
     1  apiVersion: v1
     2  kind: ConfigMap
     3  metadata:
     4    name: orioledb-scripts
     5    labels:
     6      {{- include "orioledb.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
     7  data:
     8  {{/* |*/}}
     9  {{/*    #!/bin/bash*/}}
    10  {{/*    set -o errexit*/}}
    11  {{/*    set -e*/}}
    12  {{/*    #mkdir -p /home/postgres/pgdata/conf*/}}
    13  {{/*    chmod 750 -R /home/postgres/pgdata*/}}
    14  {{/*    mkdir -p  /var/lib/postgresql/conf*/}}
    15  {{/*    cp /home/postgres/conf/postgresql.conf /var/lib/postgresql/conf*/}}
    16  {{/*    chmod 777 -R /var/lib/postgresql/conf*/}}
    17  {{/*    cp /home/postgres/conf/postgresql.conf /home/postgres/pgdata/conf*/}}
    18      {{/*    chmod 777 /home/postgres/pgdata/conf/postgresql.conf*/}}
    19 |
    20      #!/usr/bin/env python3
    21      # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    22      import os
    23      import sys
    24      import yaml
    25      def write_file(config, filename, overwrite):
    26          if not overwrite and os.path.exists(filename):
    27              pass
    28          else:
    29              with open(filename, 'w') as f:
    30                  f.write(config)
    31      def read_file_lines(file):
    32          ret = []
    33          for line in file.readlines():
    34              line = line.strip()
    35              if line and not line.startswith('#'):
    36                  ret.append(line)
    37          return ret
    38      def postgresql_conf_to_dict(file_path):
    39          with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
    40              content =
    41          lines = content.splitlines()
    42          result = {}
    43          for line in lines:
    44              if line.startswith('#'):
    45                  continue
    46              if '=' not in line:
    47                  continue
    48              key, value = line.split('=', 1)
    49              result[key.strip()] = value.strip().strip("'")
    50          return result
    51      def main(filename):
    52        restore_dir = os.environ.get('RESTORE_DATA_DIR', '')
    53        local_config = yaml.safe_load(
    54        os.environ.get('SPILO_CONFIGURATION', os.environ.get('PATRONI_CONFIGURATION', ''))) or {}
    55        podip = os.environ.get('POD_IP')
    56        # scope
    57        local_config['scope'] = os.environ.get('SCOPE')
    58        # name
    59        local_config['name'] = os.environ.get('KB_POD_NAME')
    60        # etcd3
    61        local_config['etcd3'] = {
    62            'host':os.environ.get('PATRONI_ETCD3_HOST')
    63        }
    64        # restapi
    65        local_config['restapi'] = {
    66        'listen': f'{podip}:8008',
    67        'connect_address': f'{podip}:8008',
    68      }
    69        # postgresql
    70        if not 'postgresql' in local_config:
    71          local_config['postgresql'] = {}
    72        postgresql = local_config['postgresql']
    73        postgresql['data_dir'] = os.environ.get('PGDATA')
    74        postgresql['config_dir'] = '/home/postgres/pgdata/conf'
    75        postgresql['custom_conf'] = '/home/postgres/conf/postgresql.conf'
    76        postgresql['authentication'] = {}
    77        postgresql['listen'] = ''
    78        postgresql['connect_address'] = f'{podip}:5432'
    79        authentication = postgresql['authentication']
