
     1  apiVersion: v1
     2  kind: ConfigMap
     3  metadata:
     4    name: orioledb-custom-metrics
     5    labels:
     6        {{- include "orioledb.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
     7  data:
     8    custom-metrics.yaml: |-
     9      pg_postmaster:
    10        query: "/*kb-monitor*/SELECT pg_postmaster_start_time as start_time_seconds from pg_postmaster_start_time()"
    11        master: true
    12        metrics:
    13          - start_time_seconds:
    14              usage: "GAUGE"
    15              description: "Time at which postmaster started"
    17      pg_replication:
    18        query: |
    19          /*kb-monitor*/SELECT
    20          (case when (not pg_is_in_recovery() or pg_last_wal_receive_lsn() = pg_last_wal_replay_lsn()) then 0 else greatest (0, extract(epoch from (now() - pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp()))) end) as lag,
    21          (case when pg_is_in_recovery() then 0 else 1 end) as is_master
    22        master: true
    23        metrics:
    24          - lag:
    25              usage: "GAUGE"
    26              description: "Replication lag behind master in seconds"
    27          - is_master:
    28              usage: "GAUGE"
    29              description: "Instance is master or slave"
    31      pg_stat_user_tables:
    32        query: |
    33          /*kb-monitor*/SELECT
    34          current_database() datname,
    35          schemaname,
    36          relname,
    37          seq_scan,
    38          seq_tup_read,
    39          idx_scan,
    40          idx_tup_fetch,
    41          n_tup_ins,
    42          n_tup_upd,
    43          n_tup_del,
    44          n_tup_hot_upd,
    45          n_live_tup,
    46          n_dead_tup,
    47          n_mod_since_analyze,
    48          n_ins_since_vacuum,
    49          COALESCE(last_vacuum, '1970-01-01Z') as last_vacuum,
    50          COALESCE(last_autovacuum, '1970-01-01Z') as last_autovacuum,
    51          COALESCE(last_analyze, '1970-01-01Z') as last_analyze,
    52          COALESCE(last_autoanalyze, '1970-01-01Z') as last_autoanalyze,
    53          vacuum_count,
    54          autovacuum_count,
    55          analyze_count,
    56          autoanalyze_count
    57          FROM
    58          pg_stat_user_tables
    59        metrics:
    60          - datname:
    61              usage: "LABEL"
    62              description: "Name of current database"
    63          - schemaname:
    64              usage: "LABEL"
    65              description: "Name of the schema that this table is in"
    66          - relname:
    67              usage: "LABEL"
    68              description: "Name of this table"
    69          - seq_scan:
    70              usage: "COUNTER"
    71              description: "Number of sequential scans initiated on this table"
    72          - seq_tup_read:
    73              usage: "COUNTER"
    74              description: "Number of live rows fetched by sequential scans"
    75          - idx_scan:
    76              usage: "COUNTER"
    77              description: "Number of index scans initiated on this table"
    78          - idx_tup_fetch:
    79              usage: "COUNTER"
    80              description: "Number of live rows fetched by index scans"
    81          - n_tup_ins:
    82              usage: "COUNTER"
    83              description: "Number of rows inserted"
    84          - n_tup_upd:
    85              usage: "COUNTER"
    86              description: "Number of rows updated"
    87          - n_tup_del:
    88              usage: "COUNTER"
    89              description: "Number of rows deleted"
    90          - n_tup_hot_upd:
    91              usage: "COUNTER"
    92              description: "Number of rows HOT updated (i.e., with no separate index update required)"
    93          - n_live_tup:
    94              usage: "GAUGE"
    95              description: "Estimated number of live rows"
    96          - n_dead_tup:
    97              usage: "GAUGE"
    98              description: "Estimated number of dead rows"
    99          - n_mod_since_analyze:
   100              usage: "GAUGE"
   101              description: "Estimated number of rows changed since last analyze"
   102          - n_ins_since_vacuum:
   103              usage: "GAUGE"
   104              description: "Estimated number of rows inserted since this table was last vacuumed"
   105          - last_vacuum:
   106              usage: "GAUGE"
   107              description: "Last time at which this table was manually vacuumed (not counting VACUUM FULL)"
   108          - last_autovacuum:
   109              usage: "GAUGE"
   110              description: "Last time at which this table was vacuumed by the autovacuum daemon"
   111          - last_analyze:
   112              usage: "GAUGE"
   113              description: "Last time at which this table was manually analyzed"
   114          - last_autoanalyze:
