
     1  /*
     2   *
     3   * Copyright 2014 gRPC authors.
     4   *
     5   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     6   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     7   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8   *
     9   *
    10   *
    11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    15   * limitations under the License.
    16   *
    17   */
    19  package transport
    21  import (
    22  	"bytes"
    23  	"context"
    24  	"errors"
    25  	"fmt"
    26  	"io"
    27  	"math"
    28  	"net"
    29  	"strconv"
    30  	"sync"
    31  	"sync/atomic"
    32  	"time"
    34  	http ""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  	""
    45  	""
    46  	""
    47  	""
    48  	""
    49  	""
    50  	""
    51  )
    53  var (
    54  	// ErrIllegalHeaderWrite indicates that setting header is illegal because of
    55  	// the stream's state.
    56  	ErrIllegalHeaderWrite = errors.New("transport: the stream is done or WriteHeader was already called")
    57  	// ErrHeaderListSizeLimitViolation indicates that the header list size is larger
    58  	// than the limit set by peer.
    59  	ErrHeaderListSizeLimitViolation = errors.New("transport: trying to send header list size larger than the limit set by peer")
    60  )
    62  // serverConnectionCounter counts the number of connections a server has seen
    63  // (equal to the number of http2Servers created). Must be accessed atomically.
    64  var serverConnectionCounter uint64
    66  // http2Server implements the ServerTransport interface with HTTP2.
    67  type http2Server struct {
    68  	lastRead    int64 // Keep this field 64-bit aligned. Accessed atomically.
    69  	ctx         context.Context
    70  	done        chan struct{}
    71  	conn        net.Conn
    72  	loopy       *loopyWriter
    73  	readerDone  chan struct{} // sync point to enable testing.
    74  	writerDone  chan struct{} // sync point to enable testing.
    75  	remoteAddr  net.Addr
    76  	localAddr   net.Addr
    77  	authInfo    credentials.AuthInfo // auth info about the connection
    78  	inTapHandle tap.ServerInHandle
    79  	framer      *framer
    80  	// The max number of concurrent streams.
    81  	maxStreams uint32
    82  	// controlBuf delivers all the control related tasks (e.g., window
    83  	// updates, reset streams, and various settings) to the controller.
    84  	controlBuf *controlBuffer
    85  	fc         *trInFlow
    86  	stats      stats.Handler
    87  	// Keepalive and max-age parameters for the server.
    88  	kp keepalive.ServerParameters
    89  	// Keepalive enforcement policy.
    90  	kep keepalive.EnforcementPolicy
    91  	// The time instance last ping was received.
    92  	lastPingAt time.Time
    93  	// Number of times the client has violated keepalive ping policy so far.
    94  	pingStrikes uint8
    95  	// Flag to signify that number of ping strikes should be reset to 0.
    96  	// This is set whenever data or header frames are sent.
    97  	// 1 means yes.
    98  	resetPingStrikes      uint32 // Accessed atomically.
    99  	initialWindowSize     int32
   100  	bdpEst                *bdpEstimator
   101  	maxSendHeaderListSize *uint32
   103  	mu sync.Mutex // guard the following
   105  	// drainChan is initialized when Drain() is called the first time.
   106  	// After which the server writes out the first GoAway(with ID 2^31-1) frame.
   107  	// Then an independent goroutine will be launched to later send the second GoAway.
   108  	// During this time we don't want to write another first GoAway(with ID 2^31 -1) frame.
   109  	// Thus call to Drain() will be a no-op if drainChan is already initialized since draining is
   110  	// already underway.
   111  	drainChan     chan struct{}
   112  	state         transportState
   113  	activeStreams map[uint32]*Stream
   114  	// idle is the time instant when the connection went idle.
   115  	// This is either the beginning of the connection or when the number of
   116  	// RPCs go down to 0.
   117  	// When the connection is busy, this value is set to 0.
   118  	idle time.Time
   120  	// Fields below are for channelz metric collection.
   121  	channelzID int64 // channelz unique identification number
   122  	czData     *channelzData
   123  	bufferPool *bufferPool
   125  	connectionID uint64
   127  	// maxStreamMu guards the maximum stream ID
   128  	// This lock may not be taken if mu is already held.
   129  	maxStreamMu sync.Mutex
   130  	maxStreamID uint32 // max stream ID ever seen
   131  }
   133  // NewServerTransport creates a http2 transport with conn and configuration
   134  // options from config.
   135  //
   136  // It returns a non-nil transport and a nil error on success. On failure, it
   137  // returns a nil transport and a non-nil error. For a special case where the
   138  // underlying conn gets closed before the client preface could be read, it
   139  // returns a nil transport and a nil error.
   140  func NewServerTransport(conn net.Conn, config *ServerConfig) (_ ServerTransport, err error) {
   141  	var authInfo credentials.AuthInfo
   142  	rawConn := conn
   143  	if config.Credentials != nil {
   144  		var err error
   145  		conn, authInfo, err = config.Credentials.ServerHandshake(rawConn)
   146  		if err != nil {
   147  			// ErrConnDispatched means that the connection was dispatched away
   148  			// from gRPC; those connections should be left open. io.EOF means
   149  			// the connection was closed before handshaking completed, which can
   150  			// happen naturally from probers. Return these errors directly.
   151  			if err == credentials.ErrConnDispatched || err == io.EOF {
   152  				return nil, err
   153  			}
   154  			return nil, connectionErrorf(false, err, "ServerHandshake(%q) failed: %v", rawConn.RemoteAddr(), err)
   155  		}
   156  	}
   157  	writeBufSize := config.WriteBufferSize
   158  	readBufSize := config.ReadBufferSize
   159  	maxHeaderListSize := defaultServerMaxHeaderListSize
   160  	if config.MaxHeaderListSize != nil {
   161  		maxHeaderListSize = *config.MaxHeaderListSize
   162  	}
   163  	framer := newFramer(conn, writeBufSize, readBufSize, maxHeaderListSize)
   164  	// Send initial settings as connection preface to client.
   165  	isettings := []http2.Setting{{
   166  		ID:  http2.SettingMaxFrameSize,
   167  		Val: http2MaxFrameLen,
   168  	}}
   169  	// TODO(zhaoq): Have a better way to signal "no limit" because 0 is
   170  	// permitted in the HTTP2 spec.
   171  	maxStreams := config.MaxStreams
   172  	if maxStreams == 0 {
   173  		maxStreams = math.MaxUint32
   174  	} else {
   175  		isettings = append(isettings, http2.Setting{
   176  			ID:  http2.SettingMaxConcurrentStreams,
   177  			Val: maxStreams,
   178  		})
   179  	}
   180  	dynamicWindow := true
   181  	iwz := int32(initialWindowSize)
   182  	if config.InitialWindowSize >= defaultWindowSize {
   183  		iwz = config.InitialWindowSize
   184  		dynamicWindow = false
   185  	}
   186  	icwz := int32(initialWindowSize)
   187  	if config.InitialConnWindowSize >= defaultWindowSize {
   188  		icwz = config.InitialConnWindowSize
   189  		dynamicWindow = false
   190  	}
   191  	if iwz != defaultWindowSize {
   192  		isettings = append(isettings, http2.Setting{
   193  			ID:  http2.SettingInitialWindowSize,
   194  			Val: uint32(iwz)})
   195  	}
   196  	if config.MaxHeaderListSize != nil {
   197  		isettings = append(isettings, http2.Setting{
   198  			ID:  http2.SettingMaxHeaderListSize,
   199  			Val: *config.MaxHeaderListSize,
   200  		})
   201  	}
   202  	if config.HeaderTableSize != nil {
   203  		isettings = append(isettings, http2.Setting{
   204  			ID:  http2.SettingHeaderTableSize,
   205  			Val: *config.HeaderTableSize,
   206  		})
   207  	}
   208  	if err :=; err != nil {
   209  		return nil, connectionErrorf(false, err, "transport: %v", err)
   210  	}
   211  	// Adjust the connection flow control window if needed.
