(about) 1 {{- $phy_memory := getContainerMemory ( index $.podSpec.containers 0 ) }} 2 3 journalDirectories=/pulsar/data/bookkeeper/journal 4 compactionRateByBytes=52428800 5 useTransactionalCompaction=true 6 7 ## for bookies storage configuration 8 9 {{- if gt $phy_memory 0 }} 10 {{- $phy_memory_mb := div $phy_memory ( mul 1024 1024 ) }} 11 ## 25% of the available direct memory 12 dbStorage_writeCacheMaxSizeMb={{ div $phy_memory_mb 4 }} 13 dbStorage_readAheadCacheMaxSizeMb={{ div $phy_memory_mb 4 }} 14 {{- end }} 15 16 dbStorage_readAheadCacheBatchSize=100 17 dbStorage_rocksDB_blockSize=268435456 18 dbStorage_rocksDB_writeBufferSizeMB=64 19 dbStorage_rocksDB_sstSizeInMB=64 20 dbStorage_rocksDB_blockSize=65536 21 dbStorage_rocksDB_bloomFilterBitsPerKey=10 22 dbStorage_rocksDB_numLevels=-1 23 dbStorage_rocksDB_numFilesInLevel0=10 24 dbStorage_rocksDB_maxSizeInLevel1MB=256 25 26 ## for disk utilization 27 # For each ledger dir, maximum disk space which can be used. Default is 0.95f. i.e. 95% of disk can be used at most after which nothing will be written to that partition. If all ledger dir partions are full, then bookie will turn to readonly mode if 'readOnlyModeEnabled=true' is set, else it will shutdown. Valid values should be in between 0 and 1 (exclusive). 28 diskUsageThreshold=0.95 29 # The disk free space low water mark threshold. Disk is considered full when usage threshold is exceeded. Disk returns back to non-full state when usage is below low water mark threshold. This prevents it from going back and forth between these states frequently when concurrent writes and compaction are happening. This also prevent bookie from switching frequently between read-only and read-writes states in the same cases. 30 diskUsageWarnThreshold=0.95 31 # Set the disk free space low water mark threshold. Disk is considered full when usage threshold is exceeded. Disk returns back to non-full state when usage is below low water mark threshold. This prevents it from going back and forth between these states frequently when concurrent writes and compaction are happening. This also prevent bookie from switching frequently between read-only and read-writes states in the same cases. 32 diskUsageLwmThreshold=0.9 33 # Disk check interval in milliseconds. Interval to check the ledger dirs usage. 34 diskCheckInterval=10000 35 36 ## for Journal settings 37 journalDirectories=/pulsar/data/bookkeeper/journal 38 #journalDirectory=/pulsar/data/bookkeeper/txn 39 journalFormatVersionToWrite=5 40 journalMaxSizeMB=2048 41 journalMaxBackups=5 42 journalPreAllocSizeMB=16 43 journalWriteBufferSizeKB=64 44 journalRemoveFromPageCache=true 45 journalSyncData=true 46 journalAdaptiveGroupWrites=true 47 journalMaxGroupWaitMSec=2 48 journalBufferedWritesThreshold=524288 49 journalFlushWhenQueueEmpty=false 50 journalAlignmentSize=512 51 # Maximum entries to buffer to impose on a journal write to achieve grouping. 52 journalBufferedEntriesThreshold=0 53 journalFlushWhenQueueEmpty=false 54 journalQueueSize=10000 55 56 # TODO fix: For persisiting explicitLac, journalFormatVersionToWrite should be >= 6and FileInfoFormatVersionToWrite should be >= 1 57 # fileInfoFormatVersionToWrite=1 58 59 # how long to wait, in seconds, before starting autorecovery of a lost bookie. 60 # TODO: set to 0 after opsRequest for rollingUpdate supports hooks 61 lostBookieRecoveryDelay=300 62 httpServerEnabled=true 63 httpServerPort=8000 64 ledgerDirectories=/pulsar/data/bookkeeper/ledgers 65 # statsProviderClass ref: 66 statsProviderClass=org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.prometheus.PrometheusMetricsProvider 67 enableStatistics=true 68 useHostNameAsBookieID=true 69 70 zkLedgersRootPath=/ledgers 71 72 {{- $autoRecoveryDaemonEnabled := "true" }} 73 {{- range $i, $e := $.cluster.spec.componentSpecs }} 74 {{- if eq $e.componentDefRef "bookies-recovery" }} 75 {{- $autoRecoveryDaemonEnabled = "false" }} 76 {{- end }} 77 {{- end }} 78 autoRecoveryDaemonEnabled={{ $autoRecoveryDaemonEnabled }}