(about) 1 acknowledgmentAtBatchIndexLevelEnabled=false 2 backlogQuotaDefaultLimitGB=-1 3 backlogQuotaDefaultRetentionPolicy=producer_request_hold 4 bookkeeperClientReorderReadSequenceEnabled=true 5 bookkeeperDiskWeightBasedPlacementEnabled=true 6 bookkeeperEnableStickyReads=true 7 defaultNamespaceBundleSplitAlgorithm=topic_count_equally_divide 8 defaultNumPartitions=1 9 defaultNumberOfNamespaceBundles=4 10 delayedDeliveryEnabled=true 11 dispatcherMaxReadBatchSize=1000 12 enableReplicatedSubscriptions=false 13 managedLedgerNumSchedulerThreads=2 14 managedLedgerNumWorkerThreads=2 15 maxConcurrentLookupRequest=1000 16 maxConcurrentTopicLoadRequest=1000 17 maxConsumersPerSubscription=5000 18 maxConsumersPerTopic=50000 19 maxNumPartitionsPerPartitionedTopic=2048 20 maxProducersPerTopic=10000 21 maxUnackedMessagesPerConsumer=10000 22 maxUnackedMessagesPerSubscription=50000 23 preciseDispatcherFlowControl=true 24 subscriptionKeySharedUseConsistentHashing=true 25 transactionCoordinatorEnabled=true 26 systemTopicEnabled=true 27 acknowledgmentAtBatchIndexLevelEnabled=true 28 statusFilePath=/pulsar/status 29 30 # @deprecated since 2.8.0 subscriptionTypesEnabled is preferred over subscriptionKeySharedEnable. 31 subscriptionKeySharedEnable=true 32 33 # List of broker interceptor to load, which is a list of broker interceptor names 34 brokerInterceptors= 35 36 # KoP config 37 # ref: 38 # - 39 # - 40 # List of messaging protocols to load, which is a list of protocol names 41 messagingProtocols=kafka 42 #protocolHandlerDirectory=./protocols 43 #narExtractionDirectory=/tmp/pulsar-nar 44 #kafkaListeners=kafka_external:// 45 #kafkaProtocolMap=kafka_external:PLAINTEXT 46 allowAutoTopicCreationType=partitioned 47 48 # Set offset management as below, since offset management for KoP depeocalnds on Pulsar "Broker Entry Metadata". 49 # It’s required for KoP 2.8.0 or higher version. 50 brokerEntryMetadataInterceptors=org.apache.pulsar.common.intercept.AppendIndexMetadataInterceptor 51 # Disable the deletion of inactive topics. It’s not required but very important in KoP. Currently, 52 # Pulsar deletes inactive partitions of a partitioned topic while the metadata of the partitioned topic is not deleted. 53 # KoP cannot create missed partitions in this case. 54 brokerDeleteInactiveTopicsEnabled=false 55 56 # KoP is compatible with Kafka clients 0.9 or higher. For Kafka clients 3.2.0 or higher, you have to add the following 57 # configurations in KoP because of KIP-679. 58 kafkaTransactionCoordinatorEnabled=true 59 brokerDeduplicationEnabled=true