
     1  package http
     3  import (
     4  	"math"
     5  	"net"
     6  	"net/http"
     7  	"time"
     8  )
    10  const (
    11  	// DefaultRedirects is the default number of times an Attacker follows
    12  	// redirects.
    13  	DefaultRedirects = 10
    14  	// DefaultTimeout is the default amount of time an Attacker waits for a request
    15  	// before it times out.
    16  	DefaultTimeout = 30 * time.Second
    17  	// DefaultConnections is the default amount of max open idle connections per
    18  	// target host.
    19  	DefaultConnections = 10000
    20  	// DefaultMaxConnections is the default amount of connections per target
    21  	// host.
    22  	DefaultMaxConnections = 0
    23  	// DefaultWorkers is the default initial number of workers used to carry an attack.
    24  	DefaultWorkers = 10
    25  	// DefaultMaxWorkers is the default maximum number of workers used to carry an attack.
    26  	DefaultMaxWorkers = math.MaxUint64
    27  	// DefaultMaxBody is the default max number of bytes to be read from response bodies.
    28  	// Defaults to no limit.
    29  	DefaultMaxBody = int64(-1)
    30  	// NoFollow is the value when redirects are not followed but marked successful
    31  	NoFollow = -1
    32  )
    34  // DefaultRoundTripper is used if no RoundTripper is set in Config.
    35  var DefaultRoundTripper http.RoundTripper = &http.Transport{
    36  	Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
    37  	DialContext: (&net.Dialer{
    38  		Timeout:   30 * time.Second, // 限制建立TCP连接的时间
    39  		KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second, // 保持连接的超时时间
    40  	}).DialContext,
    41  	IdleConnTimeout:       30 * time.Second,      // 空闲(keep-alive)连接在关闭之前保持空闲的时长
    42  	TLSHandshakeTimeout:   10 * time.Second,      // 限制 TLS握手的时间
    43  	ResponseHeaderTimeout: 10 * time.Second,      // 限制读取response header的时间,默认 timeout + 5*time.Second
    44  	ExpectContinueTimeout: 1 * time.Second,       // 限制client在发送包含 Expect: 100-continue的header到收到继续发送body的response之间的时间等待。
    45  	MaxIdleConns:          100,                   // 所有host的连接池最大连接数量,默认无穷大
    46  	MaxIdleConnsPerHost:   DefaultConnections,    // 每个host的连接池最大空闲连接数,默认2
    47  	MaxConnsPerHost:       DefaultMaxConnections, // 每个host的最大连接数量
    48  	//ForceAttemptHTTP2:     true,
    49  }
    51  func defaultClient() *http.Client {
    52  	return &http.Client{
    53  		Transport: DefaultRoundTripper,
    54  		Timeout:   DefaultTimeout, //设置超时时间
    55  	}
    56  }