   212  	if delta := uint32(icwz - defaultWindowSize); delta > 0 {
   213  		if err :=, delta); err != nil {
   214  			return nil, connectionErrorf(false, err, "transport: %v", err)
   215  		}
   216  	}
   217  	kp := config.KeepaliveParams
   218  	if kp.MaxConnectionIdle == 0 {
   219  		kp.MaxConnectionIdle = defaultMaxConnectionIdle
   220  	}
   221  	if kp.MaxConnectionAge == 0 {
   222  		kp.MaxConnectionAge = defaultMaxConnectionAge
   223  	}
   224  	// Add a jitter to MaxConnectionAge.
   225  	kp.MaxConnectionAge += getJitter(kp.MaxConnectionAge)
   226  	if kp.MaxConnectionAgeGrace == 0 {
   227  		kp.MaxConnectionAgeGrace = defaultMaxConnectionAgeGrace
   228  	}
   229  	if kp.Time == 0 {
   230  		kp.Time = defaultServerKeepaliveTime
   231  	}
   232  	if kp.Timeout == 0 {
   233  		kp.Timeout = defaultServerKeepaliveTimeout
   234  	}
   235  	kep := config.KeepalivePolicy
   236  	if kep.MinTime == 0 {
   237  		kep.MinTime = defaultKeepalivePolicyMinTime
   238  	}
   240  	done := make(chan struct{})
   241  	t := &http2Server{
   242  		ctx:               setConnection(context.Background(), rawConn),
   243  		done:              done,
   244  		conn:              conn,
   245  		remoteAddr:        conn.RemoteAddr(),
   246  		localAddr:         conn.LocalAddr(),
   247  		authInfo:          authInfo,
   248  		framer:            framer,
   249  		readerDone:        make(chan struct{}),
   250  		writerDone:        make(chan struct{}),
   251  		maxStreams:        maxStreams,
   252  		inTapHandle:       config.InTapHandle,
   253  		fc:                &trInFlow{limit: uint32(icwz)},
   254  		state:             reachable,
   255  		activeStreams:     make(map[uint32]*Stream),
   256  		stats:             config.StatsHandler,
   257  		kp:                kp,
   258  		idle:              time.Now(),
   259  		kep:               kep,
   260  		initialWindowSize: iwz,
   261  		czData:            new(channelzData),
   262  		bufferPool:        newBufferPool(),
   263  	}
   264  	t.controlBuf = newControlBuffer(t.done)
   265  	if dynamicWindow {
   266  		t.bdpEst = &bdpEstimator{
   267  			bdp:               initialWindowSize,
   268  			updateFlowControl: t.updateFlowControl,
   269  		}
   270  	}
   271  	if t.stats != nil {
   272  		t.ctx = t.stats.TagConn(t.ctx, &stats.ConnTagInfo{
   273  			RemoteAddr: t.remoteAddr,
   274  			LocalAddr:  t.localAddr,
   275  		})
   276  		connBegin := &stats.ConnBegin{}
   277  		t.stats.HandleConn(t.ctx, connBegin)
   278  	}
   279  	if channelz.IsOn() {
   280  		t.channelzID = channelz.RegisterNormalSocket(t, config.ChannelzParentID, fmt.Sprintf("%s -> %s", t.remoteAddr, t.localAddr))
   281  	}
   283  	t.connectionID = atomic.AddUint64(&serverConnectionCounter, 1)
   285  	t.framer.writer.Flush()
   287  	defer func() {
   288  		if err != nil {
   289  			t.Close()
   290  		}
   291  	}()
   293  	// Check the validity of client preface.
   294  	preface := make([]byte, len(clientPreface))
   295  	if _, err := io.ReadFull(t.conn, preface); err != nil {
   296  		// In deployments where a gRPC server runs behind a cloud load balancer
   297  		// which performs regular TCP level health checks, the connection is
   298  		// closed immediately by the latter.  Returning io.EOF here allows the
   299  		// grpc server implementation to recognize this scenario and suppress
   300  		// logging to reduce spam.
   301  		if err == io.EOF {
   302  			return nil, io.EOF
   303  		}
   304  		return nil, connectionErrorf(false, err, "transport: http2Server.HandleStreams failed to receive the preface from client: %v", err)
   305  	}
   306  	if !bytes.Equal(preface, clientPreface) {
   307  		return nil, connectionErrorf(false, nil, "transport: http2Server.HandleStreams received bogus greeting from client: %q", preface)
   308  	}
   310  	frame, err :=
   311  	if err == io.EOF || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
   312  		return nil, err
   313  	}
   314  	if err != nil {
   315  		return nil, connectionErrorf(false, err, "transport: http2Server.HandleStreams failed to read initial settings frame: %v", err)
   316  	}
   317  	atomic.StoreInt64(&t.lastRead, time.Now().UnixNano())
   318  	sf, ok := frame.(*http2.SettingsFrame)
   319  	if !ok {
   320  		return nil, connectionErrorf(false, nil, "transport: http2Server.HandleStreams saw invalid preface type %T from client", frame)
   321  	}
   322  	t.handleSettings(sf)
   324  	go func() {
   325  		t.loopy = newLoopyWriter(serverSide, t.framer, t.controlBuf, t.bdpEst)
   326  		t.loopy.ssGoAwayHandler = t.outgoingGoAwayHandler
   327  		if err :=; err != nil {
   328  			if logger.V(logLevel) {
   329  				logger.Errorf("transport: returning. Err: %v", err)
   330  			}
   331  		}
   332  		t.conn.Close()
   333  		t.controlBuf.finish()
   334  		close(t.writerDone)
   335  	}()
   336  	go t.keepalive()
   337  	return t, nil
   338  }
   340  // operateHeader takes action on the decoded headers.
   341  func (t *http2Server) operateHeaders(frame *http2.MetaHeadersFrame, handle func(*Stream), traceCtx func(context.Context, string) context.Context) (fatal bool) {
   342  	// Acquire max stream ID lock for entire duration
   343  	t.maxStreamMu.Lock()
   344  	defer t.maxStreamMu.Unlock()
   346  	streamID := frame.Header().StreamID
   348  	// frame.Truncated is set to true when framer detects that the current header
   349  	// list size hits MaxHeaderListSize limit.
   350  	if frame.Truncated {
   351  		t.controlBuf.put(&cleanupStream{
   352  			streamID: streamID,
   353  			rst:      true,
   354  			rstCode:  http2.ErrCodeFrameSize,
   355  			onWrite:  func() {},
   356  		})
   357  		return false
   358  	}
   360  	if streamID%2 != 1 || streamID <= t.maxStreamID {
   361  		// illegal gRPC stream id.
