEAFZ is not one: %d", len(leafz.Leafs))
  1874  				} else if leafz.Leafs[0].Account != DEFAULT_GLOBAL_ACCOUNT {
  1875  					return fmt.Errorf("Account used is not $G: %s", leafz.Leafs[0].Account)
  1876  				}
  1877  			}
  1878  		}
  1879  		return nil
  1880  	})
  1881  	// Make sure that the user name in the url was ignored and a warning printed
  1882  	for {
  1883  		select {
  1884  		case w := <-l.triggerChan:
  1885  			if w == `User "user-provided-in-url" found in connect proto, but user required from cert` {
  1886  				return
  1887  			}
  1888  		case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
  1889  			t.Fatal("Did not get expected warning")
  1890  		}
  1891  	}
  1892  }
  1894  func TestLeafNodeTLSVerifyAndMapCfgFail(t *testing.T) {
  1895  	l := &chanLogger{triggerChan: make(chan string, 100)}
  1896  	defer close(l.triggerChan)
  1898  	// use certificate with SAN localhost, but configure the server to not accept it
  1899  	// instead provide a name matching the user (to be matched by failed
  1900  	confA := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(testLeafNodeTLSVerifyAndMapSrvA, "user-provided-in-url")))
  1901  	srvA, optsA := RunServerWithConfig(confA)
  1902  	defer srvA.Shutdown()
  1903  	srvA.SetLogger(l, true, true)
  1905  	confB := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(testLeafNodeTLSVerifyAndMapSrvB, optsA.LeafNode.Port)))
  1906  	ob := LoadConfig(confB)
  1907  	ob.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 50 * time.Millisecond
  1908  	srvB := RunServer(ob)
  1909  	defer srvB.Shutdown()
  1911  	// Now make sure that the leaf node connection is down
  1912  	checkFor(t, 10*time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  1913  		for _, srv := range []*Server{srvA, srvB} {
  1914  			if nln := srv.NumLeafNodes(); nln != 0 {
  1915  				return fmt.Errorf("Number of leaf nodes is %d", nln)
  1916  			}
  1917  		}
  1918  		return nil
  1919  	})
  1920  	// Make sure that the connection was closed for the right reason
  1921  	for {
  1922  		select {
  1923  		case w := <-l.triggerChan:
  1924  			if strings.Contains(w, ErrAuthentication.Error()) {
  1925  				return
  1926  			}
  1927  		case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
  1928  			t.Fatal("Did not get expected warning")
  1929  		}
  1930  	}
  1931  }
  1933  func TestLeafNodeOriginClusterInfo(t *testing.T) {
  1934  	hopts := DefaultOptions()
  1935  	hopts.ServerName = "hub"
  1936  	hopts.LeafNode.Port = -1
  1938  	hub := RunServer(hopts)
  1939  	defer hub.Shutdown()
  1941  	conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  1942  		port: -1
  1943  		leaf {
  1944  			remotes [ { url: "nats://" } ]
  1945  		}
  1946  	`, hopts.LeafNode.Port)))
  1948  	opts, err := ProcessConfigFile(conf)
  1949  	if err != nil {
  1950  		t.Fatalf("Error processing config file: %v", err)
  1951  	}
  1952  	opts.NoLog, opts.NoSigs = true, true
  1954  	s := RunServer(opts)
  1955  	defer s.Shutdown()
  1957  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s)
  1959  	// Check the info on the leadnode client in the hub.
  1960  	grabLeaf := func() *client {
  1961  		var l *client
  1963  		for _, l = range hub.leafs {
  1964  			break
  1965  		}
  1967  		return l
  1968  	}
  1970  	l := grabLeaf()
  1971  	if rc := l.remoteCluster(); rc != "" {
  1972  		t.Fatalf("Expected an empty remote cluster, got %q", rc)
  1973  	}
  1975  	s.Shutdown()
  1977  	// Now make our leafnode part of a cluster.
  1978  	conf = createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  1979  		port: -1
  1980  		leaf {
  1981  			remotes [ { url: "nats://" } ]
  1982  		}
  1983  		cluster {
  1984  			name: "xyz"
  1985  			listen: ""
  1986  		}
  1987  	`, hopts.LeafNode.Port)))
  1989  	opts, err = ProcessConfigFile(conf)
  1990  	if err != nil {
  1991  		t.Fatalf("Error processing config file: %v", err)
  1992  	}
  1993  	opts.NoLog, opts.NoSigs = true, true
  1995  	s = RunServer(opts)
  1996  	defer s.Shutdown()
  1998  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s)
  2000  	l = grabLeaf()
  2001  	if rc := l.remoteCluster(); rc != "xyz" {
  2002  		t.Fatalf("Expected a remote cluster name of \"xyz\", got %q", rc)
  2003  	}
  2004  	pcid := l.cid
  2006  	// Now make sure that if we update our cluster name, simulating the settling
  2007  	// of dynamic cluster names between competing servers.
  2008  	s.setClusterName("xyz")
  2009  	// Make sure we disconnect and reconnect.
  2010  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, s, 0)
  2011  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s)
  2012  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, hub)
  2014  	l = grabLeaf()
  2015  	if rc := l.remoteCluster(); rc != "xyz" {
  2016  		t.Fatalf("Expected a remote cluster name of \"xyz\", got %q", rc)
  2017  	}
  2018  	// Make sure we reconnected and have a new CID.
  2019  	if l.cid == pcid {
  2020  		t.Fatalf("Expected a different id, got the same")
  2021  	}
  2022  }
  2024  type proxyAcceptDetectFailureLate struct {
  2025  	sync.Mutex
  2026  	wg         sync.WaitGroup
  2027  	acceptPort int
  2028  	l          net.Listener
  2029  	srvs       []net.Conn
  2030  	leaf       net.Conn
  2031  	startChan  chan struct{}
  2032  }
  2034  func (p *proxyAcceptDetectFailureLate) run(t *testing.T) int {
  2035  	return p.runEx(t, false)
  2036  }
  2038  func (p *proxyAcceptDetectFailureLate) runEx(t *testing.T, needStart bool) int {
  2039  	l, err := natsListen("tcp", "")
  2040  	if err != nil {
  2041  		t.Fatalf("Error on listen: %v", err)
  2042  	}
  2043  	p.Lock()
  2044  	var startChan chan struct{}
  2045  	if needStart {
  2046  		startChan = make(chan struct{})
  2047  		p.startChan = startChan
  2048  	}
  2049  	p.l = l
  2050  	p.Unlock()
  2051  	port := l.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port
  2052  	p.wg.Add(1)
  2053  	go func() {
  2054  		defer p.wg.Done()
  2055  		defer l.Close()
  2056  		defer func() {
  2057  			p.Lock()
  2058  			for _, c := range p.srvs {
  2059  				c.Close()
  2060  			}
  2061  			p.Unlock()
  2062  		}()
  2063  		if startChan != nil {
  2064  			<-startChan
  2065  		}
  2066  		for {
  2067  			c, err := l.Accept()
  2068  			if err != nil {
  2069  				return
  2070  			}
  2071  			srv, err := net.Dial("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("", p.acceptPort))
  2072  			if err != nil {
  2073  				return
  2074  			}
  2075  			p.Lock()
  2076  			p.leaf = c
  2077  			p.srvs = append(p.srvs, srv)
  2078  			p.Unlock()
  2080  			transfer := func(c1, c2 net.Conn) {
  2081  				var buf [1024]byte
  2082  				for {
  2083  					n, err := c1.Read(buf[:])
  2084  					if err != nil {
  2085  						return
  2086  					}
  2087  					if _, err := c2.Write(buf[:n]); err != nil {
  2088  						return
  2089  					}
  2090  				}
  2091  			}
  2093  			go transfer(srv, c)
  2094  			go transfer(c, srv)
  2095  		}
  2096  	}()
  2097  	return port
  2098  }
  2100  func (p *proxyAcceptDetectFailureLate) start() {
  2101  	p.Lock()
  2102  	if p.startChan != nil {
  2103  		close(p.startChan)
  2104  		p.startChan = nil
  2105  	}
  2106  	p.Unlock()
  2107  }
  2109  func (p *proxyAcceptDetectFailureLate) close() {
  2110  	p.Lock()
  2111  	if p.startChan != nil {
  2112  		close(p.startChan)
  2113  		p.startChan = nil
  2114  	}
  2115  	p.l.Close()
  2116  	p.Unlock()
  2118  	p.wg.Wait()
  2119  }
  2121  type oldConnReplacedLogger struct {
  2122  	DummyLogger
  2123  	errCh  chan string
  2124  	warnCh chan string
  2125  }
  2127  func (l *oldConnReplacedLogger) Errorf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
  2128  	select {
  2129  	case l.errCh <- fmt.Sprintf(format, v...):
  2130  	default:
  2131  	}
  2132  }
  2134  func (l *oldConnReplacedLogger) Warnf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
  2135  	select {
  2136  	case l.warnCh <- fmt.Sprintf(format, v...):
  2137  	default:
  2138  	}
  2139  }
  2141  // This test will simulate that the accept side does not detect the connection
  2142  // has been closed early enough. The soliciting side will attempt to reconnect
  2143  // and we should not be getting the "loop detected" error.
  2144  func TestLeafNodeLoopDetectedDueToReconnect(t *testing.T) {
  2145  	o := DefaultOptions()
  2146  	o.LeafNode.Host = ""
  2147  	o.LeafNode.Port = -1
  2148  	s := RunServer(o)
  2149  	defer s.Shutdown()
  2151  	l := &oldConnReplacedLogger{errCh: make(chan string, 10), warnCh: make(chan string, 10)}
  2152  	s.SetLogger(l, false, false)
  2154  	p := &proxyAcceptDetectFailureLate{acceptPort: o.LeafNode.Port}
  2155  	defer p.close()
  2156  	port :=
  2158  	aurl, err := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", port))
  2159  	if err != nil {
  2160  		t.Fatalf("Error parsing url: %v", err)
  2161  	}
  2162  	ol := DefaultOptions()
  2163  	ol.Cluster.Name = "cde"
  2164  	ol.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 50 * time.Millisecond
  2165  	ol.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{aurl}}}
  2166  	sl := RunServer(ol)
  2167  	defer sl.Shutdown()
  2169  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s)
  2170  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, sl)
  2172  	// Cause disconnect client side...
  2173  	p.Lock()
  2174  	p.leaf.Close()
  2175  	p.Unlock()
  2177  	// Make sure we did not get the loop detected error
  2178  	select {
  2179  	case e := <-l.errCh:
  2180  		if strings.Contains(e, "Loop detected") {
  2181  			t.Fatalf("Loop detected: %v", e)
  2182  		}
  2183  	case <-time.After(250 * time.Millisecond):
  2184  		// We are ok
  2185  	}
  2187  	// Now make sure we got the warning
  2188  	select {
  2189  	case w := <-l.warnCh:
  2190  		if !strings.Contains(w, "Replacing connection from same server") {
  2191  			t.Fatalf("Unexpected warning: %v", w)
  2192  		}
  2193  	case <-time.After(time.Second):
  2194  		t.Fatal("Did not get expected warning")
  2195  	}
  2197  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s)
  2198  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, sl)
  2199  }
  2201  func TestLeafNodeTwoRemotesBindToSameHubAccount(t *testing.T) {
  2202  	opts := DefaultOptions()
  2203  	opts.LeafNode.Host = ""
  2204  	opts.LeafNode.Port = -1
  2205  	s := RunServer(opts)
  2206  	defer s.Shutdown()
  2208  	for _, test := range []struct {
  2209  		name    string
  2210  		account string
  2211  		fail    bool
  2212  	}{
  2213  		{"different local accounts", "b", false},
  2214  		{"same local accounts", "a", true},
  2215  	} {
  2216  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  2217  			conf := `
  2218  			listen:
  2219  			cluster { name: ln22, listen: }
  2220  			accounts {
  2221  				a { users [ {user: a, password: a} ]}
  2222  				b { users [ {user: b, password: b} ]}
  2223  			}
  2224  			leafnodes {
  2225  				remotes = [
  2226  					{
  2227  						url: nats-leaf://[1]d
  2228  						account: a
  2229  					}
  2230  					{
  2231  						url: nats-leaf://[1]d
  2232  						account: %s
  2233  					}
  2234  				]
  2235  			}
  2236  			`
  2237  			lconf := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(conf, opts.LeafNode.Port, test.account)))
  2239  			lopts, err := ProcessConfigFile(lconf)
  2240  			if err != nil {
  2241  				t.Fatalf("Error loading config file: %v", err)
  2242  			}
  2243  			lopts.NoLog = false
  2244  			ln, err := NewServer(lopts)
  2245  			if err != nil {
  2246  				t.Fatalf("Error creating server: %v", err)
  2247  			}
  2248  			defer ln.Shutdown()
  2249  			l := &captureErrorLogger{errCh: make(chan string, 10)}
  2250  			ln.SetLogger(l, false, false)
  2252  			wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
  2253  			wg.Add(1)
  2254  			go func() {
  2255  				defer wg.Done()
  2256  				ln.Start()
  2257  			}()
  2259  			select {
  2260  			case err := <-l.errCh:
  2261  				if && !strings.Contains(err, DuplicateRemoteLeafnodeConnection.String()) {
  2262  					t.Fatalf("Did not get expected duplicate connection error: %v", err)
  2263  				} else if ! && strings.Contains(err, DuplicateRemoteLeafnodeConnection.String()) {
  2264  					t.Fatalf("Incorrectly detected a duplicate connection: %v", err)
  2265  				}
  2266  			case <-time.After(250 * time.Millisecond):
  2267  				if {
  2268  					t.Fatal("Did not get expected error")
  2269  				}
  2270  			}
  2271  			ln.Shutdown()
  2272  			wg.Wait()
  2273  		})
  2274  	}
  2275  }
  2277  func TestLeafNodeNoDuplicateWithinCluster(t *testing.T) {
  2278  	// This set the cluster name to "abc"
  2279  	oSrv1 := DefaultOptions()
  2280  	oSrv1.ServerName = "srv1"
  2281  	oSrv1.LeafNode.Host = ""
  2282  	oSrv1.LeafNode.Port = -1
  2283  	srv1 := RunServer(oSrv1)
  2284  	defer srv1.Shutdown()
  2286  	u, err := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", oSrv1.LeafNode.Port))
  2287  	if err != nil {
  2288  		t.Fatalf("Error parsing url: %v", err)
  2289  	}
  2291  	oLeaf1 := DefaultOptions()
  2292  	oLeaf1.ServerName = "leaf1"
  2293  	oLeaf1.Cluster.Name = "xyz"
  2294  	oLeaf1.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{u}}}
  2295  	leaf1 := RunServer(oLeaf1)
  2296  	defer leaf1.Shutdown()
  2298  	leaf1ClusterURL := fmt.Sprintf("nats://", oLeaf1.Cluster.Port)
  2300  	oLeaf2 := DefaultOptions()
  2301  	oLeaf2.ServerName = "leaf2"
  2302  	oLeaf2.Cluster.Name = "xyz"
  2303  	oLeaf2.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{u}}}
  2304  	oLeaf2.Routes = RoutesFromStr(leaf1ClusterURL)
  2305  	leaf2 := RunServer(oLeaf2)
  2306  	defer leaf2.Shutdown()
  2308  	checkClusterFormed(t, leaf1, leaf2)
  2310  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, srv1, 2)
  2311  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, leaf1)
  2312  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, leaf2)
  2314  	ncSrv1 := natsConnect(t, srv1.ClientURL())
  2315  	defer ncSrv1.Close()
  2316  	natsQueueSub(t, ncSrv1, "foo", "queue", func(m *nats.Msg) {
  2317  		m.Respond([]byte("from srv1"))
  2318  	})
  2320  	ncLeaf1 := natsConnect(t, leaf1.ClientURL())
  2321  	defer ncLeaf1.Close()
  2322  	natsQueueSub(t, ncLeaf1, "foo", "queue", func(m *nats.Msg) {
  2323  		m.Respond([]byte("from leaf1"))
  2324  	})
  2326  	ncLeaf2 := natsConnect(t, leaf2.ClientURL())
  2327  	defer ncLeaf2.Close()
  2329  	// Check that "foo" interest is available everywhere.
  2330  	// For this test, we want to make sure that the 2 queue subs are
  2331  	// registered on all servers, so we don't use checkSubInterest
  2332  	// which would simply return "true" if there is any interest on "foo".
  2333  	servers := []*Server{srv1, leaf1, leaf2}
  2334  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 15*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  2335  		for _, s := range servers {
  2336  			acc, err := s.LookupAccount(globalAccountName)
  2337  			if err != nil {
  2338  				return err
  2339  			}
  2341  			r :="foo")
  2342  			ok := len(r.qsubs) == 1 && len(r.qsubs[0]) == 2
  2344  			if !ok {
  2345  				return fmt.Errorf("interest not propagated on %q", s.Name())
  2346  			}
  2347  		}
  2348  		return nil
  2349  	})
  2351  	// Send requests (from leaf2). For this test to make sure that
  2352  	// there is no duplicate, we want to make sure that we check for
  2353  	// multiple replies and that the reply subject subscription has
  2354  	// been propagated everywhere.
  2355  	sub := natsSubSync(t, ncLeaf2, "reply_subj")
  2356  	natsFlush(t, ncLeaf2)
  2358  	// Here we have a single sub on "reply_subj" so using checkSubInterest is ok.
  2359  	checkSubInterest(t, srv1, globalAccountName, "reply_subj", time.Second)
  2360  	checkSubInterest(t, leaf1, globalAccountName, "reply_subj", time.Second)
  2361  	checkSubInterest(t, leaf2, globalAccountName, "reply_subj", time.Second)
  2363  	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
  2364  		// Now send the request
  2365  		natsPubReq(t, ncLeaf2, "foo", sub.Subject, []byte("req"))
  2366  		// Check that we get the reply
  2367  		replyMsg := natsNexMsg(t, sub, time.Second)
  2368  		// But make sure we received only 1!
  2369  		if otherReply, _ := sub.NextMsg(100 * time.Millisecond); otherReply != nil {
  2370  			t.Fatalf("Received duplicate reply, first was %q, followed by %q",
  2371  				replyMsg.Data, otherReply.Data)
  2372  		}
  2373  		// We also should have preferred the queue sub that is in the leaf cluster.
  2374  		if string(replyMsg.Data) != "from leaf1" {
  2375  			t.Fatalf("Expected reply from leaf1, got %q", replyMsg.Data)
  2376  		}
  2377  	}
  2378  }
  2380  func TestLeafNodeLMsgSplit(t *testing.T) {
  2381  	// This set the cluster name to "abc"
  2382  	oSrv1 := DefaultOptions()
  2383  	oSrv1.LeafNode.Host = ""
  2384  	oSrv1.LeafNode.Port = -1
  2385  	srv1 := RunServer(oSrv1)
  2386  	defer srv1.Shutdown()
  2388  	oSrv2 := DefaultOptions()
  2389  	oSrv2.LeafNode.Host = ""
  2390  	oSrv2.LeafNode.Port = -1
  2391  	oSrv2.Routes = RoutesFromStr(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", oSrv1.Cluster.Port))
  2392  	srv2 := RunServer(oSrv2)
  2393  	defer srv2.Shutdown()
  2395  	checkClusterFormed(t, srv1, srv2)
  2397  	u1, err := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", oSrv1.LeafNode.Port))
  2398  	if err != nil {
  2399  		t.Fatalf("Error parsing url: %v", err)
  2400  	}
  2401  	u2, err := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", oSrv2.LeafNode.Port))
  2402  	if err != nil {
  2403  		t.Fatalf("Error parsing url: %v", err)
  2404  	}
  2406  	oLeaf1 := DefaultOptions()
  2407  	oLeaf1.Cluster.Name = "xyz"
  2408  	oLeaf1.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{u1, u2}}}
  2409  	leaf1 := RunServer(oLeaf1)
  2410  	defer leaf1.Shutdown()
  2412  	oLeaf2 := DefaultOptions()
  2413  	oLeaf2.Cluster.Name = "xyz"
  2414  	oLeaf2.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{u1, u2}}}
  2415  	oLeaf2.Routes = RoutesFromStr(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", oLeaf1.Cluster.Port))
  2416  	leaf2 := RunServer(oLeaf2)
  2417  	defer leaf2.Shutdown()
  2419  	checkClusterFormed(t, leaf1, leaf2)
  2421  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, leaf1)
  2422  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, leaf2)
  2424  	ncSrv2 := natsConnect(t, srv2.ClientURL())
  2425  	defer ncSrv2.Close()
  2426  	natsQueueSub(t, ncSrv2, "foo", "queue", func(m *nats.Msg) {
  2427  		m.Respond([]byte("from srv2"))
  2428  	})
  2430  	// Check that "foo" interest is available everywhere.
  2431  	checkSubInterest(t, srv1, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  2432  	checkSubInterest(t, srv2, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  2433  	checkSubInterest(t, leaf1, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  2434  	checkSubInterest(t, leaf2, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  2436  	// Not required, but have a request payload that is more than 100 bytes
  2437  	reqPayload := make([]byte, 150)
  2438  	for i := 0; i < len(reqPayload); i++ {
  2439  		reqPayload[i] = byte((i % 26)) + 'A'
  2440  	}
  2442  	// Send repeated requests (from scratch) from leaf-2:
  2443  	sendReq := func() {
  2444  		t.Helper()
  2446  		ncLeaf2 := natsConnect(t, leaf2.ClientURL())
  2447  		defer ncLeaf2.Close()
  2449  		if _, err := ncLeaf2.Request("foo", reqPayload, time.Second); err != nil {
  2450  			t.Fatalf("Did not receive reply: %v", err)
  2451  		}
  2452  	}
  2453  	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
  2454  		sendReq()
  2455  	}
  2456  }
  2458  type parseRouteLSUnsubLogger struct {
  2459  	DummyLogger
  2460  	gotTrace chan struct{}
  2461  	gotErr   chan error
  2462  }
  2464  func (l *parseRouteLSUnsubLogger) Errorf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
  2465  	err := fmt.Errorf(format, v...)
  2466  	select {
  2467  	case l.gotErr <- err:
  2468  	default:
  2469  	}
  2470  }
  2472  func (l *parseRouteLSUnsubLogger) Tracef(format string, v ...interface{}) {
  2473  	trace := fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)
  2474  	if strings.Contains(trace, "LS- $G foo bar") {
  2475  		l.gotTrace <- struct{}{}
  2476  	}
  2477  }
  2479  func TestLeafNodeRouteParseLSUnsub(t *testing.T) {
  2480  	// This set the cluster name to "abc"
  2481  	oSrv1 := DefaultOptions()
  2482  	oSrv1.LeafNode.Host = ""
  2483  	oSrv1.LeafNode.Port = -1
  2484  	srv1 := RunServer(oSrv1)
  2485  	defer srv1.Shutdown()
  2487  	l := &parseRouteLSUnsubLogger{gotTrace: make(chan struct{}, 1), gotErr: make(chan error, 1)}
  2488  	srv1.SetLogger(l, true, true)
  2490  	oSrv2 := DefaultOptions()
  2491  	oSrv2.LeafNode.Host = ""
  2492  	oSrv2.LeafNode.Port = -1
  2493  	oSrv2.Routes = RoutesFromStr(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", oSrv1.Cluster.Port))
  2494  	srv2 := RunServer(oSrv2)
  2495  	defer srv2.Shutdown()
  2497  	checkClusterFormed(t, srv1, srv2)
  2499  	u2, err := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", oSrv2.LeafNode.Port))
  2500  	if err != nil {
  2501  		t.Fatalf("Error parsing url: %v", err)
  2502  	}
  2504  	oLeaf2 := DefaultOptions()
  2505  	oLeaf2.Cluster.Name = "xyz"
  2506  	oLeaf2.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{u2}}}
  2507  	leaf2 := RunServer(oLeaf2)
  2508  	defer leaf2.Shutdown()
  2510  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, srv2)
  2511  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, leaf2)
  2513  	ncLeaf2 := natsConnect(t, leaf2.ClientURL())
  2514  	defer ncLeaf2.Close()
  2516  	sub := natsQueueSubSync(t, ncLeaf2, "foo", "bar")
  2517  	// The issue was with the unsubscribe of this queue subscription
  2518  	natsUnsub(t, sub)
  2520  	// We should get the trace
  2521  	select {
  2522  	case <-l.gotTrace:
  2523  		// OK!
  2524  	case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
  2525  		t.Fatalf("Did not get LS- trace")
  2526  	}
  2527  	// And no error...
  2528  	select {
  2529  	case e := <-l.gotErr:
  2530  		t.Fatalf("There was an error on server 1: %q", e.Error())
  2531  	case <-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond):
  2532  		// OK!
  2533  	}
  2534  }
  2536  func TestLeafNodeOperatorBadCfg(t *testing.T) {
  2537  	sysAcc, err := nkeys.CreateAccount()
  2538  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2539  	sysAccPk, err := sysAcc.PublicKey()
  2540  	require_NoError(t, err)
  2541  	tmpDir := t.TempDir()
  2543  	configTmpl := `
  2544  		port: -1
  2545  		operator: %s
  2546  		system_account: %s
  2547  		resolver: {
  2548  			type: cache
  2549  			dir: '%s'
  2550  		}
  2551  		leafnodes: {
  2552  			%s
  2553  		}
  2554  	`
  2556  	cases := []struct {
  2557  		name      string
  2558  		errorText string
  2559  		cfg       string
  2560  	}{
  2561  		{
  2562  			name:      "Operator with Leafnode",
  2563  			errorText: "operator mode does not allow specifying users in leafnode config",
  2564  			cfg: `
  2565  			port: -1
  2566  			authorization {
  2567  				users = [{user: "u", password: "p"}]
  2568  			}`,
  2569  		},
  2570  		{
  2571  			name:      "Operator with NKey",
  2572  			errorText: "operator mode and non account nkeys are incompatible",
  2573  			cfg: `
  2574  			port: -1
  2575  			authorization {
  2576  				account: notankey
  2577  			}`,
  2578  		},
  2579  		{
  2580  			name: "Operator remote account NKeys",
  2581  			errorText: "operator mode requires account nkeys in remotes. " +
  2582  				"Please add an `account` key to each remote in your `leafnodes` section, to assign it to an account. " +
  2583  				"Each account value should be a 56 character public key, starting with the letter 'A'",
  2584  			cfg: `remotes: [{url: u}]`,
  2585  		},
  2586  	}
  2587  	for _, c := range cases {
  2588  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  2590  			conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(configTmpl, ojwt, sysAccPk, tmpDir, c.cfg)))
  2591  			opts := LoadConfig(conf)
  2592  			s, err := NewServer(opts)
  2593  			if err == nil {
  2594  				s.Shutdown()
  2595  				t.Fatal("Expected an error")
  2596  			}
  2597  			// Since the server cannot be stopped, since it did not start,
  2598  			// let's manually close the account resolver to avoid leaking go routines.
