
     1  package xfer
     3  import (
     4  	"errors"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"io"
     7  	"time"
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  )
    19  const maxDownloadAttempts = 5
    21  // LayerDownloadManager figures out which layers need to be downloaded, then
    22  // registers and downloads those, taking into account dependencies between
    23  // layers.
    24  type LayerDownloadManager struct {
    25  	layerStore layer.Store
    26  	tm         TransferManager
    27  }
    29  // SetConcurrency set the max concurrent downloads for each pull
    30  func (ldm *LayerDownloadManager) SetConcurrency(concurrency int) {
    32  }
    34  // NewLayerDownloadManager returns a new LayerDownloadManager.
    35  func NewLayerDownloadManager(layerStore layer.Store, concurrencyLimit int) *LayerDownloadManager {
    36  	return &LayerDownloadManager{
    37  		layerStore: layerStore,
    38  		tm:         NewTransferManager(concurrencyLimit),
    39  	}
    40  }
    42  type downloadTransfer struct {
    43  	Transfer
    45  	layerStore layer.Store
    46  	layer      layer.Layer
    47  	err        error
    48  }
    50  // result returns the layer resulting from the download, if the download
    51  // and registration were successful.
    52  func (d *downloadTransfer) result() (layer.Layer, error) {
    53  	return d.layer, d.err
    54  }
    56  // A DownloadDescriptor references a layer that may need to be downloaded.
    57  type DownloadDescriptor interface {
    58  	// Key returns the key used to deduplicate downloads.
    59  	Key() string
    60  	// ID returns the ID for display purposes.
    61  	ID() string
    62  	// DiffID should return the DiffID for this layer, or an error
    63  	// if it is unknown (for example, if it has not been downloaded
    64  	// before).
    65  	DiffID() (layer.DiffID, error)
    66  	// Download is called to perform the download.
    67  	Download(ctx context.Context, progressOutput progress.Output) (io.ReadCloser, int64, error)
    68  	// Close is called when the download manager is finished with this
    69  	// descriptor and will not call Download again or read from the reader
    70  	// that Download returned.
    71  	Close()
    72  }
    74  // DownloadDescriptorWithRegistered is a DownloadDescriptor that has an
    75  // additional Registered method which gets called after a downloaded layer is
    76  // registered. This allows the user of the download manager to know the DiffID
    77  // of each registered layer. This method is called if a cast to
    78  // DownloadDescriptorWithRegistered is successful.
    79  type DownloadDescriptorWithRegistered interface {
    80  	DownloadDescriptor
    81  	Registered(diffID layer.DiffID)
    82  }
    84  // Download is a blocking function which ensures the requested layers are
    85  // present in the layer store. It uses the string returned by the Key method to
    86  // deduplicate downloads. If a given layer is not already known to present in
    87  // the layer store, and the key is not used by an in-progress download, the
    88  // Download method is called to get the layer tar data. Layers are then
    89  // registered in the appropriate order.  The caller must call the returned
    90  // release function once it is is done with the returned RootFS object.
    91  func (ldm *LayerDownloadManager) Download(ctx context.Context, initialRootFS image.RootFS, layers []DownloadDescriptor, progressOutput progress.Output) (image.RootFS, func(), error) {
    92  	var (
    93  		topLayer       layer.Layer
    94  		topDownload    *downloadTransfer
    95  		watcher        *Watcher
    96  		missingLayer   bool
    97  		transferKey    = ""
    98  		downloadsByKey = make(map[string]*downloadTransfer)
    99  	)
   101  	rootFS := initialRootFS
   102  	for _, descriptor := range layers {
   103  		key := descriptor.Key()
   104  		transferKey += key
   106  		if !missingLayer {
   107  			missingLayer = true
   108  			diffID, err := descriptor.DiffID()
   109  			if err == nil {
   110  				getRootFS := rootFS
   111  				getRootFS.Append(diffID)
   112  				l, err := ldm.layerStore.Get(getRootFS.ChainID())
   113  				if err == nil {
   114  					// Layer already exists.