   362  		if logger.V(logLevel) {
   363  			logger.Errorf("transport: http2Server.HandleStreams received an illegal stream id: %v", streamID)
   364  		}
   365  		return true
   366  	}
   367  	t.maxStreamID = streamID
   369  	buf := newRecvBuffer()
   370  	s := &Stream{
   371  		id:  streamID,
   372  		st:  t,
   373  		buf: buf,
   374  		fc:  &inFlow{limit: uint32(t.initialWindowSize)},
   375  	}
   376  	var (
   377  		// If a gRPC Response-Headers has already been received, then it means
   378  		// that the peer is speaking gRPC and we are in gRPC mode.
   379  		isGRPC     = false
   380  		mdata      = make(map[string][]string)
   381  		httpMethod string
   382  		// headerError is set if an error is encountered while parsing the headers
   383  		headerError bool
   385  		timeoutSet bool
   386  		timeout    time.Duration
   387  	)
   389  	for _, hf := range frame.Fields {
   390  		switch hf.Name {
   391  		case "content-type":
   392  			contentSubtype, validContentType := grpcutil.ContentSubtype(hf.Value)
   393  			if !validContentType {
   394  				break
   395  			}
   396  			mdata[hf.Name] = append(mdata[hf.Name], hf.Value)
   397  			s.contentSubtype = contentSubtype
   398  			isGRPC = true
   399  		case "grpc-encoding":
   400  			s.recvCompress = hf.Value
   401  		case ":method":
   402  			httpMethod = hf.Value
   403  		case ":path":
   404  			s.method = hf.Value
   405  		case "grpc-timeout":
   406  			timeoutSet = true
   407  			var err error
   408  			if timeout, err = decodeTimeout(hf.Value); err != nil {
   409  				headerError = true
   410  			}
   411  		// "Transports must consider requests containing the Connection header
   412  		// as malformed." - A41
   413  		case "connection":
   414  			if logger.V(logLevel) {
   415  				logger.Errorf("transport: http2Server.operateHeaders parsed a :connection header which makes a request malformed as per the HTTP/2 spec")
   416  			}
   417  			headerError = true
   418  		default:
   419  			if isReservedHeader(hf.Name) && !isWhitelistedHeader(hf.Name) {
   420  				break
   421  			}
   422  			v, err := decodeMetadataHeader(hf.Name, hf.Value)
   423  			if err != nil {
   424  				headerError = true
   425  				logger.Warningf("Failed to decode metadata header (%q, %q): %v", hf.Name, hf.Value, err)
   426  				break
   427  			}
   428  			mdata[hf.Name] = append(mdata[hf.Name], v)
   429  		}
   430  	}
   432  	// "If multiple Host headers or multiple :authority headers are present, the
   433  	// request must be rejected with an HTTP status code 400 as required by Host
   434  	// validation in RFC 7230 ยง5.4, gRPC status code INTERNAL, or RST_STREAM
   435  	// with HTTP/2 error code PROTOCOL_ERROR." - A41. Since this is a HTTP/2
   436  	// error, this takes precedence over a client not speaking gRPC.
   437  	if len(mdata[":authority"]) > 1 || len(mdata["host"]) > 1 {
   438  		errMsg := fmt.Sprintf("num values of :authority: %v, num values of host: %v, both must only have 1 value as per HTTP/2 spec", len(mdata[":authority"]), len(mdata["host"]))
   439  		if logger.V(logLevel) {
   440  			logger.Errorf("transport: %v", errMsg)
   441  		}
   442  		t.controlBuf.put(&earlyAbortStream{
   443  			httpStatus:     400,
   444  			streamID:       streamID,
   445  			contentSubtype: s.contentSubtype,
   446  			status:         status.New(codes.Internal, errMsg),
   447  		})
   448  		return false
   449  	}
   451  	if !isGRPC || headerError {
   452  		t.controlBuf.put(&cleanupStream{
   453  			streamID: streamID,
   454  			rst:      true,
   455  			rstCode:  http2.ErrCodeProtocol,
   456  			onWrite:  func() {},
   457  		})
   458  		return false
   459  	}
   461  	// "If :authority is missing, Host must be renamed to :authority." - A41
   462  	if len(mdata[":authority"]) == 0 {
   463  		// No-op if host isn't present, no eventual :authority header is a valid
   464  		// RPC.
   465  		if host, ok := mdata["host"]; ok {
   466  			mdata[":authority"] = host
   467  			delete(mdata, "host")
   468  		}
   469  	} else {
   470  		// "If :authority is present, Host must be discarded" - A41
   471  		delete(mdata, "host")
   472  	}
   474  	if frame.StreamEnded() {
   475  		// s is just created by the caller. No lock needed.
   476  		s.state = streamReadDone
   477  	}
   478  	if timeoutSet {
   479  		s.ctx, s.cancel = context.WithTimeout(t.ctx, timeout)
   480  	} else {
   481  		s.ctx, s.cancel = context.WithCancel(t.ctx)
   482  	}
   483  	pr := &peer.Peer{
   484  		Addr: t.remoteAddr,
   485  	}
   486  	// Attach Auth info if there is any.
   487  	if t.authInfo != nil {
   488  		pr.AuthInfo = t.authInfo
   489  	}
   490  	s.ctx = peer.NewContext(s.ctx, pr)
   491  	// Attach the received metadata to the context.
   492  	if len(mdata) > 0 {
   493  		s.ctx = metadata.NewIncomingContext(s.ctx, mdata)
   494  		if statsTags := mdata["grpc-tags-bin"]; len(statsTags) > 0 {
   495  			s.ctx = stats.SetIncomingTags(s.ctx, []byte(statsTags[len(statsTags)-1]))
   496  		}
   497  		if statsTrace := mdata["grpc-trace-bin"]; len(statsTrace) > 0 {
   498  			s.ctx = stats.SetIncomingTrace(s.ctx, []byte(statsTrace[len(statsTrace)-1]))
   499  		}
   500  	}
   502  	if t.state != reachable {
   504  		s.cancel()
   505  		return false
   506  	}
   507  	if uint32(len(t.activeStreams)) >= t.maxStreams {
   509  		t.controlBuf.put(&cleanupStream{
   510  			streamID: streamID,
   511  			rst:      true,
   512  			rstCode:  http2.ErrCodeRefusedStream,
   513  			onWrite:  func() {},
   514  		})
   515  		s.cancel()
   516  		return false
   517  	}
   518  	if httpMethod != http.MethodPost {
   520  		if logger.V(logLevel) {
   521  			logger.Infof("transport: http2Server.operateHeaders parsed a :method field: %v which should be POST", httpMethod)
   522  		}
   523  		t.controlBuf.put(&cleanupStream{
   524  			streamID: streamID,
   525  			rst:      true,
   526  			rstCode:  http2.ErrCodeProtocol,
   527  			onWrite:  func() {},
   528  		})
   529  		s.cancel()
   530  		return false
   531  	}
   532  	if t.inTapHandle != nil {
   533  		var err error
   534  		if s.ctx, err = t.inTapHandle(s.ctx, &tap.Info{FullMethodName: s.method}); err != nil {
   536  			if logger.V(logLevel) {
   537  				logger.Infof("transport: http2Server.operateHeaders got an error from InTapHandle: %v", err)
   538  			}
   539  			stat, ok := status.FromError(err)
   540  			if !ok {
   541  				stat = status.New(codes.PermissionDenied, err.Error())
   542  			}
   543  			t.controlBuf.put(&earlyAbortStream{
   544  				httpStatus:     200,
   545  				streamID:,
   546  				contentSubtype: s.contentSubtype,
   547  				status:         stat,
   548  			})
   549  			return false
   550  		}
   551  	}
   552  	t.activeStreams[streamID] = s
   553  	if len(t.activeStreams) == 1 {
   554  		t.idle = time.Time{}
   555  	}
   557  	if channelz.IsOn() {
   558  		atomic.AddInt64(&t.czData.streamsStarted, 1)
   559  		atomic.StoreInt64(&t.czData.lastStreamCreatedTime, time.Now().UnixNano())
   560  	}
   561  	s.requestRead = func(n int) {
   562  		t.adjustWindow(s, uint32(n))
   563  	}
   564  	s.ctx = traceCtx(s.ctx, s.method)
   565  	if t.stats != nil {
   566  		s.ctx = t.stats.TagRPC(s.ctx, &stats.RPCTagInfo{FullMethodName: s.method})
   567  		inHeader := &stats.InHeader{
   568  			FullMethod:  s.method,
   569  			RemoteAddr:  t.remoteAddr,
   570  			LocalAddr:   t.localAddr,
   571  			Compression: s.recvCompress,
   572  			WireLength:  int(frame.Header().Length),
   573  			Header:      metadata.MD(mdata).Copy(),
   574  		}
   575  		t.stats.HandleRPC(s.ctx, inHeader)
   576  	}
   577  	s.ctxDone = s.ctx.Done()
   578  	s.wq = newWriteQuota(defaultWriteQuota, s.ctxDone)
   579  	s.trReader = &transportReader{
   580  		reader: &recvBufferReader{
   581  			ctx:        s.ctx,
   582  			ctxDone:    s.ctxDone,
   583  			recv:       s.buf,
   584  			freeBuffer: t.bufferPool.put,
   585  		},
   586  		windowHandler: func(n int) {
   587  			t.updateWindow(s, uint32(n))
   588  		},
   589  	}
   590  	// Register the stream with loopy.
