(about) 1 ########## basics ########## 2 # Whether to run as a daemon process 3 --daemonize=true 4 # The file to host the process id 5 --pid_file=pids/ 6 # Whether to enable optimizer 7 --enable_optimizer=true 8 # The default charset when a space is created 9 --default_charset=utf8 10 # The default collate when a space is created 11 --default_collate=utf8_bin 12 # Whether to use the configuration obtained from the configuration file 13 --local_config=true 14 15 ########## logging ########## 16 # The directory to host logging files 17 --log_dir=logs 18 # Log level, 0, 1, 2, 3 for INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL respectively 19 --minloglevel=0 20 # Verbose log level, 1, 2, 3, 4, the higher of the level, the more verbose of the logging 21 --v=0 22 # Maximum seconds to buffer the log messages 23 --logbufsecs=0 24 # Whether to redirect stdout and stderr to separate output files 25 --redirect_stdout=true 26 # Destination filename of stdout and stderr, which will also reside in log_dir. 27 --stdout_log_file=graphd-stdout.log 28 --stderr_log_file=graphd-stderr.log 29 # Copy log messages at or above this level to stderr in addition to logfiles. The numbers of severity levels INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL are 0, 1, 2, and 3, respectively. 30 --stderrthreshold=3 31 # wether logging files' name contain timestamp. 32 --timestamp_in_logfile_name=true 33 34 ########## query ########## 35 # Whether to treat partial success as an error. 36 # This flag is only used for Read-only access, and Modify access always treats partial success as an error. 37 --accept_partial_success=false 38 # Maximum sentence length, unit byte 39 --max_allowed_query_size=4194304 40 41 ########## networking ########## 42 # Comma separated Meta Server Addresses 43 --meta_server_addrs= 44 # Local IP used to identify the nebula-graphd process. 45 # Change it to an address other than loopback if the service is distributed or 46 # will be accessed remotely. 47 --local_ip= 48 # Network device to listen on 49 --listen_netdev=any 50 # Port to listen on 51 --port=9669 52 # To turn on SO_REUSEPORT or not 53 --reuse_port=false 54 # Backlog of the listen socket, adjust this together with net.core.somaxconn 55 --listen_backlog=1024 56 # The number of seconds Nebula service waits before closing the idle connections 57 --client_idle_timeout_secs=28800 58 # The number of seconds before idle sessions expire 59 # The range should be in [1, 604800] 60 --session_idle_timeout_secs=28800 61 # The number of threads to accept incoming connections 62 --num_accept_threads=1 63 # The number of networking IO threads, 0 for # of CPU cores 64 --num_netio_threads=0 65 # The number of threads to execute user queries, 0 for # of CPU cores 66 --num_worker_threads=0 67 # HTTP service ip 68 --ws_ip= 69 # HTTP service port 70 --ws_http_port=19669 71 # storage client timeout 72 --storage_client_timeout_ms=60000 73 # Enable slow query records 74 --enable_record_slow_query=true 75 # The number of slow query records 76 --slow_query_limit=100 77 # slow query threshold in us 78 --slow_query_threshold_us=200000 79 # Port to listen on Meta with HTTP protocol, it corresponds to ws_http_port in metad's configuration file 80 --ws_meta_http_port=19559 81 82 ########## authentication ########## 83 # Enable authorization 84 --enable_authorize=false 85 # User login authentication type, password for nebula authentication, ldap for ldap authentication, cloud for cloud authentication 86 --auth_type=password 87 88 ########## memory ########## 89 # System memory high watermark ratio, cancel the memory checking when the ratio greater than 1.0 90 --system_memory_high_watermark_ratio=0.8 91 92 ########## audit ########## 93 # This variable is used to enable audit. The value can be 'true' or 'false'. 94 --enable_audit=false 95 # This variable is used to configure where the audit log will be written. Optional:[ file | es ] 96 # If it is set to 'file', the log will be written into a file specified by audit_log_file variable. 97 # If it is set to 'es', the audit log will be written to Elasticsearch. 98 --audit_log_handler=file 99 # This variable is used to specify the filename that’s going to store the audit log. 100 # It can contain the path relative to the install dir or absolute path. 101 # This variable has effect only when audit_log_handler is set to 'file'. 102 --audit_log_file=./logs/audit/audit.log 103 # This variable is used to specify the audit log strategy, Optional:[ asynchronous| synchronous ] 104 # asynchronous: log using memory buffer, do not block the main thread 105 # synchronous: log directly to file, flush and sync every event 106 # Caution: For performance reasons, when the buffer is full and has not been flushed to the disk, 107 # the 'asynchronous' mode will discard subsequent requests. 108 # This variable has effect only when audit_log_handler is set to 'file'. 109 --audit_log_strategy=synchronous 110 # This variable can be used to specify the size of memory buffer used for logging, 111 # used when audit_log_strategy variable is set to 'asynchronous' values. 112 # This variable has effect only when audit_log_handler is set to 'file'. Uint: B 113 --audit_log_max_buffer_size=1048576 114 # This variable is used to specify the audit log format. Supports three log formats [ xml | json | csv ] 115 # This variable has effect only when audit_log_handler is set to 'file'. 116 --audit_log_format=xml 117 # This variable can be used to specify the comma-seperated list of Elasticsearch addresses, 118 # eg, ','. 119 # This variable has effect only when audit_log_handler is set to 'es'. 120 --audit_log_es_address= 121 # This variable can be used to specify the user name of the Elasticsearch. 122 # This variable has effect only when audit_log_handler is set to 'es'. 123 --audit_log_es_user= 124 # This variable can be used to specify the user password of the Elasticsearch. 125 # This variable has effect only when audit_log_handler is set to 'es'. 126 --audit_log_es_password= 127 # This variable can be used to specify the number of logs which are sent to Elasticsearch at one time. 128 # This variable has effect only when audit_log_handler is set to 'es'. 129 --audit_log_es_batch_size=1000 130 # This variable is used to specify the list of spaces for not tracking. 131 # The value can be comma separated list of spaces, ie, 'nba, basketball'. 132 --audit_log_exclude_spaces= 133 # This variable is used to specify the list of log categories for tracking, eg, 'login, ddl'. 134 # There are eight categories for tracking. There are: [ login | exit | ddl | dql | dml | dcl | util | unknown ]. 135 --audit_log_categories=login,exit 136 137 ########## metrics ########## 138 --enable_space_level_metrics=false 139 140 ########## experimental feature ########## 141 # if use experimental features 142 --enable_experimental_feature=false 143 144 ########## Black box ######## 145 # Enable black box 146 --ng_black_box_switch=true 147 # Black box log folder 148 --ng_black_box_home=black_box 149 # Black box dump metrics log period 150 --ng_black_box_dump_period_seconds=5 151 # Black box log files expire time 152 --ng_black_box_file_lifetime_seconds=1800 153 154 ########## session ########## 155 # Maximum number of sessions that can be created per IP and per user 156 --max_sessions_per_ip_per_user=300 157 158 ########## memory tracker ########## 159 # trackable memory ratio (trackable_memory / (total_memory - untracked_reserved_memory) ) 160 --memory_tracker_limit_ratio=0.8 161 # untracked reserved memory in Mib 162 --memory_tracker_untracked_reserved_memory_mb=50 163 164 # enable log memory tracker stats periodically 165 --memory_tracker_detail_log=false 166 # log memory tacker stats interval in milliseconds 167 --memory_tracker_detail_log_interval_ms=60000 168 169 # enable memory background purge (if jemalloc is used) 170 --memory_purge_enabled=true 171 # memory background purge interval in seconds 172 --memory_purge_interval_seconds=10