   115  					logrus.Debugf("Layer already exists: %s", descriptor.ID())
   116  					progress.Update(progressOutput, descriptor.ID(), "Already exists")
   117  					if topLayer != nil {
   118  						layer.ReleaseAndLog(ldm.layerStore, topLayer)
   119  					}
   120  					topLayer = l
   121  					missingLayer = false
   122  					rootFS.Append(diffID)
   123  					continue
   124  				}
   125  			}
   126  		}
   128  		// Does this layer have the same data as a previous layer in
   129  		// the stack? If so, avoid downloading it more than once.
   130  		var topDownloadUncasted Transfer
   131  		if existingDownload, ok := downloadsByKey[key]; ok {
   132  			xferFunc := ldm.makeDownloadFuncFromDownload(descriptor, existingDownload, topDownload)
   133  			defer topDownload.Transfer.Release(watcher)
   134  			topDownloadUncasted, watcher =, xferFunc, progressOutput)
   135  			topDownload = topDownloadUncasted.(*downloadTransfer)
   136  			continue
   137  		}
   139  		// Layer is not known to exist - download and register it.
   140  		progress.Update(progressOutput, descriptor.ID(), "Pulling fs layer")
   142  		var xferFunc DoFunc
   143  		if topDownload != nil {
   144  			xferFunc = ldm.makeDownloadFunc(descriptor, "", topDownload)
   145  			defer topDownload.Transfer.Release(watcher)
   146  		} else {
   147  			xferFunc = ldm.makeDownloadFunc(descriptor, rootFS.ChainID(), nil)
   148  		}
   149  		topDownloadUncasted, watcher =, xferFunc, progressOutput)
   150  		topDownload = topDownloadUncasted.(*downloadTransfer)
   151  		downloadsByKey[key] = topDownload
   152  	}
   154  	if topDownload == nil {
   155  		return rootFS, func() {
   156  			if topLayer != nil {
   157  				layer.ReleaseAndLog(ldm.layerStore, topLayer)
   158  			}
   159  		}, nil
   160  	}
   162  	// Won't be using the list built up so far - will generate it
   163  	// from downloaded layers instead.
   164  	rootFS.DiffIDs = []layer.DiffID{}
   166  	defer func() {
   167  		if topLayer != nil {
   168  			layer.ReleaseAndLog(ldm.layerStore, topLayer)
   169  		}
   170  	}()
   172  	select {
   173  	case <-ctx.Done():
   174  		topDownload.Transfer.Release(watcher)
   175  		return rootFS, func() {}, ctx.Err()
   176  	case <-topDownload.Done():
   177  		break
   178  	}
   180  	l, err := topDownload.result()
   181  	if err != nil {
   182  		topDownload.Transfer.Release(watcher)
   183  		return rootFS, func() {}, err
   184  	}
   186  	// Must do this exactly len(layers) times, so we don't include the
   187  	// base layer on Windows.
   188  	for range layers {
   189  		if l == nil {
   190  			topDownload.Transfer.Release(watcher)
   191  			return rootFS, func() {}, errors.New("internal error: too few parent layers")
   192  		}
   193  		rootFS.DiffIDs = append([]layer.DiffID{l.DiffID()}, rootFS.DiffIDs...)
   194  		l = l.Parent()
   195  	}
   196  	return rootFS, func() { topDownload.Transfer.Release(watcher) }, err
   197  }
   199  // makeDownloadFunc returns a function that performs the layer download and
   200  // registration. If parentDownload is non-nil, it waits for that download to
   201  // complete before the registration step, and registers the downloaded data
   202  // on top of parentDownload's resulting layer. Otherwise, it registers the
   203  // layer on top of the ChainID given by parentLayer.