    80        authentication['superuser'] = {"username": os.environ.get('PGUSER_SUPERUSER'),
    81          'password': os.environ.get('PGPASSWORD_SUPERUSER')}
    82        authentication['replication'] = {'username':os.environ.get('PGUSER_SUPERUSER'),
    83          'password':os.environ.get('POSTGRES_PASSWORD')}
    85        # add pg_hba.conf
    86        with open('/home/postgres/conf/pg_hba.conf', 'r') as f:
    87          lines = read_file_lines(f)
    88          if lines:
    89            postgresql['pg_hba'] = lines
    91        if restore_dir and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(restore_dir, 'kb_restore.signal')):
    92          if not 'bootstrap' in local_config:
    93            local_config['bootstrap'] = {}
    94          with open('/home/postgres/conf/kb_restore.conf', 'r') as f:
    95            local_config['bootstrap'].update(yaml.safe_load(f))
    97        local_config['bootstrap'] = {}
    98        bootstrap = local_config['bootstrap']
    99        bootstrap['dcs'] = {
   100              'postgresql':{
   101                  'parameters':{'listen_addresses':"","port":5432}
   102               }
   103        }
   104        # point in time recovery(PITR)
   105        data_dir = os.environ.get('PGDATA', '')
   106        if os.path.isfile("/home/postgres/pgdata/conf/recovery.conf"):
   107          with open('/home/postgres/conf/kb_pitr.conf', 'r') as f:
   108            pitr_config = yaml.safe_load(f)
   109            re_config = postgresql_conf_to_dict("/home/postgres/pgdata/conf/recovery.conf")
   110            pitr_config[pitr_config['method']]['recovery_conf'].update(re_config)
   111            local_config['bootstrap'].update(pitr_config)
   112        # bootstrap
   113  {{/*      if 'bootstrap' not in local_config.keys():*/}}
   114  {{/*          local_config['bootstrap'] = {*/}}
   115  {{/*          }*/}}
   116        write_file(yaml.dump(local_config, default_flow_style=False), filename, True)
   117      if __name__ == '__main__':
   118          main(sys.argv[1])
   119    init.sql: |
   120      CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements;
   121 |
   122      if [ -d "/home/postgres/pgdata/conf" ]; then
   123        chmod 750 /home/postgres/pgdata/pgroot/data
   124      else
   125        mkdir -p /home/postgres/pgdata/conf
   126        chmod 777 -R /home/postgres/pgdata
   127        cp /home/postgres/conf/postgresql.conf /home/postgres/pgdata/conf
   128        chmod 777 -R /home/postgres/pgdata/conf
   129      fi
   130      source /dependency/conf
   132  {{/*    chmod 750 -R /home/postgres/pgdata*/}}
   133  {{/*    mkdir -p  /var/lib/postgresql/conf*/}}
   134      #cp /home/postgres/conf/postgresql.conf /var/lib/postgresql/conf
   135      #chmod 777 -R /var/lib/postgresql/conf
   136      #su - postgres -c ""
   137      IFS='-' read -ra parts <<< "$KB_POD_NAME"
   138      if [ ${parts[-1]} != '0' ]; then
   139        MAX_RETRIES=30
   140        WAIT_INTERVAL=5
   141        retries=0
   142        while [ $retries -lt $MAX_RETRIES ]; do
   143          pg_isready -h $KB_ORIOLEDB_0_HOSTNAME
   144          if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
   145            echo "PostgreSQL is ready!"
   146            break
   147          else
   148            echo "PostgreSQL is not ready yet. Retrying in $WAIT_INTERVAL seconds..."
