
     1  # Copyright 2020 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  #
     3  # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  # You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  #
     7  #
     8  #
     9  # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  # limitations under the License.
    15  """buildifier_tests.bzl provides the buildifier_test rule"""
    17  load("@bazel_skylib//lib:shell.bzl", "shell")
    19  def _check_file(f):
    20      base = f.basename
    21      return base in ("WORKSPACE", "BUILD", "BUILD.bazel") or base.endswith(".bzl")
    23  def _buildifier_test_impl(ctx):
    24      files = [f for f in if _check_file(f)]
    26      script = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".bash")
    27      content = """#!/usr/bin/env bash
    29  set -uo pipefail
    31  files=(
    32      {files}
    33  )
    34  buildifier={buildifier}
    36  # warnings is the default list of warnings with exclusions:
    37  #   bzl-visibility: we reference symbols in //go/private outside of //go.
    38  #   confusing-name: a good font makes these very clear.
    39  #   function-docstring: too verbose. Many functions don't need docs.
    40  #   function-docstring-header: too verbose for now.
    41  #   function-docstring-args: too verbose.
    42  #   function-docstring-return: too verbose.
    43  #   module-docstring: doesn't seem useful for many private modules.
    44  #   name-conventions: we have non-compliant providers. We might change them
    45  #       eventually, but we'll need to keep the old symbols for compatibility.
    46  #   print: used for warnings.
    47  warnings=attr-cfg,attr-license,attr-non-empty,attr-output-default,attr-single-file,build-args-kwargs,constant-glob,ctx-actions,ctx-args,depset-iteration,depset-union,dict-concatenation,duplicated-name,filetype,git-repository,http-archive,integer-division,keyword-positional-params,load,load-on-top,native-android,native-build,native-cc,native-java,native-package,native-proto,native-py,no-effect,output-group,overly-nested-depset,package-name,package-on-top,positional-args,redefined-variable,repository-name,return-value,rule-impl-return,same-origin-load,string-iteration,uninitialized,unreachable,unused-variable
    49  ok=0
    50  for file in "${{files[@]}}"; do
    51      "$buildifier" -mode=check -lint=warn -warnings="$warnings" "$file"
    52      if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    53          ok=1
    54      fi
    55  done
    56  exit $ok
    57  """.format(
    58          buildifier = shell.quote(ctx.executable._buildifier.short_path),
    59          files = "\n".join([shell.quote(f.path) for f in files]),
    60      )
    61      ctx.actions.write(script, content, is_executable = True)
    63      return [DefaultInfo(
    64          executable = script,
    65          default_runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
    66              files = [script, ctx.executable._buildifier] + files,
    67          ),
    68      )]
    70  buildifier_test = rule(
    71      implementation = _buildifier_test_impl,
    72      attrs = {
    73          "data": attr.label_list(
    74              allow_files = True,
    75          ),
    76          "_buildifier": attr.label(
    77              default = "@com_github_bazelbuild_buildtools//buildifier",
    78              executable = True,
    79              cfg = "exec",
    80          ),
    81      },
    82      test = True,
    83  )