  2599  			opts.AccountResolver.Close()
  2600  			if err.Error() != c.errorText {
  2601  				t.Fatalf("Expected error %q but got %q", c.errorText, err)
  2602  			}
  2603  		})
  2604  	}
  2605  }
  2607  func TestLeafNodeTLSConfigReload(t *testing.T) {
  2608  	template := `
  2609  		listen:
  2610  		leaf {
  2611  			listen: ""
  2612  			tls {
  2613  				cert_file: "../test/configs/certs/server-cert.pem"
  2614  				key_file:  "../test/configs/certs/server-key.pem"
  2615  				%s
  2616  				timeout: 2
  2617  				verify: true
  2618  			}
  2619  		}
  2620  	`
  2621  	confA := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(template, "")))
  2623  	srvA, optsA := RunServerWithConfig(confA)
  2624  	defer srvA.Shutdown()
  2626  	lg := &captureErrorLogger{errCh: make(chan string, 10)}
  2627  	srvA.SetLogger(lg, false, false)
  2629  	confB := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  2630  		listen: -1
  2631  		leaf {
  2632  			remotes [
  2633  				{
  2634  					url: "tls://"
  2635  					tls {
  2636  						cert_file: "../test/configs/certs/server-cert.pem"
  2637  						key_file:  "../test/configs/certs/server-key.pem"
  2638  						ca_file:   "../test/configs/certs/ca.pem"
  2639  					}
  2640  				}
  2641  			]
  2642  		}
  2643  	`, optsA.LeafNode.Port)))
  2645  	optsB, err := ProcessConfigFile(confB)
  2646  	if err != nil {
  2647  		t.Fatalf("Error processing config file: %v", err)
  2648  	}
  2649  	optsB.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 50 * time.Millisecond
  2650  	optsB.NoLog, optsB.NoSigs = true, true
  2652  	srvB := RunServer(optsB)
  2653  	defer srvB.Shutdown()
  2655  	// Wait for the error
  2656  	select {
  2657  	case err := <-lg.errCh:
  2658  		// Since Go 1.18, we had to regenerate certs to not have to use GODEBUG="x509sha1=1"
  2659  		// But on macOS, with our test CA certs, no SCTs included, it will fail
  2660  		// for the reason "x509: “localhost” certificate is not standards compliant"
  2661  		// instead of "unknown authority".
  2662  		if !strings.Contains(err, "unknown") && !strings.Contains(err, "compliant") {
  2663  			t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
  2664  		}
  2665  	case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
  2666  		t.Fatalf("Did not get TLS error")
  2667  	}
  2669  	// Add the CA to srvA
  2670  	reloadUpdateConfig(t, srvA, confA, fmt.Sprintf(template, `ca_file: "../test/configs/certs/ca.pem"`))
  2672  	// Now make sure that srvB can create a LN connection.
  2673  	checkFor(t, 3*time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  2674  		if nln := srvB.NumLeafNodes(); nln != 1 {
  2675  			return fmt.Errorf("Number of leaf nodes is %d", nln)
  2676  		}
  2677  		return nil
  2678  	})
  2679  }
  2681  func TestLeafNodeTLSConfigReloadForRemote(t *testing.T) {
  2682  	confA := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  2683  		listen:
  2684  		leaf {
  2685  			listen: ""
  2686  			tls {
  2687  				cert_file: "../test/configs/certs/server-cert.pem"
  2688  				key_file:  "../test/configs/certs/server-key.pem"
  2689  				ca_file: "../test/configs/certs/ca.pem"
  2690  				timeout: 2
  2691  				verify: true
  2692  			}
  2693  		}
  2694  	`))
  2696  	srvA, optsA := RunServerWithConfig(confA)
  2697  	defer srvA.Shutdown()
  2699  	lg := &captureErrorLogger{errCh: make(chan string, 10)}
  2700  	srvA.SetLogger(lg, false, false)
  2702  	template := `
  2703  		listen: -1
  2704  		leaf {
  2705  			remotes [
  2706  				{
  2707  					url: "tls://"
  2708  					tls {
  2709  						cert_file: "../test/configs/certs/server-cert.pem"
  2710  						key_file:  "../test/configs/certs/server-key.pem"
  2711  						%s
  2712  					}
  2713  				}
  2714  			]
  2715  		}
  2716  	`
  2717  	confB := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(template, optsA.LeafNode.Port, "")))
  2719  	srvB, _ := RunServerWithConfig(confB)
  2720  	defer srvB.Shutdown()
  2722  	// Wait for the error
  2723  	select {
  2724  	case err := <-lg.errCh:
  2725  		if !strings.Contains(err, "bad certificate") {
  2726  			t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
  2727  		}
  2728  	case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
  2729  		t.Fatalf("Did not get TLS error")
  2730  	}
  2732  	// Add the CA to srvB
  2733  	reloadUpdateConfig(t, srvB, confB, fmt.Sprintf(template, optsA.LeafNode.Port, `ca_file: "../test/configs/certs/ca.pem"`))
  2735  	// Now make sure that srvB can create a LN connection.
  2736  	checkFor(t, 2*time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  2737  		if nln := srvB.NumLeafNodes(); nln != 1 {
  2738  			return fmt.Errorf("Number of leaf nodes is %d", nln)
  2739  		}
  2740  		return nil
  2741  	})
  2742  }
  2744  func testDefaultLeafNodeWSOptions() *Options {
  2745  	o := DefaultOptions()
  2746  	o.Websocket.Host = ""
  2747  	o.Websocket.Port = -1
  2748  	o.Websocket.NoTLS = true
  2749  	o.LeafNode.Host = ""
  2750  	o.LeafNode.Port = -1
  2751  	return o
  2752  }
  2754  func testDefaultRemoteLeafNodeWSOptions(t *testing.T, o *Options, tls bool) *Options {
  2755  	// Use some path in the URL.. we don't use that, but internally
  2756  	// the server will prefix the path with /leafnode so that the
  2757  	// WS webserver knows that it needs to create a LEAF connection.
  2758  	u, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("ws://", o.Websocket.Port))
  2759  	lo := DefaultOptions()
  2760  	lo.Cluster.Name = "LN"
  2761  	remote := &RemoteLeafOpts{URLs: []*url.URL{u}}
  2762  	if tls {
  2763  		tc := &TLSConfigOpts{
  2764  			CertFile: "../test/configs/certs/server-cert.pem",
  2765  			KeyFile:  "../test/configs/certs/server-key.pem",
  2766  			CaFile:   "../test/configs/certs/ca.pem",
  2767  		}
  2768  		tlsConf, err := GenTLSConfig(tc)
  2769  		if err != nil {
  2770  			t.Fatalf("Error generating TLS config: %v", err)
  2771  		}
  2772  		// GenTLSConfig sets the CA in ClientCAs, but since here we act
  2773  		// as a client, set RootCAs...
  2774  		tlsConf.RootCAs = tlsConf.ClientCAs
  2775  		remote.TLSConfig = tlsConf
  2776  	}
  2777  	lo.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{remote}
  2778  	return lo
  2779  }
  2781  func TestLeafNodeWSMixURLs(t *testing.T) {
  2782  	for _, test := range []struct {
  2783  		name string
  2784  		urls []string
  2785  	}{
  2786  		{"mix 1", []string{"nats://", "ws://", "wss://"}},
  2787  		{"mix 2", []string{"ws://", "nats://", "wss://"}},
  2788  		{"mix 3", []string{"wss://", "ws://", "nats://"}},
  2789  		{"mix 4", []string{"ws://", "nats://"}},
  2790  		{"mix 5", []string{"nats://", "ws://"}},
  2791  		{"mix 6", []string{"wss://", "nats://"}},
  2792  		{"mix 7", []string{"nats://", "wss://"}},
  2793  	} {
  2794  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  2795  			o := DefaultOptions()
  2796  			remote := &RemoteLeafOpts{}
  2797  			urls := make([]*url.URL, 0, 3)
  2798  			for _, ustr := range test.urls {
  2799  				u, err := url.Parse(ustr)
  2800  				if err != nil {
  2801  					t.Fatalf("Error parsing url: %v", err)
  2802  				}
  2803  				urls = append(urls, u)
  2804  			}
  2805  			remote.URLs = urls
  2806  			o.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{remote}
  2807  			s, err := NewServer(o)
  2808  			if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "mix") {
  2809  				if s != nil {
  2810  					s.Shutdown()
  2811  				}
  2812  				t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
  2813  			}
  2814  		})
  2815  	}
  2816  }
  2818  type testConnTrackSize struct {
  2819  	sync.Mutex
  2820  	net.Conn
  2821  	sz int
  2822  }
  2824  func (c *testConnTrackSize) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
  2825  	c.Lock()
  2826  	defer c.Unlock()
  2827  	n, err := c.Conn.Write(p)
  2828 += n
  2829  	return n, err
  2830  }
  2832  func TestLeafNodeWSBasic(t *testing.T) {
  2833  	for _, test := range []struct {
  2834  		name              string
  2835  		masking           bool
  2836  		tls               bool
  2837  		acceptCompression bool
  2838  		remoteCompression bool
  2839  	}{
  2840  		{"masking plain no compression", true, false, false, false},
  2841  		{"masking plain compression", true, false, true, true},
  2842  		{"masking plain compression disagree", true, false, false, true},
  2843  		{"masking plain compression disagree 2", true, false, true, false},
  2844  		{"masking tls no compression", true, true, false, false},
  2845  		{"masking tls compression", true, true, true, true},
  2846  		{"masking tls compression disagree", true, true, false, true},
  2847  		{"masking tls compression disagree 2", true, true, true, false},
  2848  		{"no masking plain no compression", false, false, false, false},
  2849  		{"no masking plain compression", false, false, true, true},
  2850  		{"no masking plain compression disagree", false, false, false, true},
  2851  		{"no masking plain compression disagree 2", false, false, true, false},
  2852  		{"no masking tls no compression", false, true, false, false},
  2853  		{"no masking tls compression", false, true, true, true},
  2854  		{"no masking tls compression disagree", false, true, false, true},
  2855  		{"no masking tls compression disagree 2", false, true, true, false},
  2856  	} {
  2857  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  2858  			o := testDefaultLeafNodeWSOptions()
  2859  			o.Websocket.NoTLS = !test.tls
  2860  			if test.tls {
  2861  				tc := &TLSConfigOpts{
  2862  					CertFile: "../test/configs/certs/server-cert.pem",
  2863  					KeyFile:  "../test/configs/certs/server-key.pem",
  2864  					CaFile:   "../test/configs/certs/ca.pem",
  2865  				}
  2866  				tlsConf, err := GenTLSConfig(tc)
  2867  				if err != nil {
  2868  					t.Fatalf("Error generating TLS config: %v", err)
  2869  				}
  2870  				o.Websocket.TLSConfig = tlsConf
  2871  			}
  2872  			o.Websocket.Compression = test.acceptCompression
  2873  			s := RunServer(o)
  2874  			defer s.Shutdown()
  2876  			lo := testDefaultRemoteLeafNodeWSOptions(t, o, test.tls)
  2877  			lo.LeafNode.Remotes[0].Websocket.Compression = test.remoteCompression
  2878  			lo.LeafNode.Remotes[0].Websocket.NoMasking = !test.masking
  2879  			ln := RunServer(lo)
  2880  			defer ln.Shutdown()
  2882  			checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s)
  2883  			checkLeafNodeConnected(t, ln)
  2885  			var trackSizeConn *testConnTrackSize
  2886  			if !test.tls {
  2887  				var cln *client
  2889  				for _, l := range ln.leafs {
  2890  					cln = l
  2891  					break
  2892  				}
  2895  				trackSizeConn = &testConnTrackSize{Conn:}
  2896 = trackSizeConn
  2898  			}
  2900  			nc1 := natsConnect(t, s.ClientURL())
  2901  			defer nc1.Close()
  2902  			sub1 := natsSubSync(t, nc1, "foo")
  2903  			natsFlush(t, nc1)
  2905  			checkSubInterest(t, ln, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  2907  			nc2 := natsConnect(t, ln.ClientURL())
  2908  			defer nc2.Close()
  2909  			msg1Payload := make([]byte, 2048)
  2910  			for i := 0; i < len(msg1Payload); i++ {
  2911  				msg1Payload[i] = 'A'
  2912  			}
  2913  			natsPub(t, nc2, "foo", msg1Payload)
  2915  			msg := natsNexMsg(t, sub1, time.Second)
  2916  			if !bytes.Equal(msg.Data, msg1Payload) {
  2917  				t.Fatalf("Invalid message: %q", msg.Data)
  2918  			}
  2920  			sub2 := natsSubSync(t, nc2, "bar")
  2921  			natsFlush(t, nc2)
  2923  			checkSubInterest(t, s, globalAccountName, "bar", time.Second)
  2925  			msg2Payload := make([]byte, 2048)
  2926  			for i := 0; i < len(msg2Payload); i++ {
  2927  				msg2Payload[i] = 'B'
  2928  			}
  2929  			natsPub(t, nc1, "bar", msg2Payload)
  2931  			msg = natsNexMsg(t, sub2, time.Second)
  2932  			if !bytes.Equal(msg.Data, msg2Payload) {
  2933  				t.Fatalf("Invalid message: %q", msg.Data)
  2934  			}
  2936  			if !test.tls {
  2937  				trackSizeConn.Lock()
  2938  				size :=
  2939  				trackSizeConn.Unlock()
  2941  				if test.acceptCompression && test.remoteCompression {
  2942  					if size >= 1024 {
  2943  						t.Fatalf("Seems that there was no compression: size=%v", size)
  2944  					}
  2945  				} else if size < 2048 {
  2946  					t.Fatalf("Seems compression was on while it should not: size=%v", size)
  2947  				}
  2948  			}
  2949  		})
  2950  	}
  2951  }
  2953  func TestLeafNodeWSRemoteCompressAndMaskingOptions(t *testing.T) {
  2954  	for _, test := range []struct {
  2955  		name      string
  2956  		compress  bool
  2957  		compStr   string
  2958  		noMasking bool
  2959  		noMaskStr string
  2960  	}{
  2961  		{"compression masking", true, "true", false, "false"},
  2962  		{"compression no masking", true, "true", true, "true"},
  2963  		{"no compression masking", false, "false", false, "false"},
  2964  		{"no compression no masking", false, "false", true, "true"},
  2965  	} {
  2966  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  2967  			conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  2968  				port: -1
  2969  				leafnodes {
  2970  					remotes [
  2971  						{url: "ws://", ws_compression: %s, ws_no_masking: %s}
  2972  					]
  2973  				}
  2974  			`, test.compStr, test.noMaskStr)))
  2975  			o, err := ProcessConfigFile(conf)
  2976  			if err != nil {
  2977  				t.Fatalf("Error loading conf: %v", err)
  2978  			}
  2979  			if nr := len(o.LeafNode.Remotes); nr != 1 {
  2980  				t.Fatalf("Expected 1 remote, got %v", nr)
  2981  			}
  2982  			r := o.LeafNode.Remotes[0]
  2983  			if cur := r.Websocket.Compression; cur != test.compress {
  2984  				t.Fatalf("Expected compress to be %v, got %v", test.compress, cur)
  2985  			}
  2986  			if cur := r.Websocket.NoMasking; cur != test.noMasking {
  2987  				t.Fatalf("Expected ws_masking to be %v, got %v", test.noMasking, cur)
  2988  			}
  2989  		})
  2990  	}
  2991  }
  2993  func TestLeafNodeWSNoMaskingRejected(t *testing.T) {
  2994  	wsTestRejectNoMasking = true
  2995  	defer func() { wsTestRejectNoMasking = false }()
  2997  	o := testDefaultLeafNodeWSOptions()
  2998  	s := RunServer(o)
  2999  	defer s.Shutdown()
  3001  	lo := testDefaultRemoteLeafNodeWSOptions(t, o, false)
  3002  	lo.LeafNode.Remotes[0].Websocket.NoMasking = true
  3003  	ln := RunServer(lo)
  3004  	defer ln.Shutdown()
  3006  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s)
  3007  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, ln)
  3009  	var cln *client
  3011  	for _, l := range ln.leafs {
  3012  		cln = l
  3013  		break
  3014  	}
  3018  	maskWrite :=
  3021  	if !maskWrite {
  3022  		t.Fatal("Leafnode remote connection should mask writes, it does not")
  3023  	}
  3024  }
  3026  func TestLeafNodeWSSubPath(t *testing.T) {
  3027  	o := testDefaultLeafNodeWSOptions()
  3028  	s := RunServer(o)
  3029  	defer s.Shutdown()
  3031  	lo := testDefaultRemoteLeafNodeWSOptions(t, o, false)
  3032  	ln := RunServer(lo)
  3033  	defer ln.Shutdown()
  3035  	// Confirm that it can connect using the subpath.
  3036  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s)
  3037  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, ln)
  3039  	// Add another leafnode that tries to connect to the subpath
  3040  	// but intercept the attempt for the test.
  3041  	o2 := testDefaultLeafNodeWSOptions()
  3042  	lo2 := testDefaultRemoteLeafNodeWSOptions(t, o2, false)
  3043  	attempts := make(chan string, 2)
  3044  	ts := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  3045  		attempts <- r.URL.String()
  3046  	}))
  3047  	u, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("%v/some/path", ts.URL))
  3048  	u.Scheme = "ws"
  3049  	lo2.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{
  3050  		{
  3051  			URLs: []*url.URL{u},
  3052  		},
  3053  	}
  3054  	ln2 := RunServer(lo2)
  3055  	defer ln2.Shutdown()
  3057  	expected := "/some/path/leafnode"
  3058  	select {
  3059  	case got := <-attempts:
  3060  		if got != expected {
  3061  			t.Fatalf("Expected: %v, got: %v", expected, got)
  3062  		}
  3063  	case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
  3064  		t.Fatal("Timed out waiting for leaf ws connect attempt")
  3065  	}
  3066  }
  3068  func TestLeafNodeWSFailedConnection(t *testing.T) {
  3069  	o := testDefaultLeafNodeWSOptions()
  3070  	s := RunServer(o)
  3071  	defer s.Shutdown()
  3073  	lo := testDefaultRemoteLeafNodeWSOptions(t, o, true)
  3074  	lo.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 100 * time.Millisecond
  3075  	ln := RunServer(lo)
  3076  	defer ln.Shutdown()
  3078  	el := &captureErrorLogger{errCh: make(chan string, 100)}
  3079  	ln.SetLogger(el, false, false)
  3081  	select {
  3082  	case err := <-el.errCh:
  3083  		if !strings.Contains(err, "handshake error") {
  3084  			t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
  3085  		}
  3086  	case <-time.After(time.Second):
  3087  		t.Fatal("No error reported!")
  3088  	}
  3089  	ln.Shutdown()
  3090  	s.Shutdown()
  3092  	lst, err := natsListen("tcp", "")
  3093  	if err != nil {
  3094  		t.Fatalf("Error starting listener: %v", err)
  3095  	}
  3096  	defer lst.Close()
  3098  	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
  3099  	wg.Add(2)
  3101  	go func() {
  3102  		defer wg.Done()
  3104  		for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
  3105  			c, err := lst.Accept()
  3106  			if err != nil {
  3107  				return
  3108  			}
  3109  			time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)) * time.Millisecond)
  3110  			if rand.Intn(2) == 1 {
  3111  				c.Write([]byte("something\r\n"))
  3112  			}
  3113  			c.Close()
  3114  		}
  3115  	}()
  3117  	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
  3119  	port := lst.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port
  3120  	u, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("ws://", port))
  3121  	lo = DefaultOptions()
  3122  	lo.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{u}}}
  3123  	lo.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 10 * time.Millisecond
  3124  	ln, _ = NewServer(lo)
  3125  	el = &captureErrorLogger{errCh: make(chan string, 100)}
  3126  	ln.SetLogger(el, false, false)
  3128  	go func() {
  3129  		ln.Start()
  3130  		wg.Done()
  3131  	}()
  3133  	timeout := time.NewTimer(time.Second)
  3134  	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
  3135  		select {
  3136  		case err := <-el.errCh:
  3137  			if !strings.Contains(err, "Error soliciting") {
  3138  				t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
  3139  			}
  3140  		case <-timeout.C:
  3141  			t.Fatal("No error reported!")
  3142  		}
  3143  	}
  3144  	ln.Shutdown()
  3145  	lst.Close()
  3146  	wg.Wait()
  3147  }
  3149  func TestLeafNodeWSAuth(t *testing.T) {
  3150  	template := `
  3151  		port: -1
  3152  		authorization {
  3153  			users [
  3154  				{user: "user", pass: "puser", connection_types: ["%s"]}
  3155  				{user: "leaf", pass: "pleaf", connection_types: ["%s"%s]}
  3156  			]
  3157  		}
  3158  		websocket {
  3159  			port: -1
  3160  			no_tls: true
  3161  		}
  3162  		leafnodes {
  3163  			port: -1
  3164  		}
  3165  	`
  3166  	s, o, conf := runReloadServerWithContent(t,
  3167  		[]byte(fmt.Sprintf(template, jwt.ConnectionTypeStandard, jwt.ConnectionTypeLeafnode, "")))
  3168  	defer s.Shutdown()
  3170  	l := &captureErrorLogger{errCh: make(chan string, 10)}
  3171  	s.SetLogger(l, false, false)
  3173  	lo := testDefaultRemoteLeafNodeWSOptions(t, o, false)
  3174  	u, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("ws://leaf:pleaf@", o.Websocket.Port))
  3175  	remote := &RemoteLeafOpts{URLs: []*url.URL{u}}
  3176  	lo.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{remote}
  3177  	lo.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 50 * time.Millisecond
  3178  	ln := RunServer(lo)
  3179  	defer ln.Shutdown()
  3181  	var lasterr string
  3182  	tm := time.NewTimer(2 * time.Second)
  3183  	for done := false; !done; {
  3184  		select {
  3185  		case lasterr = <-l.errCh:
  3186  			if strings.Contains(lasterr, "authentication") {
  3187  				done = true
  3188  			}
  3189  		case <-tm.C:
  3190  			t.Fatalf("Expected auth error, got %v", lasterr)
  3191  		}
  3192  	}
  3194  	ws := fmt.Sprintf(`, "%s"`, jwt.ConnectionTypeLeafnodeWS)
  3195  	reloadUpdateConfig(t, s, conf, fmt.Sprintf(template,
  3196  		jwt.ConnectionTypeStandard, jwt.ConnectionTypeLeafnode, ws))
  3198  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s)
  3199  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, ln)
  3201  	nc1 := natsConnect(t, fmt.Sprintf("nats://user:puser@", o.Port))
  3202  	defer nc1.Close()
  3204  	sub := natsSubSync(t, nc1, "foo")
  3205  	natsFlush(t, nc1)
  3207  	checkSubInterest(t, ln, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  3209  	nc2 := natsConnect(t, ln.ClientURL())
  3210  	defer nc2.Close()
  3212  	natsPub(t, nc2, "foo", []byte("msg1"))
  3213  	msg := natsNexMsg(t, sub, time.Second)
  3215  	if md := string(msg.Data); md != "msg1" {
  3216  		t.Fatalf("Invalid message: %q", md)
  3217  	}
  3218  }
  3220  func TestLeafNodeWSGossip(t *testing.T) {
  3221  	o1 := testDefaultLeafNodeWSOptions()
  3222  	s1 := RunServer(o1)
  3223  	defer s1.Shutdown()
  3225  	// Now connect from a server that knows only about s1
  3226  	lo := testDefaultRemoteLeafNodeWSOptions(t, o1, false)
  3227  	lo.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 15 * time.Millisecond
  3228  	ln := RunServer(lo)
  3229  	defer ln.Shutdown()
  3231  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s1)
  3232  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, ln)
  3234  	// Now add a routed server to s1
  3235  	o2 := testDefaultLeafNodeWSOptions()
  3236  	o2.Routes = RoutesFromStr(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", o1.Cluster.Port))
  3237  	s2 := RunServer(o2)
  3238  	defer s2.Shutdown()
  3240  	// Wait for cluster to form
  3241  	checkClusterFormed(t, s1, s2)
  3243  	// Now shutdown s1 and check that ln is able to reconnect to s2.
  3244  	s1.Shutdown()
  3246  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s2)
  3247  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, ln)
  3249  	// Make sure that the reconnection was as a WS connection, not simply to
  3250  	// the regular LN port.
  3251  	var s2lc *client
  3253  	for _, l := range s2.leafs {
  3254  		s2lc = l
  3255  		break
  3256  	}
  3260  	isWS := s2lc.isWebsocket()
  3263  	if !isWS {
  3264  		t.Fatal("Leafnode connection is not websocket!")
  3265  	}
  3266  }
  3268  // This test was showing an issue if one set maxBufSize to very small value,
  3269  // such as maxBufSize = 10. With such small value, we would get a corruption
  3270  // in that LMSG would arrive with missing bytes. We are now always making
  3271  // a copy when dealing with messages that are bigger than maxBufSize.
  3272  func TestLeafNodeWSNoBufferCorruption(t *testing.T) {
  3273  	o := testDefaultLeafNodeWSOptions()
  3274  	s := RunServer(o)
  3275  	defer s.Shutdown()
  3277  	lo1 := testDefaultRemoteLeafNodeWSOptions(t, o, false)
  3278  	lo1.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 15 * time.Millisecond
  3279  	ln1 := RunServer(lo1)
  3280  	defer ln1.Shutdown()
  3282  	lo2 := DefaultOptions()
  3283  	lo2.Cluster.Name = "LN"
  3284  	lo2.Routes = RoutesFromStr(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", lo1.Cluster.Port))
  3285  	ln2 := RunServer(lo2)
  3286  	defer ln2.Shutdown()
  3288  	checkClusterFormed(t, ln1, ln2)
  3290  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s)
  3291  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, ln1)
  3293  	nc := natsConnect(t, s.ClientURL())
  3294  	defer nc.Close()
  3295  	sub := natsSubSync(t, nc, "foo")
  3297  	nc1 := natsConnect(t, ln1.ClientURL())
  3298  	defer nc1.Close()
  3300  	nc2 := natsConnect(t, ln2.ClientURL())
  3301  	defer nc2.Close()
  3302  	sub2 := natsSubSync(t, nc2, "foo")
  3304  	checkSubInterest(t, s, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  3305  	checkSubInterest(t, ln2, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  3306  	checkSubInterest(t, ln1, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  3308  	payload := make([]byte, 100*1024)
  3309  	for i := 0; i < len(payload); i++ {
  3310  		payload[i] = 'A'
  3311  	}
  3312  	natsPub(t, nc1, "foo", payload)
  3314  	checkMsgRcv := func(sub *nats.Subscription) {
  3315  		msg := natsNexMsg(t, sub, time.Second)
  3316  		if !bytes.Equal(msg.Data, payload) {
  3317  			t.Fatalf("Invalid message content: %q", msg.Data)
  3318  		}
  3319  	}
  3320  	checkMsgRcv(sub2)
  3321  	checkMsgRcv(sub)
  3322  }
  3324  func TestLeafNodeWSRemoteNoTLSBlockWithWSSProto(t *testing.T) {
  3325  	o := testDefaultLeafNodeWSOptions()
  3326  	o.Websocket.NoTLS = false
  3327  	tc := &TLSConfigOpts{
  3328  		CertFile: "../test/configs/certs/server-cert.pem",
  3329  		KeyFile:  "../test/configs/certs/server-key.pem",
  3330  		CaFile:   "../test/configs/certs/ca.pem",
  3331  	}
  3332  	tlsConf, err := GenTLSConfig(tc)
  3333  	if err != nil {
  3334  		t.Fatalf("Error generating TLS config: %v", err)
  3335  	}
  3336  	o.Websocket.TLSConfig = tlsConf
  3337  	s := RunServer(o)
  3338  	defer s.Shutdown()
  3340  	// The test will make sure that if the protocol is "wss://", a TLS handshake must
  3341  	// be initiated, regardless of the presence of a TLS config block in config file
  3342  	// or here directly.
  3343  	// A bug was causing the absence of TLS config block to initiate a non TLS connection
  3344  	// even if "wss://" proto was specified, which would lead to "invalid websocket connection"
  3345  	// errors in the log.