   591  	t.controlBuf.put(&registerStream{
   592  		streamID:,
   593  		wq:       s.wq,
   594  	})
   595  	handle(s)
   596  	return false
   597  }
   599  // HandleStreams receives incoming streams using the given handler. This is
   600  // typically run in a separate goroutine.
   601  // traceCtx attaches trace to ctx and returns the new context.
   602  func (t *http2Server) HandleStreams(handle func(*Stream), traceCtx func(context.Context, string) context.Context) {
   603  	defer close(t.readerDone)
   604  	for {
   605  		t.controlBuf.throttle()
   606  		frame, err :=
   607  		atomic.StoreInt64(&t.lastRead, time.Now().UnixNano())
   608  		if err != nil {
   609  			if se, ok := err.(http2.StreamError); ok {
   610  				if logger.V(logLevel) {
   611  					logger.Warningf("transport: http2Server.HandleStreams encountered http2.StreamError: %v", se)
   612  				}
   614  				s := t.activeStreams[se.StreamID]
   616  				if s != nil {
   617  					t.closeStream(s, true, se.Code, false)
   618  				} else {
   619  					t.controlBuf.put(&cleanupStream{
   620  						streamID: se.StreamID,
   621  						rst:      true,
   622  						rstCode:  se.Code,
   623  						onWrite:  func() {},
   624  					})
   625  				}
   626  				continue
   627  			}
   628  			if err == io.EOF || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
   629  				t.Close()
   630  				return
   631  			}
   632  			if logger.V(logLevel) {
   633  				logger.Warningf("transport: http2Server.HandleStreams failed to read frame: %v", err)
   634  			}
   635  			t.Close()
   636  			return
   637  		}
   638  		switch frame := frame.(type) {
   639  		case *http2.MetaHeadersFrame:
   640  			if t.operateHeaders(frame, handle, traceCtx) {
   641  				t.Close()
   642  				break
   643  			}
   644  		case *http2.DataFrame:
   645  			t.handleData(frame)
   646  		case *http2.RSTStreamFrame:
   647  			t.handleRSTStream(frame)
   648  		case *http2.SettingsFrame:
   649  			t.handleSettings(frame)
   650  		case *http2.PingFrame:
   651  			t.handlePing(frame)
   652  		case *http2.WindowUpdateFrame:
   653  			t.handleWindowUpdate(frame)
   654  		case *http2.GoAwayFrame:
   655  			// TODO: Handle GoAway from the client appropriately.
   656  		default:
   657  			if logger.V(logLevel) {
   658  				logger.Errorf("transport: http2Server.HandleStreams found unhandled frame type %v.", frame)
   659  			}
   660  		}
   661  	}
   662  }
   664  func (t *http2Server) getStream(f http2.Frame) (*Stream, bool) {
   666  	defer
   667  	if t.activeStreams == nil {
   668  		// The transport is closing.
   669  		return nil, false
   670  	}
   671  	s, ok := t.activeStreams[f.Header().StreamID]
   672  	if !ok {
   673  		// The stream is already done.
   674  		return nil, false
   675  	}
   676  	return s, true
   677  }
   679  // adjustWindow sends out extra window update over the initial window size
   680  // of stream if the application is requesting data larger in size than
   681  // the window.
   682  func (t *http2Server) adjustWindow(s *Stream, n uint32) {
   683  	if w := s.fc.maybeAdjust(n); w > 0 {
   684  		t.controlBuf.put(&outgoingWindowUpdate{streamID:, increment: w})
   685  	}
   687  }
   689  // updateWindow adjusts the inbound quota for the stream and the transport.
   690  // Window updates will deliver to the controller for sending when
   691  // the cumulative quota exceeds the corresponding threshold.
   692  func (t *http2Server) updateWindow(s *Stream, n uint32) {
   693  	if w := s.fc.onRead(n); w > 0 {
   694  		t.controlBuf.put(&outgoingWindowUpdate{streamID:,
   695  			increment: w,
   696  		})
   697  	}
   698  }
   700  // updateFlowControl updates the incoming flow control windows
   701  // for the transport and the stream based on the current bdp
   702  // estimation.
   703  func (t *http2Server) updateFlowControl(n uint32) {
   705  	for _, s := range t.activeStreams {
   706  		s.fc.newLimit(n)
   707  	}
   708  	t.initialWindowSize = int32(n)
   710  	t.controlBuf.put(&outgoingWindowUpdate{
   711  		streamID:  0,
   712  		increment: t.fc.newLimit(n),
   713  	})
   714  	t.controlBuf.put(&outgoingSettings{
   715  		ss: []http2.Setting{
   716  			{
   717  				ID:  http2.SettingInitialWindowSize,
   718  				Val: n,
   719  			},
   720  		},
   721  	})
   723  }
   725  func (t *http2Server) handleData(f *http2.DataFrame) {
   726  	size := f.Header().Length
   727  	var sendBDPPing bool
   728  	if t.bdpEst != nil {
   729  		sendBDPPing = t.bdpEst.add(size)
   730  	}
   731  	// Decouple connection's flow control from application's read.
   732  	// An update on connection's flow control should not depend on
   733  	// whether user application has read the data or not. Such a
   734  	// restriction is already imposed on the stream's flow control,
   735  	// and therefore the sender will be blocked anyways.
   736  	// Decoupling the connection flow control will prevent other
   737  	// active(fast) streams from starving in presence of slow or
   738  	// inactive streams.
