(about) 1 apiVersion: 2 kind: Addon 3 metadata: 4 name: fault-chaos-mesh 5 labels: 6 {{- include "kubeblocks.labels" . | nindent 4 }} 7 "": community 8 {{- if .Values.keepAddons }} 9 annotations: 10 keep 11 {{- end }} 12 spec: 13 description: 'Chaos Mesh is an open-source chaos engineering tool that facilitates testing the resiliency and reliability of distributed systems by introducing various failure scenarios in a controlled manner.' 14 15 type: Helm 16 17 helm: 18 {{- include "kubeblocks.addonChartLocationURL" ( dict "name" "chaos-mesh" "version" "2.5.2" "values" .Values) | indent 4 }} 19 {{- include "kubeblocks.addonChartsImage" . | indent 4 }} 20 21 installOptions: 22 {{- if hasPrefix "oci://" .Values.addonChartLocationBase }} 23 version: 2.5.2 24 {{- end }} 25 26 installValues: 27 setValues: 28 - "version=2.5.2" 29 - "chaosDaemon.privileged=true" 30 - "dnsServer.create=true" 31 - "chaosDaemon.runtime=containerd" 32 - "chaosDaemon.socketPath=/run/containerd/containerd.sock" 33 - "" 34 - "controllerManager.image.repository=apecloud/chaos-mesh" 35 - "chaosDaemon.image.repository=apecloud/chaos-daemon" 36 - "dashboard.image.repository=apecloud/chaos-dashboard" 37 38 valuesMapping: 39 valueMap: 40 replicaCount: controllerManager.replicaCount 41 jsonMap: 42 tolerations: controllerManager.tolerations 43 resources: 44 cpu: 45 requests: controllerManager.resources.requests.cpu 46 memory: 47 requests: controllerManager.resources.requests.memory 48 49 extras: 50 - name: chaosDaemon 51 jsonMap: 52 tolerations: chaosDaemon.tolerations 53 54 - name: dashboard 55 valueMap: 56 replicaCount: dashboard.replicaCount 57 jsonMap: 58 tolerations: dashboard.tolerations 59 resources: 60 cpu: 61 requests: dashboard.resources.requests.cpu 62 memory: 63 requests: dashboard.resources.requests.memory 64 65 - name: dnsServer 66 jsonMap: 67 tolerations: dnsServer.tolerations 68 resources: 69 cpu: 70 requests: dnsServer.resources.requests.cpu 71 memory: 72 requests: dnsServer.resources.requests.memory 73 74 installable: 75 autoInstall: false 76 77 defaultInstallValues: 78 - enabled: false 79 {{- with .Values.tolerations }} 80 tolerations: {{ toJson . | quote }} 81 {{- end }} 82 extras: 83 - name: chaosDaemon 84 {{- with .Values.tolerations }} 85 tolerations: {{ toJson . | quote }} 86 {{- end }} 87 - name: dashboard 88 {{- with .Values.tolerations }} 89 tolerations: {{ toJson . | quote }} 90 {{- end }} 91 - name: dnsServer 92 {{- with .Values.tolerations }} 93 tolerations: {{ toJson . | quote }} 94 {{- end }}