   149            sleep $WAIT_INTERVAL
   150            retries=$((retries + 1))
   151          fi
   152        done
   153      else
   154        cp /kb-scripts/init.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
   155        bash /usr/local/bin/ postgres
   156      fi
   157      #sleep 10000
   158      python3 /kb-scripts/ /var/lib/postgresql/tmp_patroni.yaml
   159  {{/*    python3 /kb-scripts/ /var/lib/postgresql/user2.yaml*/}}
   160  {{/*    #python3 /kb-scripts/ /var/lib/postgresql/user2.yaml*/}}
   161      chmod 777 /var/lib/postgresql/tmp_patroni.yaml
   162      #sleep 10000
   163      su - postgres -c "patroni /var/lib/postgresql/tmp_patroni.yaml"
   166  {{/*    target_data_dir=/home/postgres/pgdata*/}}
   167  {{/*    ln -s $target_data_dir $PGDATA*/}}
   168  {{/*    su - postgres*/}}
   169  {{/*    postgres --config-file /var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata/conf*/}}
   170  {{/*  sudo systemctl stop postgresql*/}}
   171  {{/*    #!/bin/bash*/}}
   172  {{/*    set -o errexit*/}}
   173  {{/*    set -ex*/}}
   175  {{/*    # Waiting for primary pod information from the DownwardAPI annotation to be available, with a maximum of 5 attempts*/}}
   176  {{/*    attempt=1*/}}
   177  {{/*    max_attempts=5*/}}
   178  {{/*    while [ $attempt -le $max_attempts ] && [ -z "$(cat /kb-podinfo/primary-pod)" ]; do*/}}
   179  {{/*      sleep 5*/}}
   180  {{/*      attempt=$((attempt + 1))*/}}
   181  {{/*    done*/}}
   183  {{/*    primary=$(cat /kb-podinfo/primary-pod)*/}}
   184  {{/*    echo "DownwardAPI get primary=$primary" >> /home/postgres/pgdata/.kb_set_up.log*/}}
   185  {{/*    echo "KB_POD_NAME=$KB_POD_NAME" >> /home/postgres/pgdata/.kb_set_up.log*/}}
   186  {{/*    if [ -z "$primary" ]; then*/}}
   187  {{/*      echo "Primary pod information not available. Exiting..."*/}}
   188  {{/*      exit 1*/}}
   189  {{/*    fi*/}}
   191  {{/*    # usage: retry <command>*/}}
   192  {{/*    # e.g. retry pg_isready -U postgres -h $primary_fqdn -p 5432*/}}
   193  {{/*    function retry {*/}}
   194  {{/*      local max_attempts=10*/}}
   195  {{/*      local attempt=1*/}}
   196  {{/*      until "$@" || [ $attempt -eq $max_attempts ]; do*/}}
   197  {{/*        echo "Command '$*' failed. Attempt $attempt of $max_attempts. Retrying in 5 seconds..."*/}}
   198  {{/*        attempt=$((attempt + 1))*/}}
   199  {{/*        sleep 5*/}}
   200  {{/*      done*/}}
   201  {{/*      if [ $attempt -eq $max_attempts ]; then*/}}
   202  {{/*        echo "Command '$*' failed after $max_attempts attempts. Exiting..."*/}}
   203  {{/*        exit 1*/}}
   204  {{/*      fi*/}}
   205  {{/*    }*/}}
   206  {{/*    if [ "$primary" != "$KB_POD_NAME" ]; then*/}}
   207  {{/*        primary_fqdn="$primary.$KB_CLUSTER_NAME-$KB_COMP_NAME-headless.$KB_NAMESPACE.svc"*/}}
   208  {{/*        echo "primary_fqdn=$primary_fqdn" >> /home/postgres/pgdata/.kb_set_up.log*/}}
   209  {{/*        # waiting for the primary to be ready, if the wait time exceeds the maximum number of retries, then the script will fail and exit.*/}}
   210  {{/*        retry pg_isready -U {{ default "postgres" | quote }} -h $primary_fqdn -p 5432*/}}
   211  {{/*    fi*/}}
   213  {{/*    if [ -f ${RESTORE_DATA_DIR}/kb_restore.signal ]; then*/}}
   214  {{/*        chown -R postgres ${RESTORE_DATA_DIR}*/}}
   215  {{/*    fi*/}}
   216  {{/*    python3 /kb-scripts/ tmp_patroni.yaml*/}}
   217  {{/*    export SPILO_CONFIGURATION=$(cat tmp_patroni.yaml)*/}}
   218      {{/*    exec / init*/}}
   219 |
   220      #!/bin/bash
   221      set -o errexit
   222      set -ex
   223      mkdir -p /opt/bitnami/pgbouncer/conf/ /opt/bitnami/pgbouncer/logs/ /opt/bitnami/pgbouncer/tmp/
   224      cp /home/pgbouncer/conf/pgbouncer.ini /opt/bitnami/pgbouncer/conf/
   225      echo "\"$POSTGRESQL_USERNAME\" \"$POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD\"" > /opt/bitnami/pgbouncer/conf/userlist.txt
   226      echo -e "\\n[databases]" >> /opt/bitnami/pgbouncer/conf/pgbouncer.ini
   227      echo "postgres=host=$KB_POD_IP port=5432 dbname=postgres" >> /opt/bitnami/pgbouncer/conf/pgbouncer.ini
   228      chmod 777 /opt/bitnami/pgbouncer/conf/pgbouncer.ini
   229      chmod 777 /opt/bitnami/pgbouncer/conf/userlist.txt
   230      useradd pgbouncer
   231      chown -R pgbouncer:pgbouncer /opt/bitnami/pgbouncer/conf/ /opt/bitnami/pgbouncer/logs/ /opt/bitnami/pgbouncer/tmp/
   232      /opt/bitnami/scripts/pgbouncer/
   233 |
   234      #!/bin/bash
   235      set -o errexit
   236      set -o nounset
   237      SHOW_START_TIME=$1
   238      LOG_START_TIME=""
   239      LOG_STOP_TIME=""
   240      if [ "$SHOW_START_TIME" == "false" ]; then
   241        latest_done_wal=$(ls -t ${PGDATA}/pg_wal/archive_status/|grep ".done"|head -n 1)
   242        if [ "${latest_done_wal}" != "" ]; then
   243          LOG_STOP_TIME=$(pg_waldump ${latest_done_wal%.*} --rmgr=Transaction 2>/dev/null |tail -n 1|awk -F ' COMMIT ' '{print $2}'|awk -F ';' '{print $1}')
   244        fi
   245        [[ "${LOG_STOP_TIME}" != "" ]] && printf "{\"stopTime\": \"$(date -d "$LOG_STOP_TIME" -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')\"}" || printf "{}"
   246      else
   247        LOG_START_TIME=$(pg_waldump $(ls -Ftr $PGDATA/pg_wal/ | grep '[[:xdigit:]]$\|.partial$'|head -n 1) --rmgr=Transaction 2>/dev/null |head -n 1|awk -F ' COMMIT ' '{print $2}'|awk -F ';' '{print $1}')
   248        for i in $(ls -Ft $PGDATA/pg_wal/ | grep '[[:xdigit:]]$\|.partial$'); do LOG_STOP_TIME=$(pg_waldump $i --rmgr=Transaction 2>/dev/null|tail -n 1); [[ "$LOG_STOP_TIME" != "" ]] && break;  done
   249        LOG_STOP_TIME=$(echo $LOG_STOP_TIME |awk -F ' COMMIT ' '{print $2}'|awk -F ';' '{print $1}')
   250        if [ "${LOG_START_TIME}" == "" ]; then LOG_START_TIME=${LOG_STOP_TIME}; fi
   251        LOG_START_TIME=$(date -d "$LOG_START_TIME" -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
   252        LOG_STOP_TIME=$(date -d "$LOG_STOP_TIME" -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
   253        printf "{\"startTime\": \"$LOG_START_TIME\" ,\"stopTime\": \"$LOG_STOP_TIME\"}"
   254      fi
   255 |
   256      #!/bin/bash
   257      set -e;
   258      function getProperty() {
   259         file=$1; key=$2;
   260         echo $(grep "${key}: " ${file} | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}')
   261      }
   262      filename=$1
   263      fileinfo=${PGDATA}/${filename}
   264      if [ -f ${fileinfo} ]; then
   265        TOTAL_SIZE=$(getProperty ${fileinfo} "TOTAL SIZE")
   266        rm -f ${fileinfo}
   267        printf "{\"totalSize\":\"${TOTAL_SIZE}\",\"manifests\":{\"backupTool\":{\"uploadTotalSize\":\"${TOTAL_SIZE}\"}}}"
   268      else
   269        printf "{}"
   270      fi