  3346  	// With the fix, the connection will fail because the remote will fail to verify
  3347  	// the root CA, but at least, we will make sure that this is not an "invalid websocket connection"
  3349  	u, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("wss://", o.Websocket.Port))
  3350  	lo := DefaultOptions()
  3351  	lo.Cluster.Name = "LN"
  3352  	remote := &RemoteLeafOpts{URLs: []*url.URL{u}}
  3353  	lo.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{remote}
  3354  	lo.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 100 * time.Millisecond
  3355  	ln := RunServer(lo)
  3356  	defer ln.Shutdown()
  3358  	l := &captureErrorLogger{errCh: make(chan string, 10)}
  3359  	ln.SetLogger(l, false, false)
  3361  	select {
  3362  	case e := <-l.errCh:
  3363  		if strings.Contains(e, "invalid websocket connection") {
  3364  			t.Fatalf("The remote did not try to create a TLS connection: %v", e)
  3365  		}
  3366  		// OK!
  3367  		return
  3368  	case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
  3369  		t.Fatal("Connection should fail")
  3370  	}
  3371  }
  3373  func TestLeafNodeWSNoAuthUser(t *testing.T) {
  3374  	conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  3375  	port: -1
  3376  	accounts {
  3377  		A { users [ {user: a, password: a} ]}
  3378  		B { users [ {user: b, password: b} ]}
  3379  	}
  3380  	websocket {
  3381  		port: -1
  3382  		no_tls: true
  3383  		no_auth_user: a
  3384  	}
  3385  	leafnodes {
  3386  		port: -1
  3387  	}
  3388  	`))
  3389  	s, o := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  3390  	defer s.Shutdown()
  3392  	nc1 := natsConnect(t, fmt.Sprintf("nats://a:a@", o.Port))
  3393  	defer nc1.Close()
  3395  	lconf := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  3396  	port: -1
  3397  	accounts {
  3398  		A { users [ {user: a, password: a} ]}
  3399  		B { users [ {user: b, password: b} ]}
  3400  	}
  3401  	leafnodes {
  3402  		remotes [
  3403  			{
  3404  				url: "ws://"
  3405  				account: A
  3406  			}
  3407  		]
  3408  	}
  3409  	`, o.Websocket.Port)))
  3411  	ln, lo := RunServerWithConfig(lconf)
  3412  	defer ln.Shutdown()
  3414  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s)
  3415  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, ln)
  3417  	nc2 := natsConnect(t, fmt.Sprintf("nats://a:a@", lo.Port))
  3418  	defer nc2.Close()
  3420  	sub := natsSubSync(t, nc2, "foo")
  3421  	natsFlush(t, nc2)
  3423  	checkSubInterest(t, s, "A", "foo", time.Second)
  3425  	natsPub(t, nc1, "foo", []byte("msg1"))
  3426  	msg := natsNexMsg(t, sub, time.Second)
  3428  	if md := string(msg.Data); md != "msg1" {
  3429  		t.Fatalf("Invalid message: %q", md)
  3430  	}
  3431  }
  3433  func TestLeafNodeStreamImport(t *testing.T) {
  3434  	o1 := DefaultOptions()
  3435  	o1.LeafNode.Port = -1
  3436  	accA := NewAccount("A")
  3437  	o1.Accounts = []*Account{accA}
  3438  	o1.Users = []*User{{Username: "a", Password: "a", Account: accA}}
  3439  	o1.LeafNode.Account = "A"
  3440  	o1.NoAuthUser = "a"
  3441  	s1 := RunServer(o1)
  3442  	defer s1.Shutdown()
  3444  	o2 := DefaultOptions()
  3445  	o2.LeafNode.Port = -1
  3446  	o2.Cluster.Name = "xyz"
  3448  	accB := NewAccount("B")
  3449  	if err := accB.AddStreamExport(">", nil); err != nil {
  3450  		t.Fatalf("Error adding stream export: %v", err)
  3451  	}
  3453  	accC := NewAccount("C")
  3454  	if err := accC.AddStreamImport(accB, ">", ""); err != nil {
  3455  		t.Fatalf("Error adding stream import: %v", err)
  3456  	}
  3458  	o2.Accounts = []*Account{accB, accC}
  3459  	o2.Users = []*User{{Username: "b", Password: "b", Account: accB}, {Username: "c", Password: "c", Account: accC}}
  3460  	o2.NoAuthUser = "b"
  3461  	u, err := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", o1.LeafNode.Port))
  3462  	if err != nil {
  3463  		t.Fatalf("Error parsing url: %v", err)
  3464  	}
  3465  	o2.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{u}, LocalAccount: "C"}}
  3466  	s2 := RunServer(o2)
  3467  	defer s2.Shutdown()
  3469  	nc1 := natsConnect(t, s1.ClientURL())
  3470  	defer nc1.Close()
  3472  	sub := natsSubSync(t, nc1, "a")
  3474  	checkSubInterest(t, s2, "C", "a", time.Second)
  3476  	nc2 := natsConnect(t, s2.ClientURL())
  3477  	defer nc2.Close()
  3479  	natsPub(t, nc2, "a", []byte("hello?"))
  3481  	natsNexMsg(t, sub, time.Second)
  3482  }
  3484  func TestLeafNodeRouteSubWithOrigin(t *testing.T) {
  3485  	lo1 := DefaultOptions()
  3486  	lo1.LeafNode.Host = ""
  3487  	lo1.LeafNode.Port = -1
  3488  	lo1.Cluster.Name = "local"
  3489  	lo1.Cluster.Host = ""
  3490  	lo1.Cluster.Port = -1
  3491  	l1 := RunServer(lo1)
  3492  	defer l1.Shutdown()
  3494  	lo2 := DefaultOptions()
  3495  	lo2.LeafNode.Host = ""
  3496  	lo2.LeafNode.Port = -1
  3497  	lo2.Cluster.Name = "local"
  3498  	lo2.Cluster.Host = ""
  3499  	lo2.Cluster.Port = -1
  3500  	lo2.Routes = RoutesFromStr(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", lo1.Cluster.Port))
  3501  	l2 := RunServer(lo2)
  3502  	defer l2.Shutdown()
  3504  	checkClusterFormed(t, l1, l2)
  3506  	u1, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", lo1.LeafNode.Port))
  3507  	urls := []*url.URL{u1}
  3509  	ro1 := DefaultOptions()
  3510  	ro1.Cluster.Name = "remote"
  3511  	ro1.Cluster.Host = ""
  3512  	ro1.Cluster.Port = -1
  3513  	ro1.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 50 * time.Millisecond
  3514  	ro1.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: urls}}
  3515  	r1 := RunServer(ro1)
  3516  	defer r1.Shutdown()
  3518  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, r1)
  3520  	nc := natsConnect(t, r1.ClientURL(), nats.NoReconnect())
  3521  	defer nc.Close()
  3522  	natsSubSync(t, nc, "foo")
  3523  	natsQueueSubSync(t, nc, "bar", "baz")
  3524  	checkSubInterest(t, l2, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  3525  	checkSubInterest(t, l2, globalAccountName, "bar", time.Second)
  3527  	// Now shutdown the leafnode and check that any subscription for $G on l2 are gone.
  3528  	r1.Shutdown()
  3529  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 15*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  3530  		acc := l2.GlobalAccount()
  3531  		if n := acc.TotalSubs(); n != 5 {
  3532  			return fmt.Errorf("Account %q should have 5 subs, got %v", acc.GetName(), n)
  3533  		}
  3534  		return nil
  3535  	})
  3536  }
  3538  func TestLeafNodeLoopDetectionWithMultipleClusters(t *testing.T) {
  3539  	lo1 := DefaultOptions()
  3540  	lo1.LeafNode.Host = ""
  3541  	lo1.LeafNode.Port = -1
  3542  	lo1.Cluster.Name = "local"
  3543  	lo1.Cluster.Host = ""
  3544  	lo1.Cluster.Port = -1
  3545  	l1 := RunServer(lo1)
  3546  	defer l1.Shutdown()
  3548  	lo2 := DefaultOptions()
  3549  	lo2.LeafNode.Host = ""
  3550  	lo2.LeafNode.Port = -1
  3551  	lo2.Cluster.Name = "local"
  3552  	lo2.Cluster.Host = ""
  3553  	lo2.Cluster.Port = -1
  3554  	lo2.Routes = RoutesFromStr(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", lo1.Cluster.Port))
  3555  	l2 := RunServer(lo2)
  3556  	defer l2.Shutdown()
  3558  	checkClusterFormed(t, l1, l2)
  3560  	ro1 := DefaultOptions()
  3561  	ro1.Cluster.Name = "remote"
  3562  	ro1.Cluster.Host = ""
  3563  	ro1.Cluster.Port = -1
  3564  	ro1.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 50 * time.Millisecond
  3565  	ro1.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{
  3566  		{Scheme: "nats", Host: fmt.Sprintf("", lo1.LeafNode.Port)},
  3567  		{Scheme: "nats", Host: fmt.Sprintf("", lo2.LeafNode.Port)},
  3568  	}}}
  3569  	r1 := RunServer(ro1)
  3570  	defer r1.Shutdown()
  3572  	l := &captureErrorLogger{errCh: make(chan string, 100)}
  3573  	r1.SetLogger(l, false, false)
  3575  	ro2 := DefaultOptions()
  3576  	ro2.Cluster.Name = "remote"
  3577  	ro2.Cluster.Host = ""
  3578  	ro2.Cluster.Port = -1
  3579  	ro2.Routes = RoutesFromStr(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", ro1.Cluster.Port))
  3580  	ro2.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 50 * time.Millisecond
  3581  	ro2.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{
  3582  		{Scheme: "nats", Host: fmt.Sprintf("", lo1.LeafNode.Port)},
  3583  		{Scheme: "nats", Host: fmt.Sprintf("", lo2.LeafNode.Port)},
  3584  	}}}
  3585  	r2 := RunServer(ro2)
  3586  	defer r2.Shutdown()
  3588  	checkClusterFormed(t, r1, r2)
  3589  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, r1)
  3590  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, r2)
  3592  	l1.Shutdown()
  3594  	// Now wait for r1 and r2 to reconnect, they should not have a problem of loop detection.
  3595  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, r1)
  3596  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, r2)
  3598  	// Wait and make sure we don't have a loop error
  3599  	timeout := time.NewTimer(500 * time.Millisecond)
  3600  	for {
  3601  		select {
  3602  		case err := <-l.errCh:
  3603  			if strings.Contains(err, "Loop detected") {
  3604  				t.Fatal(err)
  3605  			}
  3606  		case <-timeout.C:
  3607  			// OK, we are done.
  3608  			return
  3609  		}
  3610  	}
  3611  }
  3613  func TestLeafNodeUnsubOnRouteDisconnect(t *testing.T) {
  3614  	lo1 := DefaultOptions()
  3615  	lo1.LeafNode.Host = ""
  3616  	lo1.LeafNode.Port = -1
  3617  	lo1.Cluster.Name = "local"
  3618  	lo1.Cluster.Host = ""
  3619  	lo1.Cluster.Port = -1
  3620  	l1 := RunServer(lo1)
  3621  	defer l1.Shutdown()
  3623  	lo2 := DefaultOptions()
  3624  	lo2.LeafNode.Host = ""
  3625  	lo2.LeafNode.Port = -1
  3626  	lo2.Cluster.Name = "local"
  3627  	lo2.Cluster.Host = ""
  3628  	lo2.Cluster.Port = -1
  3629  	lo2.Routes = RoutesFromStr(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", lo1.Cluster.Port))
  3630  	l2 := RunServer(lo2)
  3631  	defer l2.Shutdown()
  3633  	checkClusterFormed(t, l1, l2)
  3635  	u1, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", lo1.LeafNode.Port))
  3636  	u2, _ := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", lo2.LeafNode.Port))
  3637  	urls := []*url.URL{u1, u2}
  3639  	ro1 := DefaultOptions()
  3640  	// DefaultOptions sets a cluster name, so make sure they are different.
  3641  	// Also, we don't have r1 and r2 clustered in this test, so set port to 0.
  3642  	ro1.Cluster.Name = _EMPTY_
  3643  	ro1.Cluster.Port = 0
  3644  	ro1.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 50 * time.Millisecond
  3645  	ro1.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: urls}}
  3646  	r1 := RunServer(ro1)
  3647  	defer r1.Shutdown()
  3649  	ro2 := DefaultOptions()
  3650  	ro1.Cluster.Name = _EMPTY_
  3651  	ro2.Cluster.Port = 0
  3652  	ro2.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 50 * time.Millisecond
  3653  	// Have this one point only to l2
  3654  	ro2.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{u2}}}
  3655  	r2 := RunServer(ro2)
  3656  	defer r2.Shutdown()
  3658  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, r1)
  3659  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, r2)
  3661  	// Create a subscription on r1.
  3662  	nc := natsConnect(t, r1.ClientURL())
  3663  	defer nc.Close()
  3664  	sub := natsSubSync(t, nc, "foo")
  3665  	natsFlush(t, nc)
  3667  	checkSubInterest(t, l2, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  3668  	checkSubInterest(t, r2, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  3670  	nc2 := natsConnect(t, r2.ClientURL())
  3671  	defer nc2.Close()
  3672  	natsPub(t, nc, "foo", []byte("msg1"))
  3674  	// Check message received
  3675  	natsNexMsg(t, sub, time.Second)
  3677  	// Now shutdown l1, l2 should update subscription interest to r2.
  3678  	// When r1 reconnects to l2, subscription should be updated too.
  3679  	l1.Shutdown()
  3681  	// Wait a bit (so that the check of interest is not OK just because
  3682  	// the route would not have been yet detected as broken), and check
  3683  	// interest still present on r2, l2.
  3684  	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
  3685  	checkSubInterest(t, l2, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  3686  	checkSubInterest(t, r2, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  3688  	// Check again that message received ok
  3689  	natsPub(t, nc, "foo", []byte("msg2"))
  3690  	natsNexMsg(t, sub, time.Second)
  3692  	// Now close client. Interest should disappear on r2. Due to a bug,
  3693  	// it was not.
  3694  	nc.Close()
  3696  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 15*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  3697  		acc := r2.GlobalAccount()
  3698  		if n := acc.Interest("foo"); n != 0 {
  3699  			return fmt.Errorf("Still interest on subject: %v", n)
  3700  		}
  3701  		return nil
  3702  	})
  3703  }
  3705  func TestLeafNodeNoPingBeforeConnect(t *testing.T) {
  3706  	o := DefaultOptions()
  3707  	o.LeafNode.Port = -1
  3708  	o.LeafNode.AuthTimeout = 0.5
  3709  	// For this test we need to disable compression, because we do use
  3710  	// the ping timer instead of the auth timer before the negotiation
  3711  	// is complete.
  3712  	o.LeafNode.Compression.Mode = CompressionOff
  3713  	s := RunServer(o)
  3714  	defer s.Shutdown()
  3716  	addr := fmt.Sprintf("", o.LeafNode.Port)
  3717  	c, err := net.Dial("tcp", addr)
  3718  	if err != nil {
  3719  		t.Fatalf("Error on dial: %v", err)
  3720  	}
  3721  	defer c.Close()
  3723  	// Read the info
  3724  	br := bufio.NewReader(c)
  3725  	c.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Second))
  3726  	l, _, err := br.ReadLine()
  3727  	if err != nil {
  3728  		t.Fatalf("Error on read: %v", err)
  3729  	}
  3730  	if !strings.HasPrefix(string(l), "INFO") {
  3731  		t.Fatalf("Wrong proto: %q", l)
  3732  	}
  3734  	var leaf *client
  3735  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 15*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  3736  		s.grMu.Lock()
  3737  		for _, l := range s.grTmpClients {
  3738  			leaf = l
  3739  			break
  3740  		}
  3741  		s.grMu.Unlock()
  3742  		if leaf == nil {
  3743  			return fmt.Errorf("No leaf connection found")
  3744  		}
  3745  		return nil
  3746  	})
  3748  	// Make sure that ping timer is not set
  3750  	ptmrSet := != nil
  3753  	if ptmrSet {
  3754  		t.Fatal("Ping timer was set before CONNECT was processed")
  3755  	}
  3757  	// Send CONNECT
  3758  	if _, err := c.Write([]byte("CONNECT {}\r\n")); err != nil {
  3759  		t.Fatalf("Error writing connect: %v", err)
  3760  	}
  3762  	// Check that we correctly set the timer now
  3763  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 15*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  3765  		ptmrSet := != nil
  3767  		if !ptmrSet {
  3768  			return fmt.Errorf("Timer still not set")
  3769  		}
  3770  		return nil
  3771  	})
  3773  	// Reduce the first ping..
  3775 * time.Millisecond)
  3778  	// Now consume that PING (we may get LS+, etc..)
  3779  	for {
  3780  		c.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Second))
  3781  		l, _, err = br.ReadLine()
  3782  		if err != nil {
  3783  			t.Fatalf("Error on read: %v", err)
  3784  		}
  3785  		if strings.HasPrefix(string(l), "PING") {
  3786  			checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s)
  3787  			return
  3788  		}
  3789  	}
  3790  }
  3792  func TestLeafNodeNoMsgLoop(t *testing.T) {
  3793  	hubConf := `
  3794  		listen: ""
  3795  		accounts {
  3796  			FOO {
  3797  				users [
  3798  					{username: leaf, password: pass}
  3799  					{username: user, password: pass}
  3800  				]
  3801  			}
  3802  		}
  3803  		cluster {
  3804  			name: "hub"
  3805  			listen: ""
  3806  			%s
  3807  		}
  3808  		leafnodes {
  3809  			listen: ""
  3810  			authorization {
  3811  				account: FOO
  3812  			}
  3813  		}
  3814  	`
  3815  	configS1 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(hubConf, "")))
  3816  	s1, o1 := RunServerWithConfig(configS1)
  3817  	defer s1.Shutdown()
  3819  	configS2S3 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(hubConf, fmt.Sprintf(`routes: ["nats://"]`, o1.Cluster.Port))))
  3820  	s2, o2 := RunServerWithConfig(configS2S3)
  3821  	defer s2.Shutdown()
  3823  	s3, _ := RunServerWithConfig(configS2S3)
  3824  	defer s3.Shutdown()
  3826  	checkClusterFormed(t, s1, s2, s3)
  3828  	contentLN := `
  3829  		listen: ""
  3830  		accounts {
  3831  			FOO {
  3832  				users [
  3833  					{username: leaf, password: pass}
  3834  					{username: user, password: pass}
  3835  				]
  3836  			}
  3837  		}
  3838  		leafnodes {
  3839  			remotes = [
  3840  				{
  3841  					url: "nats://leaf:pass@"
  3842  					account: FOO
  3843  				}
  3844  			]
  3845  		}
  3846  	`
  3847  	lnconf := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(contentLN, -1, o1.LeafNode.Port)))
  3848  	sl1, slo1 := RunServerWithConfig(lnconf)
  3849  	defer sl1.Shutdown()
  3851  	sl2, slo2 := RunServerWithConfig(lnconf)
  3852  	defer sl2.Shutdown()
  3854  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, sl1)
  3855  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, sl2)
  3857  	// Create users on each leafnode
  3858  	nc1, err := nats.Connect(fmt.Sprintf("nats://user:pass@", slo1.Port))
  3859  	if err != nil {
  3860  		t.Fatalf("Error on connect: %v", err)
  3861  	}
  3862  	defer nc1.Close()
  3864  	rch := make(chan struct{}, 1)
  3865  	nc2, err := nats.Connect(
  3866  		fmt.Sprintf("nats://user:pass@", slo2.Port),
  3867  		nats.ReconnectWait(50*time.Millisecond),
  3868  		nats.ReconnectHandler(func(_ *nats.Conn) {
  3869  			rch <- struct{}{}
  3870  		}),
  3871  	)
  3872  	if err != nil {
  3873  		t.Fatalf("Error on connect: %v", err)
  3874  	}
  3875  	defer nc2.Close()
  3877  	// Create queue subs on sl2
  3878  	nc2.QueueSubscribe("foo", "bar", func(_ *nats.Msg) {})
  3879  	nc2.QueueSubscribe("foo", "bar", func(_ *nats.Msg) {})
  3880  	nc2.Flush()
  3882  	// Wait for interest to propagate to sl1
  3883  	checkSubInterest(t, sl1, "FOO", "foo", 250*time.Millisecond)
  3885  	// Create sub on sl1
  3886  	ch := make(chan *nats.Msg, 10)
  3887  	nc1.Subscribe("foo", func(m *nats.Msg) {
  3888  		select {
  3889  		case ch <- m:
  3890  		default:
  3891  		}
  3892  	})
  3893  	nc1.Flush()
  3895  	checkSubInterest(t, sl2, "FOO", "foo", 250*time.Millisecond)
  3897  	// Produce from sl1
  3898  	nc1.Publish("foo", []byte("msg1"))
  3900  	// Check message is received by plain sub
  3901  	select {
  3902  	case <-ch:
  3903  	case <-time.After(time.Second):
  3904  		t.Fatalf("Did not receive message")
  3905  	}
  3907  	// Restart leaf node, this time make sure we connect to 2nd server.
  3908  	sl2.Shutdown()
  3910  	// Use config file but this time reuse the client port and set the 2nd server for
  3911  	// the remote leaf node port.
  3912  	lnconf = createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(contentLN, slo2.Port, o2.LeafNode.Port)))
  3913  	sl2, _ = RunServerWithConfig(lnconf)
  3914  	defer sl2.Shutdown()
  3916  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, sl2)
  3918  	// Wait for client to reconnect
  3919  	select {
  3920  	case <-rch:
  3921  	case <-time.After(time.Second):
  3922  		t.Fatalf("Did not reconnect")
  3923  	}
  3925  	// Produce a new messages
  3926  	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
  3927  		nc1.Publish("foo", []byte(fmt.Sprintf("msg%d", 2+i)))
  3929  		// Check sub receives 1 message
  3930  		select {
  3931  		case <-ch:
  3932  		case <-time.After(time.Second):
  3933  			t.Fatalf("Did not receive message")
  3934  		}
  3935  		// Check that there is no more...
  3936  		select {
  3937  		case m := <-ch:
  3938  			t.Fatalf("Loop: received second message %s", m.Data)
  3939  		case <-time.After(50 * time.Millisecond):
  3940  			// OK
  3941  		}
  3942  	}
  3943  }
  3945  func TestLeafNodeInterestPropagationDaisychain(t *testing.T) {
  3946  	aTmpl := `
  3947  		port: %d
  3948  		leafnodes {
  3949  		  port: %d
  3950  		}
  3951  		`
  3953  	confA := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(aTmpl, -1, -1)))
  3954  	sA, _ := RunServerWithConfig(confA)
  3955  	defer sA.Shutdown()
  3957  	aPort := sA.opts.Port
  3958  	aLeafPort := sA.opts.LeafNode.Port
  3960  	confB := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  3961  		port: -1
  3962  		leafnodes {
  3963  			port: -1
  3964  			remotes = [{
  3965  				url:"nats://"
  3966  			}]
  3967  		}`, aLeafPort)))
  3968  	sB, _ := RunServerWithConfig(confB)
  3969  	defer sB.Shutdown()
  3971  	confC := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  3972  		port: -1
  3973  		leafnodes {
  3974  			port: -1
  3975  			remotes = [{url:"nats://"}]
  3976  		}`, sB.opts.LeafNode.Port)))
  3977  	sC, _ := RunServerWithConfig(confC)
  3978  	defer sC.Shutdown()
  3980  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, sC, 1)
  3981  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, sB, 2)
  3982  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, sA, 1)
  3984  	ncC := natsConnect(t, sC.ClientURL())
  3985  	defer ncC.Close()
  3986  	_, err := ncC.SubscribeSync("foo")
  3987  	require_NoError(t, err)
  3988  	require_NoError(t, ncC.Flush())
  3990  	checkSubInterest(t, sC, "$G", "foo", time.Second)
  3991  	checkSubInterest(t, sB, "$G", "foo", time.Second)
  3992  	checkSubInterest(t, sA, "$G", "foo", time.Second)
  3994  	ncA := natsConnect(t, sA.ClientURL())
  3995  	defer ncA.Close()
  3997  	sA.Shutdown()
  3998  	sA.WaitForShutdown()
  4000  	confAA := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(aTmpl, aPort, aLeafPort)))
  4001  	sAA, _ := RunServerWithConfig(confAA)
  4002  	defer sAA.Shutdown()
  4004  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, sAA, 1)
  4005  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, sB, 2)
  4006  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, sC, 1)
  4008  	checkSubInterest(t, sC, "$G", "foo", time.Second)
  4009  	checkSubInterest(t, sB, "$G", "foo", time.Second)
  4010  	checkSubInterest(t, sAA, "$G", "foo", time.Second) // failure issue 2448
  4011  }
  4013  func TestLeafNodeQueueGroupWithLateLNJoin(t *testing.T) {
  4014  	/*
  4016  		Topology: A cluster of leafnodes LN2 and LN3, connect
  4017  		to a cluster C1, C2.
