(about) 1 @startuml 2 title A股 - 尾盘(14:57~15:01) 3 robust "券商QMT" as QMT 4 concise "量化策略工具" as Quant 5 concise "数据引擎" as Stock 6 scale 30 as 60 pixels 7 8 @14:56:00 9 Stock is 初始化 10 11 @14:57:00 12 Stock is "集合竞价收盘, 计算板块情绪" 13 Quant is Waiting #LightCyan;line:Aqua 14 QMT is Waiting 15 16 @15:01:00 17 Stock is "计算指数情绪" 18 19 @15:02:00 20 Stock is 缓存 21 highlight 14:57:00 to 15:01:00 #Yellow;line:DimGrey : 数据采集阶段 22 highlight 15:01:00 to 15:02:00 #Gold;line:DimGrey : 收盘缓存 23 @enduml