   739  	if w := t.fc.onData(size); w > 0 {
   740  		t.controlBuf.put(&outgoingWindowUpdate{
   741  			streamID:  0,
   742  			increment: w,
   743  		})
   744  	}
   745  	if sendBDPPing {
   746  		// Avoid excessive ping detection (e.g. in an L7 proxy)
   747  		// by sending a window update prior to the BDP ping.
   748  		if w := t.fc.reset(); w > 0 {
   749  			t.controlBuf.put(&outgoingWindowUpdate{
   750  				streamID:  0,
   751  				increment: w,
   752  			})
   753  		}
   754  		t.controlBuf.put(bdpPing)
   755  	}
   756  	// Select the right stream to dispatch.
   757  	s, ok := t.getStream(f)
   758  	if !ok {
   759  		return
   760  	}
   761  	if s.getState() == streamReadDone {
   762  		t.closeStream(s, true, http2.ErrCodeStreamClosed, false)
   763  		return
   764  	}
   765  	if size > 0 {
   766  		if err := s.fc.onData(size); err != nil {
   767  			t.closeStream(s, true, http2.ErrCodeFlowControl, false)
   768  			return
   769  		}
   770  		if f.Header().Flags.Has(http2.FlagDataPadded) {
   771  			if w := s.fc.onRead(size - uint32(len(f.Data()))); w > 0 {
   772  				t.controlBuf.put(&outgoingWindowUpdate{, w})
   773  			}
   774  		}
   775  		// TODO(bradfitz, zhaoq): A copy is required here because there is no
   776  		// guarantee f.Data() is consumed before the arrival of next frame.
   777  		// Can this copy be eliminated?
   778  		if len(f.Data()) > 0 {
   779  			buffer := t.bufferPool.get()
   780  			buffer.Reset()
   781  			buffer.Write(f.Data())
   782  			s.write(recvMsg{buffer: buffer})
   783  		}
   784  	}
   785  	if f.StreamEnded() {
   786  		// Received the end of stream from the client.
   787  		s.compareAndSwapState(streamActive, streamReadDone)
   788  		s.write(recvMsg{err: io.EOF})
   789  	}
   790  }
   792  func (t *http2Server) handleRSTStream(f *http2.RSTStreamFrame) {
   793  	// If the stream is not deleted from the transport's active streams map, then do a regular close stream.
   794  	if s, ok := t.getStream(f); ok {
   795  		t.closeStream(s, false, 0, false)
   796  		return
   797  	}
   798  	// If the stream is already deleted from the active streams map, then put a cleanupStream item into controlbuf to delete the stream from loopy writer's established streams map.
   799  	t.controlBuf.put(&cleanupStream{
   800  		streamID: f.Header().StreamID,
   801  		rst:      false,
   802  		rstCode:  0,
   803  		onWrite:  func() {},
   804  	})
   805  }
   807  func (t *http2Server) handleSettings(f *http2.SettingsFrame) {
   808  	if f.IsAck() {
   809  		return
   810  	}
   811  	var ss []http2.Setting
   812  	var updateFuncs []func()
   813  	f.ForeachSetting(func(s http2.Setting) error {
   814  		switch s.ID {
   815  		case http2.SettingMaxHeaderListSize:
   816  			updateFuncs = append(updateFuncs, func() {
   817  				t.maxSendHeaderListSize = new(uint32)
   818  				*t.maxSendHeaderListSize = s.Val
   819  			})
   820  		default:
   821  			ss = append(ss, s)
   822  		}
   823  		return nil
   824  	})
   825  	t.controlBuf.executeAndPut(func(interface{}) bool {
   826  		for _, f := range updateFuncs {
   827  			f()
   828  		}
   829  		return true
   830  	}, &incomingSettings{
   831  		ss: ss,
   832  	})
   833  }
   835  const (
   836  	maxPingStrikes     = 2
   837  	defaultPingTimeout = 2 * time.Hour
   838  )
   840  func (t *http2Server) handlePing(f *http2.PingFrame) {
   841  	if f.IsAck() {
   842  		if f.Data == && t.drainChan != nil {
   843  			close(t.drainChan)
   844  			return
   845  		}
   846  		// Maybe it's a BDP ping.
   847  		if t.bdpEst != nil {
   848  			t.bdpEst.calculate(f.Data)
   849  		}
   850  		return
   851  	}
   852  	pingAck := &ping{ack: true}
   853  	copy([:], f.Data[:])
   854  	t.controlBuf.put(pingAck)
   856  	now := time.Now()
   857  	defer func() {
   858  		t.lastPingAt = now
   859  	}()
   860  	// A reset ping strikes means that we don't need to check for policy
   861  	// violation for this ping and the pingStrikes counter should be set
   862  	// to 0.
   863  	if atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(&t.resetPingStrikes, 1, 0) {
   864  		t.pingStrikes = 0
   865  		return
   866  	}
   868  	ns := len(t.activeStreams)
   870  	if ns < 1 && !t.kep.PermitWithoutStream {
   871  		// Keepalive shouldn't be active thus, this new ping should
   872  		// have come after at least defaultPingTimeout.
   873  		if t.lastPingAt.Add(defaultPingTimeout).After(now) {
   874  			t.pingStrikes++
   875  		}
   876  	} else {
   877  		// Check if keepalive policy is respected.
   878  		if t.lastPingAt.Add(t.kep.MinTime).After(now) {
   879  			t.pingStrikes++
   880  		}
   881  	}
   883  	if t.pingStrikes > maxPingStrikes {
   884  		// Send goaway and close the connection.
   885  		if logger.V(logLevel) {
   886  			logger.Errorf("transport: Got too many pings from the client, closing the connection.")
   887  		}
   888  		t.controlBuf.put(&goAway{code: http2.ErrCodeEnhanceYourCalm, debugData: []byte("too_many_pings"), closeConn: true})
   889  	}
   890  }
   892  func (t *http2Server) handleWindowUpdate(f *http2.WindowUpdateFrame) {
   893  	t.controlBuf.put(&incomingWindowUpdate{
   894  		streamID:  f.Header().StreamID,
   895  		increment: f.Increment,
   896  	})
   897  }
   899  func appendHeaderFieldsFromMD(headerFields []hpack.HeaderField, md metadata.MD) []hpack.HeaderField {
   900  	for k, vv := range md {
   901  		if isReservedHeader(k) {
   902  			// Clients don't tolerate reading restricted headers after some non restricted ones were sent.
   903  			continue
   904  		}
   905  		for _, v := range vv {
   906  			headerFields = append(headerFields, hpack.HeaderField{Name: k, Value: encodeMetadataHeader(k, v)})
   907  		}
   908  	}
   909  	return headerFields
   910  }
   912  func (t *http2Server) checkForHeaderListSize(it interface{}) bool {
   913  	if t.maxSendHeaderListSize == nil {
   914  		return true
   915  	}
   916  	hdrFrame := it.(*headerFrame)
   917  	var sz int64
   918  	for _, f := range hdrFrame.hf {
   919  		if sz += int64(f.Size()); sz > int64(*t.maxSendHeaderListSize) {
   920  			if logger.V(logLevel) {
   921  				logger.Errorf("header list size to send violates the maximum size (%d bytes) set by client", *t.maxSendHeaderListSize)
   922  			}
   923  			return false
   924  		}
   925  	}
   926  	return true
   927  }
   929  // WriteHeader sends the header metadata md back to the client.
