
     1  package api
     3  import (
     4  	"reflect"
     5  	"unsafe"
     6  )
     8  // ChanIsClosed 判断channel是否关闭
     9  func ChanIsClosed(ch any) bool {
    10  	if reflect.TypeOf(ch).Kind() != reflect.Chan {
    11  		panic("only channels!")
    12  	}
    13  	cptr := *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(
    14  		unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&ch)) + unsafe.Sizeof(uint(0))),
    15  	))
    16  	// this function will return true if chan.closed > 0
    17  	// see hchan on
    18  	// type hchan struct {
    19  	// qcount   uint           // total data in the queue
    20  	// dataqsiz uint           // size of the circular queue
    21  	// buf      unsafe.Pointer // points to an array of dataqsiz elements
    22  	// elemsize uint16
    23  	// closed   uint32
    24  	// **
    25  	cptr += unsafe.Sizeof(uint(0)) * 2
    26  	cptr += unsafe.Sizeof(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(0)))
    27  	cptr += unsafe.Sizeof(uint16(0))
    28  	return *(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(cptr)) > 0
    29  }