
     1  #!/bin/sh
     2  set -ex
     3  # build redis.conf
     4  echo "include /etc/conf/redis.conf" >> /etc/redis/redis.conf
     5  echo "replica-announce-ip $KB_POD_FQDN" >> /etc/redis/redis.conf
     6  {{- $data_root := getVolumePathByName ( index $.podSpec.containers 0 ) "data" }}
     7  if [ -f /data/users.acl ]; then
     8    sed -i "/user default on/d" /data/users.acl
     9    sed -i "/user $REDIS_REPL_USER on/d" /data/users.acl
    10    sed -i "/user $REDIS_SENTINEL_USER on/d" /data/users.acl
    11  else
    12    touch /data/users.acl
    13  fi
    14  if [ ! -z "$REDIS_REPL_PASSWORD" ]; then
    15    echo "masteruser $REDIS_REPL_USER" >> /etc/redis/redis.conf
    16    echo "masterauth $REDIS_REPL_PASSWORD" >> /etc/redis/redis.conf
    17    echo "user $REDIS_REPL_USER on +psync +replconf +ping >$REDIS_REPL_PASSWORD" >> /data/users.acl
    18  fi
    19  if [ ! -z "$REDIS_SENTINEL_PASSWORD" ]; then
    20    echo "user $REDIS_SENTINEL_USER on allchannels +multi +slaveof +ping +exec +subscribe +config|rewrite +role +publish +info +client|setname +client|kill +script|kill >$REDIS_SENTINEL_PASSWORD" >> /data/users.acl
    21  fi
    22  if [ ! -z "$REDIS_DEFAULT_PASSWORD" ]; then
    23    echo "protected-mode yes" >> /etc/redis/redis.conf
    24    echo "user default on allcommands allkeys >$REDIS_DEFAULT_PASSWORD" >> /data/users.acl
    25  else
    26    echo "protected-mode no" >> /etc/redis/redis.conf
    27  fi
    28  echo "aclfile /data/users.acl" >> /etc/redis/redis.conf
    30  # usage: retry <command>
    31  retry() {
    32    local max_attempts=20
    33    local attempt=1
    34    until "$@" || [ $attempt -eq $max_attempts ]; do
    35      echo "Command '$*' failed. Attempt $attempt of $max_attempts. Retrying in 5 seconds..."
    36      attempt=$((attempt + 1))
    37      sleep 3
    38    done
    39    if [ $attempt -eq $max_attempts ]; then
    40      echo "Command '$*' failed after $max_attempts attempts. shutdown redis-server..."
    41      if [ ! -z "$REDIS_DEFAULT_PASSWORD" ]; then
    42        redis-cli -h -p 6379 -a "$REDIS_DEFAULT_PASSWORD" shutdown
    43      else
    44        redis-cli -h -p 6379 shutdown
    45      fi
    46    fi
    47  }
    49  start_redis_server() {
    50      exec redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf \
    51      --loadmodule /opt/redis-stack/lib/ ${REDISEARCH_ARGS} \
    52      --loadmodule /opt/redis-stack/lib/ ${REDISGRAPH_ARGS} \
    53      --loadmodule /opt/redis-stack/lib/ ${REDISTIMESERIES_ARGS} \
    54      --loadmodule /opt/redis-stack/lib/ ${REDISJSON_ARGS} \
    55      --loadmodule /opt/redis-stack/lib/ ${REDISBLOOM_ARGS}
    56  }
    58  create_replication() {
    59      # Waiting for redis-server to start
    60      if [ ! -z "$REDIS_DEFAULT_PASSWORD" ]; then
    61        retry redis-cli -h -p 6379 -a "$REDIS_DEFAULT_PASSWORD" ping
    62      else
    63        retry redis-cli -h -p 6379 ping
    64      fi
    66      # Waiting for primary pod information from the DownwardAPI annotation to be available
    67      attempt=1
    68      max_attempts=20
    69      while [ $attempt -le $max_attempts ] && [ -z "$(cat /kb-podinfo/primary-pod)" ]; do
    70        echo "Waiting for primary pod information from the DownwardAPI annotation to be available, attempt $attempt of $max_attempts..."
    71        sleep 5
    72        attempt=$((attempt + 1))
    73      done
    74      primary=$(cat /kb-podinfo/primary-pod)
    75      echo "DownwardAPI get primary=$primary" >> /etc/redis/.kb_set_up.log
    76      echo "KB_POD_NAME=$KB_POD_NAME" >> /etc/redis/.kb_set_up.log
    77      if [ -z "$primary" ]; then
    78        echo "Primary pod information not available. shutdown redis-server..."
    79        if [ ! -z "$REDIS_DEFAULT_PASSWORD" ]; then
    80          redis-cli -h -p 6379 -a "$REDIS_DEFAULT_PASSWORD" shutdown
    81        else
    82          redis-cli -h -p 6379 shutdown
    83        fi
    84        exit 1
    85      fi
    87      # create a replication relationship, if failed, shutdown redis-server
    88      if [ "$primary" = "$KB_POD_NAME" ]; then
    89        echo "primary instance skip create a replication relationship."
    90      else
    91        primary_fqdn="$primary.$KB_CLUSTER_NAME-$KB_COMP_NAME-headless.$KB_NAMESPACE.svc"
    92        echo "primary_fqdn=$primary_fqdn" >> /etc/redis/.kb_set_up.log
    93        if [ ! -z "$REDIS_DEFAULT_PASSWORD" ]; then
    94          retry redis-cli -h $primary_fqdn -p 6379 -a "$REDIS_DEFAULT_PASSWORD" ping
    95          redis-cli -h -p 6379 -a "$REDIS_DEFAULT_PASSWORD" replicaof $primary_fqdn 6379
    96        else
    97          retry redis-cli -h $primary_fqdn -p 6379 ping
    98          redis-cli -h -p 6379 replicaof $primary_fqdn 6379
    99        fi
   100        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
   101          echo "Failed to create a replication relationship. shutdown redis-server..."
   102          if [ ! -z "$REDIS_DEFAULT_PASSWORD" ]; then
   103            redis-cli -h -p 6379 -a "$REDIS_DEFAULT_PASSWORD" shutdown
   104          else
   105            redis-cli -h -p 6379 shutdown
   106          fi
   107        fi
   108      fi
   109  }
   111  create_replication &
   112  start_redis_server