(about) 1 apiVersion: 2 kind: ClusterDefinition 3 metadata: 4 name: clickhouse 5 labels: 6 {{- include "clickhouse.labels" . | nindent 4 }} 7 {{- if .Values.commonLabels }} 8 {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" ( dict "value" .Values.commonLabels "context" $ ) | nindent 4 }} 9 {{- end }} 10 {{- if .Values.commonAnnotations }} 11 annotations: {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" ( dict "value" .Values.commonAnnotations "context" $ ) | nindent 4 }} 12 {{- end }} 13 spec: 14 type: clickhouse 15 connectionCredential: 16 username: "admin" 17 admin-password: "$(RANDOM_PASSWD)" 18 endpoint: "http://$(SVC_FQDN):$(SVC_PORT_http)" 19 tcpEndpoint: "$(SVC_FQDN):$(SVC_PORT_tcp)" 20 mysqlEndpoint: "$(SVC_FQDN):$(SVC_PORT_tcp-mysql)" 21 pgEndpoint: "$(SVC_FQDN):$(SVC_PORT_tcp-postgresql)" 22 componentDefs: 23 - name: clickhouse 24 workloadType: Stateful 25 characterType: clickhouse 26 probes: 27 monitor: 28 builtIn: false 29 exporterConfig: 30 scrapePath: /metrics 31 scrapePort: 8001 32 logConfigs: 33 {{- range $name, $pattern := .Values.logConfigs }} 34 - name: {{ $name }} 35 filePathPattern: {{ $pattern }} 36 {{- end }} 37 configSpecs: 38 - name: clickhouse-tpl 39 templateRef: clickhouse-tpl 40 volumeName: config 41 namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} 42 service: 43 ports: 44 - name: http 45 targetPort: http 46 port: 8123 47 - name: tcp 48 targetPort: tcp 49 port: 9000 50 - name: tcp-mysql 51 targetPort: tcp-mysql 52 port: 9004 53 - name: tcp-postgresql 54 targetPort: tcp-postgresql 55 port: 9005 56 - name: http-intersrv 57 targetPort: http-intersrv 58 port: 9009 59 - name: http-metrics 60 targetPort: http-metrics 61 port: 8001 62 podSpec: 63 securityContext: 64 fsGroup: 1001 65 seccompProfile: 66 type: RuntimeDefault 67 containers: 68 - name: clickhouse 69 securityContext: 70 allowPrivilegeEscalation: false 71 capabilities: 72 drop: 73 - ALL 74 runAsNonRoot: true 75 runAsUser: 1001 76 env: 77 - name: CLICKHOUSE_ADMIN_PASSWORD 78 valueFrom: 79 secretKeyRef: 80 # notes: could also reference the secret's 'password' key, 81 # just keeping the same secret keys as bitnami Clickhouse chart 82 name: $(CONN_CREDENTIAL_SECRET_NAME) 83 key: admin-password 84 optional: false 85 - name: BITNAMI_DEBUG 86 value: "false" 87 - name: CLICKHOUSE_HTTP_PORT 88 value: "8123" 89 - name: CLICKHOUSE_TCP_PORT 90 value: "9000" 91 - name: CLICKHOUSE_MYSQL_PORT 92 value: "9004" 93 - name: CLICKHOUSE_POSTGRESQL_PORT 94 value: "9005" 95 - name: CLICKHOUSE_INTERSERVER_HTTP_PORT 96 value: "9009" 97 - name: CLICKHOUSE_METRICS_PORT 98 value: "8001" 99 - name: CLICKHOUSE_ADMIN_USER 100 value: "default" 101 - name: CLICKHOUSE_SHARD_ID 102 value: "$(KB_COMP_NAME)" 103 - name: CLICKHOUSE_REPLICA_ID 104 valueFrom: 105 fieldRef: 106 fieldPath: 107 ports: 108 - name: http 109 containerPort: 8123 110 - name: tcp 111 containerPort: 9000 112 - name: tcp-postgresql 113 containerPort: 9005 114 - name: tcp-mysql 115 containerPort: 9004 116 - name: http-intersrv 117 containerPort: 9009 118 - name: http-metrics 119 containerPort: 8001 120 livenessProbe: 121 failureThreshold: 3 122 initialDelaySeconds: 10 123 periodSeconds: 10 124 successThreshold: 1 125 timeoutSeconds: 1 126 httpGet: 127 path: /ping 128 port: http 129 readinessProbe: 130 failureThreshold: 3 131 initialDelaySeconds: 10 132 periodSeconds: 10 133 successThreshold: 1 134 timeoutSeconds: 1 135 httpGet: 136 path: /ping 137 port: http 138 volumeMounts: 139 - name: data 140 mountPath: /bitnami/clickhouse 141 - name: config 142 mountPath: /bitnami/clickhouse/etc/conf.d/default 143 144 - name: ch-keeper 145 workloadType: Stateful # Consensus 146 characterType: zookeeper 147 probes: 148 monitor: 149 builtIn: false 150 exporterConfig: 151 scrapePath: /metrics 152 scrapePort: 8001 153 logConfigs: 154 {{- range $name,$pattern := .Values.logConfigs }} 155 - name: {{ $name }} 156 filePathPattern: {{ $pattern }} 157 {{- end }} 158 configSpecs: 159 - name: clickhouse-keeper-tpl 160 templateRef: clickhouse-keeper-tpl 161 volumeName: config 162 namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} 163 service: 164 ports: 165 - name: tcp 166 targetPort: tcp 167 port: 2181 168 - name: http-metrics 169 targetPort: http-metrics 170 port: 8001 171 podSpec: 172 securityContext: 173 fsGroup: 1001 174 seccompProfile: 175 type: RuntimeDefault 176 containers: 177 - name: clickhouse 178 securityContext: 179 allowPrivilegeEscalation: false 180 capabilities: 181 drop: 182 - ALL 183 runAsNonRoot: true 184 runAsUser: 1001 185 env: 186 - name: CLICKHOUSE_ADMIN_PASSWORD 187 valueFrom: 188 secretKeyRef: 189 name: $(CONN_CREDENTIAL_SECRET_NAME) 190 key: admin-password 191 optional: false 192 - name: BITNAMI_DEBUG 193 value: "false" 194 - name: CLICKHOUSE_KEEPER_TCP_PORT 195 value: "2181" 196 - name: CLICKHOUSE_KEEPER_RAFT_PORT 197 value: "9181" 198 - name: CLICKHOUSE_METRICS_PORT 199 value: "8001" 200 ports: 201 - name: tcp 202 containerPort: 2181 203 - name: raft 204 containerPort: 9444 205 - name: http-metrics 206 containerPort: 8001 207 # livenessProbe: 208 # failureThreshold: 6 209 # initialDelaySeconds: 30 210 # periodSeconds: 10 211 # successThreshold: 1 212 # timeoutSeconds: 5 213 # exec: 214 # command: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'echo "ruok" | timeout 2 nc -w 2 localhost 2181 | grep imok'] 215 # readinessProbe: 216 # failureThreshold: 6 217 # initialDelaySeconds: 5 218 # periodSeconds: 10 219 # successThreshold: 1 220 # timeoutSeconds: 5 221 # exec: 222 # command: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'echo "ruok" | timeout 2 nc -w 2 localhost 2181 | grep imok'] 223 volumeMounts: 224 - name: data 225 mountPath: /bitnami/clickhouse 226 - name: config 227 mountPath: /bitnami/clickhouse/etc/conf.d/default 228 229 - name: zookeeper 230 workloadType: Stateful #Consensus 231 characterType: zookeeper 232 # probes: 233 # roleProbe: 234 # cmd: "stat | grep 'Leader'" 235 # failureThreshold: {{ .Values.zookeeper.roleProbe.failureThreshold }} 236 # periodSeconds: {{ .Values.zookeeper.roleProbe.periodSeconds }} 237 # successThreshold: {{ .Values.zookeeper.roleProbe.successThreshold }} 238 monitor: 239 builtIn: false 240 exporterConfig: 241 scrapePath: /metrics 242 scrapePort: 9141 243 logConfigs: 244 {{- range $name,$pattern := .Values.zookeeper.logConfigs }} 245 - name: {{ $name }} 246 filePathPattern: {{ $pattern }} 247 {{- end }} 248 configSpecs: 249 {{- if .Values.zookeeper.configuration }} 250 - name: zookeeper-tpl 251 templateRef: zookeeper-tpl 252 namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} 253 