   115              usage: "GAUGE"
   116              description: "Last time at which this table was analyzed by the autovacuum daemon"
   117          - vacuum_count:
   118              usage: "COUNTER"
   119              description: "Number of times this table has been manually vacuumed (not counting VACUUM FULL)"
   120          - autovacuum_count:
   121              usage: "COUNTER"
   122              description: "Number of times this table has been vacuumed by the autovacuum daemon"
   123          - analyze_count:
   124              usage: "COUNTER"
   125              description: "Number of times this table has been manually analyzed"
   126          - autoanalyze_count:
   127              usage: "COUNTER"
   128              description: "Number of times this table has been analyzed by the autovacuum daemon"
   130      pg_statio_user_tables:
   131        query: |
   132          /*kb-monitor*/SELECT
   133          current_database() datname,
   134          schemaname,
   135          relname,
   136          heap_blks_read,
   137          heap_blks_hit,
   138          idx_blks_read,
   139          idx_blks_hit,
   140          toast_blks_read,
   141          toast_blks_hit,
   142          tidx_blks_read,
   143          tidx_blks_hit
   144          FROM
   145          pg_statio_user_tables
   146        metrics:
   147          - datname:
   148              usage: "LABEL"
   149              description: "Name of current database"
   150          - schemaname:
   151              usage: "LABEL"
   152              description: "Name of the schema that this table is in"
   153          - relname:
   154              usage: "LABEL"
   155              description: "Name of this table"
   156          - heap_blks_read:
   157              usage: "COUNTER"
   158              description: "Number of disk blocks read from this table"
   159          - heap_blks_hit:
   160              usage: "COUNTER"
   161              description: "Number of buffer hits in this table"
   162          - idx_blks_read:
   163              usage: "COUNTER"
   164              description: "Number of disk blocks read from all indexes on this table"
   165          - idx_blks_hit:
   166              usage: "COUNTER"
   167              description: "Number of buffer hits in all indexes on this table"
   168          - toast_blks_read:
   169              usage: "COUNTER"
   170              description: "Number of disk blocks read from this table's TOAST table (if any)"
   171          - toast_blks_hit:
   172              usage: "COUNTER"
   173              description: "Number of buffer hits in this table's TOAST table (if any)"
   174          - tidx_blks_read:
   175              usage: "COUNTER"
   176              description: "Number of disk blocks read from this table's TOAST table indexes (if any)"
   177          - tidx_blks_hit:
   178              usage: "COUNTER"
   179              description: "Number of buffer hits in this table's TOAST table indexes (if any)"
   181      # WARNING: This set of metrics can be very expensive on a busy server as every unique query executed will create an additional time series
   182      pg_stat_statements_by_mean_exec_time:
   183        query: |
   184          /*kb-monitor*/SELECT
   185          t2.rolname,
   186          t3.datname,
   187          queryid,
   188          left(regexp_replace(trim(both ' ' from lower(query)),'\s+',' ','g'), 256) as query,
   189          plans,
   190          total_plan_time / 1000 as plan_time_seconds,
   191          min_plan_time / 1000 as min_plan_time_seconds,
   192          max_plan_time / 1000 as max_plan_time_seconds,
   193          mean_plan_time / 1000 as mean_plan_time_seconds,
   194          stddev_plan_time / 1000 as stddev_plan_time_seconds,
   195          calls,
   196          total_exec_time / 1000 as exec_time_seconds,
   197          min_exec_time / 1000 as min_exec_time_seconds,
   198          max_exec_time / 1000 as max_exec_time_seconds,
   199          mean_exec_time / 1000 as mean_exec_time_seconds,
   200          stddev_exec_time / 1000 as stddev_exec_time_seconds,
   201          rows,
   202          shared_blks_hit,
   203          shared_blks_read,
   204          shared_blks_dirtied,
   205          shared_blks_written,
   206          local_blks_hit,
   207          local_blks_read,
   208          local_blks_dirtied,
   209          local_blks_written,
   210          temp_blks_read,
   211          temp_blks_written,
   212          blk_read_time / 1000 as blk_read_time_seconds,
   213          blk_write_time / 1000 as blk_write_time_seconds,
   214          wal_records,
   215          wal_fpi,
   216          wal_bytes
   217          FROM
   218          pg_stat_statements t1
   219          JOIN
   220          pg_roles t2
   221          ON (t1.userid=t2.oid)
   222          JOIN
   223          pg_database t3
   224          ON (t1.dbid=t3.oid)
   225          WHERE t2.rolname != 'rdsadmin'
