(about) 1 # Default values for apecloud-mysql. 2 # This is a YAML-formatted file. 3 # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. 4 5 image: 6 registry: 7 repository: apecloud/apecloud-mysql-server 8 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent 9 # Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. 10 tag: 8.0.30-5.beta2.20230830.g4ca1eb8.13 11 12 ## MySQL Cluster parameters 13 cluster: 14 ## CLUSTER_ID 15 clusterId: "1" 16 ## CLUSTER_START_INDEX 17 clusterStartIndex: "1" 18 ## @param cluster.replicaSetCount 19 replicaSetCount: 3 20 ## MYSQL_TEMPLATE_CONFIG 21 templateConfig: 22 ## MYSQL_CUSTOM_CONFIG 23 customConfig: 24 ## MYSQL_DYNAMIC_CONFIG 25 dynamicConfig: 26 ## KB_EMBEDDED_WESQL 27 kbWeSQLImage: "1" 28 29 ## MySQL Authentication parameters 30 auth: 31 ## MYSQL_ROOT_HOST 32 rootHost: "%" 33 ## @param auth.createDatabase Whether to create the .Values.auth.database or not 34 ## 35 createDatabase: true 36 ## @param auth.database Name for a custom database to create 37 ## MYSQL_DATABASE 38 database: "mydb" 39 ## @param auth.username Name for a custom user to create 40 ## MYSQL_USER 41 username: "u1" 42 ## MYSQL_PASSWORD 43 password: "u1" 44 ## @param auth.replicationUser MySQL replication user 45 ## 46 replicationUser: "replicator" 47 ## @param auth.replicationPassword MySQL replication user password. Ignored if existing secret is provided 48 ## 49 replicationPassword: "" 50 51 52 configTemplate: 53 ## @param config template name 54 ## name: mysql-3node-tpl-8.0 55 56 imagePullSecrets: [ ] 57 nameOverride: "" 58 fullnameOverride: "" 59 clusterVersionOverride: "" 60 61 mysqlConfigs: 62 dataMountPath: /data/mysql 63 dataDir: /data/mysql/data 64 logBin: /data/mysql/binlog/mysql-bin 65 66 67 logConfigs: 68 error: /data/mysql/log/mysqld-error.log 69 slow: /data/mysql/log/mysqld-slowquery.log 70 general: /data/mysql/log/mysqld.log 71 72 vtgateLogConfigs: 73 error: /vtdataroot/vtgate.ERROR 74 warning: /vtdataroot/vtgate.WARNING 75 info: /vtdataroot/vtgate.INFO 76 queryLog: /vtdataroot/vtgate_querylog.txt 77 78 vtconsensusLogConfigs: 79 error: /vtdataroot/vtconsensus/vtconsensus.ERROR 80 warning: /vtdataroot/vtconsensus/vtconsensus.WARNING 81 info: /vtdataroot/vtconsensus/vtconsensus.INFO 82 83 roleProbe: 84 failureThreshold: 2 85 periodSeconds: 1 86 timeoutSeconds: 1 87 88 logCollector: 89 enabled: false 90 91 metrics: 92 image: 93 registry: 94 repository: apecloud/agamotto 95 tag: 0.1.2-beta.1 96 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent 97 98 service: 99 port: 9104 100 101 backupTool: 102 image: 103 registry: 104 repository: apecloud/apecloud-xtrabackup 105 tag: latest 106 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent 107 108 wesqlscale: 109 cell: "zone1" 110 image: 111 registry: 112 repository: apecloud/apecloud-mysql-scale 113 tag: "0.1.1" 114 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent