
     1  apiVersion:
     2  kind: CSIDriver
     3  metadata:
     4    name:
     5    labels:
     6      {{- include "csi-hostpath-driver.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
     7 csi-driver
     8  spec:
     9    # Supports persistent and ephemeral inline volumes.
    10    volumeLifecycleModes:
    11      - Persistent
    12      - Ephemeral
    13    # To determine at runtime which mode a volume uses, pod info and its
    14    # "" entry are needed.
    15    podInfoOnMount: true
    16    # Kubernetes may use fsGroup to change permissions and ownership
    17    # of the volume to match user requested fsGroup in the pod's SecurityPolicy
    18    fsGroupPolicy: File