   930  func (t *http2Server) WriteHeader(s *Stream, md metadata.MD) error {
   931  	if s.updateHeaderSent() || s.getState() == streamDone {
   932  		return ErrIllegalHeaderWrite
   933  	}
   934  	s.hdrMu.Lock()
   935  	if md.Len() > 0 {
   936  		if s.header.Len() > 0 {
   937  			s.header = metadata.Join(s.header, md)
   938  		} else {
   939  			s.header = md
   940  		}
   941  	}
   942  	if err := t.writeHeaderLocked(s); err != nil {
   943  		s.hdrMu.Unlock()
   944  		return err
   945  	}
   946  	s.hdrMu.Unlock()
   947  	return nil
   948  }
   950  func (t *http2Server) setResetPingStrikes() {
   951  	atomic.StoreUint32(&t.resetPingStrikes, 1)
   952  }
   954  func (t *http2Server) writeHeaderLocked(s *Stream) error {
   955  	// TODO(mmukhi): Benchmark if the performance gets better if count the metadata and other header fields
   956  	// first and create a slice of that exact size.
   957  	headerFields := make([]hpack.HeaderField, 0, 2) // at least :status, content-type will be there if none else.
   958  	headerFields = append(headerFields, hpack.HeaderField{Name: ":status", Value: "200"})
   959  	headerFields = append(headerFields, hpack.HeaderField{Name: "content-type", Value: grpcutil.ContentType(s.contentSubtype)})
   960  	if s.sendCompress != "" {
   961  		headerFields = append(headerFields, hpack.HeaderField{Name: "grpc-encoding", Value: s.sendCompress})
   962  	}
   963  	headerFields = appendHeaderFieldsFromMD(headerFields, s.header)
   964  	success, err := t.controlBuf.executeAndPut(t.checkForHeaderListSize, &headerFrame{
   965  		streamID:,
   966  		hf:        headerFields,
   967  		endStream: false,
   968  		onWrite:   t.setResetPingStrikes,
   969  	})
   970  	if !success {
   971  		if err != nil {
   972  			return err
   973  		}
   974  		t.closeStream(s, true, http2.ErrCodeInternal, false)
   975  		return ErrHeaderListSizeLimitViolation
   976  	}
   977  	if t.stats != nil {
   978  		// Note: Headers are compressed with hpack after this call returns.
   979  		// No WireLength field is set here.
   980  		outHeader := &stats.OutHeader{
   981  			Header:      s.header.Copy(),
   982  			Compression: s.sendCompress,
   983  		}
   984  		t.stats.HandleRPC(s.Context(), outHeader)
   985  	}
   986  	return nil
   987  }
   989  // WriteStatus sends stream status to the client and terminates the stream.
   990  // There is no further I/O operations being able to perform on this stream.
   991  // TODO(zhaoq): Now it indicates the end of entire stream. Revisit if early
   992  // OK is adopted.
   993  func (t *http2Server) WriteStatus(s *Stream, st *status.Status) error {
   994  	if s.getState() == streamDone {
   995  		return nil
   996  	}
   997  	s.hdrMu.Lock()
   998  	// TODO(mmukhi): Benchmark if the performance gets better if count the metadata and other header fields
   999  	// first and create a slice of that exact size.
  1000  	headerFields := make([]hpack.HeaderField, 0, 2) // grpc-status and grpc-message will be there if none else.
  1001  	if !s.updateHeaderSent() {                      // No headers have been sent.
  1002  		if len(s.header) > 0 { // Send a separate header frame.
  1003  			if err := t.writeHeaderLocked(s); err != nil {
  1004  				s.hdrMu.Unlock()
  1005  				return err
  1006  			}
  1007  		} else { // Send a trailer only response.
  1008  			headerFields = append(headerFields, hpack.HeaderField{Name: ":status", Value: "200"})
  1009  			headerFields = append(headerFields, hpack.HeaderField{Name: "content-type", Value: grpcutil.ContentType(s.contentSubtype)})
  1010  		}
  1011  	}
  1012  	headerFields = append(headerFields, hpack.HeaderField{Name: "grpc-status", Value: strconv.Itoa(int(st.Code()))})
  1013  	headerFields = append(headerFields, hpack.HeaderField{Name: "grpc-message", Value: encodeGrpcMessage(st.Message())})
  1015  	if p := st.Proto(); p != nil && len(p.Details) > 0 {
  1016  		stBytes, err := proto.Marshal(p)
  1017  		if err != nil {
  1018  			// TODO: return error instead, when callers are able to handle it.
  1019  			logger.Errorf("transport: failed to marshal rpc status: %v, error: %v", p, err)
  1020  		} else {
  1021  			headerFields = append(headerFields, hpack.HeaderField{Name: "grpc-status-details-bin", Value: encodeBinHeader(stBytes)})
  1022  		}
  1023  	}
  1025  	// Attach the trailer metadata.
  1026  	headerFields = appendHeaderFieldsFromMD(headerFields, s.trailer)
  1027  	trailingHeader := &headerFrame{
  1028  		streamID:,
  1029  		hf:        headerFields,
  1030  		endStream: true,
  1031  		onWrite:   t.setResetPingStrikes,
  1032  	}
  1033  	s.hdrMu.Unlock()
  1034  	success, err := t.controlBuf.execute(t.checkForHeaderListSize, trailingHeader)
  1035  	if !success {
  1036  		if err != nil {
  1037  			return err
  1038  		}
  1039  		t.closeStream(s, true, http2.ErrCodeInternal, false)
  1040  		return ErrHeaderListSizeLimitViolation
  1041  	}
  1042  	// Send a RST_STREAM after the trailers if the client has not already half-closed.
  1043  	rst := s.getState() == streamActive
  1044  	t.finishStream(s, rst, http2.ErrCodeNo, trailingHeader, true)
  1045  	if t.stats != nil {
  1046  		// Note: The trailer fields are compressed with hpack after this call returns.
  1047  		// No WireLength field is set here.
  1048  		t.stats.HandleRPC(s.Context(), &stats.OutTrailer{
  1049  			Trailer: s.trailer.Copy(),
  1050  		})
  1051  	}
  1052  	return nil
  1053  }
  1055  // Write converts the data into HTTP2 data frame and sends it out. Non-nil error
  1056  // is returns if it fails (e.g., framing error, transport error).
  1057  func (t *http2Server) Write(s *Stream, hdr []byte, data []byte, opts *Options) error {
  1058  	if !s.isHeaderSent() { // Headers haven't been written yet.
  1059  		if err := t.WriteHeader(s, nil); err != nil {
  1060  			if _, ok := err.(ConnectionError); ok {
  1061  				return err
  1062  			}
  1063  			// TODO(mmukhi, dfawley): Make sure this is the right code to return.
  1064  			return status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "transport: %v", err)
  1065  		}
  1066  	} else {
  1067  		// Writing headers checks for this condition.
  1068  		if s.getState() == streamDone {
  1069  			// TODO(mmukhi, dfawley): Should the server write also return io.EOF?