  4019  		sub(foo)     sub(foo)
  4020  		    \         /
  4021  		    C1  <->  C2
  4022  		    ^        ^
  4023  		    |        |
  4024  		    LN2 <-> LN3
  4025  		    /         \
  4026  		sub(foo)     sub(foo)
  4028  		Once the above is set, start LN1 that connects to C1.
  4030  		    sub(foo)     sub(foo)
  4031  		        \         /
  4032  		LN1 ->  C1  <->  C2
  4033  		        ^        ^
  4034  		        |        |
  4035  		        LN2 <-> LN3
  4036  		        /         \
  4037  		    sub(foo)     sub(foo)
  4039  		Remove subs to LN3, C2 and C1.
  4041  		LN1 ->  C1  <->  C2
  4042  		        ^        ^
  4043  		        |        |
  4044  		        LN2 <-> LN3
  4045  		        /
  4046  		    sub(foo)
  4048  		Publish from LN1 and verify message is received by sub on LN2.
  4050  		pub(foo)
  4051  		\
  4052  		LN1 -> C1  <->  C2
  4053  		        ^        ^
  4054  		        |        |
  4055  		        LN2 <-> LN3
  4056  		        /
  4057  		    sub(foo)
  4058  	*/
  4059  	co1 := DefaultOptions()
  4060  	co1.LeafNode.Host = ""
  4061  	co1.LeafNode.Port = -1
  4062  	co1.Cluster.Name = "ngs"
  4063  	co1.Cluster.Host = ""
  4064  	co1.Cluster.Port = -1
  4065  	c1 := RunServer(co1)
  4066  	defer c1.Shutdown()
  4068  	co2 := DefaultOptions()
  4069  	co2.LeafNode.Host = ""
  4070  	co2.LeafNode.Port = -1
  4071  	co2.Cluster.Name = "ngs"
  4072  	co2.Cluster.Host = ""
  4073  	co2.Cluster.Port = -1
  4074  	co2.Routes = RoutesFromStr(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", co1.Cluster.Port))
  4075  	c2 := RunServer(co2)
  4076  	defer c2.Shutdown()
  4078  	checkClusterFormed(t, c1, c2)
  4080  	lo2 := DefaultOptions()
  4081  	lo2.Cluster.Name = "local"
  4082  	lo2.Cluster.Host = ""
  4083  	lo2.Cluster.Port = -1
  4084  	lo2.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 50 * time.Millisecond
  4085  	lo2.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{{Scheme: "nats", Host: fmt.Sprintf("", co1.LeafNode.Port)}}}}
  4086  	ln2 := RunServer(lo2)
  4087  	defer ln2.Shutdown()
  4089  	lo3 := DefaultOptions()
  4090  	lo3.Cluster.Name = "local"
  4091  	lo3.Cluster.Host = ""
  4092  	lo3.Cluster.Port = -1
  4093  	lo3.Routes = RoutesFromStr(fmt.Sprintf("nats://", lo2.Cluster.Port))
  4094  	lo3.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 50 * time.Millisecond
  4095  	lo3.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{{Scheme: "nats", Host: fmt.Sprintf("", co2.LeafNode.Port)}}}}
  4096  	ln3 := RunServer(lo3)
  4097  	defer ln3.Shutdown()
  4099  	checkClusterFormed(t, ln2, ln3)
  4100  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, ln2)
  4101  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, ln3)
  4103  	cln2 := natsConnect(t, ln2.ClientURL())
  4104  	defer cln2.Close()
  4105  	sln2 := natsQueueSubSync(t, cln2, "foo", "qgroup")
  4106  	natsFlush(t, cln2)
  4108  	cln3 := natsConnect(t, ln3.ClientURL())
  4109  	defer cln3.Close()
  4110  	sln3 := natsQueueSubSync(t, cln3, "foo", "qgroup")
  4111  	natsFlush(t, cln3)
  4113  	cc1 := natsConnect(t, c1.ClientURL())
  4114  	defer cc1.Close()
  4115  	sc1 := natsQueueSubSync(t, cc1, "foo", "qgroup")
  4116  	natsFlush(t, cc1)
  4118  	cc2 := natsConnect(t, c2.ClientURL())
  4119  	defer cc2.Close()
  4120  	sc2 := natsQueueSubSync(t, cc2, "foo", "qgroup")
  4121  	natsFlush(t, cc2)
  4123  	checkSubInterest(t, c1, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  4124  	checkSubInterest(t, c2, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  4125  	checkSubInterest(t, ln2, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  4126  	checkSubInterest(t, ln3, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  4128  	lo1 := DefaultOptions()
  4129  	lo1.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 50 * time.Millisecond
  4130  	lo1.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{URLs: []*url.URL{{Scheme: "nats", Host: fmt.Sprintf("", co1.LeafNode.Port)}}}}
  4131  	ln1 := RunServer(lo1)
  4132  	defer ln1.Shutdown()
  4134  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, ln1)
  4135  	checkSubInterest(t, ln1, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  4137  	sln3.Unsubscribe()
  4138  	natsFlush(t, cln3)
  4139  	sc2.Unsubscribe()
  4140  	natsFlush(t, cc2)
  4141  	sc1.Unsubscribe()
  4142  	natsFlush(t, cc1)
  4144  	cln1 := natsConnect(t, ln1.ClientURL())
  4145  	defer cln1.Close()
  4147  	natsPub(t, cln1, "foo", []byte("hello"))
  4148  	natsNexMsg(t, sln2, time.Second)
  4149  }
  4151  func TestLeafNodeJetStreamDomainMapCrossTalk(t *testing.T) {
  4152  	accs := `
  4153  accounts :{
  4154      A:{   jetstream: enable, users:[ {user:a1,password:a1}]},
  4155      SYS:{ users:[ {user:s1,password:s1}]},
  4156  }
  4157  system_account: SYS
  4158  `
  4160  	sd1 := t.TempDir()
  4161  	confA := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  4162  listen:
  4163  %s
  4164  jetstream: { domain: da, store_dir: '%s', max_mem: 50Mb, max_file: 50Mb }
  4165  leafnodes: {
  4166  	listen:
  4167  	no_advertise: true
  4168  	authorization: {
  4169  		timeout: 0.5
  4170  	}
  4171  }
  4172  `, accs, sd1)))
  4173  	sA, _ := RunServerWithConfig(confA)
  4174  	defer sA.Shutdown()
  4176  	sd2 := t.TempDir()
  4177  	confL := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  4178  listen:
  4179  %s
  4180  jetstream: { domain: dl, store_dir: '%s', max_mem: 50Mb, max_file: 50Mb }
  4181  leafnodes:{
  4182  	no_advertise: true
  4183      remotes:[{url:nats://a1:a1@, account: A},
  4184  		     {url:nats://s1:s1@, account: SYS}]
  4185  }
  4186  `, accs, sd2, sA.opts.LeafNode.Port, sA.opts.LeafNode.Port)))
  4187  	sL, _ := RunServerWithConfig(confL)
  4188  	defer sL.Shutdown()
  4190  	ncA := natsConnect(t, sA.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo("a1", "a1"))
  4191  	defer ncA.Close()
  4192  	ncL := natsConnect(t, sL.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo("a1", "a1"))
  4193  	defer ncL.Close()
  4195  	test := func(jsA, jsL nats.JetStreamContext) {
  4196  		kvA, err := jsA.CreateKeyValue(&nats.KeyValueConfig{Bucket: "bucket"})
  4197  		require_NoError(t, err)
  4198  		kvL, err := jsL.CreateKeyValue(&nats.KeyValueConfig{Bucket: "bucket"})
  4199  		require_NoError(t, err)
  4201  		_, err = kvA.Put("A", nil)
  4202  		require_NoError(t, err)
  4203  		_, err = kvL.Put("L", nil)
  4204  		require_NoError(t, err)
  4206  		// check for unwanted cross talk
  4207  		_, err = kvA.Get("A")
  4208  		require_NoError(t, err)
  4209  		_, err = kvA.Get("l")
  4210  		require_Error(t, err)
  4211  		require_True(t, err == nats.ErrKeyNotFound)
  4213  		_, err = kvL.Get("A")
  4214  		require_Error(t, err)
  4215  		require_True(t, err == nats.ErrKeyNotFound)
  4216  		_, err = kvL.Get("L")
  4217  		require_NoError(t, err)
  4219  		err = jsA.DeleteKeyValue("bucket")
  4220  		require_NoError(t, err)
  4221  		err = jsL.DeleteKeyValue("bucket")
  4222  		require_NoError(t, err)
  4223  	}
  4225  	jsA, err := ncA.JetStream()
  4226  	require_NoError(t, err)
  4227  	jsL, err := ncL.JetStream()
  4228  	require_NoError(t, err)
  4229  	test(jsA, jsL)
  4231  	jsAL, err := ncA.JetStream(nats.Domain("dl"))
  4232  	require_NoError(t, err)
  4233  	jsLA, err := ncL.JetStream(nats.Domain("da"))
  4234  	require_NoError(t, err)
  4235  	test(jsAL, jsLA)
  4237  	jsAA, err := ncA.JetStream(nats.Domain("da"))
  4238  	require_NoError(t, err)
  4239  	jsLL, err := ncL.JetStream(nats.Domain("dl"))
  4240  	require_NoError(t, err)
  4241  	test(jsAA, jsLL)
  4242  }
  4244  type checkLeafMinVersionLogger struct {
  4245  	DummyLogger
  4246  	errCh  chan string
  4247  	connCh chan string
  4248  }
  4250  func (l *checkLeafMinVersionLogger) Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
  4251  	msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
  4252  	if strings.Contains(msg, "minimum version") {
  4253  		select {
  4254  		case l.errCh <- msg:
  4255  		default:
  4256  		}
  4257  	}
  4258  }
  4260  func (l *checkLeafMinVersionLogger) Noticef(format string, args ...interface{}) {
  4261  	msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
  4262  	if strings.Contains(msg, "Leafnode connection created") {
  4263  		select {
  4264  		case l.connCh <- msg:
  4265  		default:
  4266  		}
  4267  	}
  4268  }
  4270  func TestLeafNodeMinVersion(t *testing.T) {
  4271  	conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  4272  		port: -1
  4273  		leafnodes {
  4274  			port: -1
  4275  			min_version: 2.8.0
  4276  		}
  4277  	`))
  4278  	s, o := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  4279  	defer s.Shutdown()
  4281  	rconf := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  4282  		port: -1
  4283  		leafnodes {
  4284  			remotes [
  4285  				{url: "nats://" }
  4286  			]
  4287  		}
  4288  	`, o.LeafNode.Port)))
  4289  	ln, _ := RunServerWithConfig(rconf)
  4290  	defer ln.Shutdown()
  4292  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s)
  4293  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, ln)
  4295  	ln.Shutdown()
  4296  	s.Shutdown()
  4298  	// Now makes sure we validate options, not just config file.
  4299  	for _, test := range []struct {
  4300  		name    string
  4301  		version string
  4302  		err     string
  4303  	}{
  4304  		{"invalid version", "abc", "semver"},
  4305  		{"version too low", "2.7.9", "the minimum version should be at least 2.8.0"},
  4306  	} {
  4307  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  4308  			o.Port = -1
  4309  			o.LeafNode.Port = -1
  4310  			o.LeafNode.MinVersion = test.version
  4311  			if s, err := NewServer(o); err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), test.err) {
  4312  				if s != nil {
  4313  					s.Shutdown()
  4314  				}
  4315  				t.Fatalf("Expected error to contain %q, got %v", test.err, err)
  4316  			}
  4317  		})
  4318  	}
  4320  	// Ok, so now to verify that a server rejects a leafnode connection
  4321  	// we will set the min_version above our current VERSION. So first
  4322  	// decompose the version:
  4323  	major, minor, _, err := versionComponents(VERSION)
  4324  	if err != nil {
  4325  		t.Fatalf("The current server version %q is not valid: %v", VERSION, err)
  4326  	}
  4327  	// Let's make our minimum server an minor version above
  4328  	mv := fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.0", major, minor+1)
  4329  	conf = createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  4330  		port: -1
  4331  		leafnodes {
  4332  			port: -1
  4333  			min_version: "%s"
  4334  		}
  4335  	`, mv)))
  4336  	s, o = RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  4337  	defer s.Shutdown()
  4339  	l := &checkLeafMinVersionLogger{errCh: make(chan string, 1), connCh: make(chan string, 1)}
  4340  	s.SetLogger(l, false, false)
  4342  	rconf = createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  4343  		port: -1
  4344  		leafnodes {
  4345  			remotes [
  4346  				{url: "nats://" }
  4347  			]
  4348  		}
  4349  	`, o.LeafNode.Port)))
  4350  	lo := LoadConfig(rconf)
  4351  	lo.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 50 * time.Millisecond
  4352  	ln = RunServer(lo)
  4353  	defer ln.Shutdown()
  4355  	select {
  4356  	case <-l.connCh:
  4357  	case <-time.After(time.Second):
  4358  		t.Fatal("Remote did not try to connect")
  4359  	}
  4361  	select {
  4362  	case <-l.errCh:
  4363  	case <-time.After(time.Second):
  4364  		t.Fatal("Did not get the minimum version required error")
  4365  	}
  4367  	// Since we have a very small reconnect interval, if the connection was
  4368  	// closed "right away", then we should have had a reconnect attempt with
  4369  	// another failure. This should not be the case because the server will
  4370  	// wait 5s before closing the connection.
  4371  	select {
  4372  	case <-l.connCh:
  4373  		t.Fatal("Should not have tried to reconnect")
  4374  	case <-time.After(250 * time.Millisecond):
  4375  		// OK
  4376  	}
  4377  }
  4379  func TestLeafNodeStreamAndShadowSubs(t *testing.T) {
  4380  	hubConf := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  4381  		port: -1
  4382  		leafnodes {
  4383  			port: -1
  4384  			authorization: {
  4385  			  user: leaf
  4386  			  password: leaf
  4387  			  account: B
  4388  			}
  4389  		}
  4390  		accounts: {
  4391  			A: {
  4392  			  users = [{user: usrA, password: usrA}]
  4393  			  exports: [{stream: foo.*.>}]
  4394  			}
  4395  			B: {
  4396  			  imports: [{stream: {account: A, subject: foo.*.>}}]
  4397  			}
  4398  		}
  4399  	`))
  4400  	hub, hubo := RunServerWithConfig(hubConf)
  4401  	defer hub.Shutdown()
  4403  	leafConfContet := fmt.Sprintf(`
  4404  		port: -1
  4405  		leafnodes {
  4406  			remotes = [
  4407  				{
  4408  					url: "nats-leaf://leaf:leaf@"
  4409  					account: B
  4410  				}
  4411  			]
  4412  		}
  4413  		accounts: {
  4414  			B: {
  4415  				exports: [{stream: foo.*.>}]
  4416  			}
  4417  			C: {
  4418  				users: [{user: usrC, password: usrC}]
  4419  				imports: [{stream: {account: B, subject:>}}]
  4420  			}
  4421  		}
  4422  	`, hubo.LeafNode.Port)
  4423  	leafConf := createConfFile(t, []byte(leafConfContet))
  4424  	leafo := LoadConfig(leafConf)
  4425  	leafo.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 50 * time.Millisecond
  4426  	leaf := RunServer(leafo)
  4427  	defer leaf.Shutdown()
  4429  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, hub)
  4430  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, leaf)
  4432  	subPubAndCheck := func() {
  4433  		t.Helper()
  4435  		ncl, err := nats.Connect(leaf.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo("usrC", "usrC"))
  4436  		if err != nil {
  4437  			t.Fatalf("Error connecting: %v", err)
  4438  		}
  4439  		defer ncl.Close()
  4441  		// This will send an LS+ to the "hub" server.
  4442  		sub, err := ncl.SubscribeSync("foo.*.baz")
  4443  		if err != nil {
  4444  			t.Fatalf("Error subscribing: %v", err)
  4445  		}
  4446  		ncl.Flush()
  4448  		ncm, err := nats.Connect(hub.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo("usrA", "usrA"))
  4449  		if err != nil {
  4450  			t.Fatalf("Error connecting: %v", err)
  4451  		}
  4452  		defer ncm.Close()
  4454  		// Try a few times in case subject interest has not propagated yet
  4455  		for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
  4456  			ncm.Publish("", []byte("msg"))
  4457  			if _, err := sub.NextMsg(time.Second); err == nil {
  4458  				// OK, done!
  4459  				return
  4460  			}
  4461  		}
  4462  		t.Fatal("Message was not received")
  4463  	}
  4464  	subPubAndCheck()
  4466  	// Now cause a restart of the accepting side so that the leaf connection
  4467  	// is recreated.
  4468  	hub.Shutdown()
  4469  	hub = RunServer(hubo)
  4470  	defer hub.Shutdown()
  4472  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, hub)
  4473  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, leaf)
  4475  	subPubAndCheck()
  4477  	// Issue a config reload even though we make no modification. There was
  4478  	// a defect that caused the interest propagation to break.
  4479  	// Set the ReconnectInterval to the default value so that reload does not complain.
  4480  	leaf.getOpts().LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = DEFAULT_LEAF_NODE_RECONNECT
  4481  	reloadUpdateConfig(t, leaf, leafConf, leafConfContet)
  4483  	// Check again
  4484  	subPubAndCheck()
  4485  }
  4487  func TestLeafNodeAuthConfigReload(t *testing.T) {
  4488  	template := `
  4489  		listen:
  4490  		accounts { test: {} }
  4491  		leaf {
  4492  			listen: ""
  4493  			tls {
  4494  				cert_file: "../test/configs/certs/server-cert.pem"
  4495  				key_file:  "../test/configs/certs/server-key.pem"
  4496  				ca_file:   "../test/configs/certs/ca.pem"
  4497  			}
  4498  			authorization {
  4499  				# These are only fields allowed atm.
  4500  				users = [ { user: test, password: "s3cret1", account: "test"  } ]
  4501  			}
  4502  		}
  4503  	`
  4504  	conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(template))
  4506  	s, _ := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  4507  	defer s.Shutdown()
  4509  	lg := &captureErrorLogger{errCh: make(chan string, 10)}
  4510  	s.SetLogger(lg, false, false)
  4512  	// Reload here should work ok.
  4513  	reloadUpdateConfig(t, s, conf, template)
  4514  }
  4516  func TestLeafNodeSignatureCB(t *testing.T) {
  4517  	content := `
  4518  		port: -1
  4519  		server_name: OP
  4520  		operator = "../test/configs/nkeys/op.jwt"
  4521  		resolver = MEMORY
  4522  		listen: ""
  4523  		leafnodes {
  4524  			listen: ""
  4525  		}
  4526  	`
  4527  	conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(content))
  4528  	s, opts := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  4529  	defer s.Shutdown()
  4531  	_, akp := createAccount(s)
  4532  	kp, _ := nkeys.CreateUser()
  4533  	pub, _ := kp.PublicKey()
  4534  	nuc := jwt.NewUserClaims(pub)
  4535  	ujwt, err := nuc.Encode(akp)
  4536  	if err != nil {
  4537  		t.Fatalf("Error generating user JWT: %v", err)
  4538  	}
  4540  	lopts := &DefaultTestOptions
  4541  	u, err := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("nats://%s:%d", opts.LeafNode.Host, opts.LeafNode.Port))
  4542  	if err != nil {
  4543  		t.Fatalf("Error parsing url: %v", err)
  4544  	}
  4545  	remote := &RemoteLeafOpts{URLs: []*url.URL{u}}
  4546  	remote.SignatureCB = func(nonce []byte) (string, []byte, error) {
  4547  		return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("on purpose")
  4548  	}
  4549  	lopts.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{remote}
  4550  	lopts.LeafNode.ReconnectInterval = 100 * time.Millisecond
  4551  	sl := RunServer(lopts)
  4552  	defer sl.Shutdown()
  4554  	slog := &captureErrorLogger{errCh: make(chan string, 10)}
  4555  	sl.SetLogger(slog, false, false)
  4557  	// Now check that the leafnode got the error that the callback returned.
  4558  	select {
  4559  	case err := <-slog.errCh:
  4560  		if !strings.Contains(err, "on purpose") {
  4561  			t.Fatalf("Expected error from cb, got %v", err)
  4562  		}
  4563  	case <-time.After(time.Second):
  4564  		t.Fatal("Did not get expected error")
  4565  	}
  4567  	sl.Shutdown()
  4568  	// Now check what happens if the connection is closed while in the callback.
  4569  	blockCh := make(chan struct{})
  4570  	remote.SignatureCB = func(nonce []byte) (string, []byte, error) {
  4571  		<-blockCh
  4572  		sig, err := kp.Sign(nonce)
  4573  		return ujwt, sig, err
  4574  	}
  4575  	sl = RunServer(lopts)
  4576  	defer sl.Shutdown()
  4578  	// Recreate the logger so that we are sure not to have possible previous errors
  4579  	slog = &captureErrorLogger{errCh: make(chan string, 10)}
  4580  	sl.SetLogger(slog, false, false)
  4582  	// Get the leaf connection from the temp clients map and close it.
  4583  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 15*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  4584  		var c *client
  4585  		sl.grMu.Lock()
  4586  		for _, cli := range sl.grTmpClients {
  4587  			c = cli
  4588  		}
  4589  		sl.grMu.Unlock()
  4590  		if c == nil {
  4591  			return fmt.Errorf("Client still not found in temp map")
  4592  		}
  4593  		c.closeConnection(ClientClosed)
  4594  		return nil
  4595  	})
  4597  	// Release the callback, and check we get the appropriate error.
  4598  	close(blockCh)
  4599  	select {
  4600  	case err := <-slog.errCh:
  4601  		if !strings.Contains(err, ErrConnectionClosed.Error()) {
  4602  			t.Fatalf("Expected error that connection was closed, got %v", err)
  4603  		}
  4604  	case <-time.After(time.Second):
  4605  		t.Fatal("Did not get expected error")
  4606  	}
  4608  	sl.Shutdown()
  4609  	// Change to a good CB and now it should work
  4610  	remote.SignatureCB = func(nonce []byte) (string, []byte, error) {
  4611  		sig, err := kp.Sign(nonce)
  4612  		return ujwt, sig, err
  4613  	}
  4614  	sl = RunServer(lopts)
  4615  	defer sl.Shutdown()
  4616  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, sl)
  4617  }
  4619  type testLeafTraceLogger struct {
  4620  	DummyLogger
  4621  	ch chan string
  4622  }
  4624  func (l *testLeafTraceLogger) Tracef(format string, v ...interface{}) {
  4625  	msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)
  4626  	// We will sub to 'baz' and to 'bar', so filter on 'ba' prefix.
  4627  	if strings.Contains(msg, "[LS+ ba") {
  4628  		select {
  4629  		case <- msg:
  4630  		default:
  4631  		}
  4632  	}
  4633  }
  4635  // Make sure permissioned denied subs do not make it to the leafnode even if existing.
  4636  func TestLeafNodePermsSuppressSubs(t *testing.T) {
  4637  	conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  4638  		listen:
  4639  		authorization {
  4640  		  PERMS = {
  4641  		    publish = "foo"
  4642  		    subscribe = ["_INBOX.>"]
  4643  		  }
  4644  		  users = [
  4645  		    {user: "user", password: "pass"}
  4646  		    {user: "ln",  password: "pass" , permissions: $PERMS }
  4647  		  ]
  4648  		}
  4649  		no_auth_user: user
  4651  		leafnodes {
  4652  		  listen:
  4653  		}
  4654  	`))
  4656  	lconf := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  4657  		listen:
  4658  		leafnodes {
  4659  		  remotes = [ { url: "nats://ln:pass@" } ]
  4660  		}
  4661  		trace = true
  4662  	`))
  4664  	s, _ := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  4665  	defer s.Shutdown()
  4667  	// Connect client to the hub.
  4668  	nc, err := nats.Connect(s.ClientURL())
  4669  	require_NoError(t, err)
  4671  	// This should not be seen on leafnode side since we only allow pub to "foo"
  4672  	_, err = nc.SubscribeSync("baz")
  4673  	require_NoError(t, err)
  4675  	ln, _ := RunServerWithConfig(lconf)
  4676  	defer ln.Shutdown()
  4678  	// Setup logger to capture trace events.
  4679  	l := &testLeafTraceLogger{ch: make(chan string, 10)}
  4680  	ln.SetLogger(l, true, true)
  4682  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, ln)
  4684  	// Need to have ot reconnect to trigger since logger attaches too late.
  4686  	for _, c := range ln.leafs {
  4690  	}
  4692  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, ln, 0)
  4693  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, ln, 1)
  4695  	select {
  4696  	case msg := <
  4697  		t.Fatalf("Unexpected LS+ seen on leafnode: %s", msg)
  4698  	case <-time.After(50 * time.Millisecond):
  4699  		// OK
  4700  	}
  4702  	// Now double check that new subs also do not propagate.
  4703  	// This behavior was working already.
  4704  	_, err = nc.SubscribeSync("bar")
  4705  	require_NoError(t, err)
  4707  	select {
  4708  	case msg := <
  4709  		t.Fatalf("Unexpected LS+ seen on leafnode: %s", msg)
  4710  	case <-time.After(50 * time.Millisecond):
  4711  		// OK
  4712  	}
  4713  }
  4715  func TestLeafNodeDuplicateMsg(t *testing.T) {
  4716  	// This involves 2 clusters with leafnodes to each other with a different
  4717  	// account, and those accounts import/export a subject that caused
  4718  	// duplicate messages. This test requires static ports since we need to
  4719  	// have A->B and B->A.
  4720  	a1Conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  4721  	cluster : {
  4722  		name : A
  4723  		port : -1
  4724  	}
  4725  	leafnodes : {
  4726  		port : 14333
  4727  		remotes : [{
  4728  			account : A
  4729  			urls : [nats://leafa:pwd@]
  4730  		}]
  4731  	}
  4732  	port : -1
  4733  	server_name : A_1
  4735  	accounts:{
  4736  		A:{
  4737  			users:[
  4738  				{user: leafa, password: pwd},
  4739  				{user: usera, password: usera, permissions: {
  4740  					publish:{ allow:["iot.b.topic"] }
  4741  					subscribe:{ allow:["iot.a.topic"] }
  4742  				}}
  4743  			]
  4744  			imports:[
  4745  				{stream:{account:"B", subject:"iot.a.topic"}}
  4746  			]
  4747  		},
  4748  		B:{
  4749  			users:[
  4750  				{user: leafb, password: pwd},
  4751  			]
  4752  			exports:[
  4753  				{stream: "iot.a.topic", accounts: ["A"]}
  4754  			]
  4755  		}
  4756  	}
  4757  	`))
  4758  	a1, oa1 := RunServerWithConfig(a1Conf)
  4759  	defer a1.Shutdown()
  4761  	a2Conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  4762  	cluster : {
  4763  		name : A
  4764  		port : -1
  4765  		routes : [nats://]
  4766  	}
  4767  	leafnodes : {
  4768  		port : 14334
  4769  		remotes : [{
  4770  			account : A
  4771  			urls : [nats://leafa:pwd@]
  4772  		}]
  4773  	}
  4774  	port : -1
  4775  	server_name : A_2
  4777  	accounts:{
  4778  		A:{
  4779  			users:[
  4780  				{user: leafa, password: pwd},
  4781  				{user: usera, password: usera, permissions: {
  4782  					publish:{ allow:["iot.b.topic"] }
  4783  					subscribe:{ allow:["iot.a.topic"] }
  4784  				}}
  4785  			]
  4786  			imports:[
  4787  				{stream:{account:"B", subject:"iot.a.topic"}}
  4788  			]
  4789  		},
  4790  		B:{
  4791  			users:[
  4792  				{user: leafb, password: pwd},
  4793  			]
  4794  			exports:[
  4795  				{stream: "iot.a.topic", accounts: ["A"]}
  4796  			]
  4797  		}
  4798  	}`, oa1.Cluster.Port)))
  4799  	a2, _ := RunServerWithConfig(a2Conf)
  4800  	defer a2.Shutdown()
  4802  	checkClusterFormed(t, a1, a2)
  4804  	b1Conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  4805  	cluster : {
  4806  		name : B
  4807  		port : -1
  4808  	}
  4809  	leafnodes : {
  4810  		port : 24333
  4811  		remotes : [{
  4812  			account : B
  4813  			urls : [nats://leafb:pwd@]
  4814  		}]
  4815  	}
  4816  	port : -1
  4817  	server_name : B_1
  4819  	accounts:{
  4820  		A:{
  4821  			users:[
  4822  				{user: leafa, password: pwd},
  4823  			]
  4824  			exports:[
  4825  				{stream: "iot.b.topic", accounts: ["B"]}
  4826  			]
  4827  		},
  4828  		B:{
  4829  			users:[
  4830  				{user: leafb, password: pwd},
  4831  				{user: userb, password: userb, permissions: {
  4832  					publish:{ allow:["iot.a.topic"] },
  4833  					subscribe:{ allow:["iot.b.topic"] }
  4834  				}}
  4835  			]
  4836  			imports:[
  4837  				{stream:{account:"A", subject:"iot.b.topic"}}
  4838  			]
  4839  		}
  4840  	}`))
  4841  	b1, ob1 := RunServerWithConfig(b1Conf)
  4842  	defer b1.Shutdown()
  4844  	b2Conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  4845  	cluster : {
  4846  		name : B
  4847  		port : -1
  4848  		routes : [nats://]
  4849  	}
  4850  	leafnodes : {
  4851  		port : 24334
  4852  		remotes : [{
  4853  			account : B
  4854  			urls : [nats://leafb:pwd@]
  4855  		}]
  4856  	}
  4857  	port : -1
  4858  	server_name : B_2
  4860  	accounts:{
  4861  		A:{
  4862  			users:[
  4863  				{user: leafa, password: pwd},
  4864  			]
  4865  			exports:[
  4866  				{stream: "iot.b.topic", accounts: ["B"]}
  4867  			]
  4868  		},
  4869  		B:{
  4870  			users:[
  4871  				{user: leafb, password: pwd},
  4872  				{user: userb, password: userb, permissions: {
  4873  					publish:{ allow:["iot.a.topic"] },
  4874  					subscribe:{ allow:["iot.b.topic"] }
  4875  				}}
  4876  			]
  4877  			imports:[
  4878  				{stream:{account:"A", subject:"iot.b.topic"}}
  4879  			]
  4880  		}
  4881  	}`, ob1.Cluster.Port)))
  4882  	b2, _ := RunServerWithConfig(b2Conf)
  4883  	defer b2.Shutdown()
  4885  	checkClusterFormed(t, b1, b2)
  4887  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, a1, 2)
  4888  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, a2, 2)
  4889  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, b1, 2)
  4890  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, b2, 2)
  4892  	check := func(t *testing.T, subSrv *Server, pubSrv *Server) {
  4894  		sc := natsConnect(t, subSrv.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo("userb", "userb"))
  4895  		defer sc.Close()
  4897  		subject := "iot.b.topic"
  4898  		sub := natsSubSync(t, sc, subject)
  4900  		// Wait for this to be available in A cluster
  4901  		checkSubInterest(t, a1, "A", subject, time.Second)
  4902  		checkSubInterest(t, a2, "A", subject, time.Second)
  4904  		pb := natsConnect(t, pubSrv.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo("usera", "usera"))
  4905  		defer pb.Close()
  4907  		natsPub(t, pb, subject, []byte("msg"))
  4908  		natsNexMsg(t, sub, time.Second)
  4909  		// Should be only 1
  4910  		if msg, err := sub.NextMsg(100 * time.Millisecond); err == nil {
  4911  			t.Fatalf("Received duplicate on %q: %s", msg.Subject, msg.Data)
  4912  		}
  4913  	}
  4914  	t.Run("sub_b1_pub_a1", func(t *testing.T) { check(t, b1, a1) })
  4915  	t.Run("sub_b1_pub_a2", func(t *testing.T) { check(t, b1, a2) })
  4916  	t.Run("sub_b2_pub_a1", func(t *testing.T) { check(t, b2, a1) })
  4917  	t.Run("sub_b2_pub_a2", func(t *testing.T) { check(t, b2, a2) })
  4918  }
  4920  func TestLeafNodeTLSHandshakeFirstVerifyNoInfoSent(t *testing.T) {
  4921  	confHub := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  4922  		port : -1
  4923  		leafnodes : {
  4924  			port : -1
  4925  			tls {
  4926  				cert_file: "../test/configs/certs/server-cert.pem"
  4927  				key_file:  "../test/configs/certs/server-key.pem"
  4928  				ca_file: "../test/configs/certs/ca.pem"
  4929  				timeout: 2
  4930  				handshake_first: true
  4931  			}
  4932  		}
  4933  	`))
  4934  	s1, o1 := RunServerWithConfig(confHub)
  4935  	defer s1.Shutdown()
  4937  	c, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("", o1.LeafNode.Port), 2*time.Second)
  4938  	require_NoError(t, err)
  4939  	defer c.Close()
  4941  	buf := make([]byte, 1024)
  4942  	// We will wait for up to 500ms to see if the server is sending (incorrectly)
  4943  	// the INFO.
  4944  	c.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(500 * time.Millisecond))
  4945  	n, err := c.Read(buf)
  4946  	c.SetReadDeadline(time.Time{})
  4947  	// If we did not get an error, this is an issue...
  4948  	if err == nil {
  4949  		t.Fatalf("Should not have received anything, got n=%v buf=%s", n, buf[:n])
  4950  	}
  4951  	// We expect a timeout error
  4952  	if ne, ok := err.(net.Error); !ok || !ne.Timeout() {
  4953  		t.Fatalf("Expected a timeout error, got %v", err)
  4954  	}
  4955  }
  4957  func TestLeafNodeTLSHandshakeFirst(t *testing.T) {
  4958  	tmpl1 := `
  4959  		port : -1
  4960  		leafnodes : {
  4961  			port : -1
  4962  			tls {
  4963  				cert_file: "../test/configs/certs/server-cert.pem"
  4964  				key_file:  "../test/configs/certs/server-key.pem"
  4965  				ca_file: "../test/configs/certs/ca.pem"
  4966  				timeout: 2
  4967  				handshake_first: %s
  4968  			}
  4969  		}
  4970  	`
  4971  	confHub := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(tmpl1, "true")))
  4972  	s1, o1 := RunServerWithConfig(confHub)
  4973  	defer s1.Shutdown()
  4975  	tmpl2 := `
  4976  		port: -1
  4977  		leafnodes : {
  4978  			port : -1
  4979  			remotes : [
  4980  				{
  4981  					urls : [tls://]
  4982  					tls {
  4983  						cert_file: "../test/configs/certs/client-cert.pem"
  4984  						key_file:  "../test/configs/certs/client-key.pem"
  4985  						ca_file: "../test/configs/certs/ca.pem"
  4986  						timeout: 2
  4987  						first: %s
  4988  					}
  4989  				}
  4990  			]
  4991  		}
  4992  	`
  4993  	confSpoke := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(tmpl2, o1.LeafNode.Port, "true")))
  4994  	s2, _ := RunServerWithConfig(confSpoke)
  4995  	defer s2.Shutdown()
  4997  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s2)
  4999  	s2.Shutdown()
  5001  	// Now check that there will be a failure if the remote does not ask for
  5002  	// handshake first since the hub is configured that way.
  5003  	// Set a logger on s1 to capture errors
  5004  	l := &captureErrorLogger{errCh: make(chan string, 10)}
  5005  	s1.SetLogger(l, false, false)
  5007  	confSpoke = createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(tmpl2, o1.LeafNode.Port, "false")))
  5008  	s2, _ = RunServerWithConfig(confSpoke)
  5009  	defer s2.Shutdown()
  5011  	select {
  5012  	case err := <-l.errCh:
  5013  		if !strings.Contains(err, "handshake error") {
  5014  			t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
  5015  		}
  5016  	case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
  5017  		t.Fatal("Did not get TLS handshake failure")
  5018  	}
  5020  	// Check configuration reload for this remote
  5021  	reloadUpdateConfig(t, s2, confSpoke, fmt.Sprintf(tmpl2, o1.LeafNode.Port, "true"))
  5022  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s2)
  5023  	s2.Shutdown()
  5025  	// Drain the logger error channel
  5026  	for done := false; !done; {
  5027  		select {
  5028  		case <-l.errCh:
  5029  		default:
  5030  			done = true
  5031  		}
  5032  	}
  5034  	// Now change the config on the hub
  5035  	reloadUpdateConfig(t, s1, confHub, fmt.Sprintf(tmpl1, "false"))
  5036  	// Restart s2
  5037  	s2, _ = RunServerWithConfig(confSpoke)
  5038  	defer s2.Shutdown()
  5040  	select {
  5041  	case err := <-l.errCh:
  5042  		if !strings.Contains(err, "handshake error") {
  5043  			t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
  5044  		}
  5045  	case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
  5046  		t.Fatal("Did not get TLS handshake failure")
  5047  	}
  5049  	// Reload again with "true"
  5050  	reloadUpdateConfig(t, s1, confHub, fmt.Sprintf(tmpl1, "true"))
  5051  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s2)
  5052  }
  5054  func TestLeafNodeTLSHandshakeEvenForRemoteWithNoTLSBlock(t *testing.T) {
  5055  	confHub := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  5056  		port : -1
  5057  		leafnodes : {
  5058  			port : -1
  5059  			tls {
  5060  				cert_file: "../test/configs/certs/server-cert.pem"
  5061  				key_file:  "../test/configs/certs/server-key.pem"
  5062  				ca_file: "../test/configs/certs/ca.pem"
  5063  				timeout: 2
  5064  			}
  5065  		}
  5066  	`))
  5067  	s1, o1 := RunServerWithConfig(confHub)
  5068  	defer s1.Shutdown()
  5070  	tmpl2 := `
  5071  		port: -1
  5072  		leafnodes : {
  5073  			port : -1
  5074  			remotes : [
  5075  				{
  5076  					urls : [tls://]
  5077  				}
  5078  			]
  5079  		}
  5080  	`
  5081  	confSpoke := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(tmpl2, o1.LeafNode.Port)))
  5082  	s2, _ := RunServerWithConfig(confSpoke)
  5083  	defer s2.Shutdown()
  5085  	l := &captureDebugLogger{dbgCh: make(chan string, 100)}
  5086  	s2.SetLogger(l, true, false)
  5088  	tm := time.NewTimer(2 * time.Second)
  5089  	defer tm.Stop()
  5090  	for {
  5091  		select {
  5092  		case l := <-l.dbgCh:
  5093  			if strings.Contains(l, "Starting TLS") {
  5094  				// OK!
  5095  				return
  5096  			}
  5097  		case <-tm.C:
  5098  			t.Fatalf("Did not perform a TLS handshake")
  5099  		}
  5100  	}
  5101  }
  5103  func TestLeafNodeCompressionOptions(t *testing.T) {
  5104  	org := testDefaultLeafNodeCompression
  5105  	testDefaultLeafNodeCompression = _EMPTY_
  5106  	defer func() { testDefaultLeafNodeCompression = org }()
  5108  	tmpl := `
  5109  		port: -1
  5110  		leafnodes {
  5111  			port: -1
  5112  			compression: %s
  5113  		}
  5114  	`
  5115  	for _, test := range []struct {
  5116  		name     string
  5117  		mode     string
  5118  		rttVals  []int
  5119  		expected string
  5120  		rtts     []time.Duration
  5121  	}{
  5122  		{"boolean enabled", "true", nil, CompressionS2Auto, defaultCompressionS2AutoRTTThresholds},
  5123  		{"string enabled", "enabled", nil, CompressionS2Auto, defaultCompressionS2AutoRTTThresholds},
  5124  		{"string EnaBled", "EnaBled", nil, CompressionS2Auto, defaultCompressionS2AutoRTTThresholds},
  5125  		{"string on", "on", nil, CompressionS2Auto, defaultCompressionS2AutoRTTThresholds},
  5126  		{"string ON", "ON", nil, CompressionS2Auto, defaultCompressionS2AutoRTTThresholds},
  5127  		{"string fast", "fast", nil, CompressionS2Fast, nil},
  5128  		{"string Fast", "Fast", nil, CompressionS2Fast, nil},
  5129  		{"string s2_fast", "s2_fast", nil, CompressionS2Fast, nil},
  5130  		{"string s2_Fast", "s2_Fast", nil, CompressionS2Fast, nil},
  5131  		{"boolean disabled", "false", nil, CompressionOff, nil},
  5132  		{"string disabled", "disabled", nil, CompressionOff, nil},
  5133  		{"string DisableD", "DisableD", nil, CompressionOff, nil},
  5134  		{"string off", "off", nil, CompressionOff, nil},
  5135  		{"string OFF", "OFF", nil, CompressionOff, nil},
  5136  		{"better", "better", nil, CompressionS2Better, nil},
  5137  		{"Better", "Better", nil, CompressionS2Better, nil},
  5138  		{"s2_better", "s2_better", nil, CompressionS2Better, nil},
  5139  		{"S2_BETTER", "S2_BETTER", nil, CompressionS2Better, nil},
  5140  		{"best", "best", nil, CompressionS2Best, nil},
  5141  		{"BEST", "BEST", nil, CompressionS2Best, nil},
  5142  		{"s2_best", "s2_best", nil, CompressionS2Best, nil},
  5143  		{"S2_BEST", "S2_BEST", nil, CompressionS2Best, nil},
  5144  		{"auto no rtts", "auto", nil, CompressionS2Auto, defaultCompressionS2AutoRTTThresholds},
  5145  		{"s2_auto no rtts", "s2_auto", nil, CompressionS2Auto, defaultCompressionS2AutoRTTThresholds},
  5146  		{"auto", "{mode: auto, rtt_thresholds: [%s]}", []int{1}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{time.Millisecond}},
  5147  		{"Auto", "{Mode: Auto, thresholds: [%s]}", []int{1, 2}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{time.Millisecond, 2 * time.Millisecond}},
  5148  		{"s2_auto", "{mode: s2_auto, thresholds: [%s]}", []int{1, 2, 3}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{time.Millisecond, 2 * time.Millisecond, 3 * time.Millisecond}},
  5149  		{"s2_AUTO", "{mode: s2_AUTO, thresholds: [%s]}", []int{1, 2, 3, 4}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{time.Millisecond, 2 * time.Millisecond, 3 * time.Millisecond, 4 * time.Millisecond}},
  5150  		{"s2_auto:-10,5,10", "{mode: s2_auto, thresholds: [%s]}", []int{-10, 5, 10}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{0, 5 * time.Millisecond, 10 * time.Millisecond}},
  5151  		{"s2_auto:5,10,15", "{mode: s2_auto, thresholds: [%s]}", []int{5, 10, 15}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{5 * time.Millisecond, 10 * time.Millisecond, 15 * time.Millisecond}},
  5152  		{"s2_auto:0,5,10", "{mode: s2_auto, thresholds: [%s]}", []int{0, 5, 10}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{0, 5 * time.Millisecond, 10 * time.Millisecond}},
  5153  		{"s2_auto:5,10,0,20", "{mode: s2_auto, thresholds: [%s]}", []int{5, 10, 0, 20}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{5 * time.Millisecond, 10 * time.Millisecond, 0, 20 * time.Millisecond}},
  5154  		{"s2_auto:0,10,0,20", "{mode: s2_auto, thresholds: [%s]}", []int{0, 10, 0, 20}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{0, 10 * time.Millisecond, 0, 20 * time.Millisecond}},
  5155  		{"s2_auto:0,0,0,20", "{mode: s2_auto, thresholds: [%s]}", []int{0, 0, 0, 20}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{0, 0, 0, 20 * time.Millisecond}},
  5156  		{"s2_auto:0,10,0,0", "{mode: s2_auto, rtt_thresholds: [%s]}", []int{0, 10, 0, 0}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{0, 10 * time.Millisecond}},
  5157  	} {
  5158  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  5159  			var val string
  5160  			if len(test.rttVals) > 0 {
  5161  				var rtts string
  5162  				for i, v := range test.rttVals {
  5163  					if i > 0 {
  5164  						rtts += ", "
  5165  					}
  5166  					rtts += fmt.Sprintf("%dms", v)
  5167  				}
  5168  				val = fmt.Sprintf(test.mode, rtts)
  5169  			} else {
  5170  				val = test.mode
  5171  			}
  5172  			conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(tmpl, val)))
  5173  			s, o := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  5174  			defer s.Shutdown()
  5176  			if cm := o.LeafNode.Compression.Mode; cm != test.expected {
  5177  				t.Fatalf("Expected compression value to be %q, got %q", test.expected, cm)
  5178  			}
  5179  			if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.rtts, o.LeafNode.Compression.RTTThresholds) {
  5180  				t.Fatalf("Expected RTT tresholds to be %+v, got %+v", test.rtts, o.LeafNode.Compression.RTTThresholds)
  5181  			}
  5182  			s.Shutdown()
  5184  			o.LeafNode.Port = -1
  5185  			o.LeafNode.Compression.Mode = test.mode
  5186  			if len(test.rttVals) > 0 {
  5187  				o.LeafNode.Compression.Mode = CompressionS2Auto
  5188  				o.LeafNode.Compression.RTTThresholds = o.LeafNode.Compression.RTTThresholds[:0]
  5189  				for _, v := range test.rttVals {
  5190  					o.LeafNode.Compression.RTTThresholds = append(o.LeafNode.Compression.RTTThresholds, time.Duration(v)*time.Millisecond)
  5191  				}
  5192  			}
  5193  			s = RunServer(o)
  5194  			defer s.Shutdown()
  5195  			if cm := o.LeafNode.Compression.Mode; cm != test.expected {
  5196  				t.Fatalf("Expected compression value to be %q, got %q", test.expected, cm)
  5197  			}
  5198  			if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.rtts, o.LeafNode.Compression.RTTThresholds) {
  5199  				t.Fatalf("Expected RTT tresholds to be %+v, got %+v", test.rtts, o.LeafNode.Compression.RTTThresholds)
  5200  			}
  5201  		})
  5202  	}
  5204  	// Same, but with remotes
  5205  	tmpl = `
  5206  		port: -1
  5207  		leafnodes {
  5208  			port: -1
  5209  			remotes [
  5210  				{
  5211  					url: "nats://"
  5212  					compression: %s
  5213  				}
  5214  			]
  5215  		}
  5216  	`
  5217  	for _, test := range []struct {
  5218  		name     string
  5219  		mode     string
  5220  		rttVals  []int
  5221  		expected string
  5222  		rtts     []time.Duration
  5223  	}{
  5224  		{"boolean enabled", "true", nil, CompressionS2Auto, defaultCompressionS2AutoRTTThresholds},
  5225  		{"string enabled", "enabled", nil, CompressionS2Auto, defaultCompressionS2AutoRTTThresholds},
  5226  		{"string EnaBled", "EnaBled", nil, CompressionS2Auto, defaultCompressionS2AutoRTTThresholds},
  5227  		{"string on", "on", nil, CompressionS2Auto, defaultCompressionS2AutoRTTThresholds},
  5228  		{"string ON", "ON", nil, CompressionS2Auto, defaultCompressionS2AutoRTTThresholds},
  5229  		{"string fast", "fast", nil, CompressionS2Fast, nil},
  5230  		{"string Fast", "Fast", nil, CompressionS2Fast, nil},
  5231  		{"string s2_fast", "s2_fast", nil, CompressionS2Fast, nil},
  5232  		{"string s2_Fast", "s2_Fast", nil, CompressionS2Fast, nil},
  5233  		{"boolean disabled", "false", nil, CompressionOff, nil},
  5234  		{"string disabled", "disabled", nil, CompressionOff, nil},
  5235  		{"string DisableD", "DisableD", nil, CompressionOff, nil},
  5236  		{"string off", "off", nil, CompressionOff, nil},
  5237  		{"string OFF", "OFF", nil, CompressionOff, nil},
  5238  		{"better", "better", nil, CompressionS2Better, nil},
  5239  		{"Better", "Better", nil, CompressionS2Better, nil},
  5240  		{"s2_better", "s2_better", nil, CompressionS2Better, nil},
  5241  		{"S2_BETTER", "S2_BETTER", nil, CompressionS2Better, nil},
  5242  		{"best", "best", nil, CompressionS2Best, nil},
  5243  		{"BEST", "BEST", nil, CompressionS2Best, nil},
  5244  		{"s2_best", "s2_best", nil, CompressionS2Best, nil},
  5245  		{"S2_BEST", "S2_BEST", nil, CompressionS2Best, nil},
  5246  		{"auto no rtts", "auto", nil, CompressionS2Auto, defaultCompressionS2AutoRTTThresholds},
  5247  		{"s2_auto no rtts", "s2_auto", nil, CompressionS2Auto, defaultCompressionS2AutoRTTThresholds},
  5248  		{"auto", "{mode: auto, rtt_thresholds: [%s]}", []int{1}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{time.Millisecond}},
  5249  		{"Auto", "{Mode: Auto, thresholds: [%s]}", []int{1, 2}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{time.Millisecond, 2 * time.Millisecond}},
  5250  		{"s2_auto", "{mode: s2_auto, thresholds: [%s]}", []int{1, 2, 3}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{time.Millisecond, 2 * time.Millisecond, 3 * time.Millisecond}},
  5251  		{"s2_AUTO", "{mode: s2_AUTO, thresholds: [%s]}", []int{1, 2, 3, 4}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{time.Millisecond, 2 * time.Millisecond, 3 * time.Millisecond, 4 * time.Millisecond}},
  5252  		{"s2_auto:-10,5,10", "{mode: s2_auto, thresholds: [%s]}", []int{-10, 5, 10}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{0, 5 * time.Millisecond, 10 * time.Millisecond}},
  5253  		{"s2_auto:5,10,15", "{mode: s2_auto, thresholds: [%s]}", []int{5, 10, 15}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{5 * time.Millisecond, 10 * time.Millisecond, 15 * time.Millisecond}},
  5254  		{"s2_auto:0,5,10", "{mode: s2_auto, thresholds: [%s]}", []int{0, 5, 10}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{0, 5 * time.Millisecond, 10 * time.Millisecond}},
  5255  		{"s2_auto:5,10,0,20", "{mode: s2_auto, thresholds: [%s]}", []int{5, 10, 0, 20}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{5 * time.Millisecond, 10 * time.Millisecond, 0, 20 * time.Millisecond}},
  5256  		{"s2_auto:0,10,0,20", "{mode: s2_auto, thresholds: [%s]}", []int{0, 10, 0, 20}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{0, 10 * time.Millisecond, 0, 20 * time.Millisecond}},
  5257  		{"s2_auto:0,0,0,20", "{mode: s2_auto, thresholds: [%s]}", []int{0, 0, 0, 20}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{0, 0, 0, 20 * time.Millisecond}},
  5258  		{"s2_auto:0,10,0,0", "{mode: s2_auto, rtt_thresholds: [%s]}", []int{0, 10, 0, 0}, CompressionS2Auto, []time.Duration{0, 10 * time.Millisecond}},
  5259  	} {
  5260  		t.Run("remote leaf ", func(t *testing.T) {
  5261  			var val string
  5262  			if len(test.rttVals) > 0 {
  5263  				var rtts string
  5264  				for i, v := range test.rttVals {
  5265  					if i > 0 {
  5266  						rtts += ", "
  5267  					}
  5268  					rtts += fmt.Sprintf("%dms", v)
  5269  				}
  5270  				val = fmt.Sprintf(test.mode, rtts)
  5271  			} else {
  5272  				val = test.mode
  5273  			}
  5274  			conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(tmpl, val)))
  5275  			s, o := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  5276  			defer s.Shutdown()
  5278  			r := o.LeafNode.Remotes[0]
  5280  			if cm := r.Compression.Mode; cm != test.expected {
  5281  				t.Fatalf("Expected compression value to be %q, got %q", test.expected, cm)
  5282  			}
  5283  			if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.rtts, r.Compression.RTTThresholds) {
  5284  				t.Fatalf("Expected RTT tresholds to be %+v, got %+v", test.rtts, r.Compression.RTTThresholds)
  5285  			}
  5286  			s.Shutdown()
  5288  			o.LeafNode.Port = -1
  5289  			o.LeafNode.Remotes[0].Compression.Mode = test.mode
  5290  			if len(test.rttVals) > 0 {
  5291  				o.LeafNode.Remotes[0].Compression.Mode = CompressionS2Auto
  5292  				o.LeafNode.Remotes[0].Compression.RTTThresholds = o.LeafNode.Remotes[0].Compression.RTTThresholds[:0]
  5293  				for _, v := range test.rttVals {
  5294  					o.LeafNode.Remotes[0].Compression.RTTThresholds = append(o.LeafNode.Remotes[0].Compression.RTTThresholds, time.Duration(v)*time.Millisecond)
  5295  				}
  5296  			}
  5297  			s = RunServer(o)
  5298  			defer s.Shutdown()
  5299  			if cm := o.LeafNode.Remotes[0].Compression.Mode; cm != test.expected {
  5300  				t.Fatalf("Expected compression value to be %q, got %q", test.expected, cm)
  5301  			}
  5302  			if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.rtts, o.LeafNode.Remotes[0].Compression.RTTThresholds) {
  5303  				t.Fatalf("Expected RTT tresholds to be %+v, got %+v", test.rtts, o.LeafNode.Remotes[0].Compression.RTTThresholds)
  5304  			}
  5305  		})
  5306  	}
  5308  	// Test that with no compression specified, we default to "s2_auto"
  5309  	conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  5310  		port: -1
  5311  		leafnodes {
  5312  			port: -1
  5313  		}
  5314  	`))
  5315  	s, o := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  5316  	defer s.Shutdown()
  5317  	if o.LeafNode.Compression.Mode != CompressionS2Auto {
  5318  		t.Fatalf("Expected compression value to be %q, got %q", CompressionAccept, o.LeafNode.Compression.Mode)
  5319  	}
  5320  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(defaultCompressionS2AutoRTTThresholds, o.LeafNode.Compression.RTTThresholds) {
  5321  		t.Fatalf("Expected RTT tresholds to be %+v, got %+v", defaultCompressionS2AutoRTTThresholds, o.LeafNode.Compression.RTTThresholds)
  5322  	}
  5323  	// Same for remotes
  5324  	conf = createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  5325  		port: -1
  5326  		leafnodes {
  5327  			port: -1
  5328  			remotes [ { url: "nats://" } ]
  5329  		}
  5330  	`))
  5331  	s, o = RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  5332  	defer s.Shutdown()
  5333  	if cm := o.LeafNode.Remotes[0].Compression.Mode; cm != CompressionS2Auto {
  5334  		t.Fatalf("Expected compression value to be %q, got %q", CompressionAccept, cm)
  5335  	}
  5336  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(defaultCompressionS2AutoRTTThresholds, o.LeafNode.Remotes[0].Compression.RTTThresholds) {
  5337  		t.Fatalf("Expected RTT tresholds to be %+v, got %+v", defaultCompressionS2AutoRTTThresholds, o.LeafNode.Remotes[0].Compression.RTTThresholds)
  5338  	}
  5339  	for _, test := range []struct {
  5340  		name string
  5341  		mode string
  5342  		rtts []time.Duration
  5343  		err  string
  5344  	}{
  5345  		{"unsupported mode", "gzip", nil, "unsupported"},
  5346  		{"not ascending order", "s2_auto", []time.Duration{
  5347  			5 * time.Millisecond,
  5348  			10 * time.Millisecond,
  5349  			2 * time.Millisecond,
  5350  		}, "ascending"},
  5351  		{"too many thresholds", "s2_auto", []time.Duration{
  5352  			5 * time.Millisecond,
  5353  			10 * time.Millisecond,
  5354  			20 * time.Millisecond,
  5355  			40 * time.Millisecond,
  5356  			60 * time.Millisecond,
  5357  		}, "more than 4"},
  5358  		{"all 0", "s2_auto", []time.Duration{0, 0, 0, 0}, "at least one"},
  5359  		{"single 0", "s2_auto", []time.Duration{0}, "at least one"},
  5360  	} {
  5361  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  5362  			o := DefaultOptions()
  5363  			o.LeafNode.Port = -1
  5364  			o.LeafNode.Compression = CompressionOpts{test.mode, test.rtts}
  5365  			if _, err := NewServer(o); err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), test.err) {
  5366  				t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
  5367  			}
  5368  			// Same with remotes
  5369  			o.LeafNode.Compression = CompressionOpts{}
  5370  			o.LeafNode.Remotes = []*RemoteLeafOpts{{Compression: CompressionOpts{test.mode, test.rtts}}}
  5371  			if _, err := NewServer(o); err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), test.err) {
  5372  				t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
  5373  			}
  5374  		})
  5375  	}
  5376  }
  5378  func TestLeafNodeCompression(t *testing.T) {
  5379  	conf1 := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  5380  		port: -1
  5381  		server_name: "Hub"
  5382  		accounts {
  5383  			A { users: [{user: a, password: pwd}] }
  5384  			B { users: [{user: b, password: pwd}] }
  5385  			C { users: [{user: c, password: pwd}] }
  5386  		}
  5387  		leafnodes {
  5388  			port: -1
  5389  			compression: s2_fast
  5390  		}
  5391  	`))
  5392  	s1, o1 := RunServerWithConfig(conf1)
  5393  	defer s1.Shutdown()
  5395  	port := o1.LeafNode.Port
  5396  	conf2 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  5397  		port: -1
  5398  		server_name: "Spoke"
  5399  		accounts {
  5400  			A { users: [{user: a, password: pwd}] }
  5401  			B { users: [{user: b, password: pwd}] }
  5402  			C { users: [{user: c, password: pwd}] }
  5403  		}
  5404  		leafnodes {
  5405  			remotes [
  5406  				{ url: "nats://a:pwd@", account: "A", compression: s2_better }
  5407  				{ url: "nats://b:pwd@", account: "B", compression: s2_best }
  5408  				{ url: "nats://c:pwd@", account: "C", compression: off }
  5409  			]
  5410  		}
  5411  	`, port, port, port)))
  5412  	s2, _ := RunServerWithConfig(conf2)
  5413  	defer s2.Shutdown()
  5415  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, s1, 3)
  5416  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, s2, 3)
  5419  	for _, l := range s1.leafs {
  5421 = &testConnSentBytes{Conn:}
  5423  	}
  5426  	var payloads [][]byte
  5427  	totalPayloadSize := 0
  5428  	count := 26
  5429  	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
  5430  		n := rand.Intn(2048) + 1
  5431  		p := make([]byte, n)
  5432  		for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
  5433  			p[j] = byte(i) + 'A'
  5434  		}
  5435  		totalPayloadSize += len(p)
  5436  		payloads = append(payloads, p)
  5437  	}
  5439  	check := func(acc, user, subj string) {
  5440  		t.Helper()
  5441  		nc2 := natsConnect(t, s2.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo(user, "pwd"))
  5442  		defer nc2.Close()
  5443  		sub := natsSubSync(t, nc2, subj)
  5444  		natsFlush(t, nc2)
  5445  		checkSubInterest(t, s1, acc, subj, time.Second)
  5447  		nc1 := natsConnect(t, s1.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo(user, "pwd"))
  5448  		defer nc1.Close()
  5450  		for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
  5451  			natsPub(t, nc1, subj, payloads[i])
  5452  		}
  5453  		for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
  5454  			m := natsNexMsg(t, sub, time.Second)
  5455  			if !bytes.Equal(m.Data, payloads[i]) {
  5456  				t.Fatalf("Expected payload %q - got %q", payloads[i], m.Data)
  5457  			}
  5458  		}
  5460  		// Also check that the leafnode stats shows that compression likely occurred
  5461  		var out int
  5463  		for _, l := range s1.leafs {
  5465  			if l.acc.Name == acc && != nil {
  5466  				nc :=*testConnSentBytes)
  5467  				nc.Lock()
  5468  				out = nc.sent
  5469  				nc.sent = 0
  5470  				nc.Unlock()
  5471  			}
  5473  		}
  5475  		// Except for account "C", where compression should be off,
  5476  		// "out" should at least be smaller than totalPayloadSize, use 20%.