   226          ORDER BY mean_exec_time DESC
   227          LIMIT 50
   228        master: true
   229        metrics:
   230          - rolname:
   231              usage: "LABEL"
   232              description: "Name of user"
   233          - datname:
   234              usage: "LABEL"
   235              description: "Name of database"
   236          - queryid:
   237              usage: "LABEL"
   238              description: "Query ID"
   239          - query:
   240              usage: "LABEL"
   241              description: "First 64 chars for simple formatted query text"
   242          - plans:
   243              usage: "COUNTER"
   244              description: "Number of times the statement was planned"
   245          - plan_time_seconds:
   246              usage: "COUNTER"
   247              description: "Total time spent planning the statement"
   248          - min_plan_time_seconds:
   249              usage: "GAUGE"
   250              description: "Minimum time spent planning the statement"
   251          - max_plan_time_seconds:
   252              usage: "GAUGE"
   253              description: "Maximum time spent planning the statement"
   254          - mean_plan_time_seconds:
   255              usage: "GAUGE"
   256              description: "Mean time spent planning the statement"
   257          - stddev_plan_time_seconds:
   258              usage: "GAUGE"
   259              description: "Population standard deviation of time spent planning the statement"
   260          - calls:
   261              usage: "COUNTER"
   262              description: "Number of times executed"
   263          - exec_time_seconds:
   264              usage: "COUNTER"
   265              description: "Total time spent in the statement"
   266          - min_exec_time_seconds:
   267              usage: "GAUGE"
   268              description: "Minimum time spent in the statement"
   269          - max_exec_time_seconds:
   270              usage: "GAUGE"
   271              description: "Maximum time spent in the statement"
   272          - mean_exec_time_seconds:
   273              usage: "GAUGE"
   274              description: "Mean time spent in the statement"
   275          - stddev_exec_time_seconds:
   276              usage: "GAUGE"
   277              description: "Population standard deviation of time spent in the statement"
   278          - rows:
   279              usage: "COUNTER"
   280              description: "Total number of rows retrieved or affected by the statement"
   281          - shared_blks_hit:
   282              usage: "COUNTER"
   283              description: "Total number of shared block cache hits by the statement"
   284          - shared_blks_read:
   285              usage: "COUNTER"
   286              description: "Total number of shared blocks read by the statement"
   287          - shared_blks_dirtied:
   288              usage: "COUNTER"
   289              description: "Total number of shared blocks dirtied by the statement"
   290          - shared_blks_written:
   291              usage: "COUNTER"
   292              description: "Total number of shared blocks written by the statement"
   293          - local_blks_hit:
   294              usage: "COUNTER"
   295              description: "Total number of local block cache hits by the statement"
   296          - local_blks_read:
   297              usage: "COUNTER"
   298              description: "Total number of local blocks read by the statement"
   299          - local_blks_dirtied:
   300              usage: "COUNTER"
   301              description: "Total number of local blocks dirtied by the statement"
   302          - local_blks_written:
   303              usage: "COUNTER"
   304              description: "Total number of local blocks written by the statement"
   305          - temp_blks_read:
   306              usage: "COUNTER"
   307              description: "Total number of temp blocks read by the statement"
   308          - temp_blks_written:
   309              usage: "COUNTER"
   310              description: "Total number of temp blocks written by the statement"
   311          - blk_read_time_seconds:
   312              usage: "COUNTER"
   313              description: "Total time the statement spent reading blocks, in milliseconds (if track_io_timing is enabled, otherwise zero)"
   314          - blk_write_time_seconds:
   315              usage: "COUNTER"
   316              description: "Total time the statement spent writing blocks, in milliseconds (if track_io_timing is enabled, otherwise zero)"
   317          - wal_records:
   318              usage: "COUNTER"
   319              description: "Total number of WAL records generated by the statement"
   320          - wal_fpi:
   321              usage: "COUNTER"
   322              description: "Total number of WAL full page images generated by the statement"
   323          - wal_bytes:
   324              usage: "COUNTER"