   204  func (ldm *LayerDownloadManager) makeDownloadFunc(descriptor DownloadDescriptor, parentLayer layer.ChainID, parentDownload *downloadTransfer) DoFunc {
   205  	return func(progressChan chan<- progress.Progress, start <-chan struct{}, inactive chan<- struct{}) Transfer {
   206  		d := &downloadTransfer{
   207  			Transfer:   NewTransfer(),
   208  			layerStore: ldm.layerStore,
   209  		}
   211  		go func() {
   212  			defer func() {
   213  				close(progressChan)
   214  			}()
   216  			progressOutput := progress.ChanOutput(progressChan)
   218  			select {
   219  			case <-start:
   220  			default:
   221  				progress.Update(progressOutput, descriptor.ID(), "Waiting")
   222  				<-start
   223  			}
   225  			if parentDownload != nil {
   226  				// Did the parent download already fail or get
   227  				// cancelled?
   228  				select {
   229  				case <-parentDownload.Done():
   230  					_, err := parentDownload.result()
   231  					if err != nil {
   232  						d.err = err
   233  						return
   234  					}
   235  				default:
   236  				}
   237  			}
   239  			var (
   240  				downloadReader io.ReadCloser
   241  				size           int64
   242  				err            error
   243  				retries        int
   244  			)
   246  			defer descriptor.Close()
   248  			for {
   249  				downloadReader, size, err = descriptor.Download(d.Transfer.Context(), progressOutput)
   250  				if err == nil {
   251  					break
   252  				}
   254  				// If an error was returned because the context
   255  				// was cancelled, we shouldn't retry.
   256  				select {
   257  				case <-d.Transfer.Context().Done():
   258  					d.err = err
   259  					return
   260  				default:
   261  				}
   263  				retries++
   264  				if _, isDNR := err.(DoNotRetry); isDNR || retries == maxDownloadAttempts {
   265  					logrus.Errorf("Download failed: %v", err)
   266  					d.err = err
   267  					return
   268  				}
   270  				logrus.Errorf("Download failed, retrying: %v", err)
   271  				delay := retries * 5
   272  				ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
   274  			selectLoop:
   275  				for {
   276  					progress.Updatef(progressOutput, descriptor.ID(), "Retrying in %d second%s", delay, (map[bool]string{true: "s"})[delay != 1])
   277  					select {
   278  					case <-ticker.C:
   279  						delay--
   280  						if delay == 0 {
   281  							ticker.Stop()
   282  							break selectLoop
   283  						}
   284  					case <-d.Transfer.Context().Done():
   285  						ticker.Stop()
   286  						d.err = errors.New("download cancelled during retry delay")
   287  						return
   288  					}
   290  				}
   291  			}
   293  			close(inactive)
   295  			if parentDownload != nil {
   296  				select {
   297  				case <-d.Transfer.Context().Done():
   298  					d.err = errors.New("layer registration cancelled")
   299  					downloadReader.Close()
   300  					return
   301  				case <-parentDownload.Done():
   302  				}
   304  				l, err := parentDownload.result()
   305  				if err != nil {
   306  					d.err = err
   307  					downloadReader.Close()
   308  					return
   309  				}
   310  				parentLayer = l.ChainID()
   311  			}
   313  			reader := progress.NewProgressReader(ioutils.NewCancelReadCloser(d.Transfer.Context(), downloadReader), progressOutput, size, descriptor.ID(), "Extracting")
   314  			defer reader.Close()
   316  			inflatedLayerData, err := archive.DecompressStream(reader)
   317  			if err != nil {
   318  				d.err = fmt.Errorf("could not get decompression stream: %v", err)
   319  				return
   320  			}
   322  			var src distribution.Descriptor
   323  			if fs, ok := descriptor.(distribution.Describable); ok {
   324  				src = fs.Descriptor()
   325  			}
   326  			if ds, ok := d.layerStore.(layer.DescribableStore); ok {
   327  				d.layer, err = ds.RegisterWithDescriptor(inflatedLayerData, parentLayer, src)
   328  			} else {
   329  				d.layer, err = d.layerStore.Register(inflatedLayerData, parentLayer)
   330  			}
   331  			if err != nil {
   332  				select {
   333  				case <-d.Transfer.Context().Done():
   334  					d.err = errors.New("layer registration cancelled")
   335  				default:
   336  					d.err = fmt.Errorf("failed to register layer: %v", err)
   337  				}
   338  				return
   339  			}
   341  			progress.Update(progressOutput, descriptor.ID(), "Pull complete")
   342  			withRegistered, hasRegistered := descriptor.(DownloadDescriptorWithRegistered)
   343  			if hasRegistered {
   344  				withRegistered.Registered(d.layer.DiffID())
   345  			}
   347  			// Doesn't actually need to be its own goroutine, but
   348  			// done like this so we can defer close(c).
