(about) 1 apiVersion: 2 kind: Addon 3 metadata: 4 name: apecloud-mysql 5 labels: 6 {{- include "kubeblocks.labels" . | nindent 4 }} 7 "": apecloud 8 {{- if .Values.keepAddons }} 9 annotations: 10 keep 11 {{- end }} 12 spec: 13 description: 'ApeCloud MySQL is a database that is compatible with MySQL syntax and achieves high availability 14 through the utilization of the RAFT consensus protocol.' 15 16 type: Helm 17 18 helm: 19 {{- include "kubeblocks.addonChartLocationURL" ( dict "name" "apecloud-mysql" "version" (default .Chart.Version .Values.versionOverride) "values" .Values) | indent 4 }} 20 {{- include "kubeblocks.addonChartsImage" . | indent 4 }} 21 22 installOptions: 23 {{- if hasPrefix "oci://" .Values.addonChartLocationBase }} 24 version: {{ default .Chart.Version .Values.versionOverride }} 25 {{- end }} 26 27 defaultInstallValues: 28 - enabled: true 29 30 installable: 31 autoInstall: true 32