  5477  		if acc == "C" {
  5478  			if int(out) < totalPayloadSize {
  5479  				t.Fatalf("Expected s1's sent bytes to be at least payload size (%v), got %v", totalPayloadSize, out)
  5480  			}
  5481  		} else {
  5482  			limit := totalPayloadSize * 80 / 100
  5483  			if int(out) > limit {
  5484  				t.Fatalf("Expected s1's sent bytes to be less than %v, got %v (total payload was %v)", limit, out, totalPayloadSize)
  5485  			}
  5486  		}
  5487  	}
  5488  	check("A", "a", "foo")
  5489  	check("B", "b", "bar")
  5490  	check("C", "c", "baz")
  5492  	// Check compression settings. S1 should always be s2_fast, except for account "C"
  5493  	// since "C" wanted compression "off"
  5494  	l, err := s1.Leafz(nil)
  5495  	require_NoError(t, err)
  5496  	for _, r := range l.Leafs {
  5497  		switch r.Account {
  5498  		case "C":
  5499  			if r.Compression != CompressionOff {
  5500  				t.Fatalf("Expected compression of remote for C account to be %q, got %q", CompressionOff, r.Compression)
  5501  			}
  5502  		default:
  5503  			if r.Compression != CompressionS2Fast {
  5504  				t.Fatalf("Expected compression of remote for %s account to be %q, got %q", r.Account, CompressionS2Fast, r.Compression)
  5505  			}
  5506  		}
  5507  	}
  5509  	l, err = s2.Leafz(nil)
  5510  	require_NoError(t, err)
  5511  	for _, r := range l.Leafs {
  5512  		switch r.Account {
  5513  		case "A":
  5514  			if r.Compression != CompressionS2Better {
  5515  				t.Fatalf("Expected compression for A account to be %q, got %q", CompressionS2Better, r.Compression)
  5516  			}
  5517  		case "B":
  5518  			if r.Compression != CompressionS2Best {
  5519  				t.Fatalf("Expected compression for B account to be %q, got %q", CompressionS2Best, r.Compression)
  5520  			}
  5521  		case "C":
  5522  			if r.Compression != CompressionOff {
  5523  				t.Fatalf("Expected compression for C account to be %q, got %q", CompressionOff, r.Compression)
  5524  			}
  5525  		}
  5526  	}
  5527  }
  5529  func BenchmarkLeafNodeCompression(b *testing.B) {
  5530  	conf1 := createConfFile(b, []byte(`
  5531  		port: -1
  5532  		server_name: "Hub"
  5533  		accounts {
  5534  			A { users: [{user: a, password: pwd}] }
  5535  			B { users: [{user: b, password: pwd}] }
  5536  			C { users: [{user: c, password: pwd}] }
  5537  			D { users: [{user: d, password: pwd}] }
  5538  		}
  5539  		leafnodes {
  5540  			port: -1
  5541  		}
  5542  	`))
  5543  	s1, o1 := RunServerWithConfig(conf1)
  5544  	defer s1.Shutdown()
  5546  	port := o1.LeafNode.Port
  5547  	conf2 := createConfFile(b, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  5548  		port: -1
  5549  		server_name: "Spoke"
  5550  		accounts {
  5551  			A { users: [{user: a, password: pwd}] }
  5552  			B { users: [{user: b, password: pwd}] }
  5553  			C { users: [{user: c, password: pwd}] }
  5554  			D { users: [{user: d, password: pwd}] }
  5555  		}
  5556  		leafnodes {
  5557  			remotes [
  5558  				{ url: "nats://a:pwd@", account: "A", compression: s2_better }
  5559  				{ url: "nats://b:pwd@", account: "B", compression: s2_best }
  5560  				{ url: "nats://c:pwd@", account: "C", compression: s2_fast }
  5561  				{ url: "nats://d:pwd@", account: "D", compression: off }
  5562  			]
  5563  		}
  5564  	`, port, port, port, port)))
  5565  	s2, _ := RunServerWithConfig(conf2)
  5566  	defer s2.Shutdown()
  5568  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(b, s1, 4)
  5569  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(b, s2, 4)
  5571  	l, err := s2.Leafz(nil)
  5572  	require_NoError(b, err)
  5573  	for _, r := range l.Leafs {
  5574  		switch {
  5575  		case r.Account == "A" && r.Compression == CompressionS2Better:
  5576  		case r.Account == "B" && r.Compression == CompressionS2Best:
  5577  		case r.Account == "C" && r.Compression == CompressionS2Fast:
  5578  		case r.Account == "D" && r.Compression == CompressionOff:
  5579  		default:
  5580  			b.Fatalf("Account %q had incorrect compression mode %q on leaf connection", r.Account, r.Compression)
  5581  		}
  5582  	}
  5584  	msg := make([]byte, 1024)
  5585  	for _, p := range []struct {
  5586  		algo string
  5587  		user string
  5588  	}{
  5589  		{"Better", "a"},
  5590  		{"Best", "b"},
  5591  		{"Fast", "c"},
  5592  		{"Off", "d"},
  5593  	} {
  5594  		nc1 := natsConnect(b, s1.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo(p.user, "pwd"))
  5595  		nc2 := natsConnect(b, s2.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo(p.user, "pwd"))
  5597  		sub, err := nc1.SubscribeSync("foo")
  5598  		require_NoError(b, err)
  5600  		time.Sleep(time.Second)
  5602  		b.Run(p.algo, func(b *testing.B) {
  5603  			start := time.Now()
  5605  			for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
  5606  				err = nc2.Publish("foo", msg)
  5607  				require_NoError(b, err)
  5609  				_, err = sub.NextMsg(time.Second)
  5610  				require_NoError(b, err)
  5611  			}
  5613  			b.ReportMetric(float64(len(msg)*b.N)/1024/1024, "MB")
  5614  			b.ReportMetric(float64(len(msg)*b.N)/1024/1024/float64(time.Since(start).Seconds()), "MB/sec")
  5615  		})
  5617  		nc1.Close()
  5618  		nc2.Close()
  5619  	}
  5620  }
  5622  func TestLeafNodeCompressionMatrixModes(t *testing.T) {
  5623  	for _, test := range []struct {
  5624  		name       string
  5625  		s1         string
  5626  		s2         string
  5627  		s1Expected string
  5628  		s2Expected string
  5629  	}{
  5630  		{"off off", "off", "off", CompressionOff, CompressionOff},
  5631  		{"off accept", "off", "accept", CompressionOff, CompressionOff},
  5632  		{"off on", "off", "on", CompressionOff, CompressionOff},
  5633  		{"off better", "off", "better", CompressionOff, CompressionOff},
  5634  		{"off best", "off", "best", CompressionOff, CompressionOff},
  5636  		{"accept off", "accept", "off", CompressionOff, CompressionOff},
  5637  		{"accept accept", "accept", "accept", CompressionOff, CompressionOff},
  5638  		// Note: "on", means s2_auto, which will mean uncompressed since RTT is low.
  5639  		{"accept on", "accept", "on", CompressionS2Fast, CompressionS2Uncompressed},
  5640  		{"accept better", "accept", "better", CompressionS2Better, CompressionS2Better},
  5641  		{"accept best", "accept", "best", CompressionS2Best, CompressionS2Best},
  5643  		{"on off", "on", "off", CompressionOff, CompressionOff},
  5644  		{"on accept", "on", "accept", CompressionS2Uncompressed, CompressionS2Fast},
  5645  		{"on on", "on", "on", CompressionS2Uncompressed, CompressionS2Uncompressed},
  5646  		{"on better", "on", "better", CompressionS2Uncompressed, CompressionS2Better},
  5647  		{"on best", "on", "best", CompressionS2Uncompressed, CompressionS2Best},
  5649  		{"better off", "better", "off", CompressionOff, CompressionOff},
  5650  		{"better accept", "better", "accept", CompressionS2Better, CompressionS2Better},
  5651  		{"better on", "better", "on", CompressionS2Better, CompressionS2Uncompressed},
  5652  		{"better better", "better", "better", CompressionS2Better, CompressionS2Better},
  5653  		{"better best", "better", "best", CompressionS2Better, CompressionS2Best},
  5655  		{"best off", "best", "off", CompressionOff, CompressionOff},
  5656  		{"best accept", "best", "accept", CompressionS2Best, CompressionS2Best},
  5657  		{"best on", "best", "on", CompressionS2Best, CompressionS2Uncompressed},
  5658  		{"best better", "best", "better", CompressionS2Best, CompressionS2Better},
  5659  		{"best best", "best", "best", CompressionS2Best, CompressionS2Best},
  5660  	} {
  5661  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  5662  			conf1 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  5663  				port: -1
  5664  				server_name: "A"
  5665  				leafnodes {
  5666  					port: -1
  5667  					compression: %s
  5668  				}
  5669  			`, test.s1)))
  5670  			s1, o1 := RunServerWithConfig(conf1)
  5671  			defer s1.Shutdown()
  5673  			conf2 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  5674  				port: -1
  5675  				server_name: "B"
  5676  				leafnodes {
  5677  					remotes: [
  5678  						{url: "nats://", compression: %s}
  5679  					]
  5680  				}
  5681  			`, o1.LeafNode.Port, test.s2)))
  5682  			s2, _ := RunServerWithConfig(conf2)
  5683  			defer s2.Shutdown()
  5685  			checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s2)
  5687  			nc1 := natsConnect(t, s1.ClientURL())
  5688  			defer nc1.Close()
  5690  			nc2 := natsConnect(t, s2.ClientURL())
  5691  			defer nc2.Close()
  5693  			payload := make([]byte, 128)
  5694  			check := func(ncp, ncs *nats.Conn, subj string, s *Server) {
  5695  				t.Helper()
  5696  				sub := natsSubSync(t, ncs, subj)
  5697  				checkSubInterest(t, s, globalAccountName, subj, time.Second)
  5698  				natsPub(t, ncp, subj, payload)
  5699  				natsNexMsg(t, sub, time.Second)
  5701  				for _, srv := range []*Server{s1, s2} {
  5702  					lz, err := srv.Leafz(nil)
  5703  					require_NoError(t, err)
  5704  					var expected string
  5705  					if srv == s1 {
  5706  						expected = test.s1Expected
  5707  					} else {
  5708  						expected = test.s2Expected
  5709  					}
  5710  					if cm := lz.Leafs[0].Compression; cm != expected {
  5711  						t.Fatalf("Server %s - expected compression %q, got %q", srv, expected, cm)
  5712  					}
  5713  				}
  5714  			}
  5715  			check(nc1, nc2, "foo", s1)
  5716  			check(nc2, nc1, "bar", s2)
  5717  		})
  5718  	}
  5719  }
  5721  func TestLeafNodeCompressionWithOlderServer(t *testing.T) {
  5722  	tmpl1 := `
  5723  		port: -1
  5724  		server_name: "A"
  5725  		leafnodes {
  5726  			port: -1
  5727  			compression: "%s"
  5728  		}
  5729  	`
  5730  	conf1 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(tmpl1, CompressionS2Fast)))
  5731  	s1, o1 := RunServerWithConfig(conf1)
  5732  	defer s1.Shutdown()
  5734  	tmpl2 := `
  5735  		port: -1
  5736  		server_name: "B"
  5737  		leafnodes {
  5738  			remotes [
  5739  				{url: "nats://", compression: "%s"}
  5740  			]
  5741  		}
  5742  	`
  5743  	conf2 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(tmpl2, o1.LeafNode.Port, CompressionNotSupported)))
  5744  	s2, _ := RunServerWithConfig(conf2)
  5745  	defer s2.Shutdown()
  5747  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s2)
  5749  	getLeafCompMode := func(s *Server) string {
  5750  		var cm string
  5752  		defer
  5753  		for _, l := range s1.leafs {
  5755  			cm = l.leaf.compression
  5757  			return cm
  5758  		}
  5759  		return _EMPTY_
  5760  	}
  5761  	for _, s := range []*Server{s1, s2} {
  5762  		if cm := getLeafCompMode(s); cm != CompressionNotSupported {
  5763  			t.Fatalf("Expected compression not supported, got %q", cm)
  5764  		}
  5765  	}
  5767  	s2.Shutdown()
  5768  	s1.Shutdown()
  5770  	conf1 = createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(tmpl1, CompressionNotSupported)))
  5771  	s1, o1 = RunServerWithConfig(conf1)
  5772  	defer s1.Shutdown()
  5774  	conf2 = createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(tmpl2, o1.LeafNode.Port, CompressionS2Fast)))
  5775  	s2, _ = RunServerWithConfig(conf2)
  5776  	defer s2.Shutdown()
  5778  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s2)
  5779  	for _, s := range []*Server{s1, s2} {
  5780  		if cm := getLeafCompMode(s); cm != CompressionNotSupported {
  5781  			t.Fatalf("Expected compression not supported, got %q", cm)
  5782  		}
  5783  	}
  5784  }
  5786  func TestLeafNodeCompressionAuto(t *testing.T) {
  5787  	for _, test := range []struct {
  5788  		name          string
  5789  		s1Ping        string
  5790  		s1Compression string
  5791  		s2Ping        string
  5792  		s2Compression string
  5793  		checkS1       bool
  5794  	}{
  5795  		{"remote side", "10s", CompressionS2Fast, "100ms", "{mode: s2_auto, rtt_thresholds: [10ms, 20ms, 30ms]}", false},
  5796  		{"accept side", "100ms", "{mode: s2_auto, rtt_thresholds: [10ms, 20ms, 30ms]}", "10s", CompressionS2Fast, true},
  5797  	} {
  5798  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  5799  			conf1 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  5800  				port: -1
  5801  				server_name: "A"
  5802  				ping_interval: "%s"
  5803  				leafnodes {
  5804  					port: -1
  5805  					compression: %s
  5806  				}
  5807  			`, test.s1Ping, test.s1Compression)))
  5808  			s1, o1 := RunServerWithConfig(conf1)
  5809  			defer s1.Shutdown()
  5811  			// Start with 0ms RTT
  5812  			np := createNetProxy(0, 1024*1024*1024, 1024*1024*1024, fmt.Sprintf("nats://", o1.LeafNode.Port), true)
  5814  			conf2 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  5815  				port: -1
  5816  				server_name: "B"
  5817  				ping_interval: "%s"
  5818  				leafnodes {
  5819  					remotes [
  5820  						{url: %s, compression %s}
  5821  					]
  5822  				}
  5823  			`, test.s2Ping, np.routeURL(), test.s2Compression)))
  5824  			s2, _ := RunServerWithConfig(conf2)
  5825  			defer s2.Shutdown()
  5826  			defer np.stop()
  5828  			checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s2)
  5830  			checkComp := func(expected string) {
  5831  				t.Helper()
  5832  				var s *Server
  5833  				if test.checkS1 {
  5834  					s = s1
  5835  				} else {
  5836  					s = s2
  5837  				}
  5838  				checkFor(t, 2*time.Second, 15*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  5840  					defer
  5841  					for _, l := range s.leafs {
  5843  						cm := l.leaf.compression
  5845  						if cm != expected {
  5846  							return fmt.Errorf("Leaf %v compression mode expected to be %q, got %q", l, expected, cm)
  5847  						}
  5848  					}
  5849  					return nil
  5850  				})
  5851  			}
  5852  			checkComp(CompressionS2Uncompressed)
  5854  			// Change the proxy RTT and we should get compression "fast"
  5855  			np.updateRTT(15 * time.Millisecond)
  5856  			checkComp(CompressionS2Fast)
  5858  			// Now 25ms, and get "better"
  5859  			np.updateRTT(25 * time.Millisecond)
  5860  			checkComp(CompressionS2Better)
  5862  			// Above 35 and we should get "best"
  5863  			np.updateRTT(35 * time.Millisecond)
  5864  			checkComp(CompressionS2Best)
  5866  			// Down to 1ms and again should get "uncompressed"
  5867  			np.updateRTT(1 * time.Millisecond)
  5868  			checkComp(CompressionS2Uncompressed)
  5869  		})
  5870  	}
  5872  	// Make sure that if compression is off on one side, the update of RTT does
  5873  	// not trigger a compression change.
  5874  	conf1 := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  5875  		port: -1
  5876  		server_name: "A"
  5877  		leafnodes {
  5878  			port: -1
  5879  			compression: off
  5880  		}
  5881  	`))
  5882  	s1, o1 := RunServerWithConfig(conf1)
  5883  	defer s1.Shutdown()
  5885  	// Start with 0ms RTT
  5886  	np := createNetProxy(0, 1024*1024*1024, 1024*1024*1024, fmt.Sprintf("nats://", o1.LeafNode.Port), true)
  5888  	conf2 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  5889  		port: -1
  5890  		server_name: "B"
  5891  		ping_interval: "50ms"
  5892  		leafnodes {
  5893  			remotes [
  5894  				{url: %s, compression s2_auto}
  5895  			]
  5896  		}
  5897  	`, np.routeURL())))
  5898  	s2, _ := RunServerWithConfig(conf2)
  5899  	defer s2.Shutdown()
  5900  	defer np.stop()
  5902  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s2)
  5904  	// Even with a bug of updating compression level while it should have been
  5905  	// off, the check done below would almost always pass because after
  5906  	// reconnecting, there could be a chance to get at first compression set
  5907  	// to "off". So we will double check that the leaf node CID did not change
  5908  	// at the end of the test.
  5909  	getCID := func() uint64 {
  5911  		defer
  5912  		for _, l := range s2.leafs {
  5914  			cid := l.cid
  5916  			return cid
  5917  		}
  5918  		return 0
  5919  	}
  5920  	oldCID := getCID()
  5922  	checkCompOff := func() {
  5923  		t.Helper()
  5924  		checkFor(t, 2*time.Second, 15*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  5926  			defer
  5927  			if len(s2.leafs) != 1 {
  5928  				return fmt.Errorf("Leaf not currently connected")
  5929  			}
  5930  			for _, l := range s2.leafs {
  5932  				cm := l.leaf.compression
  5934  				if cm != CompressionOff {
  5935  					return fmt.Errorf("Leaf %v compression mode expected to be %q, got %q", l, CompressionOff, cm)
  5936  				}
  5937  			}
  5938  			return nil
  5939  		})
  5940  	}
  5941  	checkCompOff()
  5943  	// Now change RTT and again, make sure that it is still off
  5944  	np.updateRTT(20 * time.Millisecond)
  5945  	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
  5946  	checkCompOff()
  5947  	if cid := getCID(); cid != oldCID {
  5948  		t.Fatalf("Leafnode has reconnected, cid was %v, now %v", oldCID, cid)
  5949  	}
  5950  }
  5952  func TestLeafNodeCompressionWithWSCompression(t *testing.T) {
  5953  	conf1 := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  5954  		port: -1
  5955  		server_name: "A"
  5956  		websocket {
  5957  			port: -1
  5958  			no_tls: true
  5959  			compression: true
  5960  		}
  5961  		leafnodes {
  5962  			port: -1
  5963  			compression: s2_fast
  5964  		}
  5965  	`))
  5966  	s1, o1 := RunServerWithConfig(conf1)
  5967  	defer s1.Shutdown()
  5969  	conf2 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  5970  		port: -1
  5971  		server_name: "B"
  5972  		leafnodes {
  5973  			remotes [
  5974  				{
  5975  					url: "ws://"
  5976  					ws_compression: true
  5977  					compression: s2_fast
  5978  				}
  5979  			]
  5980  		}
  5981  	`, o1.Websocket.Port)))
  5982  	s2, _ := RunServerWithConfig(conf2)
  5983  	defer s2.Shutdown()
  5985  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s2)
  5987  	nc1 := natsConnect(t, s1.ClientURL())
  5988  	defer nc1.Close()
  5990  	sub := natsSubSync(t, nc1, "foo")
  5991  	checkSubInterest(t, s2, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  5993  	nc2 := natsConnect(t, s2.ClientURL())
  5994  	defer nc2.Close()
  5996  	payload := make([]byte, 1024)
  5997  	for i := 0; i < len(payload); i++ {
  5998  		payload[i] = 'A'
  5999  	}
  6000  	natsPub(t, nc2, "foo", payload)
  6001  	msg := natsNexMsg(t, sub, time.Second)
  6002  	require_True(t, len(msg.Data) == 1024)
  6003  	for i := 0; i < len(msg.Data); i++ {
  6004  		if msg.Data[i] != 'A' {
  6005  			t.Fatalf("Invalid msg: %s", msg.Data)
  6006  		}
  6007  	}
  6008  }
  6010  func TestLeafNodeCompressionWithWSGetNeedsData(t *testing.T) {
  6011  	conf1 := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  6012  		port: -1
  6013  		server_name: "A"
  6014  		websocket {
  6015  			port: -1
  6016  			no_tls: true
  6017  		}
  6018  		leafnodes {
  6019  			port: -1
  6020  			compression: s2_fast
  6021  		}
  6022  	`))
  6023  	srv1, o1 := RunServerWithConfig(conf1)
  6024  	defer srv1.Shutdown()
  6026  	conf2 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  6027  		port: -1
  6028  		server_name: "B"
  6029  		leafnodes {
  6030  			remotes [
  6031  				{
  6032  					url: "ws://"
  6033  					ws_no_masking: true
  6034  					compression: s2_fast
  6035  				}
  6036  			]
  6037  		}
  6038  	`, o1.Websocket.Port)))
  6039  	srv2, _ := RunServerWithConfig(conf2)
  6040  	defer srv2.Shutdown()
  6042  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, srv2)
  6044  	nc1 := natsConnect(t, srv1.ClientURL())
  6045  	defer nc1.Close()
  6047  	sub := natsSubSync(t, nc1, "foo")
  6048  	checkSubInterest(t, srv2, globalAccountName, "foo", time.Second)
  6050  	// We want to have the payload more than 126 bytes so that the websocket
  6051  	// code need to read 2 bytes for the length. See below.
  6053  	sentBytes := []byte("LMSG foo 156\r\n" + payload + "\r\n")
  6054  	h, _ := wsCreateFrameHeader(false, false, wsBinaryMessage, len(sentBytes))
  6055  	combined := &bytes.Buffer{}
  6056  	combined.Write(h)
  6057  	combined.Write(sentBytes)
  6058  	toSend := combined.Bytes()
  6060  	// We will make a compressed block that cuts the websocket header that
  6061  	// makes the reader want to read bytes directly from the connection.
  6062  	// We want to make sure that we are not going to get compressed data
  6063  	// without going through the (de)compress library. So for that, compress
  6064  	// the first 3 bytes.
  6065  	b := &bytes.Buffer{}
  6066  	w := s2.NewWriter(b)
  6067  	w.Write(toSend[:3])
  6068  	w.Close()
  6070  	var nc net.Conn
  6072  	for _, l := range srv2.leafs {
  6074  		nc =
  6076  	}
  6079  	nc.Write(b.Bytes())
  6081  	// Pause to make sure other side just gets a partial of the whole WS frame.
  6082  	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
  6084  	b.Reset()
  6085  	w.Reset(b)
  6086  	w.Write(toSend[3:])
  6087  	w.Close()
  6089  	nc.Write(b.Bytes())
  6091  	msg := natsNexMsg(t, sub, time.Second)
  6092  	require_True(t, len(msg.Data) == 156)
  6093  	require_Equal(t, string(msg.Data), payload)
  6094  }
  6096  func TestLeafNodeCompressionAuthTimeout(t *testing.T) {
  6097  	hconf := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  6098  		port: -1
  6099  		server_name: "hub"
  6100  		leafnodes {
  6101  			port: -1
  6102  			authorization {
  6103  				timeout: 0.75
  6104  			}
  6105  		}
  6106  	`))
  6107  	sh, oh := RunServerWithConfig(hconf)
  6108  	defer sh.Shutdown()
  6110  	sconfTmpl := `
  6111  		port: -1
  6112  		server_name: "%s"
  6113  		cluster {
  6114  			port: -1
  6115  			name: "spoke"
  6116  			%s
  6117  		}
  6118  		leafnodes {
  6119  			port: -1
  6120  			remotes [
  6121  				{ url: "nats://" }
  6122  			]
  6123  		}
  6124  	`
  6125  	s1conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(sconfTmpl, "SP1", _EMPTY_, oh.LeafNode.Port)))
  6126  	s1, o1 := RunServerWithConfig(s1conf)
  6127  	defer s1.Shutdown()
  6129  	s2conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(sconfTmpl, "SP2", fmt.Sprintf("routes: [\"nats://\"]", o1.Cluster.Port), oh.LeafNode.Port)))
  6130  	s2, _ := RunServerWithConfig(s2conf)
  6131  	defer s2.Shutdown()
  6133  	checkClusterFormed(t, s1, s2)
  6135  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s1)
  6136  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s2)
  6138  	getCID := func(s *Server) uint64 {
  6140  		defer
  6141  		var cid uint64
  6142  		for _, l := range s.leafs {
  6144  			cid = l.cid
  6146  		}
  6147  		return cid
  6148  	}
  6149  	leaf1 := getCID(s1)
  6150  	leaf2 := getCID(s2)
  6152  	// Wait for more than auth timeout
  6153  	time.Sleep(time.Second)
  6155  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s1)
  6156  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, s2)
  6157  	if l1 := getCID(s1); l1 != leaf1 {
  6158  		t.Fatalf("Leaf connection first connection had CID %v, now %v", leaf1, l1)
  6159  	}
  6160  	if l2 := getCID(s2); l2 != leaf2 {
  6161  		t.Fatalf("Leaf connection first connection had CID %v, now %v", leaf2, l2)
  6162  	}
  6163  }
  6165  func TestLeafNodeWithWeightedDQRequestsToSuperClusterWithSeparateAccounts(t *testing.T) {
  6166  	sc := createJetStreamSuperClusterWithTemplate(t, jsClusterAccountsTempl, 3, 2)
  6167  	defer sc.shutdown()
  6169  	// Now create a leafnode cluster that has 2 LNs, one to each cluster but on separate accounts, ONE and TWO.