volumeName: config 254 {{- end }} 255 scriptSpecs: 256 - name: zookeeper-scripts-tpl 257 templateRef: zookeeper-scripts-tpl 258 namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} 259 volumeName: scripts 260 defaultMode: 0755 261 service: 262 ports: 263 - name: tcp-client 264 port: 2181 265 targetPort: client 266 - name: metrics 267 port: 9141 268 targetPort: metrics 269 podSpec: 270 securityContext: 271 fsGroup: 1001 272 initContainers: 273 containers: 274 - name: zookeeper 275 securityContext: 276 allowPrivilegeEscalation: false 277 runAsNonRoot: true 278 runAsUser: 1001 279 command: 280 - /scripts/ 281 resources: 282 limits: {} 283 requests: 284 cpu: 250m 285 memory: 256Mi 286 env: 287 - name: POD_NAME 288 valueFrom: 289 fieldRef: 290 apiVersion: v1 291 fieldPath: 292 - name: BITNAMI_DEBUG 293 value: "false" 294 - name: ZOO_DATA_LOG_DIR 295 value: "" 296 - name: ZOO_PORT_NUMBER 297 value: "2181" 298 - name: ZOO_TICK_TIME 299 value: "2000" 300 - name: ZOO_INIT_LIMIT 301 value: "10" 302 - name: ZOO_SYNC_LIMIT 303 value: "5" 304 - name: ZOO_PRE_ALLOC_SIZE 305 value: "65536" 306 - name: ZOO_SNAPCOUNT 307 value: "100000" 308 - name: ZOO_MAX_CLIENT_CNXNS 309 value: "60" 310 - name: ZOO_4LW_COMMANDS_WHITELIST 311 value: "srvr, mntr, ruok" 312 - name: ZOO_LISTEN_ALLIPS_ENABLED 313 value: "no" 314 - name: ZOO_AUTOPURGE_INTERVAL 315 value: "0" 316 - name: ZOO_AUTOPURGE_RETAIN_COUNT 317 value: "3" 318 - name: ZOO_MAX_SESSION_TIMEOUT 319 value: "40000" 320 # HACK: hack for single ZK node only 321 - name: ZOO_SERVERS 322 value: "$(KB_POD_NAME).$(KB_CLUSTER_COMP_NAME).$(KB_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local:2888:3888::1" 323 # value: myck-zookeeper-0.myck-zookeeper-headless.$(POD_NAMESPACE).svc:2888:3888::1 myck-zookeeper-1.myck-zookeeper-headless.$(POD_NAMESPACE).svc:2888:3888::2 myck-zookeeper-2.myck-zookeeper-headless.$(POD_NAMESPACE).svc:2888:3888::3 324 - name: ZOO_ENABLE_AUTH 325 value: "no" 326 - name: ZOO_ENABLE_QUORUM_AUTH 327 value: "no" 328 - name: ZOO_HEAP_SIZE 329 value: "1024" 330 - name: ZOO_LOG_LEVEL 331 value: "ERROR" 332 - name: ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_LOGIN 333 value: "yes" 334 - name: ZOO_ENABLE_PROMETHEUS_METRICS 335 value: "yes" 336 - name: ZOO_PROMETHEUS_METRICS_PORT_NUMBER 337 value: "9141" 338 - name: POD_NAME 339 value: "$(KB_POD_NAME)" 340 - name: POD_NAMESPACE 341 value: "$(KB_NAMESPACE)" 342 # TODO: using componentDefRef to inject zookeeper or keeper env 343 ports: 344 - name: client 345 containerPort: 2181 346 - name: follower 347 containerPort: 2888 348 - name: election 349 containerPort: 3888 350 - name: metrics 351 containerPort: 9141 352 livenessProbe: 353 failureThreshold: 6 354 initialDelaySeconds: 30 355 periodSeconds: 10 356 successThreshold: 1 357 timeoutSeconds: 5 358 exec: 359 command: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'echo "ruok" | timeout 2 nc -w 2 localhost 2181 | grep imok'] 360 readinessProbe: 361 failureThreshold: 6 362 initialDelaySeconds: 5 363 periodSeconds: 10 364 successThreshold: 1 365 timeoutSeconds: 5 366 exec: 367 command: ['/bin/bash', '-c', 'echo "ruok" | timeout 2 nc -w 2 localhost 2181 | grep imok'] 368 volumeMounts: 369 - name: scripts 370 mountPath: /scripts/ 371 subPath: 372 - name: data 373 mountPath: /bitnami/zookeeper