  1070  			s.cancel()
  1071  			select {
  1072  			case <-t.done:
  1073  				return ErrConnClosing
  1074  			default:
  1075  			}
  1076  			return ContextErr(s.ctx.Err())
  1077  		}
  1078  	}
  1079  	df := &dataFrame{
  1080  		streamID:,
  1081  		h:           hdr,
  1082  		d:           data,
  1083  		onEachWrite: t.setResetPingStrikes,
  1084  	}
  1085  	if err := s.wq.get(int32(len(hdr) + len(data))); err != nil {
  1086  		select {
  1087  		case <-t.done:
  1088  			return ErrConnClosing
  1089  		default:
  1090  		}
  1091  		return ContextErr(s.ctx.Err())
  1092  	}
  1093  	return t.controlBuf.put(df)
  1094  }
  1096  // keepalive running in a separate goroutine does the following:
  1097  // 1. Gracefully closes an idle connection after a duration of keepalive.MaxConnectionIdle.
  1098  // 2. Gracefully closes any connection after a duration of keepalive.MaxConnectionAge.
  1099  // 3. Forcibly closes a connection after an additive period of keepalive.MaxConnectionAgeGrace over keepalive.MaxConnectionAge.
  1100  // 4. Makes sure a connection is alive by sending pings with a frequency of keepalive.Time and closes a non-responsive connection
  1101  // after an additional duration of keepalive.Timeout.
  1102  func (t *http2Server) keepalive() {
  1103  	p := &ping{}
  1104  	// True iff a ping has been sent, and no data has been received since then.
  1105  	outstandingPing := false
  1106  	// Amount of time remaining before which we should receive an ACK for the
  1107  	// last sent ping.
  1108  	kpTimeoutLeft := time.Duration(0)
  1109  	// Records the last value of t.lastRead before we go block on the timer.
  1110  	// This is required to check for read activity since then.
  1111  	prevNano := time.Now().UnixNano()
  1112  	// Initialize the different timers to their default values.
  1113  	idleTimer := time.NewTimer(
  1114  	ageTimer := time.NewTimer(
  1115  	kpTimer := time.NewTimer(
  1116  	defer func() {
  1117  		// We need to drain the underlying channel in these timers after a call
  1118  		// to Stop(), only if we are interested in resetting them. Clearly we
  1119  		// are not interested in resetting them here.
  1120  		idleTimer.Stop()
  1121  		ageTimer.Stop()
  1122  		kpTimer.Stop()
  1123  	}()
  1125  	for {
  1126  		select {
  1127  		case <-idleTimer.C:
  1129  			idle := t.idle
  1130  			if idle.IsZero() { // The connection is non-idle.
  1132  				idleTimer.Reset(
  1133  				continue
  1134  			}
  1135  			val := - time.Since(idle)
  1137  			if val <= 0 {
  1138  				// The connection has been idle for a duration of keepalive.MaxConnectionIdle or more.
  1139  				// Gracefully close the connection.
  1140  				t.Drain()
  1141  				return
  1142  			}
  1143  			idleTimer.Reset(val)
  1144  		case <-ageTimer.C:
  1145  			t.Drain()
  1146  			ageTimer.Reset(
  1147  			select {
  1148  			case <-ageTimer.C:
  1149  				// Close the connection after grace period.
  1150  				if logger.V(logLevel) {
  1151  					logger.Infof("transport: closing server transport due to maximum connection age.")
  1152  				}
  1153  				t.Close()
  1154  			case <-t.done:
  1155  			}
  1156  			return
  1157  		case <-kpTimer.C:
  1158  			lastRead := atomic.LoadInt64(&t.lastRead)
  1159  			if lastRead > prevNano {
  1160  				// There has been read activity since the last time we were
  1161  				// here. Setup the timer to fire at kp.Time seconds from
  1162  				// lastRead time and continue.
  1163  				outstandingPing = false
  1164  				kpTimer.Reset(time.Duration(lastRead) + - time.Duration(time.Now().UnixNano()))
  1165  				prevNano = lastRead
  1166  				continue
  1167  			}
  1168  			if outstandingPing && kpTimeoutLeft <= 0 {
  1169  				if logger.V(logLevel) {
  1170  					logger.Infof("transport: closing server transport due to idleness.")
  1171  				}
  1172  				t.Close()
  1173  				return
  1174  			}
  1175  			if !outstandingPing {
  1176  				if channelz.IsOn() {
  1177  					atomic.AddInt64(&t.czData.kpCount, 1)
  1178  				}
  1179  				t.controlBuf.put(p)
  1180  				kpTimeoutLeft =
  1181  				outstandingPing = true
  1182  			}
  1183  			// The amount of time to sleep here is the minimum of kp.Time and
  1184  			// timeoutLeft. This will ensure that we wait only for kp.Time
  1185  			// before sending out the next ping (for cases where the ping is
  1186  			// acked).
  1187  			sleepDuration := minTime(, kpTimeoutLeft)
  1188  			kpTimeoutLeft -= sleepDuration
  1189  			kpTimer.Reset(sleepDuration)
  1190  		case <-t.done:
  1191  			return
  1192  		}
  1193  	}
  1194  }
  1196  // Close starts shutting down the http2Server transport.
  1197  // TODO(zhaoq): Now the destruction is not blocked on any pending streams. This
  1198  // could cause some resource issue. Revisit this later.
  1199  func (t *http2Server) Close() {
  1201  	if t.state == closing {
  1203  		return
  1204  	}
  1205  	t.state = closing
  1206  	streams := t.activeStreams
  1207  	t.activeStreams = nil
  1209  	t.controlBuf.finish()
  1210  	close(t.done)
  1211  	if err := t.conn.Close(); err != nil && logger.V(logLevel) {
  1212  		logger.Infof("transport: error closing conn during Close: %v", err)
  1213  	}
  1214  	if channelz.IsOn() {
  1215  		channelz.RemoveEntry(t.channelzID)
  1216  	}
  1217  	// Cancel all active streams.
  1218  	for _, s := range streams {
  1219  		s.cancel()
  1220  	}
  1221  	if t.stats != nil {
  1222  		connEnd := &stats.ConnEnd{}
  1223  		t.stats.HandleConn(t.ctx, connEnd)
  1224  	}
  1225  }
  1227  // deleteStream deletes the stream s from transport's active streams.
  1228  func (t *http2Server) deleteStream(s *Stream, eosReceived bool) {
  1229  	// In case stream sending and receiving are invoked in separate
  1230  	// goroutines (e.g., bi-directional streaming), cancel needs to be
  1231  	// called to interrupt the potential blocking on other goroutines.
  1232  	s.cancel()
  1235  	if _, ok := t.activeStreams[]; ok {
  1236  		delete(t.activeStreams,
  1237  		if len(t.activeStreams) == 0 {
  1238  			t.idle = time.Now()
  1239  		}
  1240  	}
  1243  	if channelz.IsOn() {
  1244  		if eosReceived {
  1245  			atomic.AddInt64(&t.czData.streamsSucceeded, 1)
  1246  		} else {
  1247  			atomic.AddInt64(&t.czData.streamsFailed, 1)
  1248  		}
  1249  	}
  1250  }
  1252  // finishStream closes the stream and puts the trailing headerFrame into controlbuf.
  1253  func (t *http2Server) finishStream(s *Stream, rst bool, rstCode http2.ErrCode, hdr *headerFrame, eosReceived bool) {
  1254  	oldState := s.swapState(streamDone)
  1255  	if oldState == streamDone {
  1256  		// If the stream was already done, return.
  1257  		return
  1258  	}
  1260  	hdr.cleanup = &cleanupStream{
  1261  		streamID:,
  1262  		rst:      rst,
  1263  		rstCode:  rstCode,
  1264  		onWrite: func() {
  1265  			t.deleteStream(s, eosReceived)
  1266  		},
  1267  	}
  1268  	t.controlBuf.put(hdr)
  1269  }
  1271  // closeStream clears the footprint of a stream when the stream is not needed any more.
  1272  func (t *http2Server) closeStream(s *Stream, rst bool, rstCode http2.ErrCode, eosReceived bool) {
  1273  	s.swapState(streamDone)
  1274  	t.deleteStream(s, eosReceived)
  1276  	t.controlBuf.put(&cleanupStream{
  1277  		streamID:,
  1278  		rst:      rst,
  1279  		rstCode:  rstCode,
  1280  		onWrite:  func() {},
  1281  	})
  1282  }
  1284  func (t *http2Server) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
  1285  	return t.remoteAddr
  1286  }
  1288  func (t *http2Server) Drain() {
  1290  	defer
  1291  	if t.drainChan != nil {
  1292  		return
  1293  	}
  1294  	t.drainChan = make(chan struct{})
  1295  	t.controlBuf.put(&goAway{code: http2.ErrCodeNo, debugData: []byte{}, headsUp: true})
  1296  }
  1298  var goAwayPing = &ping{data: [8]byte{1, 6, 1, 8, 0, 3, 3, 9}}
  1300  // Handles outgoing GoAway and returns true if loopy needs to put itself
  1301  // in draining mode.
  1302  func (t *http2Server) outgoingGoAwayHandler(g *goAway) (bool, error) {
  1303  	t.maxStreamMu.Lock()
  1305  	if t.state == closing { // TODO(mmukhi): This seems unnecessary.
  1307  		t.maxStreamMu.Unlock()
  1308  		// The transport is closing.
  1309  		return false, ErrConnClosing
  1310  	}
  1311  	if !g.headsUp {
  1312  		// Stop accepting more streams now.
  1313  		t.state = draining
  1314  		sid := t.maxStreamID
  1315  		if len(t.activeStreams) == 0 {
  1316  			g.closeConn = true
  1317  		}
  1319  		t.maxStreamMu.Unlock()
  1320  		if err :=, g.code, g.debugData); err != nil {
  1321  			return false, err
  1322  		}
  1323  		if g.closeConn {
  1324  			// Abruptly close the connection following the GoAway (via
  1325  			// loopywriter).  But flush out what's inside the buffer first.
  1326  			t.framer.writer.Flush()
  1327  			return false, fmt.Errorf("transport: Connection closing")
  1328  		}
  1329  		return true, nil
  1330  	}
  1332  	t.maxStreamMu.Unlock()
  1333  	// For a graceful close, send out a GoAway with stream ID of MaxUInt32,
  1334  	// Follow that with a ping and wait for the ack to come back or a timer
  1335  	// to expire. During this time accept new streams since they might have
  1336  	// originated before the GoAway reaches the client.
  1337  	// After getting the ack or timer expiration send out another GoAway this
  1338  	// time with an ID of the max stream server intends to process.
  1339  	if err :=, http2.ErrCodeNo, []byte{}); err != nil {
  1340  		return false, err
  1341  	}
  1342  	if err :=,; err != nil {
  1343  		return false, err
  1344  	}
  1345  	go func() {
  1346  		timer := time.NewTimer(time.Minute)
  1347  		defer timer.Stop()
  1348  		select {
  1349  		case <-t.drainChan:
  1350  		case <-timer.C:
  1351  		case <-t.done:
  1352  			return
  1353  		}
  1354  		t.controlBuf.put(&goAway{code: g.code, debugData: g.debugData})
  1355  	}()
  1356  	return false, nil
  1357  }
  1359  func (t *http2Server) ChannelzMetric() *channelz.SocketInternalMetric {
  1360  	s := channelz.SocketInternalMetric{
  1361  		StreamsStarted:                   atomic.LoadInt64(&t.czData.streamsStarted),
  1362  		StreamsSucceeded:                 atomic.LoadInt64(&t.czData.streamsSucceeded),
  1363  		StreamsFailed:                    atomic.LoadInt64(&t.czData.streamsFailed),
  1364  		MessagesSent:                     atomic.LoadInt64(&t.czData.msgSent),
  1365  		MessagesReceived:                 atomic.LoadInt64(&t.czData.msgRecv),
  1366  		KeepAlivesSent:                   atomic.LoadInt64(&t.czData.kpCount),
  1367  		LastRemoteStreamCreatedTimestamp: time.Unix(0, atomic.LoadInt64(&t.czData.lastStreamCreatedTime)),
  1368  		LastMessageSentTimestamp:         time.Unix(0, atomic.LoadInt64(&t.czData.lastMsgSentTime)),
  1369  		LastMessageReceivedTimestamp:     time.Unix(0, atomic.LoadInt64(&t.czData.lastMsgRecvTime)),
  1370  		LocalFlowControlWindow:           int64(t.fc.getSize()),
  1371  		SocketOptions:                    channelz.GetSocketOption(t.conn),
  1372  		LocalAddr:                        t.localAddr,
  1373  		RemoteAddr:                       t.remoteAddr,
  1374  		// RemoteName :
  1375  	}
  1376  	if au, ok := t.authInfo.(credentials.ChannelzSecurityInfo); ok {
  1377  		s.Security = au.GetSecurityValue()
  1378  	}
  1379  	s.RemoteFlowControlWindow = t.getOutFlowWindow()
  1380  	return &s
  1381  }
  1383  func (t *http2Server) IncrMsgSent() {
  1384  	atomic.AddInt64(&t.czData.msgSent, 1)
  1385  	atomic.StoreInt64(&t.czData.lastMsgSentTime, time.Now().UnixNano())
  1386  }
  1388  func (t *http2Server) IncrMsgRecv() {
  1389  	atomic.AddInt64(&t.czData.msgRecv, 1)
  1390  	atomic.StoreInt64(&t.czData.lastMsgRecvTime, time.Now().UnixNano())
  1391  }
  1393  func (t *http2Server) getOutFlowWindow() int64 {
  1394  	resp := make(chan uint32, 1)
  1395  	timer := time.NewTimer(time.Second)
  1396  	defer timer.Stop()
  1397  	t.controlBuf.put(&outFlowControlSizeRequest{resp})
  1398  	select {
  1399  	case sz := <-resp:
  1400  		return int64(sz)
  1401  	case <-t.done:
  1402  		return -1
  1403  	case <-timer.C:
  1404  		return -2
  1405  	}
  1406  }
  1408  func getJitter(v time.Duration) time.Duration {
  1409  	if v == infinity {
  1410  		return 0
  1411  	}
  1412  	// Generate a jitter between +/- 10% of the value.
  1413  	r := int64(v / 10)
  1414  	j := grpcrand.Int63n(2*r) - r
  1415  	return time.Duration(j)
  1416  }
  1418  type connectionKey struct{}
  1420  // GetConnection gets the connection from the context.
  1421  func GetConnection(ctx context.Context) net.Conn {
  1422  	conn, _ := ctx.Value(connectionKey{}).(net.Conn)
  1423  	return conn
  1424  }
  1426  // SetConnection adds the connection to the context to be able to get
  1427  // information about the destination ip and port for an incoming RPC. This also
  1428  // allows any unary or streaming interceptors to see the connection.
  1429  func setConnection(ctx context.Context, conn net.Conn) context.Context {
  1430  	return context.WithValue(ctx, connectionKey{}, conn)
  1431  }