  6170  	var lnTmpl = `
  6171  		listen:
  6172  		server_name: %s
  6173  		jetstream: {max_mem_store: 256MB, max_file_store: 2GB, store_dir: '%s'}
  6175  		{{leaf}}
  6177  		cluster {
  6178  			name: %s
  6179  			listen:
  6180  			routes = [%s]
  6181  		}
  6183  		accounts { $SYS { users = [ { user: "admin", pass: "s3cr3t!" } ] }}
  6184  		`
  6186  	var leafFrag = `
  6187  		leaf {
  6188  			listen:
  6189  			remotes [
  6190  				{ urls: [ %s ] }
  6191  				{ urls: [ %s ] }
  6192  			]
  6193  		}`
  6195  	// We want to have two leaf node connections that join to the same local account on the leafnode servers,
  6196  	// but connect to different accounts in different clusters.
  6197  	c1 := sc.clusters[0] // Will connect to account ONE
  6198  	c2 := sc.clusters[1] // Will connect to account TWO
  6200  	genLeafTmpl := func(tmpl string) string {
  6201  		t.Helper()
  6203  		var ln1, ln2 []string
  6204  		for _, s := range c1.servers {
  6205  			if s.ClusterName() != {
  6206  				continue
  6207  			}
  6208  			ln := s.getOpts().LeafNode
  6209  			ln1 = append(ln1, fmt.Sprintf("nats://one:p@%s:%d", ln.Host, ln.Port))
  6210  		}
  6212  		for _, s := range c2.servers {
  6213  			if s.ClusterName() != {
  6214  				continue
  6215  			}
  6216  			ln := s.getOpts().LeafNode
  6217  			ln2 = append(ln2, fmt.Sprintf("nats://two:p@%s:%d", ln.Host, ln.Port))
  6218  		}
  6219  		return strings.Replace(tmpl, "{{leaf}}", fmt.Sprintf(leafFrag, strings.Join(ln1, ", "), strings.Join(ln2, ", ")), 1)
  6220  	}
  6222  	tmpl := strings.Replace(lnTmpl, "store_dir:", fmt.Sprintf(`domain: "%s", store_dir:`, "SA"), 1)
  6223  	tmpl = genLeafTmpl(tmpl)
  6225  	ln := createJetStreamCluster(t, tmpl, "SA", "SA-", 3, 22280, false)
  6226  	ln.waitOnClusterReady()
  6227  	defer ln.shutdown()
  6229  	for _, s := range ln.servers {
  6230  		checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, s, 2)
  6231  	}
  6233  	// Now connect DQ subscribers to each cluster and they separate accounts, and make sure we get the right behavior, balanced between
  6234  	// them when requests originate from the leaf cluster.
  6236  	// Create 5 clients for each cluster / account
  6237  	var c1c, c2c []*nats.Conn
  6238  	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
  6239  		nc1, _ := jsClientConnect(t, c1.randomServer(), nats.UserInfo("one", "p"))
  6240  		defer nc1.Close()
  6241  		c1c = append(c1c, nc1)
  6242  		nc2, _ := jsClientConnect(t, c2.randomServer(), nats.UserInfo("two", "p"))
  6243  		defer nc2.Close()
  6244  		c2c = append(c2c, nc2)
  6245  	}
  6247  	createSubs := func(num int, conns []*nats.Conn) (subs []*nats.Subscription) {
  6248  		for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
  6249  			nc := conns[rand.Intn(len(conns))]
  6250  			sub, err := nc.QueueSubscribeSync("REQUEST", "MC")
  6251  			require_NoError(t, err)
  6252  			subs = append(subs, sub)
  6253  			nc.Flush()
  6254  		}
  6255  		// Let subs propagate.
  6256  		time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
  6257  		return subs
  6258  	}
  6259  	closeSubs := func(subs []*nats.Subscription) {
  6260  		for _, sub := range subs {
  6261  			sub.Unsubscribe()
  6262  		}
  6263  	}
  6265  	// Simple test first.
  6266  	subs1 := createSubs(1, c1c)
  6267  	defer closeSubs(subs1)
  6268  	subs2 := createSubs(1, c2c)
  6269  	defer closeSubs(subs2)
  6271  	sendRequests := func(num int) {
  6272  		t.Helper()
  6273  		// Now connect to the leaf cluster and send some requests.
  6274  		nc, _ := jsClientConnect(t, ln.randomServer())
  6275  		defer nc.Close()
  6277  		for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
  6278  			require_NoError(t, nc.Publish("REQUEST", []byte("HELP")))
  6279  		}
  6280  		nc.Flush()
  6281  	}
  6283  	pending := func(subs []*nats.Subscription) (total int) {
  6284  		t.Helper()
  6285  		for _, sub := range subs {
  6286  			n, _, err := sub.Pending()
  6287  			require_NoError(t, err)
  6288  			total += n
  6289  		}
  6290  		return total
  6291  	}
  6293  	num := 1000
  6294  	checkAllReceived := func() error {
  6295  		total := pending(subs1) + pending(subs2)
  6296  		if total == num {
  6297  			return nil
  6298  		}
  6299  		return fmt.Errorf("Not all received: %d vs %d", total, num)
  6300  	}
  6302  	checkBalanced := func(total, pc1, pc2 int) {
  6303  		t.Helper()
  6304  		tf := float64(total)
  6305  		e1 := tf * (float64(pc1) / 100.00)
  6306  		e2 := tf * (float64(pc2) / 100.00)
  6307  		delta := tf / 10
  6308  		p1 := float64(pending(subs1))
  6309  		if p1 < e1-delta || p1 > e1+delta {
  6310  			t.Fatalf("Value out of range for subs1, expected %v got %v", e1, p1)
  6311  		}
  6312  		p2 := float64(pending(subs2))
  6313  		if p2 < e2-delta || p2 > e2+delta {
  6314  			t.Fatalf("Value out of range for subs2, expected %v got %v", e2, p2)
  6315  		}
  6316  	}
  6318  	// Now connect to the leaf cluster and send some requests.
  6320  	// Simple 50/50
  6321  	sendRequests(num)
  6322  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond, checkAllReceived)
  6323  	checkBalanced(num, 50, 50)
  6325  	closeSubs(subs1)
  6326  	closeSubs(subs2)
  6328  	// Now test unbalanced. 10/90
  6329  	subs1 = createSubs(1, c1c)
  6330  	defer closeSubs(subs1)
  6331  	subs2 = createSubs(9, c2c)
  6332  	defer closeSubs(subs2)
  6334  	sendRequests(num)
  6335  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond, checkAllReceived)
  6336  	checkBalanced(num, 10, 90)
  6338  	// Now test draining the subs as we are sending from an initial balanced situation simulating a draining of a cluster.
  6340  	closeSubs(subs1)
  6341  	closeSubs(subs2)
  6342  	subs1, subs2 = nil, nil
  6344  	// These subs slightly different.
  6345  	var r1, r2 atomic.Uint64
  6346  	for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
  6347  		nc := c1c[rand.Intn(len(c1c))]
  6348  		sub, err := nc.QueueSubscribe("REQUEST", "MC", func(m *nats.Msg) { r1.Add(1) })
  6349  		require_NoError(t, err)
  6350  		subs1 = append(subs1, sub)
  6351  		nc.Flush()
  6353  		nc = c2c[rand.Intn(len(c2c))]
  6354  		sub, err = nc.QueueSubscribe("REQUEST", "MC", func(m *nats.Msg) { r2.Add(1) })
  6355  		require_NoError(t, err)
  6356  		subs2 = append(subs2, sub)
  6357  		nc.Flush()
  6358  	}
  6359  	defer closeSubs(subs1)
  6360  	defer closeSubs(subs2)
  6362  	nc, _ := jsClientConnect(t, ln.randomServer())
  6363  	defer nc.Close()
  6365  	for i, dindex := 0, 1; i < num; i++ {
  6366  		require_NoError(t, nc.Publish("REQUEST", []byte("HELP")))
  6367  		// Check if we have more to simulate draining.
  6368  		// Will drain within first ~100 requests using 20% rand test below.
  6369  		// Will leave 1 behind.
  6370  		if dindex < len(subs1)-1 && rand.Intn(6) > 4 {
  6371  			sub := subs1[dindex]
  6372  			dindex++
  6373  			sub.Drain()
  6374  		}
  6375  	}
  6376  	nc.Flush()
  6378  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  6379  		total := int(r1.Load() + r2.Load())
  6380  		if total == num {
  6381  			return nil
  6382  		}
  6383  		return fmt.Errorf("Not all received: %d vs %d", total, num)
  6384  	})
  6385  	require_True(t, r2.Load() > r1.Load())
  6386  }
  6388  func TestLeafNodeWithWeightedDQRequestsToSuperClusterWithStreamImportAccounts(t *testing.T) {
  6389  	var tmpl = `
  6390  	listen:
  6392  	server_name: %s
  6393  	jetstream: {max_mem_store: 256MB, max_file_store: 2GB, store_dir: '%s'}
  6395  	leaf { listen: }
  6397  	cluster {
  6398  		name: %s
  6399  		listen:
  6400  		routes = [%s]
  6401  	}
  6403  	accounts {
  6404  		EFG {
  6405  			users = [ { user: "efg", pass: "p" } ]
  6406  			jetstream: enabled
  6407  			imports [
  6408  				{ stream: { account: STL, subject: "REQUEST"} }
  6409  				{ stream: { account: KSC, subject: "REQUEST"} }
  6410  			]
  6411  			exports [ { stream: "RESPONSE" } ]
  6412  		}
  6413  		STL {
  6414  			users = [ { user: "stl", pass: "p" } ]
  6415  			exports [ { stream: "REQUEST" } ]
  6416  			imports [ { stream: { account: EFG, subject: "RESPONSE"} } ]
  6417  		}
  6418  		KSC {
  6419  			users = [ { user: "ksc", pass: "p" } ]
  6420  			exports [ { stream: "REQUEST" } ]
  6421  			imports [ { stream: { account: EFG, subject: "RESPONSE"} } ]
  6422  		}
  6423  		$SYS { users = [ { user: "admin", pass: "s3cr3t!" } ] }
  6424  	}`
  6426  	sc := createJetStreamSuperClusterWithTemplate(t, tmpl, 5, 2)
  6427  	defer sc.shutdown()
  6429  	// Now create a leafnode cluster that has 2 LNs, one to each cluster but on separate accounts, STL and KSC.
  6430  	var lnTmpl = `
  6431  		listen:
  6432  		server_name: %s
  6433  		jetstream: {max_mem_store: 256MB, max_file_store: 2GB, store_dir: '%s'}
  6435  		{{leaf}}
  6437  		cluster {
  6438  			name: %s
  6439  			listen:
  6440  			routes = [%s]
  6441  		}
  6443  		accounts { $SYS { users = [ { user: "admin", pass: "s3cr3t!" } ] }}
  6444  		`
  6446  	var leafFrag = `
  6447  		leaf {
  6448  			listen:
  6449  			remotes [
  6450  				{ urls: [ %s ] }
  6451  				{ urls: [ %s ] }
  6452  				{ urls: [ %s ] ; deny_export: [REQUEST, RESPONSE], deny_import: RESPONSE }
  6453  			]
  6454  		}`
  6456  	// We want to have two leaf node connections that join to the same local account on the leafnode servers,
  6457  	// but connect to different accounts in different clusters.
  6458  	c1 := sc.clusters[0] // Will connect to account KSC
  6459  	c2 := sc.clusters[1] // Will connect to account STL
  6461  	genLeafTmpl := func(tmpl string) string {
  6462  		t.Helper()
  6464  		var ln1, ln2, ln3 []string
  6465  		for _, s := range c1.servers {
  6466  			if s.ClusterName() != {
  6467  				continue
  6468  			}
  6469  			ln := s.getOpts().LeafNode
  6470  			ln1 = append(ln1, fmt.Sprintf("nats://ksc:p@%s:%d", ln.Host, ln.Port))
  6471  		}
  6473  		for _, s := range c2.servers {
  6474  			if s.ClusterName() != {
  6475  				continue
  6476  			}
  6477  			ln := s.getOpts().LeafNode
  6478  			ln2 = append(ln2, fmt.Sprintf("nats://stl:p@%s:%d", ln.Host, ln.Port))
  6479  			ln3 = append(ln3, fmt.Sprintf("nats://efg:p@%s:%d", ln.Host, ln.Port))
  6480  		}
  6481  		return strings.Replace(tmpl, "{{leaf}}", fmt.Sprintf(leafFrag, strings.Join(ln1, ", "), strings.Join(ln2, ", "), strings.Join(ln3, ", ")), 1)
  6482  	}
  6484  	tmpl = strings.Replace(lnTmpl, "store_dir:", fmt.Sprintf(`domain: "%s", store_dir:`, "SA"), 1)
  6485  	tmpl = genLeafTmpl(tmpl)
  6487  	ln := createJetStreamCluster(t, tmpl, "SA", "SA-", 3, 22280, false)
  6488  	ln.waitOnClusterReady()
  6489  	defer ln.shutdown()
  6491  	for _, s := range ln.servers {
  6492  		checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, s, 3)
  6493  	}
  6495  	// Now connect DQ subscribers to each cluster but to the global account.
  6497  	// Create 5 clients for each cluster / account
  6498  	var c1c, c2c []*nats.Conn
  6499  	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
  6500  		nc1, _ := jsClientConnect(t, c1.randomServer(), nats.UserInfo("efg", "p"))
  6501  		defer nc1.Close()
  6502  		c1c = append(c1c, nc1)
  6503  		nc2, _ := jsClientConnect(t, c2.randomServer(), nats.UserInfo("efg", "p"))
  6504  		defer nc2.Close()
  6505  		c2c = append(c2c, nc2)
  6506  	}
  6508  	createSubs := func(num int, conns []*nats.Conn) (subs []*nats.Subscription) {
  6509  		for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
  6510  			nc := conns[rand.Intn(len(conns))]
  6511  			sub, err := nc.QueueSubscribeSync("REQUEST", "MC")
  6512  			require_NoError(t, err)
  6513  			subs = append(subs, sub)
  6514  			nc.Flush()
  6515  		}
  6516  		// Let subs propagate.
  6517  		time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
  6518  		return subs
  6519  	}
  6520  	closeSubs := func(subs []*nats.Subscription) {
  6521  		for _, sub := range subs {
  6522  			sub.Unsubscribe()
  6523  		}
  6524  	}
  6526  	// Simple test first.
  6527  	subs1 := createSubs(1, c1c)
  6528  	defer closeSubs(subs1)
  6529  	subs2 := createSubs(1, c2c)
  6530  	defer closeSubs(subs2)
  6532  	sendRequests := func(num int) {
  6533  		t.Helper()
  6534  		// Now connect to the leaf cluster and send some requests.
  6535  		nc, _ := jsClientConnect(t, ln.randomServer())
  6536  		defer nc.Close()
  6538  		for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
  6539  			require_NoError(t, nc.Publish("REQUEST", []byte("HELP")))
  6540  		}
  6541  		nc.Flush()
  6542  	}
  6544  	pending := func(subs []*nats.Subscription) (total int) {
  6545  		t.Helper()
  6546  		for _, sub := range subs {
  6547  			n, _, err := sub.Pending()
  6548  			require_NoError(t, err)
  6549  			total += n
  6550  		}
  6551  		return total
  6552  	}
  6554  	num := 1000
  6555  	checkAllReceived := func() error {
  6556  		total := pending(subs1) + pending(subs2)
  6557  		if total == num {
  6558  			return nil
  6559  		}
  6560  		return fmt.Errorf("Not all received: %d vs %d", total, num)
  6561  	}
  6563  	checkBalanced := func(total, pc1, pc2 int) {
  6564  		t.Helper()
  6565  		tf := float64(total)
  6566  		e1 := tf * (float64(pc1) / 100.00)
  6567  		e2 := tf * (float64(pc2) / 100.00)
  6568  		delta := tf / 10
  6569  		p1 := float64(pending(subs1))
  6570  		if p1 < e1-delta || p1 > e1+delta {
  6571  			t.Fatalf("Value out of range for subs1, expected %v got %v", e1, p1)
  6572  		}
  6573  		p2 := float64(pending(subs2))
  6574  		if p2 < e2-delta || p2 > e2+delta {
  6575  			t.Fatalf("Value out of range for subs2, expected %v got %v", e2, p2)
  6576  		}
  6577  	}
  6579  	// Now connect to the leaf cluster and send some requests.
  6581  	// Simple 50/50
  6582  	sendRequests(num)
  6583  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond, checkAllReceived)
  6584  	checkBalanced(num, 50, 50)
  6586  	closeSubs(subs1)
  6587  	closeSubs(subs2)
  6589  	// Now test unbalanced. 10/90
  6590  	subs1 = createSubs(1, c1c)
  6591  	defer closeSubs(subs1)
  6592  	subs2 = createSubs(9, c2c)
  6593  	defer closeSubs(subs2)
  6595  	sendRequests(num)
  6596  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond, checkAllReceived)
  6597  	checkBalanced(num, 10, 90)
  6599  	closeSubs(subs1)
  6600  	closeSubs(subs2)
  6602  	// Now test unbalanced. 80/20
  6603  	subs1 = createSubs(80, c1c)
  6604  	defer closeSubs(subs1)
  6605  	subs2 = createSubs(20, c2c)
  6606  	defer closeSubs(subs2)
  6608  	sendRequests(num)
  6609  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond, checkAllReceived)
  6610  	checkBalanced(num, 80, 20)
  6612  	// Now test draining the subs as we are sending from an initial balanced situation simulating a draining of a cluster.
  6614  	closeSubs(subs1)
  6615  	closeSubs(subs2)
  6616  	subs1, subs2 = nil, nil
  6618  	// These subs slightly different.
  6619  	var r1, r2 atomic.Uint64
  6620  	for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
  6621  		nc := c1c[rand.Intn(len(c1c))]
  6622  		sub, err := nc.QueueSubscribe("REQUEST", "MC", func(m *nats.Msg) { r1.Add(1) })
  6623  		require_NoError(t, err)
  6624  		subs1 = append(subs1, sub)
  6625  		nc.Flush()
  6627  		nc = c2c[rand.Intn(len(c2c))]
  6628  		sub, err = nc.QueueSubscribe("REQUEST", "MC", func(m *nats.Msg) { r2.Add(1) })
  6629  		require_NoError(t, err)
  6630  		subs2 = append(subs2, sub)
  6631  		nc.Flush()
  6632  	}
  6633  	defer closeSubs(subs1)
  6634  	defer closeSubs(subs2)
  6636  	nc, _ := jsClientConnect(t, ln.randomServer())
  6637  	defer nc.Close()
  6639  	for i, dindex := 0, 1; i < num; i++ {
  6640  		require_NoError(t, nc.Publish("REQUEST", []byte("HELP")))
  6641  		// Check if we have more to simulate draining.
  6642  		// Will drain within first ~100 requests using 20% rand test below.
  6643  		// Will leave 1 behind.
  6644  		if dindex < len(subs1)-1 && rand.Intn(6) > 4 {
  6645  			sub := subs1[dindex]
  6646  			dindex++
  6647  			sub.Drain()
  6648  		}
  6649  	}
  6650  	nc.Flush()
  6652  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  6653  		total := int(r1.Load() + r2.Load())
  6654  		if total == num {
  6655  			return nil
  6656  		}
  6657  		return fmt.Errorf("Not all received: %d vs %d", total, num)
  6658  	})
  6659  	require_True(t, r2.Load() > r1.Load())
  6661  	// Now check opposite flow for responses.
  6663  	// Create 10 subscribers.
  6664  	var rsubs []*nats.Subscription
  6666  	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
  6667  		nc, _ := jsClientConnect(t, ln.randomServer())
  6668  		defer nc.Close()
  6669  		sub, err := nc.QueueSubscribeSync("RESPONSE", "SA")
  6670  		require_NoError(t, err)
  6671  		nc.Flush()
  6672  		rsubs = append(rsubs, sub)
  6673  	}
  6675  	nc, _ = jsClientConnect(t, ln.randomServer())
  6676  	defer nc.Close()
  6677  	_, err := nc.SubscribeSync("RESPONSE")
  6678  	require_NoError(t, err)
  6679  	nc.Flush()
  6681  	// Now connect and send responses from EFG in cloud.
  6682  	nc, _ = jsClientConnect(t, sc.randomServer(), nats.UserInfo("efg", "p"))
  6684  	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
  6685  		require_NoError(t, nc.Publish("RESPONSE", []byte("OK")))
  6686  	}
  6687  	nc.Flush()
  6689  	checkAllRespReceived := func() error {
  6690  		p := pending(rsubs)
  6691  		if p == 100 {
  6692  			return nil
  6693  		}
  6694  		return fmt.Errorf("Not all responses received: %d vs %d", p, 100)
  6695  	}
  6697  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond, checkAllRespReceived)
  6698  }
  6700  func TestLeafNodeWithWeightedDQResponsesWithStreamImportAccountsWithUnsub(t *testing.T) {
  6701  	var tmpl = `
  6702  	listen:
  6704  	server_name: %s
  6705  	jetstream: {max_mem_store: 256MB, max_file_store: 2GB, store_dir: '%s'}
  6707  	leaf { listen: }
  6709  	cluster {
  6710  		name: %s
  6711  		listen:
  6712  		routes = [%s]
  6713  	}
  6715  	accounts {
  6716  		EFG {
  6717  			users = [ { user: "efg", pass: "p" } ]
  6718  			jetstream: enabled
  6719  			exports [ { stream: "RESPONSE" } ]
  6720  		}
  6721  		STL {
  6722  			users = [ { user: "stl", pass: "p" } ]
  6723  			imports [ { stream: { account: EFG, subject: "RESPONSE"} } ]
  6724  		}
  6725  		KSC {
  6726  			users = [ { user: "ksc", pass: "p" } ]
  6727  			imports [ { stream: { account: EFG, subject: "RESPONSE"} } ]
  6728  		}
  6729  		$SYS { users = [ { user: "admin", pass: "s3cr3t!" } ] }
  6730  	}`
  6732  	c := createJetStreamClusterWithTemplate(t, tmpl, "US-CENTRAL", 3)
  6733  	defer c.shutdown()
  6735  	// Now create a leafnode cluster that has 2 LNs, one to each cluster but on separate accounts, STL and KSC.
  6736  	var lnTmpl = `
  6737  		listen:
  6738  		server_name: %s
  6739  		jetstream: {max_mem_store: 256MB, max_file_store: 2GB, store_dir: '%s'}
  6741  		{{leaf}}
  6743  		cluster {
  6744  			name: %s
  6745  			listen:
  6746  			routes = [%s]
  6747  		}
  6749  		accounts { $SYS { users = [ { user: "admin", pass: "s3cr3t!" } ] }}
  6750  		`
  6752  	var leafFrag = `
  6753  		leaf {
  6754  			listen:
  6755  			remotes [ { urls: [ %s ] } ]
  6756  		}`
  6758  	genLeafTmpl := func(tmpl string) string {
  6759  		t.Helper()
  6761  		var ln []string
  6762  		for _, s := range c.servers {
  6763  			lno := s.getOpts().LeafNode
  6764  			ln = append(ln, fmt.Sprintf("nats://ksc:p@%s:%d", lno.Host, lno.Port))
  6765  		}
  6766  		return strings.Replace(tmpl, "{{leaf}}", fmt.Sprintf(leafFrag, strings.Join(ln, ", ")), 1)
  6767  	}
  6769  	tmpl = strings.Replace(lnTmpl, "store_dir:", fmt.Sprintf(`domain: "%s", store_dir:`, "SA"), 1)
  6770  	tmpl = genLeafTmpl(tmpl)
  6772  	ln := createJetStreamCluster(t, tmpl, "SA", "SA-", 3, 22280, false)
  6773  	ln.waitOnClusterReady()
  6774  	defer ln.shutdown()
  6776  	for _, s := range ln.servers {
  6777  		checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, s, 1)
  6778  	}
  6780  	// Create 10 subscribers.
  6781  	var rsubs []*nats.Subscription
  6783  	closeSubs := func(subs []*nats.Subscription) {
  6784  		for _, sub := range subs {
  6785  			sub.Unsubscribe()
  6786  		}
  6787  	}
  6789  	checkAllRespReceived := func() error {
  6790  		t.Helper()
  6791  		var total int
  6792  		for _, sub := range rsubs {
  6793  			n, _, err := sub.Pending()
  6794  			require_NoError(t, err)
  6795  			total += n
  6796  		}
  6797  		if total == 100 {
  6798  			return nil
  6799  		}
  6800  		return fmt.Errorf("Not all responses received: %d vs %d", total, 100)
  6801  	}
  6803  	s := ln.randomServer()
  6804  	for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
  6805  		nc, _ := jsClientConnect(t, s)
  6806  		defer nc.Close()
  6807  		sub, err := nc.QueueSubscribeSync("RESPONSE", "SA")
  6808  		require_NoError(t, err)
  6809  		nc.Flush()
  6810  		rsubs = append(rsubs, sub)
  6811  	}
  6813  	// Now connect and send responses from EFG in cloud.
  6814  	nc, _ := jsClientConnect(t, c.randomServer(), nats.UserInfo("efg", "p"))
  6815  	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
  6816  		require_NoError(t, nc.Publish("RESPONSE", []byte("OK")))
  6817  	}
  6818  	nc.Flush()
  6820  	// Make sure all received.
  6821  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond, checkAllRespReceived)
  6823  	checkAccountInterest := func(s *Server, accName string) *SublistResult {
  6824  		t.Helper()
  6825  		acc, err := s.LookupAccount(accName)
  6826  		require_NoError(t, err)
  6828  		r :="RESPONSE")
  6830  		return r
  6831  	}
  6833  	checkInterest := func() error {
  6834  		t.Helper()
  6835  		for _, s := range c.servers {
  6836  			if r := checkAccountInterest(s, "KSC"); len(r.psubs)+len(r.qsubs) > 0 {
  6837  				return fmt.Errorf("Subs still present for %q: %+v", "KSC", r)
  6838  			}
  6839  			if r := checkAccountInterest(s, "EFG"); len(r.psubs)+len(r.qsubs) > 0 {
  6840  				return fmt.Errorf("Subs still present for %q: %+v", "EFG", r)
  6841  			}
  6842  		}
  6843  		return nil
  6844  	}
  6846  	// Now unsub them and create new ones on a different server.
  6847  	closeSubs(rsubs)
  6848  	rsubs = rsubs[:0]
  6850  	// Also restart the server that we had all the rsubs on.
  6851  	s.Shutdown()
  6852  	s.WaitForShutdown()
  6853  	s = ln.restartServer(s)
  6854  	ln.waitOnClusterReady()
  6855  	ln.waitOnServerCurrent(s)
  6857  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond, checkInterest)
  6859  	for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
  6860  		nc, _ := jsClientConnect(t, s)
  6861  		defer nc.Close()
  6862  		sub, err := nc.QueueSubscribeSync("RESPONSE", "SA")
  6863  		require_NoError(t, err)
  6864  		nc.Flush()
  6865  		rsubs = append(rsubs, sub)
  6866  	}
  6868  	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
  6869  		require_NoError(t, nc.Publish("RESPONSE", []byte("OK")))
  6870  	}
  6871  	nc.Flush()
  6873  	// Make sure all received.