   349  			go func() {
   350  				<-d.Transfer.Released()
   351  				if d.layer != nil {
   352  					layer.ReleaseAndLog(d.layerStore, d.layer)
   353  				}
   354  			}()
   355  		}()
   357  		return d
   358  	}
   359  }
   361  // makeDownloadFuncFromDownload returns a function that performs the layer
   362  // registration when the layer data is coming from an existing download. It
   363  // waits for sourceDownload and parentDownload to complete, and then
   364  // reregisters the data from sourceDownload's top layer on top of
   365  // parentDownload. This function does not log progress output because it would
   366  // interfere with the progress reporting for sourceDownload, which has the same
   367  // Key.
   368  func (ldm *LayerDownloadManager) makeDownloadFuncFromDownload(descriptor DownloadDescriptor, sourceDownload *downloadTransfer, parentDownload *downloadTransfer) DoFunc {
   369  	return func(progressChan chan<- progress.Progress, start <-chan struct{}, inactive chan<- struct{}) Transfer {
   370  		d := &downloadTransfer{
   371  			Transfer:   NewTransfer(),
   372  			layerStore: ldm.layerStore,
   373  		}
   375  		go func() {
   376  			defer func() {
   377  				close(progressChan)
   378  			}()
   380  			<-start
   382  			close(inactive)
   384  			select {
   385  			case <-d.Transfer.Context().Done():
   386  				d.err = errors.New("layer registration cancelled")
   387  				return
   388  			case <-parentDownload.Done():
   389  			}
   391  			l, err := parentDownload.result()
   392  			if err != nil {
   393  				d.err = err
   394  				return
   395  			}
   396  			parentLayer := l.ChainID()
   398  			// sourceDownload should have already finished if
   399  			// parentDownload finished, but wait for it explicitly
   400  			// to be sure.
   401  			select {
   402  			case <-d.Transfer.Context().Done():
   403  				d.err = errors.New("layer registration cancelled")
   404  				return
   405  			case <-sourceDownload.Done():
   406  			}
   408  			l, err = sourceDownload.result()
   409  			if err != nil {
   410  				d.err = err
   411  				return
   412  			}
   414  			layerReader, err := l.TarStream()
   415  			if err != nil {
   416  				d.err = err
   417  				return
   418  			}
   419  			defer layerReader.Close()
   421  			var src distribution.Descriptor
   422  			if fs, ok := l.(distribution.Describable); ok {
   423  				src = fs.Descriptor()
   424  			}
   425  			if ds, ok := d.layerStore.(layer.DescribableStore); ok {
   426  				d.layer, err = ds.RegisterWithDescriptor(layerReader, parentLayer, src)
   427  			} else {
   428  				d.layer, err = d.layerStore.Register(layerReader, parentLayer)
   429  			}
   430  			if err != nil {
   431  				d.err = fmt.Errorf("failed to register layer: %v", err)
   432  				return
   433  			}
   435  			withRegistered, hasRegistered := descriptor.(DownloadDescriptorWithRegistered)
   436  			if hasRegistered {
   437  				withRegistered.Registered(d.layer.DiffID())
   438  			}
   440  			// Doesn't actually need to be its own goroutine, but
   441  			// done like this so we can defer close(c).
   442  			go func() {
   443  				<-d.Transfer.Released()
   444  				if d.layer != nil {
   445  					layer.ReleaseAndLog(d.layerStore, d.layer)
   446  				}
   447  			}()
   448  		}()
   450  		return d
   451  	}
   452  }