   325              description: "Total amount of WAL generated by the statement in bytes"
   327      pg_stat_statements_by_calls:
   328        query: |
   329          /*kb-monitor*/SELECT
   330          t2.rolname,
   331          t3.datname,
   332          queryid,
   333          left(regexp_replace(trim(both ' ' from lower(query)),'\s+',' ','g'), 256) as query,
   334          plans,
   335          total_plan_time / 1000 as plan_time_seconds,
   336          min_plan_time / 1000 as min_plan_time_seconds,
   337          max_plan_time / 1000 as max_plan_time_seconds,
   338          mean_plan_time / 1000 as mean_plan_time_seconds,
   339          stddev_plan_time / 1000 as stddev_plan_time_seconds,
   340          calls,
   341          total_exec_time / 1000 as exec_time_seconds,
   342          min_exec_time / 1000 as min_exec_time_seconds,
   343          max_exec_time / 1000 as max_exec_time_seconds,
   344          mean_exec_time / 1000 as mean_exec_time_seconds,
   345          stddev_exec_time / 1000 as stddev_exec_time_seconds,
   346          rows,
   347          shared_blks_hit,
   348          shared_blks_read,
   349          shared_blks_dirtied,
   350          shared_blks_written,
   351          local_blks_hit,
   352          local_blks_read,
   353          local_blks_dirtied,
   354          local_blks_written,
   355          temp_blks_read,
   356          temp_blks_written,
   357          blk_read_time / 1000 as blk_read_time_seconds,
   358          blk_write_time / 1000 as blk_write_time_seconds,
   359          wal_records,
   360          wal_fpi,
   361          wal_bytes
   362          FROM
   363          pg_stat_statements t1
   364          JOIN
   365          pg_roles t2
   366          ON (t1.userid=t2.oid)
   367          JOIN
   368          pg_database t3
   369          ON (t1.dbid=t3.oid)
   370          WHERE t2.rolname != 'rdsadmin'
   371          ORDER BY calls DESC
   372          LIMIT 50
   373        master: true
   374        metrics:
   375          - rolname:
   376              usage: "LABEL"
   377              description: "Name of user"
   378          - datname:
   379              usage: "LABEL"
   380              description: "Name of database"
   381          - queryid:
   382              usage: "LABEL"
   383              description: "Query ID"
   384          - query:
   385              usage: "LABEL"
   386              description: "First 64 chars for simple formatted query text"
   387          - plans:
   388              usage: "COUNTER"
   389              description: "Number of times the statement was planned"
   390          - plan_time_seconds:
   391              usage: "COUNTER"
   392              description: "Total time spent planning the statement"
   393          - min_plan_time_seconds:
   394              usage: "GAUGE"
   395              description: "Minimum time spent planning the statement"
   396          - max_plan_time_seconds:
   397              usage: "GAUGE"
   398              description: "Maximum time spent planning the statement"
   399          - mean_plan_time_seconds:
   400              usage: "GAUGE"
   401              description: "Mean time spent planning the statement"
   402          - stddev_plan_time_seconds:
   403              usage: "GAUGE"
   404              description: "Population standard deviation of time spent planning the statement"
   405          - calls:
   406              usage: "COUNTER"
   407              description: "Number of times executed"
   408          - exec_time_seconds:
   409              usage: "COUNTER"
   410              description: "Total time spent in the statement"
   411          - min_exec_time_seconds:
   412              usage: "GAUGE"
   413              description: "Minimum time spent in the statement"
   414          - max_exec_time_seconds:
   415              usage: "GAUGE"
   416              description: "Maximum time spent in the statement"
   417          - mean_exec_time_seconds:
   418              usage: "GAUGE"
   419              description: "Mean time spent in the statement"
   420          - stddev_exec_time_seconds:
   421              usage: "GAUGE"
   422              description: "Population standard deviation of time spent in the statement"
   423          - rows:
   424              usage: "COUNTER"
   425              description: "Total number of rows retrieved or affected by the statement"
   426          - shared_blks_hit:
   427              usage: "COUNTER"
   428              description: "Total number of shared block cache hits by the statement"
   429          - shared_blks_read:
   430              usage: "COUNTER"
   431              description: "Total number of shared blocks read by the statement"
   432          - shared_blks_dirtied:
   433              usage: "COUNTER"
   434              description: "Total number of shared blocks dirtied by the statement"
   435          - shared_blks_written:
   436              usage: "COUNTER"
   437              description: "Total number of shared blocks written by the statement"
   438          - local_blks_hit:
   439              usage: "COUNTER"
   440              description: "Total number of local block cache hits by the statement"
   441          - local_blks_read:
   442              usage: "COUNTER"
   443              description: "Total number of local blocks read by the statement"
   444          - local_blks_dirtied:
   445              usage: "COUNTER"
   446              description: "Total number of local blocks dirtied by the statement"
   447          - local_blks_written:
   448              usage: "COUNTER"
   449              description: "Total number of local blocks written by the statement"
   450          - temp_blks_read:
   451              usage: "COUNTER"
   452              description: "Total number of temp blocks read by the statement"
   453          - temp_blks_written:
   454              usage: "COUNTER"
   455              description: "Total number of temp blocks written by the statement"
   456          - blk_read_time_seconds:
   457              usage: "COUNTER"
   458              description: "Total time the statement spent reading blocks, in milliseconds (if track_io_timing is enabled, otherwise zero)"
   459          - blk_write_time_seconds:
   460              usage: "COUNTER"
   461              description: "Total time the statement spent writing blocks, in milliseconds (if track_io_timing is enabled, otherwise zero)"
   462          - wal_records:
   463              usage: "COUNTER"
   464              description: "Total number of WAL records generated by the statement"
   465          - wal_fpi:
   466              usage: "COUNTER"
   467              description: "Total number of WAL full page images generated by the statement"
   468          - wal_bytes:
   469              usage: "COUNTER"
   470              description: "Total amount of WAL generated by the statement in bytes"
   472      pg_stat_statements_stats:
   473        query: |
   474          /*kb-monitor*/SELECT
   475            t2.rolname,
   476            t3.datname,
   477            calls,
   478            total_exec_time / 1000 as exec_time_seconds,
   479            mean_exec_time / 1000 as mean_exec_time_seconds,
   480            max_exec_time / 1000 as max_exec_time_seconds,
   481            rows
   482          FROM (
   483            SELECT
   484              userid,
   485              dbid,
   486              SUM(calls) AS calls,
   487              SUM(total_exec_time) as total_exec_time,
   488              AVG(mean_exec_time) as mean_exec_time,
   489              MAX(max_exec_time) as max_exec_time,
   490              SUM(rows) AS rows
   491            FROM
   492              pg_stat_statements
   493            GROUP BY userid, dbid
   494          ) tmp
   495          JOIN
   496            pg_roles t2
   497          ON (tmp.userid=t2.oid)
   498          JOIN
   499            pg_database t3
   500          ON (tmp.dbid=t3.oid)
   501          WHERE t2.rolname != 'rdsadmin'
   502        master: true
   503        metrics:
   504          - rolname:
   505              usage: "LABEL"
   506              description: "Name of user"
   507          - datname:
   508              usage: "LABEL"
   509              description: "Name of database"
   510          - calls:
   511              usage: "COUNTER"
   512              description: "Number of times executed"
   513          - exec_time_seconds:
   514              usage: "COUNTER"
   515              description: "Total time spent in the statement"
   516          - mean_exec_time_seconds:
   517              usage: "GAUGE"
   518              description: "Mean time spent in the statement"
   519          - max_exec_time_seconds:
   520              usage: "GAUGE"
   521              description: "Maximum time spent in the statement"
   522          - rows:
   523              usage: "COUNTER"
   524              description: "Total number of rows retrieved or affected by the statement"
   526      pg_wal_log_file:
   527        query: "/*kb-monitor*/SELECT count(*) AS count FROM pg_ls_dir('pg_wal') WHERE pg_ls_dir ~ '^[0-9A-F]{24}'"
   528        master: true
   529        metrics:
   530          - count:
   531              usage: "GAUGE"
   532              description: "Wal log file count"
   534      pg_stat_activity_detail:
   535        query: |
   536          /*kb-monitor*/SELECT
   537            datname,wait_event_type,wait_event,state,backend_type,COUNT(1) AS count
   538          FROM pg_stat_activity
   539          GROUP BY datname,wait_event_type,wait_event,state,backend_type
   540        master: true
   541        metrics:
   542          - datname:
   543              usage: "LABEL"
   544              description: "Name of current database"
   545          - wait_event_type:
   546              usage: "LABEL"
   547              description: "The type of event for which the backend is waiting, if any; otherwise NULL."
   548          - wait_event:
   549              usage: "LABEL"
   550              description: "Wait event name if backend is currently waiting, otherwise NULL. "
   551          - state:
   552              usage: "LABEL"
   553              description: "Current overall state of this backend."
   554          - backend_type:
   555              usage: "LABEL"
   556              description: "Type of current backend."
   557          - count:
   558              usage: "GAUGE"
   559              description: "Const value of 1"
   561      pg_locks_detail:
   562        query: |
   563          /*kb-monitor*/SELECT
   564            locktype,datname,relation,mode,granted,fastpath,max_wait_age_seconds,count
   565          FROM (
   566            SELECT locktype,database,relation,mode,granted,fastpath,MAX(wait_age_seconds) AS max_wait_age_seconds,COUNT(1) AS count
   567            FROM (
   568              SELECT locktype,database,relation::regclass,mode,granted::int,fastpath::int,
   569                COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM now() - waitstart),0) AS wait_age_seconds
   570              FROM pg_locks
   571            ) p1
   572            GROUP BY locktype,database,relation,mode,granted,fastpath
   573          ) p2
   574          LEFT JOIN (
   575            SELECT oid,datname FROM pg_database
   576          ) pd
   577          ON p2.database=pd.oid
   578        master: true
   579        metrics:
   580          - locktype:
   581              usage: "LABEL"
   582              description: "Type of the lockable object"
   583          - datname:
   584              usage: "LABEL"
   585              description: "Name of current database"
   586          - relation:
   587              usage: "LABEL"
   588              description: "Relation targeted by the lock, or null if the target is not a relation or part of a relation"
   589          - mode:
   590              usage: "LABEL"
   591              description: "Name of the lock mode held or desired by this process"
   592          - granted:
   593              usage: "LABEL"
   594              description: "True if lock is held, false if lock is awaited"
   595          - fastpath:
   596              usage: "LABEL"
   597              description: "True if lock was taken via fast path, false if taken via main lock table"
   598          - max_wait_age_seconds:
   599              usage: "GAUGE"
   600              description: "Max time in seconds when the server process started waiting for this lock, or null if the lock is held"
   601          - count:
   602              usage: "GAUGE"
   603              description: "Const value of 1"
   605      pg_stat_wal:
   606        query: |
   607          /*kb-monitor*/SELECT
   608            wal_records,
   609            wal_fpi,
   610            wal_bytes,
   611            wal_buffers_full,
   612            wal_write,
   613            wal_sync,
   614            wal_write_time / 1000 as wal_write_time_seconds,
   615            wal_sync_time / 1000 as wal_sync_time_seconds
   616          FROM pg_stat_wal
   617        master: true
   618        metrics:
   619          - wal_records:
   620              usage: "COUNTER"
   621              description: "Total number of WAL records generated"
   622          - wal_fpi:
   623              usage: "COUNTER"
   624              description: "Total number of WAL full page images generated"
   625          - wal_bytes:
   626              usage: "COUNTER"
   627              description: "Total amount of WAL generated in bytes"
   628          - wal_buffers_full:
   629              usage: "COUNTER"
   630              description: "Number of times WAL data was written to disk because WAL buffers became full"
   631          - wal_write:
   632              usage: "COUNTER"
   633              description: "Number of times WAL buffers were written out to disk via XLogWrite request."
   634          - wal_sync:
   635              usage: "COUNTER"
   636              description: "Number of times WAL files were synced to disk via issue_xlog_fsync request"
   637          - wal_write_time_seconds:
   638              usage: "COUNTER"
   639              description: "Total amount of time spent writing WAL buffers to disk via XLogWrite request"
   640          - wal_sync_time_seconds:
   641              usage: "COUNTER"
   642              description: "Total amount of time spent syncing WAL files to disk via issue_xlog_fsync request"