  6874  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond, checkAllRespReceived)
  6876  	closeSubs(rsubs)
  6877  	checkFor(t, time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond, checkInterest)
  6878  }
  6880  func TestLeafNodeTwoRemotesToSameHubAccount(t *testing.T) {
  6881  	conf1 := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  6882  		port: -1
  6883  		server_name: "hub"
  6884  		accounts {
  6885  			HA { users: [{user: ha, password: pwd}] }
  6886  		}
  6887  		leafnodes {
  6888  			port: -1
  6889  		}
  6890  	`))
  6891  	s1, o1 := RunServerWithConfig(conf1)
  6892  	defer s1.Shutdown()
  6894  	conf2 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  6895  		port: -1
  6896  		server_name: "spoke"
  6897  		accounts {
  6898  			A { users: [{user: A, password: pwd}] }
  6899  			B { users: [{user: B, password: pwd}] }
  6900  			C { users: [{user: C, password: pwd}] }
  6901  		}
  6902  		leafnodes {
  6903  			remotes [
  6904  				{
  6905  					url: "nats://ha:pwd@"
  6906  					local: "A"
  6907  				}
  6908  				{
  6909  					url: "nats://ha:pwd@"
  6910  					local: "C"
  6911  				}
  6912  			]
  6913  		}
  6914  	`, o1.LeafNode.Port, o1.LeafNode.Port)))
  6915  	s2, _ := RunServerWithConfig(conf2)
  6916  	defer s2.Shutdown()
  6918  	l := &captureErrorLogger{errCh: make(chan string, 10)}
  6919  	s2.SetLogger(l, false, false)
  6921  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, s2, 2)
  6923  	// Make sure we don't get duplicate leafnode connection errors
  6924  	deadline := time.NewTimer(1500 * time.Millisecond)
  6925  	for done := false; !done; {
  6926  		select {
  6927  		case err := <-l.errCh:
  6928  			if strings.Contains(err, DuplicateRemoteLeafnodeConnection.String()) {
  6929  				t.Fatalf("Got error: %v", err)
  6930  			}
  6931  		case <-deadline.C:
  6932  			done = true
  6933  		}
  6934  	}
  6936  	nca := natsConnect(t, s2.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo("A", "pwd"))
  6937  	defer nca.Close()
  6938  	suba := natsSubSync(t, nca, "A")
  6939  	ncb := natsConnect(t, s2.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo("B", "pwd"))
  6940  	defer ncb.Close()
  6941  	subb := natsSubSync(t, ncb, "B")
  6942  	ncc := natsConnect(t, s2.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo("C", "pwd"))
  6943  	defer ncc.Close()
  6944  	subc := natsSubSync(t, ncc, "C")
  6945  	subs := map[string]*nats.Subscription{"A": suba, "B": subb, "C": subc}
  6947  	for _, subj := range []string{"A", "C"} {
  6948  		checkSubInterest(t, s1, "HA", subj, time.Second)
  6949  	}
  6951  	nc := natsConnect(t, s1.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo("ha", "pwd"))
  6952  	defer nc.Close()
  6954  	for _, subj := range []string{"A", "B", "C"} {
  6955  		natsPub(t, nc, subj, []byte("hello"))
  6956  	}
  6958  	for _, subj := range []string{"A", "B", "C"} {
  6959  		var expected bool
  6960  		if subj != "B" {
  6961  			expected = true
  6962  		}
  6963  		sub := subs[subj]
  6964  		if expected {
  6965  			natsNexMsg(t, sub, time.Second)
  6966  		} else {
  6967  			if _, err := sub.NextMsg(50 * time.Millisecond); err != nats.ErrTimeout {
  6968  				t.Fatalf("Expected timeout error, got %v", err)
  6969  			}
  6970  		}
  6971  	}
  6972  }
  6974  func TestLeafNodeTwoRemotesToSameHubAccountWithClusters(t *testing.T) {
  6975  	hubTmpl := `
  6976  		port: -1
  6977  		server_name: "%s"
  6978  		accounts {
  6979  			HA { users: [{user: HA, password: pwd}] }
  6980  		}
  6981  		cluster {
  6982  			name: "hub"
  6983  			port: -1
  6984  			%s
  6985  		}
  6986  		leafnodes {
  6987  			port: -1
  6988  		}
  6989  	`
  6990  	confH1 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(hubTmpl, "H1", _EMPTY_)))
  6991  	sh1, oh1 := RunServerWithConfig(confH1)
  6992  	defer sh1.Shutdown()
  6994  	confH2 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(hubTmpl, "H2", fmt.Sprintf("routes: [\"nats://\"]", oh1.Cluster.Port))))
  6995  	sh2, oh2 := RunServerWithConfig(confH2)
  6996  	defer sh2.Shutdown()
  6998  	checkClusterFormed(t, sh1, sh2)
  7000  	spokeTmpl := `
  7001  		port: -1
  7002  		server_name: "%s"
  7003  		accounts {
  7004  			A { users: [{user: A, password: pwd}] }
  7005  			B { users: [{user: B, password: pwd}] }
  7006  		}
  7007  		cluster {
  7008  			name: "spoke"
  7009  			port: -1
  7010  			%s
  7011  		}
  7012  		leafnodes {
  7013  			remotes [
  7014  				{
  7015  					url: "nats://HA:pwd@"
  7016  					local: "A"
  7017  				}
  7018  				{
  7019  					url: "nats://HA:pwd@"
  7020  					local: "B"
  7021  				}
  7022  			]
  7023  		}
  7024  	`
  7025  	for _, test := range []struct {
  7026  		name        string
  7027  		sp2Leafport int
  7028  	}{
  7029  		{"connect to different hub servers", oh2.LeafNode.Port},
  7030  		{"connect to same hub server", oh1.LeafNode.Port},
  7031  	} {
  7032  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
  7033  			confSP1 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(spokeTmpl, "SP1", _EMPTY_, oh1.LeafNode.Port, oh1.LeafNode.Port)))
  7034  			sp1, osp1 := RunServerWithConfig(confSP1)
  7035  			defer sp1.Shutdown()
  7037  			confSP2 := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(spokeTmpl, "SP2",
  7038  				fmt.Sprintf("routes: [\"nats://\"]", osp1.Cluster.Port), test.sp2Leafport, test.sp2Leafport)))
  7039  			sp2, _ := RunServerWithConfig(confSP2)
  7040  			defer sp2.Shutdown()
  7042  			checkClusterFormed(t, sp1, sp2)
  7043  			checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, sp1, 2)
  7044  			checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, sp2, 2)
  7046  			var conns []*nats.Conn
  7047  			createConn := func(s *Server, user string) {
  7048  				t.Helper()
  7049  				nc := natsConnect(t, s.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo(user, "pwd"))
  7050  				conns = append(conns, nc)
  7051  			}
  7052  			for _, nc := range conns {
  7053  				defer nc.Close()
  7054  			}
  7055  			createConn(sh1, "HA")
  7056  			createConn(sh2, "HA")
  7057  			createConn(sp1, "A")
  7058  			createConn(sp2, "A")
  7059  			createConn(sp1, "B")
  7060  			createConn(sp2, "B")
  7062  			check := func(subConn *nats.Conn, subj string, checkA, checkB bool) {
  7063  				t.Helper()
  7064  				sub := natsSubSync(t, subConn, subj)
  7065  				defer sub.Unsubscribe()
  7067  				checkSubInterest(t, sh1, "HA", subj, time.Second)
  7068  				checkSubInterest(t, sh2, "HA", subj, time.Second)
  7069  				if checkA {
  7070  					checkSubInterest(t, sp1, "A", subj, time.Second)
  7071  					checkSubInterest(t, sp2, "A", subj, time.Second)
  7072  				}
  7073  				if checkB {
  7074  					checkSubInterest(t, sp1, "B", subj, time.Second)
  7075  					checkSubInterest(t, sp2, "B", subj, time.Second)
  7076  				}
  7078  				for i, ncp := range conns {
  7079  					// Don't publish from account "A" connections if we are
  7080  					// dealing with account "B", and vice-versa.
  7081  					if !checkA && i >= 2 && i <= 3 {
  7082  						continue
  7083  					}
  7084  					if !checkB && i >= 4 {
  7085  						continue
  7086  					}
  7087  					natsPub(t, ncp, subj, []byte("hello"))
  7088  					natsNexMsg(t, sub, time.Second)
  7089  					// Make sure we don't get a duplicate
  7090  					if msg, err := sub.NextMsg(50 * time.Millisecond); err != nats.ErrTimeout {
  7091  						t.Fatalf("Unexpected message or error: msg=%v - err=%v", msg, err)
  7092  					}
  7093  				}
  7094  			}
  7095  			check(conns[0], "HA.1", true, true)
  7096  			check(conns[1], "HA.2", true, true)
  7097  			check(conns[2], "SPA.1", true, false)
  7098  			check(conns[3], "SPA.2", true, false)
  7099  			check(conns[4], "SPB.1", false, true)
  7100  			check(conns[5], "SPB.2", false, true)
  7101  		})
  7102  	}
  7103  }
  7105  func TestLeafNodeSameLocalAccountToMultipleHubs(t *testing.T) {
  7106  	hub1Conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  7107  		port: -1
  7108  		server_name: hub1
  7109  		accounts {
  7110  			hub1 { users: [{user: hub1, password: pwd}] }
  7111  		}
  7112  		leafnodes {
  7113  			port: -1
  7114  		}
  7115  	`))
  7116  	sh1, oh1 := RunServerWithConfig(hub1Conf)
  7117  	defer sh1.Shutdown()
  7119  	hub2Conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  7120  		port: -1
  7121  		server_name: hub2
  7122  		accounts {
  7123  			hub2 { users: [{user: hub2, password: pwd}] }
  7124  		}
  7125  		leafnodes {
  7126  			port: -1
  7127  		}
  7128  	`))
  7129  	sh2, oh2 := RunServerWithConfig(hub2Conf)
  7130  	defer sh2.Shutdown()
  7132  	lconf := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  7133  		port: -1
  7134  		server_name: leaf
  7135  		accounts {
  7136  			A { users: [{user: A, password: pwd}] }
  7137  			B { users: [{user: B, password: pwd}] }
  7138  			C { users: [{user: C, password: pwd}] }
  7139  		}
  7140  		leafnodes {
  7141  			port: -1
  7142  			remotes [
  7143  				{
  7144  					url: nats://hub1:pwd@[1]d
  7145  					local: "A"
  7146  				}
  7147  				{
  7148  					url: nats://hub1:pwd@[1]d
  7149  					local: "C"
  7150  				}
  7151  				{
  7152  					url: nats://hub2:pwd@[2]d
  7153  					local: "A"
  7154  				}
  7155  				{
  7156  					url: nats://hub2:pwd@[2]d
  7157  					local: "B"
  7158  				}
  7159  			]
  7160  		}
  7161  	`, oh1.LeafNode.Port, oh2.LeafNode.Port)))
  7162  	s, _ := RunServerWithConfig(lconf)
  7163  	defer s.Shutdown()
  7165  	// The leafnode to hub1 should have 2 connections (A and C)
  7166  	// while the one to hub2 should have 2 connections (A and B)
  7167  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, sh1, 2)
  7168  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, sh2, 2)
  7169  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, s, 4)
  7171  	nca := natsConnect(t, s.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo("A", "pwd"))
  7172  	defer nca.Close()
  7173  	suba := natsSubSync(t, nca, "A")
  7174  	ncb := natsConnect(t, s.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo("B", "pwd"))
  7175  	defer ncb.Close()
  7176  	subb := natsSubSync(t, ncb, "B")
  7177  	ncc := natsConnect(t, s.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo("C", "pwd"))
  7178  	defer ncc.Close()
  7179  	subc := natsSubSync(t, ncc, "C")
  7181  	checkSubInterest(t, sh1, "hub1", "A", time.Second)
  7182  	checkSubNoInterest(t, sh1, "hub1", "B", time.Second)
  7183  	checkSubInterest(t, sh1, "hub1", "C", time.Second)
  7185  	checkSubInterest(t, sh2, "hub2", "A", time.Second)
  7186  	checkSubInterest(t, sh2, "hub2", "B", time.Second)
  7187  	checkSubNoInterest(t, sh2, "hub2", "C", time.Second)
  7189  	nch1 := natsConnect(t, sh1.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo("hub1", "pwd"))
  7190  	defer nch1.Close()
  7191  	nch2 := natsConnect(t, sh2.ClientURL(), nats.UserInfo("hub2", "pwd"))
  7192  	defer nch2.Close()
  7194  	checkNoMsg := func(sub *nats.Subscription) {
  7195  		t.Helper()
  7196  		if msg, err := sub.NextMsg(50 * time.Millisecond); err != nats.ErrTimeout {
  7197  			t.Fatalf("Unexpected message: %s", msg.Data)
  7198  		}
  7199  	}
  7201  	checkSub := func(sub *nats.Subscription, subj, payload string) {
  7202  		t.Helper()
  7203  		msg := natsNexMsg(t, sub, time.Second)
  7204  		require_Equal(t, subj, msg.Subject)
  7205  		require_Equal(t, payload, string(msg.Data))
  7206  		// Make sure we don't get duplicates
  7207  		checkNoMsg(sub)
  7208  	}
  7210  	natsPub(t, nch1, "A", []byte("msgA1"))
  7211  	checkSub(suba, "A", "msgA1")
  7212  	natsPub(t, nch1, "B", []byte("msgB1"))
  7213  	checkNoMsg(subb)
  7214  	natsPub(t, nch1, "C", []byte("msgC1"))
  7215  	checkSub(subc, "C", "msgC1")
  7217  	natsPub(t, nch2, "A", []byte("msgA2"))
  7218  	checkSub(suba, "A", "msgA2")
  7219  	natsPub(t, nch2, "B", []byte("msgB2"))
  7220  	checkSub(subb, "B", "msgB2")
  7221  	natsPub(t, nch2, "C", []byte("msgC2"))
  7222  	checkNoMsg(subc)
  7223  }
  7225  func TestLeafNodeSlowConsumer(t *testing.T) {
  7226  	ao := DefaultOptions()
  7227  	ao.LeafNode.Host = ""
  7228  	ao.LeafNode.Port = -1
  7229  	ao.WriteDeadline = 1 * time.Millisecond
  7230  	a := RunServer(ao)
  7231  	defer a.Shutdown()
  7233  	c, err := net.Dial("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("", ao.LeafNode.Port))
  7234  	if err != nil {
  7235  		t.Fatalf("Error connecting: %v", err)
  7236  	}
  7237  	time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
  7239  	checkFor(t, 2*time.Second, 15*time.Millisecond, func() error {
  7240  		a.grMu.Lock()
  7241  		defer a.grMu.Unlock()
  7242  		for _, cli := range a.grTmpClients {
  7243  			cli.out.wdl = time.Nanosecond
  7244  			return nil
  7245  		}
  7246  		return nil
  7247  	})
  7250  	// Only leafnode slow consumers that made it past connect are tracked
  7251  	// in the slow consumers counter.
  7252  	if _, err := c.Write([]byte("CONNECT {}\r\n")); err != nil {
  7253  		t.Fatalf("Error writing connect: %v", err)
  7254  	}
  7255  	// Read info
  7256  	br := bufio.NewReader(c)
  7257  	br.ReadLine()
  7258  	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
  7259  		if _, err := c.Write([]byte("PING\r\n")); err != nil {
  7260  			t.Fatalf("Unexpected error writing PING: %v", err)
  7261  		}
  7262  	}
  7263  	defer c.Close()
  7264  	timeout := time.Now().Add(time.Second)
  7265  	var (
  7266  		got      uint64
  7267  		expected uint64 = 1
  7268  	)
  7269  	for time.Now().Before(timeout) {
  7270  		got = a.NumSlowConsumersLeafs()
  7271  		if got == expected {
  7272  			return
  7273  		}
  7274  		time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
  7275  	}
  7276  	t.Fatalf("Timed out waiting for slow consumer leafnodes, got: %v, expected: %v", got, expected)
  7277  }
  7279  //
  7280  func TestLeafNodeDQMultiAccountExportImport(t *testing.T) {
  7281  	bConf := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  7282  		listen:
  7283  		server_name: cluster-b-0
  7284  		accounts {
  7285  			$SYS: { users: [ { user: admin, password: pwd } ] },
  7286  			AGG: {
  7287  				exports: [ { service: "PING.>" } ]
  7288  				users: [ { user: agg, password: agg } ]
  7289  			}
  7290  		}
  7291  		leaf { listen: }
  7292  	`))
  7294  	sb, ob := RunServerWithConfig(bConf)
  7295  	defer sb.Shutdown()
  7297  	tmpl := `
  7298  		listen:
  7299  		server_name: %s
  7300  		jetstream: { store_dir: '%s' }
  7301  		cluster {
  7302  			name: %s
  7303  			listen:
  7304  			routes = [%s]
  7305  		}
  7306  		accounts {
  7307  			$SYS: { users: [ { user: admin, password: pwd } ] },
  7308  			A: {
  7309  				mappings: { "A.>" : ">" }
  7310  				exports: [ { service: A.> } ]
  7311  				users: [ { user: a, password: a } ]
  7312  			},
  7313  			AGG: {
  7314  				imports: [ { service: { subject: A.>, account: A } } ]
  7315  				users: [ { user: agg, password: agg } ]
  7316  			},
  7317  		}
  7318  		leaf {
  7319  			remotes: [ {
  7320  				urls: [ nats-leaf://agg:agg@{LEAF_PORT} ]
  7321  				account: AGG
  7322  			} ]
  7323  		}
  7324  	`
  7325  	tmpl = strings.Replace(tmpl, "{LEAF_PORT}", fmt.Sprintf("%d", ob.LeafNode.Port), 1)
  7326  	c := createJetStreamCluster(t, tmpl, "cluster-a", "cluster-a-", 3, 22110, false)
  7327  	defer c.shutdown()
  7329  	// Make sure all servers are connected via leafnode to the hub, the b server.
  7330  	for _, s := range c.servers {
  7331  		checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, s, 1)
  7332  	}
  7334  	// Connect to a server in the cluster and create a DQ listener.
  7335  	nc, _ := jsClientConnect(t, c.randomServer(), nats.UserInfo("a", "a"))
  7336  	defer nc.Close()
  7338  	var got atomic.Int32
  7340  	natsQueueSub(t, nc, "PING", "Q", func(m *nats.Msg) {
  7341  		got.Add(1)
  7342  		m.Respond([]byte("REPLY"))
  7343  	})
  7345  	// Now connect to B and send the request.
  7346  	ncb, _ := jsClientConnect(t, sb, nats.UserInfo("agg", "agg"))
  7347  	defer ncb.Close()
  7349  	_, err := ncb.Request("A.PING", []byte("REQUEST"), time.Second)
  7350  	require_NoError(t, err)
  7351  	require_Equal(t, got.Load(), 1)
  7352  }
  7354  //
  7355  func TestLeafNodeServerReloadSubjectMappings(t *testing.T) {
  7356  	stmpl := `
  7357  		listen:
  7358  		server_name: test-server
  7359  		mappings = { "source1": "target" }
  7360  		leaf { listen: }
  7361  	`
  7362  	conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(stmpl))
  7363  	s, o := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  7364  	defer s.Shutdown()
  7366  	tmpl := `
  7367  		listen:
  7368  		server_name: test-leaf
  7369  		leaf {
  7370  			remotes: [ {
  7371  				urls: [ nats-leaf://{LEAF_PORT} ]
  7372  			} ]
  7373  		}
  7374  	`
  7375  	tmpl = strings.Replace(tmpl, "{LEAF_PORT}", fmt.Sprintf("%d", o.LeafNode.Port), 1)
  7376  	lConf := createConfFile(t, []byte(tmpl))
  7377  	l, _ := RunServerWithConfig(lConf)
  7378  	defer l.Shutdown()
  7380  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, l)
  7382  	// Create our subscriber.
  7383  	nc := natsConnect(t, s.ClientURL())
  7384  	defer nc.Close()
  7385  	sub := natsSubSync(t, nc, "target")
  7386  	natsFlush(t, nc)
  7388  	// Create our publisher.
  7389  	ncl := natsConnect(t, l.ClientURL())
  7390  	defer ncl.Close()
  7391  	// Publish our message.
  7392  	ncl.Publish("source1", []byte("OK"))
  7394  	// Make sure we receive it.
  7395  	checkSubsPending(t, sub, 1)
  7397  	// Now change mapping.
  7398  	reloadUpdateConfig(t, s, conf, strings.Replace(stmpl, "source1", "source2", 1))
  7399  	// Also make sure we do not have subscription interest for source1 on leaf anymore.
  7400  	checkSubInterest(t, l, globalAccountName, "source2", 2*time.Second)
  7402  	// Publish our new message.
  7403  	ncl.Publish("source2", []byte("OK"))
  7405  	// Make sure we receive it.
  7406  	checkSubsPending(t, sub, 2)
  7408  	// Also make sure we do not have subscription interest for source1 on leaf anymore.
  7409  	checkSubNoInterest(t, l, globalAccountName, "source1", 2*time.Second)
  7410  }
  7412  //
  7413  func TestLeafNodeServerReloadSubjectMappingsWithSameSubject(t *testing.T) {
  7414  	stmpl := `
  7415  		listen:
  7416  		server_name: test-server
  7417  		mappings = { "source": "target1" }
  7418  		leaf { listen: }
  7419  	`
  7420  	conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(stmpl))
  7421  	s, o := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  7422  	defer s.Shutdown()
  7424  	tmpl := `
  7425  		listen:
  7426  		server_name: test-leaf
  7427  		leaf {
  7428  			remotes: [ { urls: [ nats-leaf://{LEAF_PORT} ] } ]
  7429  		}
  7430  	`
  7431  	tmpl = strings.Replace(tmpl, "{LEAF_PORT}", fmt.Sprintf("%d", o.LeafNode.Port), 1)
  7432  	lConf := createConfFile(t, []byte(tmpl))
  7433  	l, _ := RunServerWithConfig(lConf)
  7434  	defer l.Shutdown()
  7436  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, l)
  7438  	// Create our subscriber.
  7439  	nc := natsConnect(t, s.ClientURL())
  7440  	defer nc.Close()
  7441  	sub1 := natsSubSync(t, nc, "target1")
  7442  	sub2 := natsSubSync(t, nc, "target2")
  7443  	natsFlush(t, nc)
  7445  	// Create our publisher.
  7446  	ncl := natsConnect(t, l.ClientURL())
  7447  	defer ncl.Close()
  7448  	// Publish our message.
  7449  	ncl.Publish("source", []byte("OK"))
  7451  	// Make sure we receive it.
  7452  	checkSubsPending(t, sub1, 1)
  7453  	// Make sure the other does not.
  7454  	checkSubsPending(t, sub2, 0)
  7456  	// Now change mapping, but only the "to" subject, keeping same "from"
  7457  	reloadUpdateConfig(t, s, conf, strings.Replace(stmpl, "target1", "target2", 1))
  7458  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, l)
  7460  	// Publish our new message.
  7461  	ncl.Publish("source", []byte("OK"))
  7463  	// Make sure we receive it.
  7464  	checkSubsPending(t, sub2, 1)
  7465  	// Make sure the other does not.
  7466  	checkSubsPending(t, sub1, 1)
  7467  }
  7469  func TestLeafNodeNkeyAuth(t *testing.T) {
  7470  	conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  7471  		listen:
  7472  		server_name: test-server
  7473  		leaf {
  7474  			listen:
  7476  		}
  7477  	`))
  7478  	s, o := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  7479  	defer s.Shutdown()
  7481  	tmpl := `
  7482  		listen:
  7483  		server_name: test-leaf
  7484  		leaf {
  7485  			remotes: [ {
  7486  				url:  nats-leaf://{LEAF_PORT}
  7488  			} ]
  7489  		}
  7490  	`
  7491  	tmpl = strings.Replace(tmpl, "{LEAF_PORT}", fmt.Sprintf("%d", o.LeafNode.Port), 1)
  7492  	lConf := createConfFile(t, []byte(tmpl))
  7493  	l, _ := RunServerWithConfig(lConf)
  7494  	defer l.Shutdown()
  7496  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, l)
  7497  }
  7499  func TestLeafNodeAccountNkeysAuth(t *testing.T) {
  7500  	conf := createConfFile(t, []byte(`
  7501  		listen:
  7502  		server_name: test-server
  7503  		leaf {
  7504  			listen:
  7505  		}
  7506  		accounts {
  7508  		}
  7509  	`))
  7510  	s, o := RunServerWithConfig(conf)
  7511  	defer s.Shutdown()
  7513  	tmpl := `
  7514  		listen:
  7515  		server_name: test-leaf
  7516  		leaf {
  7517  			remotes: [ {
  7518  				url:  nats-leaf://{LEAF_PORT}
  7520  			} ]
  7521  		}
  7522  	`
  7523  	tmpl = strings.Replace(tmpl, "{LEAF_PORT}", fmt.Sprintf("%d", o.LeafNode.Port), 1)
  7524  	lConf := createConfFile(t, []byte(tmpl))
  7525  	l, _ := RunServerWithConfig(lConf)
  7526  	defer l.Shutdown()
  7528  	checkLeafNodeConnected(t, l)
  7529  }
  7531  //
  7532  func TestLeafNodeLoopDetectionOnActualLoop(t *testing.T) {
  7533  	// Setup:  B --[leaf]--> A    C --[leaf]--> A    C --[leaf] --> B
  7534  	accConf := `
  7535  		accounts: {
  7536  			APP: {
  7537  				users: [ { user:u, password: u,
  7538  					permissions: { publish = "u.>", subscribe = "u.>" }} ]
  7539  			}
  7540  			$SYS: { users = [ {user: "s", password: "s"} ] }
  7541  		}`
  7543  	confA := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  7544  		server_name: a1
  7545  		port: -1
  7546  		cluster: { name: A }
  7547  		leafnodes {
  7548  			port: 17422
  7549  		}
  7550  		%s`, accConf)))
  7552  	confB := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  7553  		server_name: b1
  7554  		port: -1
  7555  		cluster: { name: B }
  7556  		leafnodes {
  7557  			port: 17432
  7558  			remotes [
  7559  				{ urls: ["nats-leaf://u:u@localhost:17422"], account: "APP" }
  7560  			]
  7561  			reconnect: "2s"
  7562  		}
  7563  		%s`, accConf)))
  7565  	confC := createConfFile(t, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
  7566  		server_name: c1
  7567  		port: -1
  7568  		cluster: { name: C }
  7569  		leafnodes {
  7570  			port: 17442
  7571  			remotes [
  7572  				{ urls: ["nats-leaf://u:u@localhost:17422"], account: "APP" }
  7573  				# This one creates the loop
  7574  				{ urls: ["nats-leaf://u:u@localhost:17432"], account: "APP" }
  7575  			]
  7576  			reconnect: "0.5s"
  7577  		}
  7578  		%s`, accConf)))
  7580  	// Start order will be B -> C -> A
  7581  	// We will force C to connect to A first before B using different reconnect intervals.
  7582  	// If B connects first we detect loops fine. If C connects first we do not.
  7584  	srvB, _ := RunServerWithConfig(confB)
  7585  	defer srvB.Shutdown()
  7586  	lb := &loopDetectedLogger{ch: make(chan string, 1)}
  7587  	srvB.SetLogger(lb, false, false)
  7589  	srvC, _ := RunServerWithConfig(confC)
  7590  	defer srvC.Shutdown()
  7591  	lc := &loopDetectedLogger{ch: make(chan string, 1)}
  7592  	srvC.SetLogger(lc, false, false)
  7594  	// C should connect to B
  7595  	checkLeafNodeConnectedCount(t, srvC, 1)
  7597  	srvA, _ := RunServerWithConfig(confA)
  7598  	defer srvA.Shutdown()
  7599  	la := &loopDetectedLogger{ch: make(chan string, 1)}
  7600  	srvA.SetLogger(la, false, false)
  7602  	select {
  7603  	case <
  7604  	case <
  7605  	case <
  7606  	case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
  7607  		t.Fatalf("Did not get any error regarding loop")
  7608  	}
  7609  }